A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE Efrlpire 3-0683 TORONTO. ONT. :- Wakmsxï¬xuv.~.mwv.v.mmmw Au auction sale of real estate, household furniture, car, tools, etc., theproperty of Edward Swanson, will be held in the Village of Millbrook, on King St Feet \Vest, on Saturday. Sept. 14th, at 1 pm sharp- This is a.‘ sale of above average, a new‘ Findlay coal and wood stOve' only used one Winter, and a; Beatty washing machine as: good as new, are among the; many choice items to be sold.’ A (1' room solid brick house. with. garage and two luts will hei offered for sale subject to a; reserve bid. Tex-111's cash. I‘lo‘: Bar? stars: Soli.;itcrs. Etc No :5 Bani-z of Commer 3 Block PE EQBOROUGH. OETARIO T-c-lsphcnes 2-042; and 20425 R. O. biandish, BA. BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Garner P at; and Inscripti 21-3. MV-"u‘u’u'u’: I“: '.\‘( L Roy Willmott, 9.0. James A. Irvine. MA A sale 01" real estate, and lmusehold furniture, the pro- perty of the late Margaret Mc- Kinley, will be held at former residence, Bethany Village, on Saturday, September 28th, at 1 p.m. A nine room frame dwelling in good shape will be offered for sale subject to a reserve ‘bidf. Ted Spencley, clerk, R. J. Payne, Pontypool, auctioneer. way No. 2) will be held ion ‘XV'Pdnesday, September 18th, at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock, implements and household fur- niture, the propertv of John R. Thompson, Lot 21, Con. 5, Ca\ an (2 miles east of Mill- brook, or 1 mile west of High- ï¬prmn balm? 65 1301133 FUNERAL SERVICES The 1nf7nutes of. the speciali nweting held on August 14th, The minutes of the August meeting were read and approv- ed on 'motion of Brown and Jakeman. Carried. Bethany, Ontario, Sept. 3rd, 1957.â€" The reg-niar monthly meeting of Manvers Tr-wnSth'p (‘Luncil was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Argue pra’sided. Manvers Council Discusses Road Work â€3V0 19-53 0? â€ENE ENSEJRANCE If a man has an income, probably be can look after the reasonable needs of his family and buy insurance to take care of the possibility of disaster. But what if he loses his income? One disaster he should insure a- gainst is accident or sickness which would cut off his income. CIA offers loss of time instirance as part of an acci- dent and sickness policy. For details see your CIA representative : T) L‘i - i C ._ pr .41." . u -« anctmneer. . H. Carley. 3602:: T J. Carley. QC. MRS. SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA, Agent Phone RI 5-8079 (JO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE i‘IY, D‘ALE Fling-Intuifan-n-annuanfluent-EnuI-nuyu-nnnu u "Jaunkfn-nsa. U WILLMOTT 8s :3va isters, Solicitors, Nata Telephone 53, Millbrook _-_,, ~.‘. 32a :- 2“. Malcolm, on asses- ;.‘s01 s salary ............ 150.00 flâ€.- oss Davidson, on salary 150.00 l:Ross Davidson, agent, in- .surance on Twp. Hall for Ethiee years ............ 93 .50 Norman Argue, s heep claim .............. 15.00 i .IIurray Shea, sheep claim 22.00 Jack Davidson, shooting dog (sheep) ............ 5.00 Moved bv Bimm smonded bv Malcolm that the meetinn adiourn until (umber 8th, at] .30 p. m. sncol 'money Treasuz‘cr ‘S 8 school money Treasurer S S school money Moved by Jake-man, second- vd by McGill that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorize-(l to sign- cheques for the following amounts: Twp. Treas , road vouch- er No. 9" for transfer to road account ........... $1732.06 Stuart Ryan Q.C., legal search at registry office. 8.00} United Counties, Hos- I piialization ............ ' 93.01, HEPC, bulbs for Ponty- | 3801 St. lights ...... HEPC, Pontypool Street lights ation ........ I’rovincial Treas , Insulin Harvey Fallis, repairs to 3. Vi). Hall steps ........ s .. ::c 01 A discussion took place re~ garding road work yet to be icompleted in 1957. The p10- gress of Municipal shed under oonstruction was reviewed 1 The Road Supezintendcnt] Mr. A. B. Sisson, submitted road voucher No. 9 for the in- spection and approval of (“oun- cil. ' I l ‘1957, were read and approvedj . on motion of Malcolm and 1110-; Hill. Carried. } 1‘ The followino communieaï¬ '1 ti on were received and read: â€"-: L’ ,1nted C1urzties Clerk re 211 ."z number of over- due hospital? p: accounts. Dept. 01123.ng re the' 9:19.57 \Varble Fly grant for! 11 I $453. 05. Dept. of Public VVel-Il -a.,re re the 1957 grant for the' 1: Home for the Aged for $213. 67 f ._ Three applications for rural,i d Hydro service; and the. Dept Io“? Highwa3 s, enclosing foxms 1111» making application for the; iinterim road subsidy 1 Mr. Finlayson of .the Health l'nia‘, C-Ubourg‘, called one the (‘-ou11eil and oxplainod'the de- tails ami purpose of the new regulatioms regarding slaugh- terhouses; Wherebv a permit, would be necessary to operate in a commercial way. Moved‘by Jakemxan, second- ed by Malcolm that the Town- ship of Manwrs petition the De pt. of Highways for the nterim road subsidy up to Aw: .ilsf 1957. (.‘alried. By-Lavw N0. 1339, on motion 1’ of Malcolm and Brown was' , given the three necessary read-" ‘. ‘ings, signed, sealed and hum-g MAY BE SUCCESSOR bPred. This Byâ€"Law deals wilh‘yLester B. Pearson, Minister of the requirememts of slaughter-’ Emernal Affairs in the St. houses from a health staimleaurlent Government, who may point, used for commercial'be the choice of the Liberal purposes. ,I’artv for loadex-Rh'in ntF nu} 1‘0 1‘ 30.92; Davidson, Clerk. 1100.00 400 . 00 500 .00 26.86 72.75 68.37 69 'pr. of Gavan, grader ' rental .............. 105.00“ Romeo Metal Roofing: ‘ The following bills were pre- sented and on motion: of Coun- cillors Gibson and North were ordered paid: Durham Telephones. . .$ 9.80 be rm eh ed and that an applic I.- tinn- for inform sunsidv be com- pletod and forwarded to the Dopaitment of Highwavs. Car- ried. ~ Motion by (Jounoillors Coul- tvr and North that this report The (‘lerk reported that to date 1957, $2301.7J had bwon paid (mt account of roads. take 110 cation in. this mathr and That the CIE‘Ik notifx Mr Thonmson that 2111 111111111110»: 11111: t b.‘ pld( 011 not less than 33 feet frnm the (911111: 11' the load. Carried. ' Motion by Cuuncillors North and (.‘ibson, that the Council [he 1'111-111v01‘1 11nd fil1111.\ 1 Motinn by (‘ 11111111111113 GibSOu ‘ â€11111'111111‘1-11’11111 .1111 I 11111111111111 A1112111 31111115 \\ 1111 1' S1 5111111 I111 1.1 1111 111i 11111'111i>si(111 ‘11) 1r~1ss P11111311 $110111 1111111101111 ’111 \V. H (‘1111’11’11‘8 1'1si .11 111211 as 111 (Heated from the letter receu 0d from the 81111111111 V J. L. ’1 '11111 pro-x Ming that 111111 1111 respond- blv 1111' 1111\' 31111111211 11111111111 111111 11111130 1111‘ sh 1'1“ 11» it \‘ 'zls {11f111'1‘.('a1‘ri(‘(1. '1 he ( 1111+ 11111-11 a 111tter..<in'11- 11111 bv Fred Robson, (1101111'1111’101' giwng 11 (1011111111 prim for 111011115: 11 h11111Se owned bv MI‘S. .._-x . u‘v -I;L| A. Thompson situated 1.111 L11 .3. 141111 . .‘Ixing' and Lrtawl Road. _-u “- Wilson (10., insurance. R. B. Baxter, fines for month of July, cheque enclosed $3.43. Department of Public Welfare, cheque enclosed in the amount of $69.72, account. subsidy, Homes for the Age Act 1955. Board of Transport Connnisn sioners, Ottawa», giving notice (1f sittings. 1;. J. “yam, Secre- tary of Prince and Anne Streeis‘ “Utter System. ~I‘v 1-11!“ng \fH-et with water main. Motion by (Iomm-illors (“01m 191' and Raymex that vommuni- various 1103‘ othm'\\'i~'e dealt with l l‘ rumâ€"T he Lake Ontorio D velopment As.500ia|ti011,re muni- cipal data. Dr. M. E. Hobbs, re 51am» alk on» Tupper S: reet. L' «mununity Planning {lSsocia- fion of (‘ anada, annoum ing con- feretice to be held in V ancom or Septen1ber2"-30,1957. A. E. I Millbrook, Sept. 3, 1957.â€" ]The regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Millbrook was held on the above date, with all The minutes of the last meet- i'm; xwro read by the Clerk and were approved on motion of Councillors Raymes and North. The fhllowing communica- tions were read: members of the Council present. Reeve G. F. Harrington pre- siding. Water System Given Permission To Cross Prince Street Party for leadership of this political group due to the re- signation 02" Mr. St. Laurent. THE MIRROR-REPORTER. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO 1:. “yam. ‘0 rcsï¬onsi- 0 invurl‘cd as it was A. Roy VVillmott, Q.C., Solicitor for the Executors. ANY Pérso‘n having claims against John Smith Who died on the 22nd day of July, 1957, Lare required to send proof of same to the undezsigned before the 25th day of September, 1957, after which date this estate will be distributed, haw3 iug regard only to such claims as the undersigned then has notice. DATED at Millbrook this 30th :lay of August. 1957 AND OTHERS In The Estate of JOHNb SMITH late oi: the Township of Cav :m in the County of Durham, Re- tired. Farm-er, deceased. Counlcil adjourned tn meet on Tuesday, ()utober lst, 1957, at usual hour. No action was taken by the Council other than the Reeve prmnised to try anl arrange a â€mating, at some future date, 1111011 the Chief Coordinator of (lobourg could be present to clear up some 111isunderstand- ings regarding mutual aid. Limited, cuherts ...... i C miter ras. Ltd., hard- i ware ................ 1 Homer Oiwllette, insur- ance five Lall ........ A R X ’:!lr:1(»tt, Q. 0., legal fees ............ H. M. Trick, gas and oil fur truck . . . -, ........ W'elfare and relief. . . . : S‘anfiord Sloan, cavetak- ing Waiting room J. Lequire, ditching. . 16.3.1 Council Fees . . . . 1'6'.00 Deputy Reeve J. H. Mc- Knimht and Councillor George Howden representing the Town- ship of Gavan were present to interview the Council, re Fire i re ‘eetionx. insurance ............ 104. 36} 1.‘ Clifford Scott, salary. 200. 00 Talbert Kellett labour. 139.12!l Albert Ri<hards. laho-nr 40. 00 Public Utilities ........ 104.18 J. Lequire, ditching. . 16.3.1 Counucil Fees ......... 16100, J( Treasurer, salary, post- age and unemployment NOTICE TO CREDITORS THEâ€"f1TORONTO-Doï¬mlon E V. ‘Eelch, Clerk, The key to successful saving is regularity. And because payday rolls around regularly it’s an ideal time to make a deposit in your savings account! It’s surprising how quickly even small accounts can grow, and to help you keep your savings intact you may Wish to open individual accounts for special purposes of your own. At any Toronto-Dominion branch you’ll ï¬nd interested help and advice about the best way to build a worthwhile savings account. THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD 10.00 Cl .00 .60 Add $50 to $75 weekly to your income. Sell in your sur- r o u n d i ngs: Bowmanvlle, Hampon, Newcastle, P o r t Hope. Quality products in- eluding cosmetics and medi- cines. Write to: M. Baker, 1600 Delorimier, station (7,1 Montreal. 4H Solicitor for the Executor-s. Ila/ted at Millbro-ok this 26th day 06' ug‘ust 1957. ,2 Roy Willmott, Q.C. Millbrook, Ontario, Any person having claims against Robert John Moore who died on the 15th day of August, 1957 are required to se 1d proof of the same to the undersigned before the 25% i1 day of Septem- ber, 1957 after which dnte this estate Will be. distributed, hav- ing regard only to such claims as the. undersigned then has notice. I .NOTICE TO cmnrrons AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROBERT JOHN MOORE, late of the Township of Gavan in the County of Durham, Farmer, de- ceased. or oil tank trucks or used con- struction machinery, contact Gift'en Truck Equipment; Limited 5461 Yonge Street,f Will-owdale, Ont. 6t! WANTED NOTIGE ment, 3 piece bathroom, and heavy duty Wiring, garage and garden. Possession after September 16. Phone 207-5 Millbrook. 3t {Fox-,Ren-tâ€"A two bedroom mod- , ern apartment. ()il furnace.. l Apply Reg. Fallis, phone ; 207-r-l4 Millbrook. 5t lostâ€"Two head of Durham cat- tle, coming 2 years old. One steer one heifer, both red. » Strayed from part of Lot 22, Cieomession 10 Can an Finder please notify Hubert D. Hooton, P‘hone RI 5-24067 Peterborough . 3t HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUN; [TY. Good Rawleigh Busi- For Rentâ€"Four-room For Rentâ€"~2 Bedroom Apart‘ ment, on ground level. Phone 106â€",w-12 Millbrook. 2t ___‘â€"___ Wantedâ€"Capable girl or we- man for housework in modern ‘home. No cooking. .Live im. Call RI 33617, or write, 439, Hillerest Avenue, Peterbor~ ough, Ontario. 21: Thursday, September new now available in Tomm- ships Gavan Cartwright and Manvers. Write for infor- matiom. Rewlenigvh’s Dep 13283-9922, 4005 Richelieu Stt: Montreal: Que. 1t SALESMEN WANTED FOR RENT Apartâ€" also all the flu-mitun auction sales go, brat gOOd and‘ fair prices the most part good pr The auction sale estate and household held at the home of l 3021: on. Saturday last a success. The house $5.93": AUCTION SALE DRAWS MANY ALSO GOOD PRL YOUR S We’ll 91'er your C: for trouble-free trave We’ll help you pla‘ y9ur trip for the easiw AMOUNTS or $11 DEPOSIT. WHEN YOU D.‘ SMILE! in your MILES IIIIIIII THE GER SGI’VIC OEAtil Way, too No. JU