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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Sep 1893, p. 4

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Persons having accounts against me will oblige me xery much by sending them by mail this week so that my books mav be balancedzmd settlement jg adey J” We" FEW *2 ’7 , ' B}. R; ELISE rv<.\l EFHURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28.1893. To all who have favored me with their patronage I return my sincere thanks, and though not connected with THE REPORTER, I hope to con- tinue my relations with them as a citi- zen and neighbor, it being my intention to remain a. resident of what I deem to be the prettiest town of its size in On- tario. Having found the duties of anoth- er position which I have lately assum ed too pressing to admit of my giving attention to THE REPORTER, 1 have this week disposed of the business, good-will and my book accounts (ex- cept where there are contra accounts). THE Bsronm will hereafter be edit- ed by Mr. W. S. Given. During the time-THE REPORTER has been under my control, the business has been greatly increased â€"â€"a first-class print- ing plant, good work and a good news- paper having warranted and induced the confidence of the public. That the same result will meet the labors of my successors I have no doubt, as I un- derstand it is their intention to still further improve upon the standard of the past. W'. S. ,B’IV'EX (the milibrook fxeporter. -.._- I“ , a snare,” so far as this position is con- cerned; yet we enter upon it with no feeling of distrust whatever, as far as our reception by our readers is concern- ed, knowing that our welcome will be like an Irish cup of teaâ€"strong, free, full to the brim and running over, and we will always aim to merit the fullest continuance of your confidence. In regard to the position that will be as- sumed by THE REPORTER in future we ‘ have this to say at the outset. our own personal views will be hereafter as al- ways, what we may think proper as regards political or municipal politics. Theseus our private property. We shall vote and work for the cause that seems to us the best. While our own political views are Ignore in harmony ;ith the Liberal Conservative party we shall conduct the editorial depart- VALEDI 0 T013 1". "‘ Mu . .._ EDITOR. all that nature can supply and much of the handiwork of man added to make life enjoyable and contentment reign. Great possibilities appear to linger only for the livlier awakening of our people to make this what its cen- tral location in the riding would war- ment on neutral grounds and will non hesitate to condemn or praise either party when it seems our duty so to do. We conceive the primary and all imâ€" portant ofiice of a local newspaper to be, to recount such weekly occurrences within the community as will be of in- terest to. our home and foreign readers, an encyclopedia of all events and tran- sactions that will interest and edify. Onr chief aim will be to advance the interests « fMillbrook in every possible way consistent with what we under- stand to be right, and in the matter of educational or municipal advancement we will not hesitate to express our views with candor and without fear or favor. Our columns will always be openâ€"and we invite discussionâ€"0n all matters pertaining thereto, so long as they are divested of all personal, animus or useless gossip. To the correspondents who have hitherto contributed to the columns of THE REPORTER we ask a. continuance of their weekly bulletins and so soon‘ as we are permanently located we in- tend making a circuit of our constitu- ency to have a. personal acquaintance with you all, but in the meantime al- though having not seen you face to face we hope you will visit us with your items of news and if your mater- ial is short send to the ofi‘ice for your requirements. The situation of Millbrook we like very much and we do not think our predecessor is lacking for an eye to the beautiful when he concludes to re- main. Herc seem to be concentrated am: it to beâ€" the moist import-a: :‘WD in East Draw" mam Hf mimng suc 1 eminence, to urge on ‘SWWJEM '11: at- taimng sum eminence, to urge on its people; tomake a. big push, a united push, and shoulder to shoulder press onward to that desirable end will be the highest endeavor of THE_REAP0RTER. UJJU uzsllvuv v..uvw . v- V_ i In taking up our abode in yourl midst as citizens, _we will be always ready to co-operate in everything that‘ makes for the social, intellectual and material advancement of the town, and although strangers in a strange land we meet you in all frankness and as you peruse these lines of introduction “let us shake,” that hereafter “we may speak as we pass by.” 11v m n #n. “LISA-.. Do you feel blue and despondent? Do pains rack and tear away at, nerver and muscle, and have you beer- disappointed in finding a remedy that will afford certain and speedy relief ‘2 If so, go at once to any drug store and buy a bottle of Polson‘s‘ ,Nerviline. Polson’s Nervilme never fails to ,relieve neuralgia, cramps, headache, rheu- matism, and all internal or external pains. J. B. Car-man, druggist, Morrisburg; writes: “ All the parties I supply speak very favor- able of Nerviline, and always purchase a second lot.” Polson’s Nerviline is sold in bottles at. 25 centsâ€"by all druggists and country dealers everywhere. 3'61; tale b’y A.- Luca. Have you seen Epidermia the great ; cure. for Eczema, Salt Rheuml Ac. look Here. S. GIVEN, Editor. l6- {Q‘fiAL- Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it 13 pleasant and rem-5 kgiing to the taste, and acts gLent-l 3 yet Igomptly on the KidneysJ Liver and owels cleanses the sys- tem efl’ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers anld cures habitual constipation S rup of Figs is the only remedy 0 its kind/ever pro- duced, pleasing to th te and ac- cep tablet tle the sto ach, ,fpromp 1: 1n its paction and t y bene cial 1n its enacts. pr at onl from the most healthy and 1. greeab e substances, its man excellentq uaiities commendit a1 and have made it the most popular remedy known. 0,, 0A.. _-1_ 3.. HR- r Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable drug ist who may not have it on hang will rocure it promptly for any one w o wishes ‘5 0 yo firy 1t. Manufactured only by the GMIFURHIA FIG SYRUP 89.. SAN FRANCISCO. CA!» I hme just received a large consignment of coaI. Don’ t forb et to see me before plac- ingyour order, I5 cm make it interesting for you. ShingIes In all grad_es on hand and at defy competltipn. 1:11am just receivgd’a stoak cf the well- known Ch lows, Poinzs and Sole Plates, nmnufactured by Thos. Hayden of Port que, which 1 wish you to see before purchasmg elsewhere. The prices are right. Home-made factory Yarn, Tweed, Flan- nel, Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets, Rolls HUI, yvx. _, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" white and grey. Roller and Stone Flour, Glassware, Coal Oil, Tinwm‘e, SPOVes, Pipes, Washing Ma.- chines and \Vtz‘lngers. Also course grains, 8.20. Everythmg away down in price for E have 33063 vtock of Two Blankets, Stockings, So an Knitting Yarnsâ€"4n allleadmg col ' ant for the R. Parker 00.. dye ' Sheri of ladies and gents 3. Have :your code done before-$13,”! weather. Call an get Drices. Also nt for Peterboro Steam Laun- dry. Goods sent Friday of .each week and re- . turned on Saturday. A.__.__‘ ad Weather is Coming ! . I o. CHAMBERS. Next ”door to theiDominion Hotel, Mfllbrook. DRE ENJOYS A. PAYNE. :s that GITY BARBER SHED! One door East of Mr. Lang’s store 369 .GeOrge Street, Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- form them that, he has removed to new quarters, one door east of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleased to meet them and at- tend to their tonsorial requirements. :shOw a large range “of styles in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Mantles, Ulsters and Capes. H. KELLS CO. '01);ij «may, nobby and endurable set of harness you sh 16. call on the under- signed. I use nothing b ' he very best ma- terial and as the work is entirely under my own supervision you can rely on getting a first-class article. Whips, Combs, Brushes and everything else usually kept in a. first- class harness shop always on hand. Make no mistake in placing your order, I lean. the trade with popular prioes. Shopâ€"Kin5--:., nerfi to R. qu'si‘i‘3"bwroqery. HARNESS ! W. STRAJN. "Peterboroualh A Erush given with each bot- â€"-Amo “:5? visited Pet ‘3: day last we 5 the secretary («:3 an Agl 19a tmil linm‘.‘ f) aura" a] Sow ONLY 33y 10?: an Munday last to visit fri ' \ Rev. J. Cattanach .of Ce‘ ' (mi-up}? the pu‘pit in the ' ‘ «shun-‘1; here 0.1 Sundan- __J '}.«}n’t forget tile concert, town hall? on Fmday evening The proceeds will be; toward i wz'chasiug a new fire 1 â€"â€"â€")Ianvers gtgl'lculbux in fall show takes @308 fat- Bet Tuesdav and “1% 11188181? sex: vers is hoted fer their fall ex] and this year will L6 110 exce] the rule. â€"“ Harry C,” the black owned by Mr. Barry Sixth tinguishrd himself on $3 tn rda taking first place in th\' f0 at- Orono. Three bo*ses c 91:11) trotted five heats. “Har.'_ the fax orite from the star. “Miss Dean has. been friends in Toronto. ~Miss O’Brien has returm trip to Chicago. Embed mt is Smck‘e or â€"Mr. ‘V. D. Nugent is box: the ‘Vorld’s Fair. easilv. â€"-Miss Beatty is visiting r in qut Hope. -â€"Mr. J. Steele and Miss 1 are visiting friends in Lindsav. â€"Mi]1inerv opening at He‘ls Jr Co. 5 W eunesday and Thursd -â€"3‘I£h$ Vance left this mom visit friends in Lindsay. â€"Mrs. Pcndry has been f1iends in Veterbomugh dur past week. â€"â€"Dwellin;; house wame: about eight rooms. Inquire PORTER ofiice‘ â€"â€"â€"The East Durham and agricultural exhibition be 135 p Thursday and Friday ner; 'A this Show has mad! wonunful towards success in the pay fe this year is likely to eclipse 1311 t six acres of new grow uln'n aflr‘fld to the or; "inal “'66 K ‘ 7 , been added to the or final and a half-mile track or .struc1 sheds are in course of erection be completed in time for thi Show, new fences have be: in the district. The direct: officers-are putting forth ever 1‘0 make the exhibition of 1 best ever held, and from pre dications they will succed as th are already pouring in in an fusion that the energetic new -~-.-\Ir. Geo. Patterson, of S Ma, has been. in town for week visiting his parents. {m ---Mr. Chas. Hudgins, furl] this place has been in town fa days visiting friends. â€"â€"3Irs. W. H. Russell and Mi spent a. week 1:: Toronto 6111 exhibition. .â€"â€"Mjss Verm O’Brien rem: kept on the jump- Pam 25 cms m 20': .v‘.' M" from a two months x knives in Banand Ru. ‘- K99? vour (eye 1365 ,aflrt 1: new adxe‘ i. ’1 “U!- an“: DOG bu may of .uext. week. Mr. and 'Mrs. D. _ TOW’N TALK 0 mg; the large numl 'et wlmro-eshibition . we maticed ‘. “7m 'uE the East. Dur} ‘tary . . lsural socletta (TI'II'J ,. T. ELLKOTT THE DRCGG IST. u! Seantifies Stow tan ' e Pip Ema: Agricuiturai {fig ‘chnesd

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