EST 4 AN THROUGH IUST 12 I UCED THE TAX ’ IDERABLE SAVING BRANDS AS 1 â€" WORKSHIRTS ND WATSON’S i’K SOCKS BILTMORE HATS F INION FOOTWEAR I EXTRA. I "S. White. $1.95 LERYNAS E ONLY $2 95 S MAKE LE AT 98 RAL-LS WITH BIB 4-4. SALE $3.98 SPORT SH IRTS MEMMMES CY FOR 101 1111013 -uâ€"uâ€" SERVICE FROM LAUNDERERS I PECIALLY REDUCED R’S PHONE 150 101$T YEAR men PRICES PAID for live SALES HELP WANTED MALE poultry, feathers, new 86°80 MAN WANTED: â€For Rawlleigh 8: duck. Also old feather ticks. business. No experience needed M. Flatt, Bethany, 71113 collect. to start- Sales easy to make and profits good. Start dmmediately. Write â€"â€" FOR SALE __ Rawleigh’s, Dept. 1283-190, 1900 Ford 4005 Richelieu, Montreal 1958 Skoda 55 GMC Tm“ LADY WILL DO H'OUSEWORK 53 Vaxhall mornings. Enquire of MI 19. REBUILT generators, starters. fuel pumps, water pumps, trans- SALE missions Exchange. 1 used Bolens Tiller LEE AUTO WRECKERS 1 used Chore Master Tiller Garden Hill, Ont. 1 Demonstrator Toro Riding Phone 17 Mower. 1 used TOro Mower . 1 used Best Buy Mower FOR TOP'QUALITY Shur-Gain 1' used Kenmore Space Heater Feed at rock-'botton prices, see 1 used Furnace Frazerville Elevators. New Quaker Space Heaters in stock, with $50 tradeâ€"in allow- ance on any type of old stove. GIBSON AUTO BODY JACK HAMIJN Expert Piano Tuning Repair Typewriter Service Sales RENTALS $4 MONTHLY R1 27971 PETER-BORO WHITE WASHING STABLE-S PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins ,Newton‘ville “Telephone Clarke 4721 Exceptional Value for Rent FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT Large iLving Room. Kitchen ' with Dining Area. 3-piece bath, PENSIONERS wanted: Room, and two large bedroomsâ€"plus. board, washing. Very reason- H. A. Oil furnace. Available able. Phone RI 5-8201 anytime.- Sept. lst. Box 26 or Phone 37. ____________. MILLBROOK DISTRICT Properties for Sale and Rent ._ _._.â€" Have you seen the spacious ONE AND TWO BEDROOM selfcontained apartments Some heated, some heat your- ‘39â€, that are available for You MAIN ST.: Double lot. 4 Bed- ‘to rem in Mmbmo'k? And rea- room. Brick. on Heat. 2 Baths. sonable- If not: Phone 37 01‘ $1500 down. $7900 full price. writ-e Box 26. KING ST.: 2 acres. 3 bedrooms. Oil Furnace. Bath. $1000 down. .1..â€" FOR RENT: Main St. $70 monâ€" GLEEM SPEEDY CLEANERS thly. 44bedroom house. Sublet privilege. SHIRT LAUNDERERS 3-BEDROOM APT. Bath. H. D- Pick Up and Deliver Cable. $38 monthly. in MILLBROOK on TUESDAYS FRIDAYS Simply Phone REG. DUFFY at MI 267 GLEEM TRUCK WALL CALL NEAR FRASERVILLE: $900 down. 3 yrs.'old. Lot 100x200. $4900 full price. LEVEL LOT: Over 2 acres. 2 , half miles from Millbrook. Pracâ€" tically new house. or “Leave laundry with Reg†‘ ' ' . CALL 255 GORDON TRICK FOR SALE V . rI-N'IIERNATIONAL TRACTOR . BOWE’S 3‘ COCKS 13TD- _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".-â€"- 100 Fast Hitch Plow (31111111911- :WANTED: A home for 3 little or, Mower, Snow Plow, Trailer. .. {Front End Me}: (New) Com 'kutten-s†Phone ‘MI 258. plate $1500. John Currie, 224 -4440 ' ' M'nbrook - . 23W, 01‘ Pans, 1 Take Out or Eat Here BARNEY’S PHONE 38 COOK STOVE wanted. Coal 8: wood. Reply'to The Reporter. Classifieds repeat at half-price. BEAUTIFUL MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, D'U'RIHI-I'M COUNTY, I BIRTH CNLE‘N‘DA'R Pastor and Mrs. Don MicEwan (Thursday, September 21, 7 pm. are happy to announce the Durham Pasture Competition birth of a son, born September pmfle Night 9, 1961. A brother for Glenda. sponsored by comma EVENTS Improvement Association Rain or shine at Farm of Ted Foley, Bowmanville A FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3 Go West on No. 2 to Fina Stn. South to Railroad Tracks Grace Presbyterian Church Millbrook Further Particulars Later 1.-.d2 y Saturday Sept. 25, 26 500 Bushel Potato Club Securing Yields NOTICE The 11st Mill'brook Brownie IPack are holding their meet- R. E. Goodin in charge , . , ings every Wednesday from 500 Bush 1 Cl 1 1 ..1. e “'0 Meet‘ng 4:15 to 5:45 at: St. 'IIhomas’ Saturday, September 26, 8 1pm parish Hall Dept. of Agric, Bowmanvdlle Any girls from age 8 to 11 years wishing to join may do so until September 27. A Then 2 oil d'ruums,[3/8 copper tubing “the Pack will be closed to new hand lawnmower, . cis-f-r-r' «members until January 1962. :used electric moton; . . 1eney, Gavan, by the store. FOR SALE: Washing machine, Anyone Wishing to insuire please phone 126W or 140W. . IF 1 O'BIT-UARIY YOAL~pARh-1H..VING trouble or WILLIAM H. CROCKER {worries with the new Tax, let 1115 take care of your accounts. Reliable, Confidential. Reply to IThe Reporter. We will call you. The funeral service for Wilâ€" liam H. Crocker, who was born, and lived all his life, on a farm on the 2nd Concession of Manâ€" â€" - ‘ 1vers Township, was held Tues- ANNOUNCEMENT day, August 22. Interment was Your Ra-wleigh Products De-alâ€" in St. John’s Cemetery, Ida. er for the Townships Of. Cavan, The Rev. R. C. Rose. Bethany, :Manvers Cartwrvght 1s John Icon-ducted the service. Robert ‘LV'O'n‘S Of The. Country Fair Furâ€" lsisson was at the organ. Among 1niture Store 1n M1llbrook. Raw- the hymns was Mr. Crocker‘s leigh Products maybe purchas- 1f1avori‘te. “0. Master, Let Me ed fro-m our stock 1n the Store Walk With 'Dhee.†or Rural customers may buy at the door when Mr. Lyons calls on ‘his regular trips Millbrook year He 'h‘Od been 1‘11 only a Village customers are asked to few days He was a lifelong make their Rawleigh purshases member ‘O‘f Trinitythe-Marsh lat the Store. IAnglican Church, where he ser- yed a number of years as Ward- Beatty Washers and Dryers en. 9., mow in stock at The Country [Fair Furniture Appliances. 10rder yours today. _..__-.____.â€".....â€"__ .â€" Mr Crock-er was in his 80th He was the son of William Henry Crocker, Sr., ‘ and Jane 'Widdis. His wife, the former Margaret Maria Porter died in MILLBROOK COUNCIL 1947, his only brother in 1881. Mi'll‘bI‘OO'kk Council met 3313- iSurviwin-g are one daughter Lilâ€" tem-ber 7, all present, Reeve lie-n. Mrs. Waltsr Fallis of Man- Harrington presiding. yers: grandchildren Norma, . '1‘“: Karl C 11151 of Gavan. and Council passed a By-law 1:0 Ronald of Manvers: great grand levy and collect .M1-ll1brook S children Marilyn and Billie Gil share Of the cost 0f the new lis: one sister. Elizabeth. Mrs. High SOhIO‘Ol 1n CIJa‘I‘k‘e. lCJharIeS Porter of ManrverS. Correspondence included a The funeral was 1 ar g ely att- request from Owen to meet a ended, and many flora-1 tributes Millbro-ok committee It loca- among them. one from Trinity- tion Of Millbrook dump. \Chur chthe-Marsh. were receiv- Council instructed the Clerk ed. The pallbearers :were five to amend "the Parking By-la-W nephews: Leonard Porter, Donâ€" to have parallel parking on the ald Porter, Alvin Porter, Keith North side of King rfrom T-up- Porter. Ray Porter: and a neph- per to Dr. Wright’s residence. earâ€"in-l'aw, Robert Todd. SEPTEMBER 14, 1961 NO 37, SOCIAL 8: PERSONAL Mrs. A Mulligan returned on. Monday from Cleveland, Ohio, Where she spent the past week. Mrs. Irene Pugh of Galt was the holiday weekend guest of Mrs. Eva Devon of Millbrook JMrs. Devon returned recently from Sault Ste. Marie, where she visited her mother, who is coming shortly to take up res- idence with her daughter here. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, the parents of Mrs. Joyce Richards of Scarlet Villa Town are sail. ing for England September 15. They would like to say Goodbye (and thanks for the welcome and friendship extend-ed them by neighbours in Scarlet Villa and Frazerville, which has help- ed to make their visit a mem- oralble one. Miss Temple Nelson enter- tained several of her friends at a corn roast at her home last Saturday evening. Little Becky Clugston playâ€" ed hostess to several of her friends last Thursday, on the occasion of her seventh birthâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly of Detroit have returned home afâ€" ter visiting her sister and bro- ther 1n-law Mr. and Mrs R. A Wood of Millbrook. . OBITUARY MARY JONES Mary, wife of Stanley Jones of RR 3 Port Hope, died in Sid- Ibrook Hospital, Cobourg, after a long illness, and was buried in Port Hope Union Cemetery on Saturday, September 9. She *was in her 67th year. She is survived by her hus- band, a son Ross at home, one daughter Gwen, Mrs. Harold Best of Hope Township, a sistâ€" er Bertha, Mrs. William Jones of Toronto. A sister Ethel died in March this year. Irwin Hath- erly of Millbrook is a brother. Mrs. Jones was born in Douâ€" ro Township to John and Phoei .be Hatherly, (nee Haw). She was married from her home in Millbrook in 1924. Until her illness she resided in Hope Township. Electricity is one of the cheapest and most efficient sources of power available. The average cost of electricity to urban residential customers in Ontario is only 1.13 cents a kilowattahour, a rate which is among the lowest in the world.