ann v-“ nyï¬agv Anvu-n Vlllvuu 11.1.3“ I â€m the second Moods 1n eve month In an on. Circle Rooms. £003 Kenrsyblock. nté ‘ .r 35?‘ MP "I as. D. DEYALL, v.3. WYTOWN. ‘ F VRADUATE 04 THE ONTARIO \‘ETEE CJIlexe Di-enses rf Dumesncated nimala trea ed on Sczemitic principles E( ulna tarry a. nyzciglty. Rem stared in accor .mce tn the V on nnan‘ Act. mikeâ€"opposite minion H tel R. szdcn. '(0 King St. 1145 HUNTER 5T. PEI‘ERBOROCGH. ONE" :0 loan at 5 per com. on gilt edge security and at 53 age 5.1 p»r cent on later security. Tex ms to sun bomm we. fJAS. SEAGER, M.D ,C.M. 'Broéoérvatioii 6i ihe'naturalu'l‘eeth N1- na Oxide Gas for the aneas extraction of oath. Good work gnanntced.\\1n be at othzny the 2nd and 4th Monday of each onth. Omemee lat Monday and 3m \\ educa- y of each month. L ENFIST. Speck] attention vcu to the . nreservation or the natural eeth Xi- m LLBBOOK. V WW ~~~~~â€"~~- â€"""'v -.- Priviieii’ï¬d Compahvaiins to loan at ’the lowest rates Oflce in Won! 8: Kella’ block. IA: ï¬tting on 2nd and .ma Mondays 0! every non . ALL DOMESTIC \TED ANIMALS TREAT- ea according to latest scientiï¬c metnocs ’tniculu' intention given to Diane Dentistry. muses moderate. Cans by telegraph prompt- ? mded to. [L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., QM. ’BARRISTER. Attorney at Law. Solicitor. . etc. Monev to land on the securitv o! {D etc. Mou’eyï¬ib‘ 13133 61; tivéhs'eéliï¬ï¬uéi rod ante. Town and Farm Property for sale; {Olen in Onurlo Block. Walton street. ' ’ ï¬i.’oiï¬h‘o’."ofl¢é'§fi I'eic‘ï¬â€˜Ã©'ï¬ï¬nEszBFé. 1 deuce Annie Street. centme RB} a) ’C'dliéiie 'SEigéB'ï¬ime- burgh. Hember College Physicians and Sur- '-m- nnOC’IA nan..- n A . “mm- 4...... â€A-.. IAmRS' 5N1) organ; coop son-33 RONI‘O and Victoria Univemlties. Li- I cantata 30381 College Surgeons. Edin- {P031 HOPE. LL DOMESTIC \TED ANIM LS TRE xT- od mordugg to latest scxezztmc methods. ’u'dcnhr attenuon iven to Equine Dentistry. nurses moderate idenca auu mace King L. opposite olu \Vcatern Bank. (scccnsaon T0 03. PulLLu-s). PONTYPOOL. - - ONTARIO. ’ RIXITY UNIVERSITY. MEMBER OF l the Conan of thlh-lnnn and sun-coon; the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mo. '. B. COLLIN CO. BARRKSTER. Solicitor. Notary Public. etc Private and Commnv Funds to 1mm at N. O. McKinnon,M.D.,C.M. IIVIL ENGINEERS, ONTARIO LAND SL’ R. ' VEYORS. .1 , 0m ' ARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOT ’RY PCB- ' 11c. Etc. Monev to Loan. Olin-ea over i trunnoox. '13 miszc'. 'Monéi'ié 116115; ‘mï¬'clea‘o'vEr new Poo: 018cc UQTIDNEE§_FOI§ 11:53 pouxnï¬ 0F FB'I‘ HOPE. IN DEPEN DENT . ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS , EETS EVERY TUESDAY EVENING IN their hull aver the new Poo: .‘fllce. “air In: Brethren wok-ems. 'W.L.LEACH. D HiMPTOX.XG ‘ Socretary. ’55mwsales’6f all hmdi pilinâ€"pï¬y ‘11;- led. Date uni terms um ofllce arranged at. the amoiiiged'.’ Drafts lashed 6n an parksâ€"xi r - the 'nited States at lowest 11:03. on p! k lgmg gther noggs a special- 'ERCH INT 1‘ ‘XLOR ISQURER 01“ MAR- third (nesday evening 0! each month In the Hon. Circle rooms, King-St. Millbxook~ hour Of muting. 8 o’cIOc k. Tne beneï¬ts of this Sm!- Ity uro worthy the consideration 0! every per‘ Ion. lnformaflon furnished on applicxtion. JOB. THURXDYE. X.G. G. DUNCAN. Secretary T. H. HASSARD, V.S., UEEN‘S Unlverslt . Kingston iMember » of the College of nysldans and Surgeons. loan t-‘ird Mondny In each month in their $12.07†Leach) drug store. Stnngen wel- OENTREVILLE. - 05 I‘ABIO. COURT IVAsaon. so; 327. 1.0. F 0. ' ~LLZS. C R. W. 'v'f. GILLOTT. RS. 'ERBOR 0' R. Hell A 353$: MILLBROOK CANADIAN HOME CIRCLE Nun hire Licenses (succnsson 10 DR. 3109x112). MILLBBOOK. - - (i ROKIBtLD “‘OOD ISSUER OF MAR ~ RIAGE LICENSES Mlllbn‘.0k 0m. IOYsL CAVA.\ LODGEâ€" CAVADI \\‘ OR- 'DER 0F UDDFELLO-‘s mqet; cps J. H. GARDINER, Vol A XXVIII. LHOLM CHISHOLM, $1.00 PER ANNUMIN ADVANCE. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ROBERT BUDDY, Veterinary Surgeon BANKERS. A. A. SMITH, PROFESSIOXA L. A WING to nest from n largo numb-:r ol citi- u Ionaof Mi rook hmgnin center in llwlzgtch- ' or business. we ha vo pnrchm-cd the business . ,0f the old stand and wo arc now in a boner 59-3101. than ever to slutsin our old reputation. "° “8 It can and becoxn'incvd that. we can supply ’3“ with the choicest cuts to be had in town. c on Real Estate. No commis- LAN. réiéï¬'ihï¬'éiébéfl Bax-ï¬st ers, Forth nlde of Klng St. BANKS. )N. R. E. SPANTON, Met. Secretary. .1. R. YOUNG. Rim-1pc. SOCIETIES. THE PLACE TO BUY. Mlllbrook Lodge No. 308. Bulk of Commerce Ontario. ONTARIO. ON'I‘ 1‘10 ONTARIO ON I ABIO. 0‘.“ 'l‘ A310. UN l‘ARlO. 0N TAB“). ON FARIO. ONTARIO. ln Wood Cook “The Dixon Steel Cook,†(the best on the market, every stove guaranteed to be perfect baker). “The Souvenir Cook,2’ “The St. James Cook," “ The Original Cook," “ The Maple 0301:," “_The Okford Cook.†In Coal Ranges “ The Souvenir Range,†(the best coal range In the country). “ The Stewart Coal Range," “ The Oxford Coal Range.†In Coal Base Burners “ The StewartArt Sultana.†“ The Oxford Art Countess,†both powerful double heaters and perfrct bakers, and a Full Line of Housefnrnishlnzs in Table Cutlery and Granite Ware. Beet Brand. 0! American and Canadian Coal on ‘by'the‘Gallon or Barrel. BELOWARESOMEOPHISLEADERS... ADAM HALL Having removed to the above commodious stand and put in a. lresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accomodate my old custoxizc-rs, and all new ones, who will favor me with g. call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2.99 up. Complete line of lew-rware at hard time prices. REMOVED m Established 1825. At the 60th Annual General Meeting: of THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. held at Edinburgh. on ansdnv the 5:' March. 1895, the following results for the year ended 15th Novemher. 1894. u as reported:â€" Mn_OI FEOn. .XOOflmJJzz .uc0w4 .Z_\</W: i. .7 X<OD .1 .W. LEADS ALL Canadian Companies THE CANADA |.|FE ASSURANCE 60. Assets Over §174,OOO,OOO. REPAIRING PROYIP'I‘LY ATTENDED 130 1895 “Standard †Life cfisszlrancta Also. I have just unloaded twelve car loads each of Delivery Profllpt and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. A word with you about LHMber. i have given the prices in most grades a. tumble downwards. SHINGLES AND LATH Order your COAL now, Always on Hand once and Yard at Railway Station. Millbrook, July 30, 1895. 407 GEORGE STREET, - figrETERBORo’ Investments in Canada : to- a - - - - - - - -'-'35,138,151 The Accumulated Funds at same date amounted to - - $39,353,822 Being an increase during the Year of $842,065. The Annual Revenue amounted at 15th November, 1894, “71894 amouï¬ting to - - - . . . g The Claims by Death or Matured Endowments which arose during the Year amounted, including Bonus Additions, too - - - - - - - - - “Eff“! Existingfissurances‘ in force at 15th Novem- 4029 Policies of I ire Assurance were issued, assuring - $8,723,836 Great Reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. Agent, GOAL AND WOOD 000K STOVES FRESH MINED CLEAN GOAL Dimension Stufl' Cut out to Order ON SHORT NOTICE. MILLBROOK. And one car load of Choice XX Shingles. Inspection Invited. AND READY TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. IT ’rtgage , IEsta. Because it has a. larger surplus, above all habilities, than all the other Canadian Companies together. Bmause the net Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last ‘20 years are not (quullcd by any other Company in America. Because it. ia the oldest, largest, most popular and economical and gives the best. results for the least money. Bmause in 1893 it increased its assets by 81,236,518â€"3. sum exceed- ing the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and moteï¬hen double of any one company.“ A n COAL AND WOOD’HEATING STOVES FRESH GREY LIME GEO. A. E. w. cox, W. M. RAMSEY, Manager. MANAGERS EASTERN ONTARIO, TORONTO. 01d Bast Office Building while it. is cheap, as prices may advance any time My 0031 is Strictly First Class SGOTE . . . FALL AND WINTER J- STEEL ESTABLISHED 1847. GO DOWN IN PRICE m; ... w nW//fl/.///zm ,\ J. J. HANRATTY. District Inspector, PETERBORO. 0F W. THEXTON. HAS NOW ON BAND BIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK 0F . . . Yours respectfully, of stock lumber and one our OLD POST OFFICE STA N I). $113,274,350 311,185,500 \ //////// x 2/. $2,947,073 AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 1895 State commissioners for the promotion of uniform legislation throughout the United States are in annual session at De- :rolt. . Pittsburg has been selected as the; ï¬rms of meeting of the next. triennial encamp- ment of Knights Templar. Montana Methodist Conferencn has de- cided to admit women as members, with all privileges. Business failures in the United State this week number 190. A yoarago, 192. A boo sting kllled Walter Gibson, youth, at Hume. Mo., yesterday From various reliable sources in Maui- toba and the North-West Territories it has been learned that this year’s crops wili be the greatest in the history of the country. Messrs. Clark and Brady, two experts, who have just returned from a. trip over the Pombinu brunch, say that the returns will be enormous. Superintendent Van- dorslice, of the Northern Paciï¬c, says that every where along hi. line the returns are exceading the most sanguine expects» tions. The city council of White Pigeon, Mich, has been Itctitioncd by a considerable body of the citizens of that place to prohibit wo- men from wearing bloomers on the street. An ungallant “whereas†in the petition alleges that horses are 'scared by the bloomor apps: itions. At Goldwater, in the same state, some of the women bl- cyclists rcccntly passed out of the bloomer sage and took to men's knickerbockers and golf stockings. Mr. Edmund L. N (awcom be, Depuby Mlnistor of Justice for Gnnudn, who 15 in London on behalf of tho Canadian Copy- right; Act, ha: had a cordial reception from Mr. J oseph Chamberlain. He said in an interview than he has the greatest. confl- denco that, the mam:- wlll be adjusted in tho manner Canada. deslres. Mujnr-Gcnornl Gnscoigne,tho new Com- mandm-in-Chiuf of thu Canadian militia, has taken passage by tho A-llzm lino steam- ship Parisian, which sails for Montreal on September 19. The J esuit. Fathers of Montreal are considering u proposal to estubllsh an OD- scrvatory in connvction with St. Mary’s College. Thug intend to make its second to none on the continent. Shareholders of the collapsed Commer- ciul Bank of Newfoundland have been ad- vlsml by counsel that they are not bound to pay the reservn liability. It is understood that the Federal and Provincial Gm'vrnments will be asked to make grants for the work. The liabilities of the Canada. Suspender Company. at Quebec, amount to $84,000 and assets $15,000. Customs Collector Young, at Fort Erie, was held up by footpads and robbed of 200. Kingston is seeking to secure a concen- tration of the G. T. R. work shops at Bollo- ville and Brockville. Buslness failures throughout the Do- minion this week number 42, as against. 40 same week last year. Gnnunoque ism have a new summer hotel. Mrs. Charles Gmhmn, of Buffalo, who svwrul \\‘vu?'<:\go full over lhobzmk at Niagara Falls into the gnrgv. owing to a dufw-live guard, has enterml suit; against the (Jun-n \ ictnriu Park Commissioners for i‘ ‘ .000 (141114");65. John Glenn, of A11 0111, was arrested and brought. tn Toronto. charged with ursun. Arum-.1 is suspvmud of having sun ï¬re In the frcighn shed. of the G.’.l‘.R. at Aurora. )uunso! for Gnuthcr, who murdered the young girl Unnsigny. hns presented at potl- tinu tn tha- Atmrmlyï¬oncml for szbhcr’s exuminmion as an allvgud lunatic. Wullm-uhurg now numbers among her industries :1 glass blowing establishment. It promiim to he a large addition to the town, employing. as it does 250. Gonorul Guscnigno. the new command or-in-chiuf of the Canadian militia. will sail fur this country by the steamship Par- isian on tho 12:1): Soptmnber. Gm‘ormnnnt Engineer Schmihor reports autism-wryprngrcss on both the Peter- lmrn‘ and Balsmn Luke sections of the 'l‘rl-nt‘ Valley ï¬lm]. The ï¬rst. bouts passod through the Cana- dian mum] at. Saul!» Ste. Marlo Tuesday mgrning. Thvmnul will he opened for gunnml trafï¬c 012 Saturday. Sunmmnscs are being served on the wit- m-ssvs in tho Smytho-Harty protested oleo- tinn cuso,to be tried at Kingston, Septem- ber 16. Shareholders of the Commercial Bank of Newfoundland hmo been called upon to pay the reserve liability of $2. 00 per slmm. An order has boon granted for the wind- lng-up of the Canadian Trading and Ship- ping Company, and appeal has been enter- cd. The report of the exports appointvd to examine into the affairs of the Banquc du l’ouplo will be presented September 7. 16' 15 reported at Charlottetown. P. E. I., that a party of seven, ï¬ve men and two \\ omen, are missing from Cape Bauld. The Canadian Smut. Ste. Mario canal is to be opened on prtombor 0th. There will be no public ceremony. Judge Eliott. of London. has reserved judgment. on the charge of extortion against; Constable Joï¬â€˜rios. A canal scheme from Lake Winnipeg along the water courses to the Hudson Bay is being promoted. The losers by the mail robbery at King- ston last, November are to receive pro rate. the amount recovered. Michael Benoit. Into manager of the Banquo Nutionale, will likely be appoint ed City Accountant. ’lhe warships Canada and Mngicionno, now at Halifax, will \isic Mbntreal during the Exhibition. a)» Tho deadlock in the London West Coun- cil on the question of ï¬xing the tax rum continues. Wlndsor will erect buildings at; a cost of $100,000 if it is made the capital of Essnx county. For the ï¬rst: time in the history of Elgin county there was no business of any kind at. tho Assizo Court. Brnmford has denlud the usual grants to tho Horticultural and Agricultural So- clones. The now Sydenham glass works at Ham- ilton will be opened September 3. C. P. R. otï¬ciala' wages are being restored to the former mm. The Quebec Legislature will probably be called for the 0nd of October. A crisis in Montreal's ï¬nancial aï¬'uirs is thruutnned. Masked burglars are operating in Quo- bee. Scarlet fever is becoming prevalent in Winnipeg. The Important Events In a Few “'ords For Busy Rmulers. TOPICS OF A WI‘ICIi. UNITED STATES. CANADIAN. United States This illustration shows how ï¬ve straws, IInnIIurâ€"n 100 n‘-l_ _L__,L ,- ,V - m, each about six inches in length, may be supported in the an- by holding only one of them. Notice how the coin keeps the “ram: in place and prevents them from flipping. How to Have Health. Of course, all exercise should be taken with the waist perfectly free, and when vigorous out-of-door Sports are in- dulged in no stays should be worn; but when in the street or at home or at social functions the corset worn sensibly is a necessity of all women who claim any degree of that intangible something call- ed style. The rules for health and beauty are really very simple. Rise a half hour before breakfast, open the window what- ever the weather or season,and go briskly through the ordinary calisthenic exer- cises with the arms and legs and body, for ten minutes. The lungs should be filled through the nose with fresh air from the window, and emptied through the mouth with a quick ejection. This should be done four or ï¬ve times. Then the position should be taken for the exer- cisesâ€"legs together, hands on the hips and chin held up. Then a rotation of the body, throwing it back and twisting forward again. The other exercises to be taken are made according to the well- known routine: hands from shoulder up ten times, then down, then from the shoulder straight out in front the same number of times. All these should be done briskly. After the exercise a cold sponge bat'i should be taken. common-A‘- ed by vigorous rul‘ bing, and every other week a cupfui of co-.nmon salt should be thrown into the water each day, and when this is used â€it must be remembered that soap cannofo' be used, as the two do not agree. ,After dressing slowly, a breakfast should be eaten of fresh fruit, grain foods and eggs or chops, according to one's taste. To give a woman an erect and beautiful figure there is no surer way than t ) stand with the hands on the hips as often as possible, with the ab- domen ln,and the chest thrown well out. When one is at home it is easy to stand in this way for several minutes at a time, or to walk about the house so. It works like magic, too, for giving one a ï¬ne carriage. Are you suffenn from cough or cold on your 1 . As your druggiat for Pectoria,an take no other. J ust try and see for yourgelf _how‘ goon 7 Poctmia, wili cure 61. Send to Allan Co., 53an; _S_t.. oronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a. bot- Boys Have Their Uses. When Marquis De Lafayette was receiv- ed in great. state in Alexandria, the mar- ket and church town of Washington in 1824, an eagle, obiigingly loaned by a museum mamwas perched upon the floral arch of welcome At precisely the right moment the royal bird flapped its wings and uttered a scream of victory, being 1m- peiled thereto by a bright boy with a pin 1, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 31 Queen St., West. do certify that Dr. Car- son’s Stomach Bitters cured me of dys- pepsia. I believe it to be the best medi- cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles. At all Druggists. Price 50 cents. The Paris Mutin in an article referring to the dispulu with Brazil guarding’French Guiann's lmundary, expresses the hope that Brazil will accept with France the good oï¬icos of the King of Sweden. Menn- muc. the Marin says. in is 3L5~_3"1shlzb a mixed ooxnmissiuzi shall be instituted in order to end the anarchy and pillage in the disputed territory. A spm-iul to the New Yurk Recorder from Gummjuuto. Maxim-0, says that lhrco men, who have boon spending sou-ml months huming and making explorations in the country north of there, have discov- ered u lurgn ancient pyrmuid. Their ox za- vatiuns into this pyramid have brought to light; many relics of the Aztecs and other ancient people of Mexico. Messrs. (iompors and Muhuim, thv American dnlngaIvs to thn ’1‘ :Ldvs l niun Conga-55in Immlun, are busy :nu-ndinr mm‘list of trndo unions prior to thu upuning of the cnngrcsâ€"u During the Work thuy will visit- Livurpuol, Mnnchz's tor and Dublin, mukingmld ‘09505 In each place. Then» is likely to bo troublu ln-twovn England and Belgium over the (but!) of the English trader Stokes, whu w: 1s hung- ed by the Belgians in tho Comm (lis’trict, on u charm of sollim: arms to (‘ hivf kiln- ongc, with whom tho Belgians am at A resolution has been presontud by the municipality of Panama, asking the other municipalities of Columbia to join in a petition to the Govornnwnt to recognize the Cuban patriots as belligernnts. Four thousand additional laborers have joined in the Dundee (Scotland) mill- workura' strike. It is estimated that; fully 30,000 persons are now idle because of this strike. The British Government has decided not; to make any further enquiry int-0 the con- dition and progress of the Scotch crottcrs who emigrated to Saltcoabs, Canada. An exhibition building is to be erected m Bogota, for foreign and domestic prod- nets. Prince Ernest de Rohan is dead at Vienna from the accidental discharge of a gun while hunting. He was heir to a great. fortune. M. Benodetti killed M. Allexssamdri1 rival political candidate, in a. duel Ajaccio, Corsica, yesterday. Pilgrims. assembled at the Armenian monastry of St. John have been brutally maltreated by brlgands. Huantingo, Mexico, has been floode by u oloudburst. A dozen persons were drowned. A German torpedo boat capsized in tho North sea on Wednesday, and thirteen per- ons were drowned. Snakes bereft a widowed mother of three children at Sullivan, Mn. A fourth fell into a well while the mother was trying-to save the lives of the others. FOREIGN. The Gmnd Duchess of Oldenburg is dead at Berlin. , Henry D. Fitzgerald, attorney, and for- mer United States Commissioner, was kidnapped at Buffalo, and held until he paid $60 for his liberty. At Little Rock. Ark, Judge Wilson has dismissed, at the city's cost}. the charge against; a Mrs. N00 for appearing on the street in bloomers. Five empty rowboats were picked up by steamers near Syrw use Friday. Many lives are reported to have been lost during the storm. Peotorla. Peotorla. Pootorla. A Very Neat Trick. Ric pro Takc\ - otlce. sandri, his a. duel in Dogs Can Read Character. Wonderful tales have been told of th marvelous instinctive intelligence of do but the idea of consulting a canine on when a man is contemplating matri ls'a new one. A French writer, howe ~ says that be!ore committing himsi men should u‘ to carefully how she w he loves con uots herself towards h parents and ‘nds, and. above all, how she [treats ordi ary domestic animals. “BeWare of a p dogs dislike, †our lni’ easy. The “Wiseâ€? Lining, as explain- ed by flanges, was that one of the girls , must be put out of the way, and that he could manage Minnie easier than he could ‘ Annie. Minnie Williams was crazy in love with Holmes, and she was jealous of her sister, as Holmes was paying her some at- tention too, and he took particular pains to increase her jealousy to work her up to the point of killing Annie. The death trap in the castle was made by Quinlan, who is a fine mason, and a negro, whose name I have forgotten. Quinlan is equally guilty with Holmes in taking human life; Holmes doing the planning and Quinlan the execution, Quinlan’s wife knowing all of their work of this kind. I will state here that Pitezel's wife, I am thoroughly convinced, knew of the murder of her husband and children. Holmes and she were very conï¬dential and she knew what was going on." “I was not' 1n Chicago when Annie Will- iams was killed, but; was at; the castle two or three -days afterwards. Holmes and Quinlan coolly discussed the manner of her murder to me. Holmes’ version was that she was knocked on the head with a stool by Minlne Williams, and then ghen some d_r_ug by_I-_lo_11n4es to make hm die “Referring to the ‘castle' Allen says :â€" ‘It was used for a. death trap, for I hoarr‘ Holmes and Quinlan talk about puttin people out of the way. A stranger to th( city during the World’s Fair was docoyo' into that ‘castlo’ and murdered for hi.- money. Ho did not have as much money as Holmes thought, only 63, 500. A bright- little boy was enticed into thé castle dur- ing the Fair, and hold in a room for ï¬ve days for a reward for his recovery. No ro- ward being ofl‘cred they were afraid to turn him out, and the gas was turned into his room at. night, and he was suï¬ocuted.†“Allen says he saw Minnie Williams at St. Joseph, 1510., at tho meeting reforred to. He thinks she went; to India, as he saw letters from her, and knows Holmes sent 81. 600 to hot there. New York, Aug. 30.â€"A Herald special from Little Rock, Ark , sayszâ€"“J. C. Allen, alias Caldwell, the her a thief, now serving a ten years sentenv ~ :n the peni- tentiary here, has made a sLu vmcnt to Warden Moore regarding his knowledge of H. H. Holmes and his operations. In the course of his stetemvnt he said he met Holmes in Tennessee in 1892, and met Pitezel in Chicago inter. Allen further said that Minnie Willimns, who was living with Holmes as his wine, was present at a meeting in St. Joseph, Me, of Holmes, Pitezel, and himself. The Minnie Will- Iams’ property in Fort Worth was then and there deeded to Allen by Minnie Williams. The deal was made with the distinct understanding it was to be a swindling , operation. Allen thinks that Minnie Will- iams was person" " or seared into making the transier of the property by Holmes. In a few days the property was transferred by Allen to Pitezel, Holmes making the transfer without Allen’s knowledge or con- sent. Then, Allen continued, the party, with the exception of Miss Williams, went to Fort Worth, where they were joined by Patrick Quinlan. The latter and Holmes talked of a plan to kill Pitezel, who had 81,000 insurance on his life, because he was drinking, and opt to talk too much, and also knew too much. Allen was to assist, and a. trunk was bought in Fort Worth in which to put the body. Pit-ezel was then ‘ in Kansas City. At this point Allen says , Holmes patted Allen on the back and said: â€"‘Mascot, it is $10,000 and a trip to‘Long Branch, and from there to California. and more buildings.’ Pitezel was to be ‘flxed’ in Chicago. Holmes asked Allen. the latter says, to insure his life, for $10, 000, which Holmes was to collect in his own peculiar way, but Allen thought of the large trunk bought fer'Pitezel, and would not do, it. He declares he then parted company with Holmes, and hasn’t seen him since. He absolniflmi'mies having particiba‘cï¬ras any murders. I The drug with which Howard Pitezel is thought to have been killed before his body was burned in the big stove in the Irving- ton cottage was found to-day. A part of a. bottle of cyanide of potassium was found buried in the barn. It was given to the coroner, who said :â€"“If there is killing to be done this is the drug with which to do it.†Boys digging under the Holmes house in an unï¬nished portion or the cel- lar found the two feet of Howard Pitezcl. They had been burned. but not destroyed, and were evidently t< bulky to put into the chimney hole. Wim the feet was found buried a ï¬ve quart can. There was some coal oil in it. Coroner Carter took charge of the bones, and held an inquest, at which the ofï¬cers and others testiï¬ed. The grand jury is in session, and Judge McCray ordered it to proceed at once to taking testimony, and to-duy the witnesses will be examined. The Court said every effort will be made to bring Holmes here for trial. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 30.â€"More evi- dence has been secured in the Holmes tragedymvery item showing that the Pitc- zel boy was murdered in the cottage at Irvington by H. H. Holmes, and that the body was burned in the stove at night. and the charred bones jammed into the chim- ney hole. 'It was learned yesterday that the trunk which mysteriously left the hotel was taken to Irvington by train, and from the platform removed by Holmes to the house. It contained the clothing of the girls, which he wanted to dispose of before taking them to Toronto, where they were murdered. Mrs. Pitezel. mother of the murdered boy, was telegraphed at Galva, 1115., and identiï¬ed the trunk and the boy's coat. Other articles which belonged to him have also been found in the chim- ney hole. An Inquest. Being Heldâ€"«A Battle of Cyan- lde of Potassium Found Buried in the Burn-«An Alleged Accom- pliceâ€"Tha Death Trap-Kil- ling of Annie “’llllaml. More Evidence as to the Death of NEW EVIDENCE SECURED. THE HOLMES HORROR. Au Alleged Accompllce. Howard Pi tezel. Montreal, 5' Well celebrut taking pm games o Quebec, .ï¬cpt. :2. brutvod hero by mass "1' John’s church, {01! procession of the and societies thn Several ham were in t‘_ of upcgoru wrre at Met the labor umssc matc ilals and S ‘ Were succ Brockz. duly obsen being closed. ml, and the 11 various points liberallv patror on the Sn. Law it to the fullest Labor day and amuse a flrcmo 1 procession. ï¬remen frrl Chuthm‘ Winnipeg, Sept. 2,â€"The Labo celebration to- day was a genuine . to evervonu. '1‘ huugh it was only and time that. sm h :1 lmlld: 1y was the turnout. was grand. mid far - oxccodcd that; of last ymr. Ex chum. in town took an inwrest ' ado, with the result that the was néurly two mile long floats were very olnlmmtvly g was twvlve o’clock beforu t1 procession passed. The Firenirn‘n Tournament at Chathamâ€" The Day Elsewhere. London, Sept. 2.â€"Labor day in Lon- don was marked 1w the largest demonstra- tion of organizad labour that “Jo Gav hm: over soon. The members of all the ‘ unions turned out in strong number: > prmwossinn taking half an hour to v ' given point. It includvd three 'Dras' and scores of decorated waggor men marched to the Queen‘s par‘ an athletic programme was carri“ 3 the presancv of about ten thousa... -. . N. This ovcnigg aanpen air conoor sm-l shy}: “Is hela‘hrrfh raw ' ,r the p'ark, and was attended by on pouplo. The whole affair was an 11 fled success. and acredit to the pro Them wot-o several (miner obws submibi ted. Some of them were not deemevh worthy of recognilion and others were held owr for further (-videm-o. Sn soon as the engraving on tho medals is completed, and the acts recorded on the parchmenbs, the presentations will he held in a. public man- ner in the several localities. The Rev. John Muckrldge and Willie Mockrldge, for prompt action and gallant conduct in saving from drowning in Lake Rosseuu n ynung lad named Grierâ€"Purch- monl. (-orriflcntn to (’flt‘h. F. W. Ker and George Inksetter, of Hamilton, for prompt action and gallant; conductin rescuing from drowning in Lake Kusseouiuéikoka, a Mr. Badgerow, of Tornntoâ€"Pnrch m out certiï¬cate to each. Norman Henderson, a lad of Cobourg, for saving from drowning a small boy named William Slaminâ€" Association’s bronze medal. his own life, one James Brennanâ€"Assoc};- tiun‘ 3 bronze medal. Frank Ward, 3 young man of Toronto, for rescuing from drowning at Ward’s island a child, Fred. Smallwoodâ€"Associa- tion’s bronze medal. Benjamin D1xon,o{ Port Dover. for new in: from drowning Edward Martin, a child of four yours, and for saving from asphyxiation in a coal oil tank, at risk of George Barr and Frank Baker, two young men of Aultsville,for prompt action and gallant conduct in rescuing John Lugne and son, the bontmen, and Mr. Stem-n5 and Mr. Paine, their passengers, from drowning in the. River St. Lawrence â€"Pnrchment certiï¬cate to each. Capt. Laance, of the steamship City of Midland, for his prompt action in sav- ing the life of David Cadarette from drowning in Georgian bay, near Spanish riverâ€"Parchment certiï¬cate. The oflicers and crew were highly commended. Miss Maud Ande'soniafN-Guelph, {or rescuing an aged lady from being burned to death in a burning buildingâ€"Associa- tion's bronze medal. Albert Brown, of Toronto, for rescuing from drowning a young boy. William Cerrie; also on the same day two men, Byers and Sparks, likewise from drowning â€"Association's bronze medal. James A. Mchnzié, of w(Ballgmx-p'. f0: rescuing from drox ning in Bow river Adolphus C. Ketcloson â€" Associacton’s bronze medal. Ephraim Godfrey, aged 14, of Peter- borough, for rescuing from drowning two boys, Herbert, Hatton and Bruce Grub; u â€"Association’s bronze medal. Herbert John Lush, aged 15, and Louis Dmnbm, aged 13, of London, tor saving the life of Clarence Paull, aged 12, from drowningâ€"Association's bronze medal to each. Herbert Love, In youné’lï¬ad of the town of Mitchell, for attempting the rescue of unobhcrlud, Louis Harris, from drownidg â€" Parch men t. certificate. Meeting of the Governors of the Bold Eu. mane Association. Hamilton, Aug. 3.â€"A meeting of the Investigation Governors of the RoyalCana- dinn Humane Association was held this morning at the 011103 of Sheriff Mumm, in the Court-house here,the following gen- tlemen being present zâ€"Messrs. H. P. Dwight, chairman, and Andrew S. Irving, of Toronto; Richard Fuller and J osepb Greene, of Hamilton; and Charles Black, of N imam Falls, secretary of the investi- gating governors. There were also present Messrs. Adam Brown, president, and Shcrifl' Murmnfsecretary, of the RC.H.A. The following: cases of heroic action wen brought to their notice, and after due con- sideration) were awarded medals or parch- ment certiï¬cates, as stated :â€" LABOR DEMONSTRATIONS H ERODC ACTIONS RECORDED. $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN,.ADVANCE ABBY KENDALL will ï¬t glasses for my one whose sight is defective. He has 3 full line of glasses and is to be found :1; The Turner Drug Co's Stores, two doors an; of Post ofï¬ce. THE TURNER DRUG co. fas Grqund floor Studio. No Stairs to climb His enlarged Portraits in Oil or Water Colors, India. Ink, Sepia. or Cay can, have no superior on this Continent All work imperishable. 170 CHARLOTTE ST" - PEFEBBOBO SPROULE’S PHOTOGRAPHS Lost His Sight ! Full lines of 389 George Street. PETERBORO. NEWEST SPRING PATTERNS AND CLOTHS FOR SUITINGS AND TBOUSEBINGS AND mu m: PLEASED TO HAVE A CALL FROM you. Is now showing the WE KEEP constantly on hand ulnrgo stock of Furniture of all kinds. Our stock is well assorted and dis layed in three large chow rooms. No ouble to show goods. We are also manufacturmv of the Excelsior “'33th Machine. 99' in the Market. ‘.‘ ’1. Gillot 9 Son, MEREDITH PRACTICAL EIBALMEBS Best of Testimonials can be given. 1Q FASHIONABLE TAILOR BEST, TRUEST, MOST ' ARTISTIC. UNDERTAKERS GENT’S FURNISHINGS No.35