eat black- Unexpected vacancy in 0, Cartwright Splendid op- earâ€"round in- Retails write it. G-283-901, >t. ,:Montreal 11: FDurham cat- ars old. One 1‘, both red. :11 of Lot 22, 'avam. Finder Hubert D. 29, 1957 or used con- ;ery, contact Equipment "onse Street, RI 5-2406? VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY 37 GEORGE W. e-“ mmnpwn Mrs. Marjorie Jolly of To- ronto, and Miss Sue Sayles of Kirkland Lake, were week end visitors with: Mrs. Wm. West. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Thomas and two daughters, Mary Winn and Jane, of Port Colborne, spent a week with her mother, Mrs. E. C. Richards. Mrs. Wm. West received word Sunday evening of the death of .her cousin, M-r. Rich- ard Cain. Symington Avenue, Toronto. The funeral was held in Toronto on Tuesday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Thex-Li ton accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ClaytOn Th'ext-on and Mr. I Austin Dunbar, motored to. Haliburton and Bancroft on Sunday. I happy occasion. One large member of the Mr. E. S. .Clarrv Mr. and colony comes down and chews Mrs. J. H. C. Clarry, andlthe anchor 90“ 0f the 511108 Mrs. Gordon Naismith Kennedyfva-v causing StiCkS “3 get i9“) of Toronto, were guests of the'th'e water wheel making It 1111- Misses Clar and Mrs. Max-l possible to shut off the water. well Gamers: during the holiJThls happened last week and day week-end. [the pond had to be dramed to V I d h' grepair.the trouhle. Mr. She-p- aihtFM§;§£§°iï¬in-do§ â€â€œ1 .1; “ï¬lming ‘0 geghfesl- . .' . ' ’lup Wlt t e nuisance as IS IS accompanied by 1113 3‘3th from; not the first time the industri- Detrmtz .Mrs..F101:ence Perryvfous little animals have caused were Visitors 1n Millbrook last the mill OWners trouble, and be Friday. Mr. McIndooand his no doubt is wondering if he‘ daughter now make their home could get the beaver a job with “1 Bowmanvxlle. , the Hydro men who attacked Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martinztrees aroud the village lately of Toronto, accompanied byito the dismay of many of our their son Don, of British Col-mitizens. umbia, also their son-in-law! Mr. Reghar of Toronto, were A GOOD QUESTION “ .Th .Al' . ghiltoigltgirggand if; 011i? ' A WWW-01d ‘30-“ was 1“â€ng fond Allin for a couple of days his first ride across the Whirl- last week. .1200? at hlagerwn the cage! Mr. Frank McIndoo and his daughter Miss Ruby McIn'd-oo, accompanied by his sister from Detroit, Mrs. Florence Perry, were visitors in Millbrook last Friday. Mr. McIndoo and his daughter now make their home in Bowmanville. Mr. E. S. Clarry, Mr. and[ Mrs. J. H. C Clarry, andl Mrs. Gordon Naismjth Kennedy of Toronto, were guests of the Misses Clarry and Mrs. Max- well Cameron during the holi- day week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke, R.R. 1 Gavan, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, August 3lst. A num- ber of relatives from Toronto, Pdfdrbqrough and†Millbrook, were dinner guests for the happy occasion. Renew your subscription. YOUR SAVINGS EARN J . H. Baaï¬nger, Publisher. . Year- No. 36. AMOUNTS OF $109.00 AND UP MAY BE LEFT ON \ DEPOSIT. QUE OR MAY BE LEFT TO ACOUMULATE AT GOM- POUND INTEREST. INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY BY CHE- WHEN YOU DEPOSIT THEM IN A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE FOR 5 YEARS. IHE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 . r - PERSONAL: 33%: 35313333 The Fall Hats and Dresses Now in Stock! SEE i BACK TO sermon ‘ It seems only hours ago that {We heard the school children lgoing home for summer holi- days singing “No more lessons, no more books, etc. †Yet the same yOungsters were wending their way back to school minus the little “dittyâ€. How sad. A GOOD QUESTION ' A 10-year-old boy was having his first ride across the Whirlâ€" pool at Niagara, in the cage that crosses that famous spot. During the trip the conductor ‘asked if anyone had any ques- tions he would answer them. iThe young lad spoke up and :asked him: “Does this job ever get monotonous?†Of course [the conductor was honest and ,said: “Yesâ€. --â€"â€",.-~â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘. Bev Reid of Reid’s Garage, BUTTER GRANITE CO. travelling to and fro on a Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 mnfnrcyclr‘. Rev is; (m0 of thnse .biwk fhat’ll t-rv anything. We Menuments’ Markers, comer owere glad he took the noise POStS and Inscriptions. Jalnng with if and didn’t leave A colf‘ny cf beavers a sh'ort distance up the »creek, in fact practically Within the village limits, have caused the A'ttwo- 011 Sheppard mill consider- able trouble . ONTARIO MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957. 5th? in one place. an hour. Who the genius was ithat put the motor to this; use we wouldn’ t know, but its dol- ilars to donuts “Pa†had a say lin it. I A bottle of beer smeared all {over the sidewalk. Either someone’s eyes were bigger than their belly or someone was trying to leam to drink the~ stufil .but couldn’t take it. A young lad with some kind of contraption rigged up to a small play waggon going algng at a speed of? around 10 mlles Keith Blair, eomumteing be- tween his home and the Re- formatory dressed in his guard suit, on a motorcycle. Keith believes in being- prepared to get in here and there should he need to make a. hasty get-away, either from home or the Re. formatory- A woman sleeping in a car Saturday morning. Peter Crowley with long rub. her boots and rubber coat on with a broom in his hand clear- ing a way for the water to run off during the rain on Monday. Does Peter think‘ Labour Day means to work that day, or is there a strike on that we have ’- nrt heard of yet by the munici- pal ermpleyees? We don’t think Peter would be a strike breaker and don’t think he’s foolish enough to think ‘Labour Day’ means do extra work, but do think he got a kick out of play~‘ ing in the water, and used this as an excuse to get away with it. ‘ Gail Lawson carrying a pair of shoes up the street. May have been on a walking derby and had the extra shoes to put on when the ones she was wear- ing had their soles walked off. About four hours later Weldon Coulter came along (a traifle: behind W-e’d say) carrying a! pair of boots that made it lookl "as though there really was a.1 walking dlerby, with Weldon a bit in the rear. He may have caught up and then again he may have dropped out when he reached his hone a little fur- ther on. A mother, last Thursday morning, take time out to take one of her unruly children in McDowell’s store door-way and give him a tidy little spanking. We’re glad to report that there are still some “kids" that don’t rule the roost, and if more of this treatment was handed out there would be less trouble with the little angles. Seen and Heard. On King Street During The Week Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Bi-2-4330. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Burnett Fur Farm Dead Stock! THE MIRROR-REPORTER, Authorized as 2nd class Engagement Mr. and‘ Mrs. Carl Paedeu ‘wish to announce the engage- lment of their daughter Judith Annze to Lorne Charles son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manley, : of Millbrook. The marriage to take place Saturday, September 28th, at 3.00 p.m. at. St. An- drew"s Presbyterian Church, 'Cobourg. The openinrg meeting of the season of the Home and School Association will be held in the school at 8.15 p..m. on Mon- day, September 9th. It will 1 take the florm of a. get-acquaint- Ied night. All parents and lfriends, especially new comers, lare asked to take this opportunr ity of getting to know the staff and each other. The teachers of both staffs will be introduc- ed by their Principals. There will be a sing song, coloured slides will be shown and re- f‘rseh‘ments will be served. This is the second nice fish. Douglas has caught this year, not long ‘ago he hauled a dandy out of Rice Lake at Bewdley. This fish was seen by several school children in the creek, and its size in the small riyer gave it the appearance of a submarine. Dick Ficiklintg, a local fisfher- man, spotted this beauty a few days ago but never managed to (-dax it to dine. Pouglu Sheppard Catches 13 lb. 1 oz. Brown Trout-v- Fishing in the creek below the dam Tuesday at dusk, Douglas Sheppard caught a '13 pound 1 ounce brown trout that measured 30 inches long with a 17 inch girth. Doug. caught this one with a rod and fly. He took it to Peterbor- ou-gh on Wednesday to have it mounted. l The funeral of the unfortu- ‘nate (hild was held from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, King Street East, Millbrook, On Monday, September 2nd,1957, at 2 o’clock with the Rev. K. J Campbell of F‘raserville United Church officiating. In- terment was in Gardiner’a The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the sorely bereaved family. Cemetery, Milltbrook. “ The casket-bearers were all relatives of the deceased. ' Mrs. Lunn had just'returned home with her five children, from the home of their grand- garents; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert ‘Iiunn, and as the children got oil-t of the- car Brian and his sister Kitty being the first, ran ts the truck which the father Was backing up. The little boy in some way slipped.l and fell beneath the truck. His sister. sereamed with fear, and the i‘ather stopped the vehicle instantly, but not in time to prevent it from passing over the boy Who was instaintIV kii- led. I BRIAN LUN'N FRASERVELIE BOY RUN OVER BY TRUCK The little 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lunn, of Fraserville, accidéntly met death on Saturdav when he fell beneath the Wheels of a. truck driven by his father. I Home and School The dates of fall fairs listed by the Agricultural Societies of the Ontario Department of lAgriculture in: this disrict, are as follows: Ansley .............. Sept. 7 Minden ............... Sept. 7 Orono ............... Sept. 7 Tweed .............. Sept. 11 Lakefield ........... Sept. 1-1 Warkwonth ......... Sept. 20 Lindsay ......... Sent. 1821‘ Stirling ............. Sept. 211 Campbe-llford ........ Sept. 25“ TBobcaygeon ........ .Sept. 28‘ Madoc ................ Oct. 2 NOI‘WOOd ...... ’. . . .Oct. 11-14’ ’Ottawa .......... Aug. 23-31 London ........... Sept. 9-14 Toronto ..... Aug. 23LSept. 73 Kingston ......... Sent. 24-28! Ottawa Winter Fair Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 Royal Winter Fair.Nov. 15-23 Port Perry ........... Sept. 2 Markham ........... Oct. 3-5 Brighton ............ Aug. 28 5 Attend the Church of your Choice. on Sunday. Picton ........... Sept. '16-18 International Plowing Match, Simcoe in N orï¬ol}: County WWWJ“ Adult Entertainment, in Technicolor, with James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Michael Rennie; Doothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte memmamm DATES OF FALL FAIRS "ISLAND IN THE SUN" MONDAY '1'0 If a man has an income, probably he can look after the reasonable needs of his family and buy insurance to take care of the possibility of disaster. But what if he loses his income? One disaster he should msure a- gainst is accident or sickness which would cut off his income. CIA offers loss of time insurance as part of an ach dent and sickness policy. For details see .your CIA representative: MRS. SADIE McBAIN,’RR 1, IDA, Agent Phone RI 5-8079 GO~OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ........... Dept. 1L ........... Sept. 1-1 1 ......... Sept. 20 ........ Sent. 18- 21 ........... Sent. 21 Powerful Drama of the British West Indies lOSS OF TIME INSURANCE "Oct. 15 £0 18. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., $2.01 Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Ernie Bradley of the V. L. A. will be at Millbrook Legion Hall on Monday, Sept. 9th, at 8. 30 p. m. ,to answer questions, and bring you up-to- date on V. L. A. regulations. Please try and attend this meeting. NOTICE TO WAR VETERAN The September meeting of St. Anrdoew’s W.M.S. will be held on Wednesday, September 11th, at. 3 p.m., at the home of the Misses Clarry. A good- attendance is requested and visitors are welcome. Saturday, September 7th, at 8 p.m. Motorcycle Races will be held at Peterborough' Exhibi- tion grounds sponsored by the Peterborough Police Associa- tion and Kawartha Motorcycle Club. This event is staged in aid of the “Scott Fund†the policeman on the Peterborough force who was accidently killed in an auto collision. The admission for this thrilling event is $1.00. , If you like this kind of racimg here ’5 your big chance and at the same time help in a worthy cause. MOTORCYCLE RACES AT PETERBOROUGH SEPT. 7