gmg in price from 5%. .85 but we want t). ’d! RKE Rm ‘3' vs and pay oï¬'ered. H you 0F spam-muss buiit by a ï¬rst-class FRIDAY ARKET - ,....:_.w u. MU†uANKERS, MILL- .l o mzoon. ‘ , . gm. notes discounted. Drafbsxissued on all pomtsot Can a and th.a United States ‘ 00 0011011 0! smean 0' Desires to inform the public that he has one of the Finest and Best Selecteé Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, .Frcsh Groceries, 8w. London. Eng. Dentistry a. specialty. All 0- mesticated animals treated acconling to latest scientiï¬c methods. Ofï¬ce on Kingvstj, opposite Dominion hotel. Millbrook. 91y. M \ XV. BLAND. VETERINARY o (Successor to T. H. Hasqarm and Hon. Graduate of Ontag-io V-yt‘ P. WAN-‘01:», ‘ACCOUNTANT AND asaignee. Books opened and counts collected, Assxgnmenfs taken 111 ch and all detaile completed ‘ r . . Sgevxal attention given to book-keeper 5 work w e re services of a permanent book-keeper are not required. Communicatlonsv from neighboring towns re- ‘eeive prompt attention and services in such places rformed moderatetly and satisfac- .ory. ‘ce: 379 water street. Address, Post 1 ofï¬ce box 125, Peterooro, Ont. " “ J" A VUMLU uhNESK-AL .1. L! are resFecttud informed that Thus. Pemborton. Pro est-{taro Music, and 1am Band Master 0 R0 “School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepar to receive ' _ .. gupzls, yoeal or instru- mental, at me resudence, ,en;er Street. Private strucuon at any hour. Orders torrm‘ 7': and Musical instrument: or my and evéï¬: class promptly attended to. PiRENTS AND THE A 1: Lnffe ..'33?°°tflmy YV. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGE 0 Ofï¬ce and residence, Baillicboro, Ont. be at Queen‘s Hotel, Milibrock, every Sam.“ #043,395'2‘ 6: co. M ., Yrmgmxmiy SURGEON.- D . 0 8.883171.) I{ " Lte of Ontario V egntered :torina Col- ate Yeterinary . ‘urgeonerorth Pohce. Calgary. Attended S. anal I'Mm-i» ‘ ’ ,“__ annu m such moderatetly and satisfaC‘ water street. Address, Post :rooro, Ont. I] ,c_ M USE. Nqsms IN D.’ BA 7 -6ui A. Luau. â€"â€"Ibch on humans;: cured in 30 minutes LOW)“- Thia neve: and to which we have aid spar-iaz attention and have personally se ected a' suit lengths in all the lea‘ OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK White and Gre 'Cottons‘ Cottonades. uslins. Ta Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. at 37;- cts. PRINTS, Boys Suits at all may; Felt Hats in nev‘r caries. rock-hm DRESS GOODS Stock N ow C All the leading lines in all col- 5. See our Spring DresS Tweeds *5 'Ma'm‘ 522’? Do not fail to call r v: uvzu AL 11:31:10- GWEN To cmmmeg~ PAINTING. Kee s on hand a large stock of SOFFINS. CA KETS and all kmds Oï¬Undertakcrg-fl Goods. Bedroom, Parlor and a1 oLhcr kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lï¬a'cst priccs. a lev Ul' .w. u. m a. model of strength and durability. Its gears are soaked in boiling oil. expelling all moisture and imparting great touéghncss to the mmd. The patent ,russ axle 3, ds greatlyto L‘ne Vulnc of the wag,on. I control the sale of this “ï¬ggon in the .pwmï¬ipu of Clfl'in and Manvem. - ' \ THOMAS GILLQTT flabinetmager 15 the lightest running, and i irc. It is a. model of strengt Its gears are soaked in boiling moisLurc and imuariino «rm-d BUGGIES, 11114601115, Brantford Carriage Co.’s _,_u “J, The best time to buy your coal is when the we ather is warm, as it; i I have the best coal this year that has ever 3 always been brought into Millbrook. . 11;, but an inspection will I think, convince 1 beszggglilcxï¬lghlihiis £12m. Please call and see my goal bef ore placing your . r . 7 _ . ,_ T‘ that car load of shingles to hand this ween. PriIc}: 1:: (ice? 213301212": shingles are good. 3? Office and yard at Yours respect-fully, xey are qoin the ra1lwa.) OPECIAL ATTEN T10. and they are JuIyS 7th, 1393 Buggies, and Carts FINEST IN THE 1 ORDER YOUR COAL éxf N O Iii-z» : ~ man. an. gnu-150Ԡnutes' by Wmlford‘a Sani never fails Warmntedtaig 11-13 has arranged to sell the ttons, Skirtings, Ging hams “Table “wens, Napkins, etc , etc. NEW AND CARTS. ï¬ndartaéter, - x"Mk-banana prim oifcrcd at low price. WINTER Is SURELY is a. general favor ‘A L _ , I Q _ DOMINION. 1-1y. yMILLBRooK weed Mr. Thos. ï¬r}ans of Millbrook was in town Sunday evening and “fell in line †with his brethren. The Canadian Court of Foresters attended divine service in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. The Rev. John ‘ Ewing delivered an able and impressive ser- mon, eulogizing the object and efforts of the society. Representatives were present from Springville and Bethany Courts. The ‘ society,â€" for a. young organizatiou is in a,1 healthy and flourishing condition and bodes to_he sr_>_n_1ethin_g permanent. Mount Pheasant. A great many of our citizens have re- sumed business again after their trip to the Toronto Exhibition. Two prominent pugilists in the persons of \Villiam Corbett and Heber Sullivan re- cently met in the ring to do battle for the phampionship of Manvers. At the ï¬rst meeting Heber Sullivan was knocked out and as he failed to toe the scratch when time was called Billy was awarded the red ticket. Heber claimeda foul on the ï¬rst meeting and immediatefy issued the second challenge for a contest to see who was en- ‘ titled to wear the belt, and another bout took place, in which unfortunate Heber was again compelled to retire from the ringâ€" this time for the want of good eyesight. Miss Annie Sisson, and Miss Edith Gillies have returned home from the Queen city looking hale and hearty, after a visit, of two weeks among their friends. a--- u-vu u" vucu 1 Mr. Alf. Grantham spent Sunday last friends on the lme. I The buckthop is now being remov- ed and placed unde shelter and. shows every indication of being a good crop. Your correspondent had the pleasure of being present at. the harvest home festival held at, the Marsh church on Monday even- ing last. The programme was good and the remarks of M r. H’ A. \Vard were both hum- orous and interesting. The Millbrook band enlivened the proceedings with sweet music; 11.. A If r‘ 1 We beat the in Teas-3:. yy evening. Sugars ever. . THEXTGN. i. ONT. arm, as it; is always ch! C 11: into Millbrook. T think, convince the Hmt‘ ~ - G lamorga n . inn vars. '- VANCE. :u pmcmg your order. They are going *ast as at the railway, Shanon. as Cheap as, world . This may eaper then. with most Moved by Mr. Preston, sgconded by Mr. Porter, that Whereas the Trustees of school section No. 9 in the township of Manvers have made application to the council to have the amount to be raised for school purposes in said section during the present year, :altered, so that the amount to be raised shall be $400 instead of $479, as previcusly applied for. Therefore resolved that the ï¬gures $479 where they occur in by-law N o. ; 552 of the township of Manvers as to be levied in said section N o. 9 shall be erased and the ï¬gures 3400 shall be inserted in- stead thereof and that the Corporate Seal be ï¬xed to this resolution. Carried Application was then made by the trustees of school section N o. 9. Manvers, requested the council to levy and collect in said section the sum of $400 to defray a. portion of the expenses thereof instead of the sum of $479 as ‘applied‘ for a} left meeting. I Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Evans that Deputy Reeve Barnicutb take the chair. Carried Mr. Barnicutt m the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and on motion signed by the chairman. The council met on Saturday 23rd Sep~ tember, pursuant to adjournment. Mem~ bers present. Messrs. Barnicutt, Evans, Porter and Preston. The Railway By-lnw Amount Not Yet Set- ued â€"- Payment Requested Withoat Delay. ‘ (fun (I rm ed . The favorable impression produced on the ï¬rst, amp zaralnce of the agreeable liquid frult remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been more than conï¬rmed by the pleasant experience of all who have used it, and the success of the proprietors and manufactureers of the California. Syrup of Fig; Company. uiLu occasmn to ride out into the country, _ and before starting, she placed her two ‘ little daughters, the'older of whom, Mabel, 10 years old, in care of her mother,_Mrs. Gnrhey, on Centre street. p" “â€1377ng the (lay, Mabel Went to the pump with her little aun‘t'ggirl of 14 years, and in stepping back, giggly to prevent the water from splattering on her, the loose board upon which she stood, fell through and carried her with i‘. \Vith hasty foot- steps her companion ran into the house and told her mother that Mabel had fallen into the well and was drowned. Mrs. Gurhey rushed out, secured a rope, tied it about her, waist, and telling her'daughter to hang on to the other end, she went down the well, and was fortunate in rescuing her grand- child. The girl it Would seem by some means clutched the board, for it went down under water and became ï¬xed against the sides of the Well just far enough to allow her to rest on it with her head only above the surface. Mrs. Gnrhey siezed her and made her way up with her precious burden, and when about half way, she received assistance from Mr. Fred l’eake who hap- 1 pened to he passing along the road at the time. The well is about 30 feet deep, and 5 it was fully ‘20 feet :lown to the water. The girl received bruises on her head, shoulders and arm by the fall. Mrs. Gurhey is a woman about 00 years of age, and her com- mendable act showed presence of mind and courage which few women or men could exorcise under similar circumstances.â€" Campbcllford JIera/d. U the On Monday last, M rs. V who resides on Rear street in had occasion to ride out into and before starting. elm. “I. A “'oma'n Goes Down a Deep “'cll and ‘ Rescues a mule G'ï¬. ,_"- on! by some unifortunate one or minute of the day in this world. The, proprietors of Kidney and Liver Cure can g testimonials from happy and 11g who felt as hopeless as you am, your courage, therefore, and trï¬ and safe cure. “Shall I Ever Gel: Will, I W 01$: Rat her a plaitive even sad, question to put but, one that, IS often ‘ 1 -- u; LCLCL' “91'0', a. Iormer merchant; and resident here. The people of this locality sympathise with the sorrowing husband, daughter and friends in their lam km.“ ------ - ‘ v “any“ uuu. ULCESBQ. Don’t fail to see the South LL Agricultural exhibition to be held the new grounds on Oct. 9th and l( we always have a. good show. -We regret, to note the death last, F Mrs. R. Fair, wife of Mr. R. Fair of LA..-’ â€"- I.""l"" m uus and request payment without (1‘ section are commencing to possess them- ried.- selves with f amily burying gnouuds, On motion the following orde We are pl . . treasurer Were signed by the chaii eased to note that Mr. W . Hut- ~ ..~., chison, who has been quite ill, is now on the â€13$ 3:52:33? brogcgéng out .c,u road to recovery. Mr. Fred. Lang's son, W. Bradley, graci'elling road lots3a who has also been on the sick list, is better 000- 6 ------------ . --------------- : '- Mr. John Rutherford of South Monaghan, XVm. Porter, cnglarging andclearin; . cuix erts at x ont; poo] ............ has erected a. ï¬ne bank barn on his estate Thomas Clark, 1 days, statute 1; in Oman, near here, occupied by Reid Bros. charred in error ------------------ Our Presbyterian pastor, Rev. M r. Cat- The Reeve then entered and tanach, breached at Bensfor‘u last Sunday chair. night and was highly appreciated by his many hearers. Ve are pleased to notice that the w prayer meeting organized a of new pastor here in the Presbyterian church, isstill kept up, and an increasi interest manifested in it both and the pastor, w Mr. “Josiah Muirhead verbally 3 the conncil for a. grant; of money some repairs on the west. boundary North part 8th con. Mauvers. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconde ng Evans, that the Council grant a by the people Ironey not to exceed 3-30.00 to re he gives a short appr- eekly fter the induction opriate the west boundary line of road opp address and encourages all to take some north part oftlm ml. “in†Part in the meeting- ...â€1 LL: , By an item-we saw in South correspondence of the Peterboro’ . week it would appear that the pec section are commencing to poss selves with family burying gzoum We are pleased to note that M r. chison, who has been quite ill, is n M r. Freda L: MAN VERS CO UNCIL'. ’ Review last V. j 33315.4 VE' ACT. see the South Monnghan ibition to be held here in on Oct. 9th and 10th, for ~--J 7‘ we. even sad, sort of Centrevinc‘ street in Campbellford as you at} Mrs. Wm. Dunstan, this _big, 9 I VY'orider ‘2" uv- Moved by M 1-. Preston, 1 South Menagham Evans that the clerk bei terboro’ Peviewclast, ward another copy of- Mr ‘ _ . printing the railway by-I‘ t the people 1n tins and request; payment with to possess them- ried.- g gxouuds, On motion the fannvfln 01‘ last Friday of 'uir of Peter- 3:) his estate by Reid Bros. ‘ev. Mr. Cat- last Sunday lated by his bthe week the induction Presbyterian ,n increasing y the people i; appropriate > take some has become I Monnghan .eld here in 3d 10th, for ust Friday of {r- n‘ DA““ hen spoken ‘therv “93:51? f Strayed from Lot 19, Con. 7. Gamma 01' ‘ about the ï¬rst of May, 1893, six head‘ ql‘wzm cattle. 1 steer, red and. white Sthmim years old; 1 1i ht roan heifer. two â€Md; 1 dark_ brown eifer. two years old; 1 yang“; red With white star on forehead. l Ycafllges- mixed roan, and one ear-ling nearli'1 white. The ï¬nder will be suita 1y rewarded y send. ing information of their whereabouts to the undersigned, and any person_keepin8 them 0. thou premises without taklpif the 110003 steps tomform the owner W11 he prosocl xngt’ghw. Now is the time to have your fall mm; wmber dresses, jackets, coats and ulsters 01' mad or dyed. Also gent's clothing dom. a-nbéio. _. t notice by R. Parker 00., of Gee-duo. A: goods sent to steam laundry Tuexdn- qt each week. We haven full line of SM“ 9 andmitt yarns. TweedsFlannels. :2 .2 Rolls. Rag Carpets woven, warp «uphiwd. D. CHAMBE} S. We, the undersigned. take this means of thanking the Phoenix of Hartford ï¬re insurauge comgauy for their promptness and liberLy m setthng our claims in connection with the 13% ï¬re at the Queen’s hotel: W'e have a“: ) much pleagurc in recommending said cmmny ‘0 the pubhc. (Signed) ~r 7 GEO. THORNE. R. N. RUDDY. CARD OF THAN KS. Straycd from G. T. R. Station. Miilbrook, about two weeks ago, a, black Berkshire sow, one year old, white spot on face, iron ring in he nose. A reward will be given fer informa- tion at its whereabouts. JAMES COCHPANE. 242-9 AS a. general rule, it is best, not to cvrrect mnstiveness by the use of saline or drastic medicines. When a. purmtive is needed, the most prompt, effective and beneï¬cial is Ayer’s Pills. Their tendency is to restore, and not, weaken, the normal action of the bowelsl ‘ Ayer's Sox‘saparifla. does What no other blood medicine in existence can do. It searches out all the impurities in the system and expeié them harmlessly through the proper channels. This is Why Ayer’s Sarsa- pu'illez is So proâ€"eminently effective as as remedy for rheumatism. -â€"Dr. Root’s Red Reguiators are the best pills for a blood tonic. A. LEACXI sells them. 16~ â€"N enralgia must "of a case that “ harperg5 s 2 not relieve at; once. LEAGH. 5. $10 bill. â€"Dr.-;Root’s Red Regulai cured; Ask A. LEACH for a The highest- form of since: present time is to ask a. man A‘A u ... A Meat man is one who km 35 make somebody else paddle his for him. --Call at Leachs drug yore Luttl: af Engev’s Arabian b liniziiént sold. One feature of general imitation ; best. STRAY PIG. 1.00 31111211 6111‘ photographer 11:15 3. 113,1 aging almost an) thing exec; b a 1m â€"Ep1dernna as a beautiï¬er of’ the pIexim; has no equm.' A LEAéH’s. of C.â€" '1: Don‘t You Know ‘ That- to have perfect health you pure blood, and the best way to blood is to take Hood’s Sarsa best, biood puriï¬er’ and“ streng 1t- expels all taint of scorfula, sail all other humor ‘5, and at the builds up the whole system andg strength. ‘Q-v 1 uusswner 0! Cartwright. Carried. On motion the following orders 01 treasurer wele signed by the reeve. James Morrow. $0 rods brushing and clay- ing road. 10L 1‘5, con. 14 ................... 5 James Armstrong, damage to plow ,re- smtute labour On motion the council adjourned 1 \Vednesday 4th day of October next at; hour of 7 o’clock, p.m.. I moved by Mr. Preston, soc-ended by Mr. ‘Evans, that the Council gram a sum of Ironey not; to exceerJ “30.00 to repair the l‘ V the west; boundary line of road opposite the 1 con. Mauvcrs provided north part of the 811 rlwrighb grant, a. like the council of Ca amount, to be. done under the superinten- e seconder of this dance of the reeve and t1) resolution in conjunction with the com: missioner of Cartwright. Carrim‘ LADIES ~ LOST. ISAAC LARMEEé.‘ {10:18, Con. 4, van, “ ‘ when: P. o Red Regulators cure to stay LEACH for a. box. 16- mm of sincere flattexy at. the to ask a. man if he-can change "v .â€" uuu‘ UI. to exceed 3-30.00 to repair the Andary line of road opposite the If the 8111 con. Mauvers provided of Cartwright: grant, a. like be done under the sunerintnn- ust "o: ' $5 00 reward for pez ’s Ambiau B: d!!!†will once. VS arzan ed by A. L's drug stare-and get a. "is Awabizzu balm. R031. ‘* 16- one who knows how to 1~. a council adjourned until day of October next at; the H- :he following orders on signed by the chairman : e cterk be instructed 1:5 for; copy of- Mr. Elliot’s bill for “:1- ‘ ‘ Hood’s Sarsaparilla. the . Station. Miiibrook, amok Begkshiw; sovy, m face, 1ron. rgng m 11. 'L‘ry _it. At A. 16- cyclone is worthy of always does its'level Preston, seconded by Mr. only LA -‘ *‘ entered and took dug out culverts1 9015.6 '16:; '3' A'xid' 24'. iaaataéamig' b'dé v'éizii’iifé ' 'I'zibb'zii' strength builder. 11a, salt rheum and 1; L119 same time ...... vu‘au of mqncy to make verbally petitioned has a. habit of t, delay. must have have pure 16- 00008 Opposite on the $47 20 ._.$ 7 00 the 38 fl}