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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 Sep 1958, p. 1

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Ll Hog Sale, Satur‘ 113th, at Im'erawo mile south of No. â€"45 head straight forkshires, Bred n Gilts, Young Fine Selec‘ion of [mg Pigsâ€" Also I of Landrace and ldlebacks. Lunch ne and spend the L It Eewly decorated heated and un- all steel‘ bed and mattress % ; hf table with 3 rh, blond wood; Foot (tongolenm 'ubic ft. Frigid- tor. Phone 19, } It Z-Bedroom mod. ‘nt, self contain. niS. Immediate con‘ained, at Me rents. To see Apply [van 1;. ne 3? or 79. '3 Roomed House eh, situated on immediafe pos- f be seen any- v to Vincent 6 P-m-, phone Phone 207 of your for 3t A meeting Will be held forIUana'GE-an hegl'or} Branch N0. all those interested in playing! 4‘02, “’111 hold. a Euchreon Sept. Badminton on Friday nighfl' 30th 938.30 in the Legion Hall. September 19th, at 8 oclock,!AEimls'51°n 30¢. Refreshments in the Millbmok Armomiesj “'111 be served- under auspices of No. 7 Platoon‘l Hastings and Prince Edward‘Fir-e Prevention Week October Regiment. Everyone welcomel5th' to 11th, 1958. Observe it! BADMINTON MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT IN THE ARMOURIES Too bad it wasn’t a barn you are building Bev, if so we muld have had an oldfashioned barn dance. Some of the windows in the building have already been christened by expert stone J throwers . . ._.___. I Brownies held their first‘t The new garage and service' mEeting of the season VVedneMs- 1 station being built at the corn-E day, September 10th with 2l‘ j 'presenf, including " new me‘m-,’ «r 0f Tupper and Centre Streets bers. During the meeting Mrs. f by Bev RGid IS nearing compl e 1 Campbell came to Show the l tion. The bIOCk WOI‘k and' Brownies the shoulder shawl, 11 (6110911? 43100? are c0mp1€ted,iwhich she had put tOg-etherl ] HI? 011 tank's buried the ESSOE \\ 1th the squares the Brownies’}: Sign eredted, a flowing well had knit for a test. ‘h readv for seI'ViCP, and a large} Time “as spent oromiizing ] quantitv of fill put around the the Pack 3?" lOCatIOH Mr Reid hopes 1301 Pam Drury, Jo-Ann Agile“, [11. be in his new quarters next' Mary Lieselmer and Lindalm month. “11811 finally fIDiShedE QIIPIO‘I'oVe \vere Inade actinui 91 he will haV e a Very modem andi sixer i I}: upâ€" “to date garage 5 JudV J ewison Linda Nelson \V BEV REID’S GARAGE FAST TAKING SHAPE LIKELY OPEN OCTOBER 1 That’s the vow Fred Smith took when he learned the youngster he had run over had died as a result of the injuries. Fred’s conscience was tortured by the feeling that a child had died as a result of his actions. He tore up his driver’ s license, and has never been behind the wheel of a car since. There’s only one way to avoid Fred Smith’s ni ght- marish situation. That’s always to watch 8for children on the road. Your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to support the current Child Safety campaign. “I’ll never drive again as long as I live!” 98th. Year. No. 38. . H. Ban-finger, Publisher. The Millbrook Rep The; Ladies’ Auxiliary to the ’Canadian Legion Bramh N0. i402 will hold a Emhre on Sept I 30th at 8.30 m the Legion Hall jAdmission 35c. Refreshments {will be served. I Games were played. The meetingy (lased “ith taps. I Marv Liesemer Carol Ab- Ib0+ Vi(ky Mddd and Jo Ann I \nnmx on behalf of the Browxn- I 198 presented the shawl to Mrs. ILOI‘d. Judy J owison, Linda Neflson, Barbara Trick, and Nancy Trick were made a-ctiug second. (W‘s. 1 Pam Drury, Joâ€"Ann Agnew Mary Lieselmer, and Linda! Snelgrove were made actingi sixer. s‘ PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE ~With ’ Brownies MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA: THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 18, 1958 Mr. Charlie Farr who just moved in the house on Tupper Street made vacant by the loss to the community of the Buck« ham family, is making a fine job of clearing- up the back lot of underbrush‘ and other obsta- (-193 in preparation of having a garden. Charlie says he hopes to grow some strawberries there. Fine idea, it’s not too far from our leeation, and if he plants them close enough to the fence, our arm may be long enough. The Millbrook and District Chamber of Commerce will meet Tuesday, September 23rd at 8 p.m. under the chairman- ship of J. T. Crowley, Chair- man of the Refail Committee. MILLBROOK AND DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO MEET SEPT. 23rd Alex Woods viewing his new restaurant Sign. Surely Alex knew it was there, or did some one erect it during the night as a prank. six weeks ago we could easily; as with it, we ran across four have understood Why a rock early letters before the age ofi . was thrown through theplate envelopets when the paper was; glass window at that time. folded and sealed with sealing wax to fiorm its own coverJ A person of unknown identity with the following “Peterboro ”I twith‘ more years over:- his heads postmarks: I than sense in it, parked in 1‘ April 22, 1844- fronrt of Marshall’s store amusâ€"y January 19, 184.7- ing themselves by leaning on' Mareh23, 1848- t'he car hern'around midnight} August 15, 1849‘- ‘Ne’re quite sure the natives: All 0"911100 years 01d and all! of down town King Street en-i very plainly stamped “PERI“, joyed the solo even it‘ is didn’ti how”, 1110 “ugh” at the end. have variations. [ These same covers, all‘ in at , 13.ng ~3:911!”gilusnription. Lax'reu ‘dllu Ieavlhlerea", Duu‘ ‘ We noticed sometinm avo ‘an what the road dld to be tarred article in a Peterboroueh'ca, er and stoned we wouldn‘t know. ' D p p If you’re curious you might. arguing that P eterbor 011311 ask our Reeve. ' should [be properly spelled with the “ug1"1 after the 0. Two lovely, lush, juiry wateraHs this correef; 01 is it an after melons and three baskets 01 thought? To back up the con- tempting red tomatoeo in the tention that Peterboro without Marshall grocery stora window. 7 “ ,, . the ugh is as apt to be right Had these been there five or[ six weeks ago we could easilx ' as With it, We ran across four have understood why a rock early letters before the age of1 was thrown through the plate €11V910P€15 when the paper W351 glass window at that time. folded and sealed with sealino ‘- I Having recently had the fflront of their restaurant renoâ€" :\ated, the work of Nathan [ Haw, Mr. and Mrs VVdods have had a bright red sign :placed over the door“ av read- 5ing “Restaurant”. This stands out like the brightness of the 91111 and persons looking for a [place to eat will have no trou- ble locating this place. The sign appeared over night. i \Vorkmon sweeping up all ‘110 Image stones torn from the recently tarred and stone-d mad. \Vo hax‘e heard of bad actors in the 01d days-being “tarred and feathered”, buti what the road did to be tarred and stoned we wouldn‘t know. If vou’re curious you might ask our Reeve. 1 Three men Sunday morning] “i h high-hip rubber boots on Looked as though they migh’cj 'be fishermen or clamshell hun- ‘te‘rs looking for pearls. We; ‘E-understand they find These“ 5 jewels in .oysters some times, so: g why not in claims. I F King Street which has I" dornrm-ent liketh. Vesurvio for a spell, suddenly erupted again late Sundevr night when a few peisons who should know better put on an exhibition of speed driving, noise making and all-round foolishness. One of these times someone is going to get seriously hurt then‘ there" ’11 be the fiddler to nafll MAKING CLEAN -UP Seen On King Street f During The Week Tm: MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as find class mail the fiddler to pay! Joyve Fallis, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nellis Fallis wandered away from her home on the Falli's Line last Thursday evening and caused her parents much anxie‘y until found 11/: hours later, around 7.30 on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Belch, a mile further West on the line. She was cry- ing When found by her father, who was overjoyed to find her. All their neighbours and some people from this village ;i)3i~ned in the search flor which Mr. and. Mrs. Fallis flank them sincefiel‘y. If these early covers all have Peterbiorpugh spelled withdut th-e “ugh” that must be the right way flor the post office is usually right in their spell- ing of towns and cities. 2-YEAR-O’LED CHIDD WANDERS FROM HOME These same covers, all in a fine state. of preservation, also bear postmarksv of Montreal,; Kingston, Cobourg and Lind-,1 say, all of which are still spel- led the same today as them! What would these. places soundi like hm “ugh” been added ati the end. Try itâ€" l Montrealugh, Kingstonugh, Co-l bourgugh and Lindsayugh.’ not very good, so Why “ugh” added to Peterboro‘? 'Tloronfo newspaper columnist IAl‘ex Harris, who stars on a weekly television Show, was the replaconmnt for Rawhide on CBC radio. The Alex Bar- ris Show, featuring Barris’ xwhimskial humor and (choice of “word-ed music, was heard luach. afternoon, Monday f0 Fri- iday, on the Trans-Canada net- ,work. IS IT PETERBORO OR PETERBOROUGH? ALEX BARRIS Fire. Prevention VWee‘kâ€"October 5 to 11th, 1958. Obsem it! I “Q: also Wish to thank the 'following Businessmen who purchased our new uniforms: G. A. Spicer, Stan Ol'an, Bil] :Ruckharm, Gerry Todd, Stein- f krazulss Wholesale, Homer Ouel- I'l'etfa, Gertrude Dawe, John} Tinney, Dave Fowler, Melville Baal], Laverne Gibson, 0. D. ‘ C-utmore, C. Peelblels, and Dave Clarke. ‘ We also Wigh to thank the following umpires Who donated their services throughout the the season. Reg Durfty, Elmer Hogg, Vince Crough, George I We, the undersigned, play- : ers and management of Mill [Girls Softball Club, Wish to ltaike this opportunity to Thank lth‘e many Millbr‘ook and dis- itric’c fans who supported us Through the past Softball sea- lson. THANKS EXPRESSED BY PLAYERS AND SOFTBALL MANAGEMENT With Yul Brynnr-er, Claire Blo‘pm and Maria Schell SHOWN AT 6.30 and 9.00 (all long distance. No toll charge ASK FOR OpenhBowlingw. every fiat. .nite. Mixed league Schedule Starts‘ Monday, Sept. 22nd. Entries have to be in by- Sept. 25th. BOWLING ALLEYS Open Sat. Sept. 20 Buckham Transport Zenith 26250 h" up. . -fl’.v‘-. .5 $1.50 a year i orter Offioe Department, Ottawa, Ont.- '1‘ We wish to thank Mr. Bar- ringer, publisher of The Mirror- Repo-rter for a season :of free adverfising and also for allow- ing unlimitefl space in The Mirror-Reporter for our Soft- ball wx-iteups. J. W. Wright, for his kindness in lozokinog after in- jured players. We feel honoured and privi- leged to be members of Mill‘ brook’s First Girl’s Softball Champions. Signed: Mary McDowell Eileen Powell Ruby Hudson Glenda Bain Dorothy Hutchinson Marg Armstrong Elaine Bain Laure’en Guthrie Lynda, Hogg Norma Earl Doreen Todd Helen Wright. Coachâ€"Alan Wright Managerâ€"Ernie Steacy. ,. .1. H‘- ngkneg Wilf Reynolds . Appealing Stpry of an Australian Boy ”SMILEY" ; to U.S.A., $2.5!

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