‘) our Prices in all Lines are at the Bottom ‘1 A VANCE. "Our an Blvnd"nf Black Tm. at. «503. ',Uur an Importation of Japan at 25c. and ()ur an Blend of Coffee, Teas, 6017983, Sugars, and Harlem! Brae-eris, Bizâ€"cake and Herbageum. Gmeeries, Flam, Fem, Breakfast. Emais. Brmksry, Glasswm. 1'93] 033. mm Fond OF ALL KINDS. Hood’s Cszred Af? .cr Others Failed Scrofuta in the Neck-Bunches All Cone Now. 0U}: FEK‘I-If7l.\I.TIES ARE W 3 119311, We Never Fallow. “l f: Lil ADE 1“» A u. Z’H (H’i |' IVY-"1 ARF :11. sheer milke quotations, but 5 meeh‘ niim: enough to wmmnt us quoting them. (innemL-v, the market “‘35:! [mar one, sales «Ir mugged. and (nudity was 0:}. Much stuff [was 19f: over, Tho receipts included 2.1â€â€œ lambs and sheep. 900 imgs. GO calves. 1nd .Lbom Lâ€: \\ 0 had a Navy mm n: stuff on hand this Inmniug. as actually: .lmnt nine 3' loads “on: In the yards. 'lhe Innrkoh \Ina Hmrcclv .: hango! Purl-rs wore here from Mon'nrul Lmnion,‘ val! and one or two other points. hm hm!" WIN 5.1m ' : Iirm crs comp]? .inI-Il: hm nun-Iir prive was oï¬cxcd for thoix cat'!» \\ ink“ unyers rqully emphatically tint-3 arcol 'hm more “as Ii ltlc mtt‘c \Iorth hnyin" In any price. 'liw s‘IirIpinrr truth was Jun. 'hI-«icmnml was II 41' «qu tho \lnnitmm mum now being son: through 13 fihiug much (If tho space on the boats. N'hipping cattlc ranged fmm 3.‘ to 4%. usually but for .11 fm choice lots «He. and mm 11.0 .as pain, 1 A representative one. Mr. James Funk-in; ‘ p "chased half a. dozen loads ufexport cattle at. frnm 4 to S c., with an m casional deal :It a nhnde bctvcr prices. Bulchrrs cattle were sum.“ and a. cnnsidombm a! II Imlty of wry good staff said at mound" .Ic. : II. hunch of tivcstegrs,a averaging 1.0:)" lbs., 50111 Van; \lmcai by Mr. \un‘e, socnmlml nv \ir St: mton, that. this council mlimun nnt il 8 1t- '-""' ‘5' 19th ()ctnher. nmt, a. the himr (if x" :n’rkwk p. m. CarricJ. Mr. Ruben. 'l‘hondykc then withdrew his application. Moved by Mr. Vance, scammed by Mr. Smith)". that Jnhn J. Clark be aplmiulcd chum-lot fur present ycur provided he gives such swcurily us the Reeve skull cunsitlm‘ mtiehcmry. Carried. ' “II by law with blanks ï¬lial up was â€Ir -2: wml ’IIII and" .I :11 times, SIIIIICIl and suIlmL I‘II law: to collect (crlain mtcs in and an IIII- present your and In ml'm: -I, IIIIstczI mics, we '0 “II n iutlmh!(‘flI,! rem! lsI. 2IIIl.IIII1 .ml Mums, named and 6026911. )mved by Mr. Hendrrs, socoIIIlI-II by MI. \ gun“: that Mr. "Duh Mimiâ€, IIIOI‘scPr ho -Iut.hmiled to 84'“ {III of the timlwr on tho IIllImancc fur rmu‘. iwlwcen cmwmsions H and I2 and opposite 30:9 R, S) and m, and Ilex-mt Iiw mm. m: In oichl Ihcrcfnr on mid mu! IIliowmIco. I .Irriml. UII nII-I Inn the fullnwing nnli‘rs on tho treasurer were sig"cd by the Rome. Mona" lf‘i'li-. amensor. equalizing Union? Moved by Mr. Ilvndcrs, seconded by M r. Mclndoo, that the report. of Mr. Stanton be roceivcc‘n and adopted, and that Cmmcillnr Stanton be appointed commissioner to pur- chase 2h? material required. Carried. nu The clerk reporter!I that. in a return of amtutc labor made to him some of the work was returned as nut. having been performed .nnfl_ask9d what. he should do in the matter. School Sm-jimi; . .. ....... , s A. Graham. road jab lots. . E! and 10. Can 1:. ........................... . . ‘ I". Panning. travelling. ctc.. Marsh hri-lgu Lot 4. Con. l-l ........................ J. Hum. repairing! hridgw :Ir. . .mrtvllhm In re maker to Webb as left over at. 1:st meeting i}?!- Councillor Stanton verbally ro- ported that. he had made enquiries in the maum‘ referred to, and thinks that it. will not. cost. more than 860 to furnish material rmlnitcd for the fence asked for, and recom- mends that the necessary material be in;- nigl’gcd by the council. ‘ Muvcd by Mr. Stanton, secbndcd by Mr. [lenders that. the salary of the collector for 1895 be ï¬xed at $60. Carried. Max:011 by M r. Ramon, scmndwi by Mr. Renders. that the application of Mr. Jnmh Hun be rcfcnto Deputy- Reeve Vance. Curried. ' of money to improve ‘ the mad opposite lots 2‘ and 25, comm-33km )3. 0n motinn tho ppflmtbn of “1-. Thomas Rowan was rrferred In the Reeve and lkpuly-Recvg V3999, L‘hoicc. off cars, fetched from $1.60 . er own, and were wank at these ht and thick fat. were not Wrath $4.25, and stores mo nnt, wantmi t. The tendency is dmvnward. ll'lbrooi" Sign-km: .d or white. . . S km in casv demand, and pricc‘x 1.1 I'E STU")? .7IA'II2EETS Tonm‘rn, Sept. 61h 60 tn (20 to 40 to srmum, nvx'rms A N h ‘VXS‘JN’ ll of Hg \‘nwnt tn Ill one 1'3 II "1"! for he H) 18 'm DRVï¬alST. P! ."’L (LIQMJTY OF THE ’l"‘\\"NSHIP {OF SOUTH MON HEEL-RV, COUNTY OF NOR[‘HU\IJ"CI’LANI), ONE OF TIH‘. ,LNI' 1 I'll) ‘ 'UUUTIES OF NUR- THUMIHCR LAND AND DURHAM. I YOTICH la ‘ncrchygivon that! have imm- A milled or (I \livcrctl tn the persons‘ men- tinnml in section: and†of tho Voters' Lists i;\rl., lit-ii {.hncnpk rmiurml by mid sr‘cmons to 1mm z‘r:msmim-il nr dr‘lirorml ol’ lhu suit! list. mmlvami-suum m suirl am, of all persons appearing iy [ha :I‘ :cvlwd Asrmssnwnt Roll on?" Pl mnniv .3in m lurvnliled to mu.- ‘ lnmnlv Mity nt ltlo'z‘lltms for mom- lmrsul' llw Legisl- m: Ass Inhls' unrl m, Munl I'lpzll HR'CHOHS. ml Um xii-l llsl. was lint! post. ml up at my nzili :ut. lmiilinlmm on Hm lll‘lh day of Svpzmnhcr. MB, and remains Ilwrc fur in- nu. Ell-(‘tm-nuro(walk-«l upon to examine the suicl lixi. and if any "mix-1mm or any nllmr errors an: {.nuul Him-ruin. Lo lulu: immmlinlv procuvdiugx 1.0 have the said crrom corrucwd nucunlinq l0 law. Dated at, Builicboro this‘ 5th day nfSch.. 189.5. A. l-IAYCOUK. Clerk of Mn: suid Municipality I)" “)0“ QUALITY. (‘m I l'r: nreonr Mom I Dr WilIiams’ Pink Pills strike at I tlm mat. of rlismsr‘, (Inving it from the Isystr‘m and restoring the patient to hoalm and strength in Case: of parâ€" aly s19. «pinal trnubim. Inminotor ataxia; =1‘iaiica. rhmmmtim, nyxipolass, scroi‘l Ifulen? FluilElIO!‘ 1‘t('.*lw.~'~e pills are I uporinr to all 01I11-r Ireatmcnn.'II1ey are also .1. ape ".111- fur the troubles which make °I1c Iiws of so many 1\ vnmon a burden. and spmddy restore I I 2151“. rial. {zlmv 11f Ilzmltll to pale and I zIIn-x (5111-1413. \Im broken (10er by In merwork, MIN}; 01‘ 1~xces~.or<, will ï¬nd in Pink Pil Is a certain 0111‘“. Sold by all dealers or wont I») mail postpai ;,I at 501: a I1ox,0rsi.\' Imws for $3.50,!1y addressing: 1I1r- Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Compan}, Bmckv ilIo, Ont“, or Schenecv tady, N. Y. Bmvarenf imitations and sulisti 111m alleged to he “just as good.†, \f’CJ’I‘ E4. N Pink I’ilhT would today have been a. m nnr :1 life of. mn- smm. pain, and I cannot spank mu highly of their (“mtivo pnvcrs, or physiuni .vrr‘pk, 1i rccnmmmu} them too strongly to others sufï¬m rs I cheerfully give pe-rmission to publish my stn‘tr‘mcnh in the hope that- smne other sufferer may read and proï¬t, by it." Rheumatism has long baffled the medical profession. Medicine for ex- ternal and internal use has been pro- duced, plasters tried, electricity experi- mentcn with. hot. and cold baths and a thousand other things tried, but. with- out. avail. Rheunmbism still held the the fort, making rJho life of its victims unt‘ ()f misory and pain. Thu ï¬rst; real stop tmvumds conquering rheumatism wzw mzult‘ when the preparation known :xa Dr. \Villizum’ Pink Pills for Pale Pmplu was (liscm‘m‘ml, and since that. ï¬lm" thousands lune tcsliliml to their wonderful (-llicncy in Lhis, as well as in other Lrunhlos, tho. origin of which may‘ho Lrncml t.) the blood. garveinus Medicine A hierovory Whlrh This I‘Innï¬ll nlsonso ('nnuu: unlitâ€"Mr. II. Rinsaloll. or I'm-ls. 01“.. Bolzm-s' Ills Experlrnm- “'llh the t‘nrc. Paris, Ont.. Review. A GREAT ADVANCE IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. RHEUMATISM CONQUERED. a. ruIJGENT, I’E'I'l-IBIHNEO. uml Right "1mm at. 3 4 X ST. 1 805 You want ‘ YO'I'H‘JG in hen-by gin-n HIM nmnlimnlm: A will ln- nuulc in lhv Hlxrl‘ng‘ulh ('wm u! the Unllml (Younllov 02' NOV'Ihmnlu-rlmul :uu! Durham lmfm‘c Hm .hulun hr l‘hmnlu-r-g -.1 Ila.- ‘UonrlJloumt. in lhl‘. 'l'tmn «.l‘ “alum". :Il'c-r I'm nxpimlinn of Iwm (y Ilnyc mun mum-,1 fabliemfm.‘ 3:. .“-';u.".-u ru-fmll' nl' Hun-"g.- 'l'lmrn nl’tlm Township of (hu’ulr. in Hm I nunly of Durham. ycmnon. for :m C-rlld‘!‘ uppnlming 1h.- mi-l (icon-go 'I‘horn. gmmliam 0f llulwrl, lt‘mlvr 'l‘horn. an lnfalnf. lu‘nvllviury'. undm' lllc \\ ill of HIP LII" William ’l‘hnrn. dam we'll. “atoll m. Mlllhmok, Llaiga 2131.. tiny of Allan}, A. n. 1395. ‘ ‘ «Hennhm'rtmnx. ; 32-3. Bv R. RUDDY. his Solicitor. i II; the Surrogate Court of the ErinEWiVés} Counties of Horthumberiand and Durham. Scott’s Skin Soap Freshcns the sum. Acts Like Magic in Restoring Shattered Nerves IF YOU'RE TO BE M A RR 1 1am ' Mantles Capes . . . Dress Goods _ We are in a better position than ever to meet the wants Pof our customers. We have Spa-red no efforts to . make our stock ‘ : \ i | inviting. ; {he Reagan . ¢ KeEIs, FOWiEI‘ Our New Fan GUQdS are arriving (iniiv At. Lowest. Prices. Ht‘pniring cinlty. All work gurumm-ml me a call. shop HARNESS, couIAns. BLANKz-i'rs, ‘â€"NEWâ€"â€" . Harness Shop TUE UNDERSYGXEU IS I‘HEX‘APIF‘I! TH SUPPLY ALL KINDS Hi" ‘ Nt‘xt dnm' to NAM-MRS because it. possesses such mellow power hr strengthening and rebuilding ‘ho nerve oentmn. Nervoua headache, nervous dyspepsia. and all nerve. dc- mngemem wear on the syntomnon Lb: brain. Scott's Samapan'lla feeds 2):: brain memo. ï¬ne the brain culls, makes new blood and muscles, make-J Good health cannot be enjoyed whz‘n gm nerves 5m in adcmngvd condition {I bcczumae othor nrgmm 01' â€12" body (‘0 not. receive their natural supply of nerve fluid. Tho nerve centre is. situntm m :u' tho base of the brain, and when nurm 100d 3:) out. 00‘ tho isolated. pan Loses iv functional pave; ‘ STRONG NERVES cows ’arsapariiia. Wesley Armstrong, COM BS, WHIPS and BUGS, aï¬ï¬w FOPWOPk. 1 . ‘ aâ€, . Lthere is lam-hr 3. Slfl“ (UH / U/’/ 'l': Our rimgxkn are Manufactured specially by the EX- mninei‘ Priming Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The. Paper is exceptionally good and the Rimsâ€"Em: iemm.ra,ntoed to last with ordinary care un til the book is used. 3'1“ you went; B LANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES 12W) Ski-f3 m‘STATIONERY, write for our prices. ‘ A: ways guaranteed the lowest. A H SETBATTON 8: CO. ' BUY YOUR 33m Bmkï¬lflice Supplies Hon ml)“ Prices and we will open your eyes in Bar- gném in Trunks, Valises, Summer Rugs, Dog tarts, Riding Saddles, Foot Balls, Wagons, H arm ms, lacrosse Sticks 8: Dog Collars. AH mlw lemmas in our line we keepOin stock and will sail yam on the smallest margm of proï¬t. WHENEszzz FOR SALE BY ::::PETERBORO QR??? ZEN AND SE flUB BABY UARHIAGES. Poiesï¬boro Bookstore wrest ly Red uced. “WALSH 8: CLARKE .. Sï¬Ã©}? RTLY, mummy: MACHINE um, cxmï¬pion Gold Medal Oilof the Domin inn, 'l‘iwir ('Tylindnr ()i! will wear twice as long as any other make. NIH â€CCOL’S OILS '41.} \l ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬v uuwsrom, 4 l N Patterns Pr . “ICC w. s. PICKUP, '/â€/\‘/:'/1‘ 7‘. Hulimmluu, mnnlhh {Minna l\|"|1l'll\'.q“ amsms Hue STANDARD PATTERNS. 1m ‘Whnlwnflv and Retail Agent for Millbrook. flâ€? ARE THE BEST. l‘m‘rhgo M IIâ€: I' In (wmmn .v . .. . um- .u Lu“ unmnoquo, um. nuwn furand near as the Host. Cur- vh<h work is the foundation of hair success, inc to “in: me a call he on: purchasing. build .vnyl'hilllg limmuxLVV eglbarrow to a Ken- ...zn I (am am. your work done more promptly and better work n"! in Milllu'onk. . lii‘rl chm- (tnrringv $110)). _I nm prepared to do repainting In 'u'x‘l'ltl! .iv :muwm m winch Ilmvahudnlargoexperlenoo.so ,Emnu-J :“"I: mu :1, v.1“. h In: momma. lu-I'nrv ready to do the work I wish to return u- ui 1h; ‘v-Ym‘a, i' 4') { 1(‘203'1 m \‘s min {8951}, H3“ pages '15 cents. . XIHHII ley. Ilz' pages, 4 colored plates, $1.00 per year. UPI Iimu'riul will bx! » 8th I am now pm H(I|',<,\I\'H [\‘LAN ~â€"/\T THE- paging distributed gratis to our customers. :‘go Street, I’ctcrborough. hug-me; 5i) t-L‘nt‘j per year. Junrbflljliié~ l per damn taper Wei 1 H us for famiï¬ies and low Mason. 2"!) Itcmnliful lCottago and Bmldk $110.7 ..._,....... v , u. w Sunday S ,hoolu, (Ihurc nos. rurpnsu holdingn picnic or the summur. are requested with Hm cnmpuny. Strumch wrucry. delightful 8M1, ever: » 'l‘llu mmmny . completed arrangements “ill: the Grand Trunk and Canadian Paciï¬c Railways sf) that, “scum-lions mar ~bofombarkml :Il l’vlvrhumu 'h. Hurwood. or { ting-s. from :my point. mu the M idbmd Division 01 Lhe Grand Trunk Huilway. at a ver low {1' urc. Sunday School», (Ihurc nos. an Societies who purpose lmldingn picnic or excursion during: liu: summer. are requested to communicate with lecnmpuny. Smunch Steamers. 10“,“. «'Pncry. dullzzlxlful mil nunâ€"“om.“â€" a...‘ _. JUI ‘ . v~-â€" wwvvnv i ough and Jubilau P012 Summprltemrls llnrwood mug†.< open (01" chnrï¬er. nu The Peterborouzh Navigation Company’s H0! FUR RICE LAKE. A ddrcsa, “ CITY OF PETEflnuuunun )I.YIVU on Undw tors bet. eon Dolor-bor- pugzlg‘nxnl‘Julï¬lflg Point. Knd ldvl'“’im A 3.5 cents Patterns that were 40 “ .m-ze Now l‘nlmjal Slda-V-Vheol Excursion , - ‘ summer .-vv-v\-llv" “1 II: “011' mien chIL'iVC w'il'J' b5 safe to give a written 373 GEORGE STREET, nrcd to receive orders for all clauses N CA [UtIAG l6 (Jon‘urnmmquq. QM. (nun-.4 “nu“ “ _ 4 , Slgn oi the Horse It the Door. OI H --... .v- ]! sail, ovorythihréiï¬mt-cluatzu ,. S. DAVIDSON. Secretary. Peberboro'. , ~V'vl""" -,kuwl' no Point. and ldyl'W’ild lI‘WOO'd. liuun'e and Has~ mar. ’ completed arrangements 11: land Canvtdiun j’aqiflc MILLBROOK. ‘25 20 15 10 u (5 (ï¬ are now 25 cents “wu- his Embarkud I. 6' HIP “My Pu Harvest/3r that genuinv To harm“! yum 1,02 WHAT YOU WANT 3001(91'0“ i George St, You may need a 35:33:: Or a Prayer Book! It will pay you to Buy rem-- As the Discount wit! he 3,? Least Twentyâ€"ï¬ve pnr can! SIGN OF THE HOE-ESE ESP." GEORGE STREET. - PETERSEE Boys and Collars. Cuffs and 7 French Camivilc- 9 rm Negiigee Shirt:- Fine Cotton Light-Weight SziitS every deqcript ion SAILSI i U Ix’ Lightweight Trousnrc Duck Pants, with structible :‘rg‘qcp White (game Coloured Crms Blazers. U ' ‘ nlmed Com» Unlined CWT-h? 533:? 3’3: H ,. EBA/111%; améfl‘v Unlined Coat: and "-./’:‘:’..’r~> Unlined sum, FOR SALE 11')“ See Our 'Wim’s TRW‘S ’ ’ CABLE FENEIE WIRE ight NIGI’ERO Undnrw :r. .LeBRUN $5.39 JOHNSTB§€ FAEF; mamax‘s stï¬iés‘tgwé) and Church’s Patam Rug Finiï¬h, LARGEST SALE" m CANADA FDR TWEETHWE YEARS. You can t saw: f'L‘g-e. Easier. Ti'e Bfr‘.»c:r-:§“:: thenewhei Mn]: ' cm, and {no Dirt. is worth mum; 1d 11:; the .V 21.51.50 Knocked 0?}: Hardware I'hirchanm. P" re Paris. :2?an sat iafnctinn Slsiézmg Grass Scythes, Hay Forks, Hay Bakes, 7. HUGH 1h"‘.~}lk Hmnf "on I" m‘. (‘nll HEQHELEEU WNTA Hit? 424 Lieu. TOROie'ru a lh \' ON' WOODD‘Q N9 Gm} Tm} Rich 0.? ‘é‘asis Pour To my new Block on the Corner of King and Tupper Sis. Where I Will be pieased to meet all ' my old Customers and as many new ones: as may favor me with a call Removed ! HUSH Vill gaaATESON, H-{aMILTou um: Miss Rudkins '11 \ :‘ml ‘ 'IJHI'J‘ :i p m_, Qun! f SS MELLVILLE "gs-st, Th 82 1?; Fence I M3 MONTREAL LINE M ha I‘ “3’ u r. l'muphh-h rm The “Ru-d ( T‘IEC’APIIODINI‘Z. .-I Enzï¬ish llnmody. an HE; I LLE Peierborough, NAT NHEF’T‘ NI 11ng Guarnnvcrd r. Un'l HYFHJ N1 Prtorbomuzh ifmixm‘omï¬pem nninpr ()ï¬ipe mrcm‘yaud at: "to or mea, ny‘ carol-live ugc .ielm or Shim!» sum; land to In. 1 n. rnrlg mpg, 21 fhousnudl of y-w-ï¬,’ ï¬fu‘dl'm'tlt Aianymld mnuny flf‘l'mflfll (H LV rvmx-n One will NH 1: II rmnl kit ads Ill a†-- {3 MC] NEV STO â€"-.\[(‘$Si§. ‘Rubt‘. .‘l‘ A. Turner and Gm. 11‘ ed {tom the bauvry Hope on Tuesd-iy. -â€"-Some gran burg: properties ca’! and $8 Gm.Soo1'n£ux. â€"Mrs. John AHen spent a. few days the en week in Tomato und« â€"I pward 0le ('u 50 lures at to 300: prices and upon terms t Gm Soc-rm: tux. Mil 1 -â€"â€"-To lnud this we H of No.1 pressed ha}, 30“ 002.1 for us» in n} \\'. Office and \ ards a: A - Mrs. Moore left “1 ing for her homv in B! after spending Lin} $1 with her dauglltel,\h1 who has accompaniml visit. 1 â€"Miss May (D'Brianl visiting her aunt, M n1 f-br her home in Bufl‘alni morning. 1‘ “Now that the tow: no lamps to look after g1) be 11me attentive) bell Oil-time and keepit: m unpair. â€"Mrs. John Pendry accompanied by her i is visiting at MI home here. -â€"Miss Sheppard of 1 pitd, will) 118:an vi: friend Mm. (Dri , H. for home Monday morn - Mr. Harry Julius; nesday for a ï¬ï¬hing l .\ Fork»; of the Cadiz. p from Toronw. â€"â€"-Mr. Wes; Armse. out. 3 new hm Shop es lately occupied by I -â€"â€"The Rev. Mr. Mc erlx'u'o‘, was marriad Miss Cuson, a. Londm â€"Mrs. Allen and d: York, who have been rectory fur the manner home on Thursday lad â€" Chas. Richardgedl Mr, Omemo, was over m Thursday km and mad Ofï¬a! a call. -~Dr. Fred Mulligan from Europe yestenlag â€"Mr. A. A. Smit Hope and (labour: on -â€"We noticed the R: of Omemee, in town on -â€"Miss Lillie Pendq positian as head millim lishment of a. ï¬rm at 1} loan at 5 percent. C Millbrook. -â€"- The Misses Ainle' Toronto for a. w.eek PE'I‘ERBORI BUSIIN' the millbroo â€"“ Our Grand moan -$100,000.00 of Readers, I Grammers phies, Ari‘ Etc, Etc. SCRIBBLI] in great va Cheaper than Call and Ex TURNER TH URSDAY. SEPTE Everythil ed 591' t. Sehuo For further paramiara PRINGLE Busineue Collqe. Pei TO‘VN T.‘ â€"AT T! m‘