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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 26 Sep 1895, p. 3

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BI‘S lock Mar. IRE 11 be bird :2 no; It thin. 2’2“ all all prices? and ipon te â€"â€"‘)Ir. Harry M. Wood has been appointed acting clerk of the Division Court in place of Mr. John Hunter, resigned. â€"Mr. Geo. Lock has been confined to his bed for the past couple of weeks. He is sufl'erering from an abscess in the back. â€"-Gny’s wan-hr: will be open for all seeds next week. he paid. »â€"â€".\Ir. “1 J. E. Gillan. has repaint- ?d his rexidence on Tapper stroet. and has now a very cosy and pretty dwell- inst. -â€"rnrnmrs can have their ,1 winter hunts made at the 011)} onlering now from \V. Andml â€"â€"Capt. \Vins market next, wee-1 highest. prices for â€"â€"\Vlwn shag-x' dnn’t tlw lzu (gr-sf. 01116-111?» .m â€"â€".\Ies~m~z. A. A. Smith and S “7. Clarke we're in Bethanv on Mundav nu their regular bux-ists [1 2m. -‘Smne great. properties can :m G 1-20. Sommemw. ll] CUI‘I‘PI’ ~~Messrs. Eakins and Rivhardson dripped a. carhw] of hugx tn Petal-huh mgh on Tuesday. 21w Imslm isitin â€".\lr. and Mr ing in Pcto-rlM-rn’ ~~ Alsu rrnmmlwr the in the- tmvn hall at. night xxxmswmmmmxxxv -â€"MiIHu'o')k exhibition nntin Hum 3:580... fie.§.§.. I.I’Isg’lal’z’zl(int-(It’lniill ick list an] “'B are now instailed in nur handsome pew premises where ye have every facility (or work. am! comfort mx- our slum-ms. More studenxicnterml the tint two wpeks in Septemberof {Ins year. than cverbcrorc during ”u,- whole month. Ourulmluatg-s ncycr vlissapqint themselves or us. We believe m and inil~L upon THOR unmx aw hence tho: illt‘('c~:« 0! our Urnâ€"1mm. Our Illustrated C2rculur}cik ol‘ 1hr “new.“ 1.! some of phem :svnd for n and sperimcn» of 1' ~nman~hnp. L‘. \‘W‘WN‘X‘NNW‘W \ PETER BORO’ BUSINESS GDLLEEE. TURNER 3.3153 36. Ln :1: it “brook SCRIBBLING BOOKS in great variety and Cheaper than Ever. Call and Examine, -Charl Readers, Histories, Grammers,Geograâ€" phies, Arithmetics, Etc, Etc. N THURSDAY SEP'I'EMIHCH :3“. 1895. M rs all. McCartnoy is ctric “2le this \n-vk â€"I)un't. nnghwt to spend Lin »â€"l:wvé~ Frrgus-m has hmv list for the past fo-w «lzu': [he Klimt-s MUN :1.“qu 1’ xix-Ring at. [{c-mn ['vrglm Everything Requir- ed for the School Trade in Stock. Th» council on \Ved truck th? rate-1|: Iii M r Business College. l‘L' Selma! 011 Thumbs}: and Fridzw next 1 00,000. M) E190 t I'i 1M busine T03" X TALK PRINGLE CV MCCREA. ‘ll In" you no: “Edmund tunk lrt hov want I‘ll! sortm NICE NEW STOCK. h rifiin an irumn, Clarke-7‘ prfipnred to pay t1 :in kindmxf grain. have their fall ur. - it: the (){Q'px'ices 1 «V will use at the station kinds of "mi“ and a .. , Highest prlces wxll 5 left. i p'aturd nt i I Rubbers m nrgnms in Books. 1'. my \ir thi: ders om Pt! ”8!; 16 mi” 1x iwvn cm the (in. gem rborough. On ilh tlu )mpany l M!- he on “19' I to pay the Hf grain. 11' fall und (h Htiug in th by)” »\V n. H’s . barn th‘ R EPOR'I‘E! \V 111mb: to I'L N (Int l. I" light I‘ the )ll Ul tin: LV procured n. package. It gave 1 medinrc relief. One package have not been so well far a. nu: I cheerfully recommend it, am in saying that. dyspeptics who medicine have no excuse for 51' W (t‘ di will apply 1 ing tlwir ad new advert up to Wed: X11 lcti A. Mc‘WiHism clvrqv will (16*! vino l’ré‘ on Thur: the Agni after wh ‘e are offering bargains mm s-aA Dinner Sets, Te Toilet Sets, Si! Classware and Fa m, in tl go from the \‘i on \Vo-dm‘sdny drive and our I do their part rt‘advrs aim \\'( the‘m with thvix .iamr-s: Lower attended by buyers. Pri tioneer Nee-d} â€"~The :1 xcti eficcts and 0t] worth social undm‘ t1 of C. E. in the marrow evenin children 10 as Uobuurg on Friday withstmu‘ling (1w n-A not. return fur 3‘) (LI :2. heavy (bucket and court. soft; ("41.11 f( )l’ W i put. up wit and thoir r â€"â€"â€"( kmhm‘ and mkmx u; ammo walk. 1 bow m-m- low, H T) â€"Mmsr§ Archm', R. H. Natty-1m in}; in their there x-mun town, Aurtionmw Saturday. 110 :1 ing we“ at every season." (micw “"0 hope TH RE F3 WEEKS 991113.11 Don't 1h rm Um- (Sr J. Tu hand thi ). l prfNSt‘d <un)psun, :08 liennn writes: “ I haul bee ‘ia. for the last {011'} did not dare to ca": ain. Hearing of K Lckage. It gave me (guin‘ a ' Fair )Vt Inn ‘crtiscme :‘cments : "sdav no Mr. Jag. H‘ Aurl ionm the Woman Speak. ,mpsmx. 208 Belim mt if) \VE‘I'V 0n Ive-rt ‘0 vi“ llLl forgot x‘ the au us “2 (“L111- ()I mun: v: num! 'vstm' Thur! m did t1 1‘}. Stan have pl: inn \Vnkh next t-h: n Its chnum Illll Tea Sets, Sibel-ware, ‘(l m m ‘21ch 500113 trhm‘ 1111 urn-ts farm axle 119 In can ‘n‘dinor ()ux Ma hav I ES n ti .111 triu Ii ’l‘ne RP“ this IS I10 brantt'or Lntford Windmill W Galvamzed. ~' \‘I‘I‘ll.’ Till? STATION ll ;cnts the bust \Vind- you want to see one Lllix, Richard Fullis, un “max, 13 (1011., mos L. Fair, Center- 10 market was u m-imngml. Hutu u for the 13(st lo mind selling: at ‘r was Man] as tt umplios. Trade Um hel‘mr grad “ml «10:11 of (m guru} loads wom ' stuff was :2 slow "1' said at, 21v: an!I "o in demand at» i SH pvr cm. La m-pumul. “all“ lummrl at from $ iv» milkors will: “'3!!!ch hero. 11' our cit 0 \V ( wihs, Hcr'mnn :ujvi m1 and find arm- in: “Things EXPQSED the (xciting“cull to rcll‘ yet When on Wed- : the alarming sound 1 time activity but] in- m) every hand. The s the. station and when cm was reached iL was 1e trouble was loathed. owned by the late JnS. :cuplml by Mr. John My 1me become a. prey m-nt. Neither of [he hmm lur sumo few 1:13: m; in onler when muluhlc huw the fire :IL hull past eight in the xmmbm‘uf street il, 50va suungc that ‘ llf-L'n ”Lulu: hcforc the mum as possible the l pump Were on the .hl lu: done to check J the llumcs. Those date that the greatest from tho cellar ncru' have been made u'l‘ of prime fut Texas cattle JIJRKE’!‘ '_\' Stitc that 1 vhninv‘ 51.0010 rcvipis, 50 cars : ivr Jutland, and luu‘ur I'm fair to NY NEW \NI) LIFT th mid. “his. ‘nzluw all {k Mind yr. Bishop, contents except ‘xc whale house ”my could get dovulcd their ‘sprcml of the xghmmcs. The understand for sme sum, but 11‘. Beauty lost books and both ‘ itch of clothing, evening. “'e r rcmlly gnod mngh space on ippvt'fi sold at- u wore ctTectcd paid for some ut was to a." Hutchers‘ o nest loads: Hing at. .‘fi‘c: mm] as to the . '1’: wk: was {or grade of‘ 11 nf trading suds wont at ns :1 slow sale and 2c. nzmd a! from cm. Lambs :1. Halves of u! from 8'4 m wrs will so“. I here. 0110 v manly and tl v7 firmnc n hr ux‘ fellow us have not in}; “ call to umfly .mple, am but “()0 L‘Uth m lay. last XI] III l . W010 Mr. E. Kecgun of Clnremonb, is visiting at. his brother Howard‘s. Miss A. Reagan is visiting friends at Janetville and Oukwood the past two weeks. Mr. Thomas Weir is making quite an improvement to his dwelling house. Messrs. Gardiner and J. Graham are the carpenters. Weir S; Twamlcy have sold their Roller mill to Mr. Hallitlay, but owing to some misunderstanding the new miller has not startcdns yet. Success to you Mr. Halli- «luv. Keegan Bros. have finished their contract of grading and gluveling Dawson 8 hill. M r. I. HolTeran oanaméé; Eggluck- smitl‘fing at Timmy _ Son’st â€"Mc§srs. Richardson and Eakins, cattle buyers of Millbrook shipped about. 400 head of cattle from this station the past “eck going to Lhe lforthwesbpgr C._ P. R. ' Who was the young lids; 't'htit Euled at the bachelors residence the other evening. unfortunately the master was away. ” Call aggén. ” Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hambcrg, 0nt., Independent, says : “ I was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver 'roublo, I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s talizer and it, cured me. I can heartily mend it. ” Sold bv A. LEACH. “Mr U. B. Lowe is buying all kinds of grrin this seeson for Mr. C. Geode, late McKay Co., for which he is paying the highest, price. i V - r V V- Mrs. J. hmmerson and family of Petcrbor- uni-4h, are visiting friends in this burgh. x," n .‘r r m. . . hul'ch after which there was a varied!) pro- gmnnuc iu the church consisting of speeches by I-ch. J. Kilzour, Archdeacon Allen, Rev. W. C. Allen, Mr. Dymond and others, also singing by the choir. St. Thomas’ church choir of Millhrook gave some very nice selec- tions. ()1: Sunday the 22nd the sermon was preached at; half past ten by Rev. W. C. Aden. The church presented a. fine picture, hcing adorned with the fruits of the orchard and iield. The committee of St. John‘s church deserve great praise for the manner in which the church was decorated. also the hulies did their part at. the ten. Proceeds were in aid of the Sunday school. 7“ - near *! ht‘r \ hmu-st Immc fostiml was held' in St. Johns chm ch on Friday evenin", the 20th 11:51. ’l‘ezv. was served by the laiiies of the (on'rre'rmon in thevvrounds adjoining the x.. h“... I.‘ood ('(Nlli i ng. An ominent hxpert in the art. of cooking my: that “(-nokm‘y is the art of putting «wary mmx'ul In the host use : it is the excr- visc (pf skill, thought and ingenuity, tonmke every particle of food yield the utmost :murishumnt and pleasure. of which it in mpuhic.“ 'l‘hcru are many who enjoy very little 0f even the best cooked food. Those muhl increase their enjoyment of the good things of life by the continued and judicious (‘ l‘, I‘ UQC Un \\'cdnesdny, Sept. 18, Mr, \in1. Lung: of South Monuglmn was married Ln Miss Sarah Clam, (laughter of Mr. .103. Mark, South Monuglmn, at the residence of the lu‘inic‘s father, by their pastcr, ,iim'. \\'. (3. Allen of Millbrook, Mr. Julm Eyes of Almym, N. ‘i'., who has nut been in Lhis part for fourteen years, is visiting; relatives West of the village. Mr. H. Hutchison's infant daughter, six months 0111, died Sunday, Sept. 1.3. Mr. Lismr Lang of \\'inninpog was \‘isiL‘ ing friends in thls part last, week. nu cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50, In); ervssinq the Dr. \ 'iHL‘Lr-JS’ )[edi- cim‘ Company. Brockvillc. Ont. 01‘ Scholmcmdy, N. Y. {oware of imi- tntinns and substmutcs alleged to be “jns' - < good." .l as. Faith leads many to believe, 3et 11' been one has experienced anything and l“°~l has reason to rejoice, it is far stronger the . . few proof than fa1th 11'1thout reasonable proof. About fourmiles from Caledon- ia, along a pleasant road, passmg by numerous farms, lives Rev. T. J. But- ler, the parish priest of this district. Reports having come to the cars of our reporter about a wonderful cure eil'ect- ed by Dr. \V1lliams’ Pink Pills, he call-- ed on Mr. Rutler to seek information on the subject. Mr. Butler spoke in very high terms of the Pink Pills, and said they had saved him untold suii‘er- ing, and perhaps saved his life. The reverend gentleman felt a little lesi- tancy at giving a public testimonial at first, but after our reporter remarked that if one 11 as reallyg «rateful for a 1'1“- 111arkable cure, he thought it was his duty to give it publicity for humanity’s sake, he cheerfully consented. His story in his own words is as follmvs :â€" “ I was led to take Pink Pills through reading the testimonials in the papers I was troubled with an abscess in my side and had tried many diflercnt medi- cines without avail. I took medical advice on the subject, and was told ll would have to undergo an operation to cure it which would cost me $100. At last I determined to try Pink Pills, but Without a great feeling of faith of their curing me. 0116: box helped me and i 111311111111 to take a three months" course and give them a fair trial. T did so, and today lam completely cur ed of the abscess in my side through using Pink Pills, and I always recom- mend friends of mine to use Pink Pills for diseases of the blood. As Father llutlvr is .vell known throughout 1his county his statement is a clincher to the many wonderful testimonials that have appeared in the (lold lluntvr from tinn~ to time. On enquiring at the stores of J. E. Cushing and N. Douglas, it was found that Pink Pills have a salo second to none. Mr. Cush- ' ing on being asked if he knew of any cures 1-ll'1'1ttcd by them replied that 1111 had h1 11rd a great 11111113 personall3 say 1' ink l ills had helped them Wonderful- ly. If given a fairand thorough trial Pink l’ills are a certain cure for all diseases of the blood and nerves, such lolm 'hen lire in root hat the H11: the eok meâ€"a' as rhoumatimn, neuralgia, partial pau- l l1x1~ locomotor,11ta\ia, St. \ itus Id 111111, nervous headache, nervous pros I 11' 11 11111, and the tired feeling therf1 11111, the after effects of la grippe,d1s1wses d1 pending on humors 111 the bl001,l such _:1s N1‘lllflll1'l. chronic mysipelas, etc. l’inl: l’ills give a healthy glow to pale and sallov: 1-11111plexions and are a spa ciliv for the troubles peculiar to the f1: “.1 male sysiem, and in the case of 1111311 l”-‘â€"' __ _ ' 5121 they oltocta radxeal cure 1n all cases 111-1‘1 arising from 111ental Worrv, overwork, a?” ' 01 m excesses of any 111111119. Said 11y all - dealers 01' sent bv mail pnstpaid 1111‘}. 11) mots a box or six boves for >3". ’ :30 .1 .n. .A uvlllllel . of .Is-oljzu s Liver Lozenges Sun‘rn‘d From an Abncefis In the Side Which llr. “'Illlalns' I’Ink l‘ills l'urt-d Al’lrr other Medicines Pulled. Caledonia. N. 8.. Gold Hunter. RBV. FATHER BUTLBR'S VERY IN- TERBSTIN G EXPERIENCE- SAVED MUCH surrmmc. ('J 1’. l N VI'LIJ'L (.‘lz‘N'l'It‘ l-J I'IL L H. T0 Fai‘inczs and Slum“ Drmdors w would SUI]})IVSIL),L:1HL Llw RE PUB TER ()FI'ICIu is the place to 1'0. SALE BILLS, HORSE CARDS, CATTLE 0H H06. CARDS, ETC. To Churches, Socielvins and other or ganizations, who am thinking of enter terminmcnbs we give special attention Then we also mivcrtisu it, in the RE P1 )RTI‘IR. of all kinds in stock. (live us a .1 ( Subscribe for the REPORT ER â€"BILL HEADS, --NOTE HEADS, â€"-LETTER HEADSV , ~STATBME1V' TS â€"NOTES, â€"REOEI£’TS. Anything in tho. “no of Cmnmm-oiztl 1"rint;in;: such as Regmm? Ag»? £9“ @fi’ise \u at both ()M brook mills. THE The Hawks [\u rs-e rV Rochester, N. Y. Running A ‘ WEDDING SUPPLIES Agemfig Full \ani rv Spring \“mu Barley ....... Peas ...... Oats. . Buckwheat Rye ...... 13mm (ms Bn‘ felt, “'00 That tin-(1 fm-lin'; nervous pmsl ration Hood's \::u‘ Llpul'iHU blood. Calulsag’s : “ the first “11‘4“1 wuuhl do me ‘ Sold hv A. 1.1-: FAIRV In Sonlh 20.1hvuil‘c-t “(,chuns frnm the dark ('mxtim-nt," “ War Ballooning," “A Hero," “'I'hu I‘Imhltinn of Cricket," “In tho Hunky}: Daily," and “ The Swing-Lido nf lm'u " :m- among sum” of the good things Subscribe fur the S/raml. It is the bust. “ 'l'lm Strum] Magazine," “ The Strand Musiml Mug".- zinc,” or “The Picture Mnmminv" will In: forwarded direct {mm the ()liim-s of (hem-gt- Newmvs, Ltd.y to any 12ml, of the wm-M, push fruo, for one yvul', nu I'Ccvillt (If HS. Cases for binding any volume of “Tho Smmd Magazine " may lm uhtuinwl In m'xIcr from :my Bookseller fur 15., ur [um-L fu-u for 1.21. 53d. din-ct- from ”In ullivc. l The September number of the above in- teresting monthly is just, in huml, published by George Newues, [41]., lmndon. ling” 'and to sm‘ that it, surpasses any former number does not. in any way discredit these previous issuwz. The Illustratiuns are ex: cellenb and then-ending matter interesting and whole-seine. “ The Cripple 1n. the Mill," by Max l’emberten, is 2!. most thrilling narrative. “Sun-lea from the diary Of a Doctor” is us in the past, gum}, while, “The Exploits of Jh‘igmler (ii-11ml," by Cumin Doyle, need»; no lll'dlm' {mm nx tu those who are umlnuintetl “llll the writer. “(,llezuns from the (lurk ('untim-nt," “ War Ballooning," “A Hero," “'l'he Evolution of Cricket," “1n the lh-nluy‘s l)ui1y,"un(l “ The Swing-tide (If love " are among s'nuul of the gnml llningsl Subscribe fur tlml SHILOH’S CURE is sold nn a. guarantee. It cum-'1 [ndpicnb (bnsumplduu. IL is the best Cough L‘uu 2. Only unc 1.0111. a. dose : ‘25 eta, 50cm. and $100 per hunk}. Sold by F633 YGUR FALL PRiEéTEfiG J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, â€" Centreville. 93min 3%de . U4 Rmn<,:ml)er our Grncm‘ics are always fresh :md cluzm. ‘ Is prcpnred to show _\'0u thr: finust Stock of 1‘ /\I L and \VIN 1 ER GOODS ever introduce-(1 in Cc: mer- \ illc. Thu (mods an all of the lllt'st st\1( and put- tern.l’1ic<.5':lr( rioht and you cannot do butter else- where. ‘1) Jas. T. G. Lang [mm m Gee. Needfieafi The Centreville Merchant, "librvmln 1 NIX-GENT, TI] 1'} STILAN l) \l V\(.'.\7.| LITE/{.1 I‘ 3' NOT]? THE F]: IIIIJ Shi! inc any man, Aim whil a your, on receipt ; any \'01mm- of “my lm ”Muinwl to 1‘ fur 15.,01- posL {u )ovl 1‘ THE \vh m and Ill hi '1: UH A" Hm Hu-gu L'Hhhmnml) is [-\«-r fmmd lluLl. I’lim- 50 cents. WMRQBES. U“ “U 4n J” 9 mull.“ n :m' '{t 3 U) .1 call. Mi“ to by urv md If) ‘W That very desirable property known as the Webster Property. situated on the West, side of Main street. “little south of G. '1‘. R. sm- lion. Millbrook. One and one half acres of choice land. Brick Dwelling and first-class fmxzmsmhlc illld outbuildings. A number of choice fruit, Lrocs. Suitable for u retiring tar- mcr. Apply Lo 3‘2 4 (IEO. SOOTHERAN. Millbrook. 311‘ Our PATENT STEEL HARROWS have had a big run but we have still a num- ber in stock. Give us a call. CAVANVILLE BARRIAGE wonxs Hus on hand for the Fall and \Vintcr trade a firstâ€"class line "e have in stock and are still manufachln in; a. large number of N cw Bu Qies, Wag- guns and Road Carts. \Ve lave also in sLock a. number of Second-hand Buggies and Democrats. All rcfumishcd and overhauled. The best 31 pcrduy honscin Ontario. County Council- lors, .l m‘ynwu and others visiting Coboun: will find tho Bulmoml the best, house to stop at. (I~‘()R.\H-ZI:L\' THE ltou'rox HOUSE) COBOURG, . - - ONT! m. TINNEY IIIHIAIH) EVANS, Yclvcrton. ~ . V .ms. 131:1'1‘1'05'. Port Perry. } hmcut‘m" A11 uccuunw owing the late Geo. Reynolds mlH‘. bu willvd at. once 01' cosLs will be added. Ril‘h-‘H'd Evans. Yelverlon. and Jos. Britmn. Port Perry. executors. are authorized to give hwuipls. 2‘.) r ‘ .~v . 1 ‘1 ~A4\I. "v. V‘Ldll - ll", lL-D.Uu l ls“. ice is hereby given to crediLors. and “thus having claim or demands against. the t,'~‘l:\l(‘ of the late Geo. A. Reynold. late 0 the 'l‘uwmhip of Matn'crs. in the County of: Imrl‘um. Blacksmith. who died on or about. the l la‘th Mn ‘\.l).. 189.3. to send by st prepaid} and 51l](lll,h."cd to Richard Evans. 'clvcrwn. or t Joev lh-irton. Port Perry, executors of the hut. I will and testament of the said deceased. astatc- 1111‘”! it: writing 0! the pmgisulsukof ”10in t~lnim< or demands on or before the lfitl'i‘diiy'm Suptcmber. AJL. 18:15. And further take notice that, immediately uftcrsnid lust mentioned dill-C the said executors shall procucd to distribute lltO u<-uzt 01‘ the estate mnoncst the panic: en- t it led thu; mo. huvim: regard only to Lhc claims. of whit-h thuy shall then have notice. and the m“ «'HlOI‘h shall no: thereafter be liable to any 1: «m wlmst: claims shall not then have been l'l\'('tl by them. tinting and General Repairing a Specialty W. STRAIN, I)l'T’>l \N'l‘ T0 SEC 36. CHAR 110 R.S.0 notime is horn)“ givpn tn "mum!"- XECUTORS’ NUTIDE t0 CHEDITUBS GABLESS’ Photo Studio, ATTENTION I l 17w A nu 7 ican Cowlitution, theAme'ri- um Ier the American S )mt These fir «I, 1mg: and all the tune, forever. Daily , lny mail, - - - $6 8 year Daily and Sunday bymail - 8 a. year Is the (J Manly, luy mail, - - - 36 a year Daily and Sunday bymail - 8 a year The Weekly, - - . - 1 a. year EYES FRONT, FORWARD, MARCH 2 THE FIRST 01’“ AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. Price 5c. a. Copy. By Mail $2 a Year- Adulrcnn 'l‘lll: film. New York. Ami get a dozen nf his superb Cabinet l'lmtns, which for Finish, Likeness and Durability. cannot be excelled. We dc- fy cl'nnpetitiou. Our work is all guar- unwed. Satisfaction our highest- aim. We make views of Residences, live Hlnuk, c1c., ver ' reasonable. Call and inspect our work. No trouble to show nnr gumls. \Ve pay special attention to flu: Photography of babies. Don't for- gvl 11m placeâ€"opposite the Dominfon llurcl. Cull and see our window when XII U)\\'fl Fosiis, it goes on its way a. streamvof - iealth, relieving the heart and imparting strength to every tissue of the body. When your heart is in trouble Chases Pills quickly remove the causing condi- tion, no matter whether it exists on ac- count of disorder of the kidneys, liver, stomach, or of nervous aflection. Sold by all dealers. Price 25c. Edmanson, limes Co.. Toronto. THE BALMORAL HOTEL, FOR SALE on T0 RENT. . J. Earless, THE SUB? THE HARNESSMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER The Sunday Sun 1’. .l. LIGHTBURNE, Proprietor. 'ircutest Sunday Newspaper in the world. MILLBROOK, sons, CHAS. A. DANA.â€"EDIT03. [KN-I) .31 HEA BT-BEATS. -10- ONTARIO. Fresh and Salt Meat always on hand, als: Fresh Fish in season. If you want a choic: cut give me a call and I guarantee satisf Lion. Everything Fresh and Clean. pets promptlv delivered to any part. of to J. ROBINSON Millbrook Meat Marl? Do you want a. Violip organ or Jewsimrp Y Go I Good square Lunch at any Our Sodas and F um)" ways fresh, up to slate‘ is right J eljy iq :77“). Pails, very‘ Héalthy Fresh Confect lonary riving exory week. ‘ “’0 have in stock 13:“ Lemons, Apples, Dates :u Have you soon our nj Don’t stay outside, and have a drink Cool, .RefrCShgng, Gaze right into YOUNG’S tionary Window and see‘ Look I BEHOLD Selling Hats alonggijdé ‘0E_61'0Vt<1;ivr; and makes pricas less. That’s the I on? ALWAYS GOOD AT GOU! Men’s F urnishers. The ‘Vonderfu‘ ,_ V..- “‘4'“an .v. “um, wusub Lrum ica. Our Hats are ALL NEW. La‘ Qualities are grandiiy generous ~sca1] cause we have the biggest Hat Store You were never made' for the Hat x1 If you like to be abreast with the Linn pf our _Leacjers for 1895, bought; from I HARRY NATTRASS, PROPRI ETOR. D011 {1 hunt for anything wrong 1n them. T11 p11'cc has nothing to do with the quality The mu. wand a Hat from GOI (rH’S as 53 12111 101111111111 1 1 a 111L115 peculiar. V1 edox1’ t ham to li\'1 of? Hats 11 anÂ¥ 11.111 Jmomwtiuns of big profibs. The diitcre1 11 1: nu y direct 110111 the makers Thatvsxhv We '11 Opposite John Gillott Son’s Warerooma. lelbroog Give that old “ Back N Soda Fount Our efforts this season have sscured best value we have ever shown in every « one invited to call and see goods whether not. Remember y0u don’t have to pay debts when you deal with us. Hall, Gilchrist price .......................... $3. .70 ‘25 Ladies’ Jackets, worth $5.00, our price .............. \400 Our J ackets and Capes are the latest style. New Millineryâ€"Ham, Tams, Trimmings, Jackets and Hillinery. 10 Ladies’ Golf Capes, worth $6.00. price ........................ 30 Lafiies’ Jackets, worth $4.50, [ 1,000 yards Pongee Silk, sold everywhere ‘ at 25c, our price -_ 7 1,500 yards Pongee Silk, sold everywhere at35c.,ourprice........ ........2 200 yards Japanese Silk, for evening dresses, worth 50c., our price. . . ...35c 700 yards Dress Goods, in all colors, worth 25c., our price .............. 20c 1,800 yards Princess May Coating, new goods, worth 40c., our price ........ ‘ .31 1c Our new Pattern Dresses are selling rapid] DC .v- uuwunsmnumg the fact that. every smaller store claims to be uhlo to buy and 391! cheap. still the people know well that a house with :7. Syndicate a! iis buck, \vlmsebuyjug capacity is $2,000,000 per year, and who buys all its gonds diru-l from Ilw nmkvrâ€"nnu middle profitâ€"is in a position to undorsell all competitors. Wit l. our principle of SPOT CASH AND ONE PRICE-coupled with SMALL PROFITS AND QUYCK RETURKS We are gradually increasing our trade. N0 HOUSE (JAN snm‘w vnr u “'1?! I Ihe Best Hat Tra WHERE DED YOU GET ‘E’HAT Notwithstanding the fact that Dress Goods Department 130, 13? AND 134 SlMUOE-ST.. PETEBBBRDUGH‘ all, Gilchrist 8: 00 ’8 GREAT CASH STORE. CROWDS OF - ECONOMIGAL BUYERS THIS WEEK’S LIST OF BARGAINS 1 “ Back Number ” a Resxing Place and buy our: of the “ Latest Spring Styles " from but com which Invigo with the q'uality. The man wit HAT ? ARE ALWAYS FOUND AT wrong in them. There‘s nstyhin: also our our N0 HOUSE CAN SERVE YOU AS “'ELL price... ........................ 25c 1,000 yards Ribbon .............. . . . . 5c New Kid Gloves in all xhc latest, styles. 1000 suits Ladies" Underwear, special price 50c. “"e are headquaclcrs fur Health Brand nderwoar | all in stock. J‘larly orders will be [muted now, 15 Ladies’ Skirts, heav v \\ inter weight, ourprice ........... 25d07:en Cashmere Hose, \xoxlh 351.2, our 1,000 yards Fluuuclctzo, sold everywhere at, Sc. our price .......... 100 pair Flannclcuc Blunkcis, worth $1 ourprice........ .............\‘ Special Bargains in Table Linens. Grey Flanncls at 1:3.'_,u., Hu. and Be. Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. e (lutcrenc 11y we got Dress and Mantle Nady now busy. sscurcd for our customers the Ljvq‘y dcpzu‘tnnrm cvcry ucpzu‘tmrrm. lzvcry- «'hether they want to buy or to pay other people's bad Cotton and Staple Goods. ewhcx‘ "V can command Making Departmmls t he re well ex-

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