BBLEP'ron :e Pambroke re being med epartment of h After the 'd the Brown. treated thé 33. J0 ock! ing anniver. ted her with Farm .Y BY 0E3- “ AT 00!. .tulate her ROUGH St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook' Cent-willie Church South Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspratt, Ofganist. 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.15 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Grace Church. millhrook 9. 45 a . m sâ€"Divine Worship . 10.45 a.m.â€"Church School. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. ' 9.45 a.m.â€"-Ra]1y Day Service. Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Henry Hayek, Organist and Choir Director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St. Andrew’s Rally Day 11.15 a.m.â€"Ra11y Day Service Rev. Alex. Chisholm, M.A., A.T.C.L., The Church of Scot- land, will be the guest preacher. 13th. Sunday after Trinity. St. John's, Ida Anglican Church of Canada in MILLBROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Wors:hip Service 7 . 30 p . n1.â€"Evanxge1istic Meet- 1112. If you have no church home we kindly invite you to Zion Line Pentecostal Church. ' Pentecostal Assemblies of .. f3 33 2:. J ‘ Canada Zion Pentecostal Church Correspondence was received from the Department. of Lab our, re Trench Excavators Pro- tection Act. Community Plan- ring Association advising of convention. Dept. of Munici- pal Affairs advising a change in 1957 tax bills. Dept. of Agriculture enclosing new Dog Tax Act, the Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection: Act. Dept. of Agriculture enclosing cheg que for $191.39 representing; provincial grant under the War-1! Christ Church, Bailieboro Mr. J. A. Gaynor the asses- sor was present and the ques- tion of assessment and the building by-law was discussed at some length. The Reeve re- ported he received correspOnd- emce frOm Queen’s University advising that Mr. Gaynor has passed the final exams in the Municipal Assessors course and received the certificate of (M.- I.M.A.) Member of the Insti- tute of Municipal Assessors: Mr. Gaynor was heartily con-- gratulated by the Reeve and1 members of the Council on his success. Coma-wine ma Millbrook The Churches SUNDAY, SEPTEMBTR .15. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk and adopted on: motion of Rob- ert Fisher, seconded by Herb Syer. The regular meeting of the South Monaghn Council was held on September 3rd. with Reeve Ray Bothwell presiding and all members present. Dlscussed By (omichf THE UNIT- CHURCH PARISH OF CAVAN H. 0. Quinn, B.A., Lth. Elector. 38V†Pastor, M . Case. .11., Pontypool -- Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con. duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited the Clerk were: Provincial Dept. of Health insulin ........... ~ ...... $ 3.09 iOntario Hydro, hall ser- vice .. ............... 6.07 F., S. Coyle, return of tender deposit .......... 200.00 J. E. Robinson, salary .. 75.00 T. R. Bothwell, council pay and committee ...... 69.00 Robert Fisher, council pay and committee ......... 40 .00 I On motion of R. Fisher, ~ec- s ended by H. Syer the road sup- Ierintendent was authorized to call for tenders for snnwplow- ing the Township roads this ~coming Winter. a ~Mr. M. H. Thompson, the Niagara Falls and Buffalo. road superintendent, was pre- Mr. Chisholm ’3‘: parents are sent and submitted the road over here on; a visit from Soot- voucher N o. 8 for the month. of lamdr August in: the amount $3505.51! :wlhzich ‘includpd the crushing‘ and drawing of gravel; other . RALLY DAY 1957 general account-9 presented bylAT 3T. ANDREW’S CHURCH On motion of H. 'Syer, sec- onded by G. Anderson the Clerk was instructed to apply to the WorkmCanRS. Comrp-enlsa- tion Board for coverage of the Township employees. , . Other correspondence was ordered to be filed. On motion of George Dean, seconded by G. Anderson the Reeve and Clerk were authorizâ€" ed to Sign the necessary forms applying for the interim smb- sidy on roads from the Depart- ment of Highways. Mr. horn-e Harris interview- ed the Council regarding build- ing permits. Owing" to information receiv- ed: from the Department of Municipal Affairs this Munici- pality is unable to impose a tax penalty ofif four per cent at this time. A motion» by Robert Fisher, seconded by A. G. Anderson to have taxes due om N ovember 15th. with a. penalty of one per cent per month to the end of the year did not carry. ble Fly Control Act. Hydro Electric with twelve new con- tracts. J. E. Lewis, request inlg renewal of compensation insurance policy. Provincial Dept. of Health, insulin ac- count. Dept. of Public Wel- fare with cheqn-e :‘10-1‘ $86. 97 re- presenting provincial subsidy on County Home for the Aged. The Clerk was instructed to ievply to the Department of‘ Labour that the Township does not do any ditching and also that up to the present time we have been unble to "secure a suitable person for the position». I Last week we told you, of Douglas Sheppard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sheppard Sr., catching a large brown trout in the â€local stream. This week, through the courtesy of The Peterboro’ Examiner, we are backing up our story with the above photo 'of the boy and the fish, which that paper kindly loaned us. JOHN PAYNE I Sunday will be Rally Day at St. Andrew’ s Umted Church. i There will be no Sunday Sch-.001 as the children and their â€reach- [ers will join in Momin-g Wor- ship in the Church at 11.15 The Rev. Alexander Chisholm, M.A., A.T.C.L., of The‘Chureh of Scotland, will be the guest preacher. A Nursery is pro- vided and infants will be cared for during“ the Service. a.m. Special Rally Day Offer- ing is for the work of the Church of Christ in Japan. The theme of the Service is “Sing, Ye Itflands of the Sea ‘Jevsus Saves" â€. Rev. Francis P. Chisholm, Mrs. Chisholm, and Mr. Chis- ibolm’ sparents, Rev. Alexander) Chi9holm and Mrs. Chisholm, ,left on Tuesday for 1a trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. Chisholm’s parents are over here on; a visit from Scot- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Wood, and Miss Henrietta WOIOd, motored to: Toronto Saturday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Wood’s- nivece, Miss Nancy Armstrong. Command-er and Mrs. George E. Gray, of Halifax, N.-S., were visitors with his sister and bro- th'er-inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Smizh, over the weekend. Mrs. Cliffond Larm-er, Marie and Brenda, visited with Mrs. H. D. Armstrong, Toronto, for a few dys recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Armstrong and two children of Detroit, were guests of Mr., and Mrs. R. A. Wood, Labour Day week end. Mrs. S. E. Eakins has re- turned home after visiting Mrs. R. D. Armstrong of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Black [of Fe’versham . Renew Your Subscription SOCIAL - PERSONAL The meeting adjourned on motion of R. Fisher, seconded by George Dean; to meet again on October 7th. at 8 p.m. George Dean, council pay and committee ..... .. 30.00 Herb Syer, council pay and committee ..... .. 35.00 A. G. Anderson, council pay and commiteee ..... 25.00 Postage ................ 5.00 On motion of Herbert Syer, second-ed by G. Anderson the Assessor was asked to inter- view the Township Solicitor. *SEEIN G IS BELIEVING J. E. Robinson, Clerk. I pay : GRACE CHURCH ' " 30-00‘ LADIES’ AID MEET III-IIIE'IDIIEIIIIIIIIII Scouts will meet at 8 o’clock same date. H. V. Kent. NOTICE Cubs will meet at 7.00 p.111. on: Friday, September 13th, in the Parish Hall, Millbrook. i The September meeting of Grace Presbyterian. Church Ladies’ Aid was held at the home of Mrs. C. Peebles. Mrs. Lorne Farrow, the president, opened the meeting with pray- er after which the hymn “What A‘Friend We Have In Jesus†was sung. Proverbs 31st chap- ter, verses 20-30 was read by Mrs. Mulligan. Mrs. Mars-hail Larmer read the. minutes in the absence of the Secretary and; Mrs. }erald Armstrong, treat-SJ urer, gave her report. Business‘ was discussed and the meetingi elosed' with Mizpah benediction. ‘ Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service PHONE GOLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peconi Weddings, the sick room, funerals. PROPRIETOR Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope Ebrams’ flower Ebop Ebrams’ 11’ lower Ebop- TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; LECT 21 Queen Street “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU†: Phone Baih'eboro 30 Phone Millbrook 87-j l:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ELequire â€CI Attend the Church of your! mo-cked Choice on Sunday. [soweth ' A bedroom in; the home of} w Mrs. Russell Kidd was damaged ' that to the extent of about $2000.00 1' quot by fire of unknown origin at! [Bailieboro last Saturday morn- d t ing. An hour after the alarm 3 ~ was given the fire was quelch- bay» ed by the good work of the Aguig Bewdley Fire Department, unJ th- r1< der the leadership of Chief Len] ey Holdaway. '38 1.8 Pump Repairs trenching and Digging Plumbing Heating Furnace md Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and (which is secured), and good references. These openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly income immediately, and rapidly increase as business expands. Prefer applicants aspir- ing earnings from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 yearly. No high pressure men wanted as NO SELLING required If you . qualify and have necessary cash, write today giving phone number and particulars for local interview. Write: Manager PO. Box No. 125, Station B, Montreal, Quebec. FIRE AT BAILIEBORO -vvâ€"- m‘ IL†A: ate openings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with some of Canada’s largest chain stores can be handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more important than past experienze. » Our lib- eral financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for hightype men or women of character only. Applicants Must Have Approx. $1,100.00 mock-ed, for whatso'everï¬g man soweth that shall he also reap†g A Thought : “Whatsoever a man soweth, 'that shall he also reapâ€. This ! quotation from the Bible is just ‘ more proof of the truth contain- ed therein. For example, in. days gone by our forefathers bought negroes stolen from Africa to do slave work, today they are reaping the whirlwind, as is evidenced in the Southern States at the present time. â€33,110? deceived, God is not to manage local rgest chain stores esired; honesty and perienze. - Our lib- msion. This is a an or women of x. $1,100.00 'hese openings will 3 immediately, and :- applicants aspir- yearly. No high ired If you lay giving phone . Write: Manage: ebec. 2 has immedi- i