~ DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor- dinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of. splendid testimonials pastime. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lene, London, 8. E. 6-1y ~Desires to inform the public that he has one of the - » ' Finest and Best Selected-Stocks In Town, ‘ consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca 3, Fresh Groceries, c. 21163;) for cash. r A. kinls of produce want- .‘_1 L1 l' ed aid the highest pEcZ 'iix'éé‘éï¬vï¬ailfï¬ Eggs at the shop or on the road. \V. BLAKE, VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to T. H. Hassard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- e. Toronto. Late Veterinary Surgeon North est Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical bectures. Royal Veterinary Colle e, London. Eng. Dentistry 8 specialty. All 0- mesticatcd animals treated according to latest. scientiï¬c methods. Ofï¬ce on Kingst“ opposxte Dominion hotel. Millbrook. v , ; 91y. , _ _ _-. -w â€wuaucuj gory. Office: 379 w' ' Street ofï¬ce box 125, Peterooro, Ont. . \IW AL‘ I. ALVU V asagnee. Books opened tgnd; closed. Ac counts collected. Assigningn ken in charge 8110 all details completeï¬s SEW attention grq‘n to book keeper‘sw w ere services of a permanent book-k Iceman-e not. required. Cqmmunicatlons from m'n ring towns re- cech prompt attenti sernces in such â€mm “th‘anhmnr‘ “A ’ . ,ï¬â€"x T B. CULLIINS 00.. BANKERS. MILL- . BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes lscoun ted. Drafts Issued on all points of Can nda. and up United States at lowest rates. The collection 01 sale and other notes a. specialty. made on real estate. No commission hat-god. Oxï¬ce, north 81 'de of King Street. Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. X ' 'Special , Excursion E __ .. .w vuuu mrormea that Thos. Pomberton, Profeussor ofyMuaic, and late Band Master 0 R0 a1 School of Infantry, Toronto. is now prepare to receive Emails, vocal or instru- mental, at his residence, enter Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments of any and every class promptly attended to. AREN TS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL _ LY are resnecthmv hem-Mm: nu; m. i w- â€"v'¢-ma.’ nut; mu auu 5m Monda‘ each month. Pontypool 13!; and 3rd Mona W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON 0 Ofï¬ce and residence, Baillieboro. Ont. Wili he at Queen’s Hotel, Millbrook, every Saturday. IDDELL. ARMSTRONG 8; NESBITT. Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries, 9.10.. Co bourg and Brighton. 1". i. Ridden, B. A., LLB. A. J. Armstrong. B. A. W. Ii. Nesbitt. B. A. First-exassloans laced. Money loaned and invested. Mercan ' e collections made and general law business. A. “’ARD, BARR!STER, ATTORNEY- at. Law. Soiicitor, etc. Oflice in Ontario Block. Walton street. Port Hope. Money to lend on the security of real estate. Town and farm property for sale. N C. Mali 0 set to L Unwcrsitics. geons, Edinbt md Surgeons, drug 5:01 e. Richardson' 3 ‘ MITH 5:: J . A. V‘ Notaries, 8.10.1 lag-oak, 0m... : u a. a. v. rn-swn; mrrlswrs, :eoucuors. Notaries, c. Ofï¬ces, “'00d 5; Kells’ block. Mill- brook, 0m... and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Mondays in every moanh. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 ‘cuub, r.uLuuur"n, .ucmuer uouege k’h 'sicians md Surgeons, 6mario. (mice at :1. T. 'lliozt's drug store. After oflice hours at Mr. Wm. Richardson's residence, King at... Mulbrook. RCHIBALD WOOD. ISSUER 0F 3 RIAGB LICENbES. Minorook, On; ‘ 0 so; t_o Dr. ,Niddyi’e)’ lfo'foï¬iowz‘x'r'ndwfizt‘aria Umvcrsxtges. Llccuuatc Royal College b‘ur- gegns, Edmburlgh? M'cmlgexzpouege yiaysicians CABIN ET MAKER, Keeps constantly on hand alarge stock of Far- niture of all kinds. Three large showrooms. No trouble to show goods. Manufacturer of tthxeelslop Washing Machine. The best 1:: the market. JOHN GILL Secure {your tickets and Sleeper from At First=cla$s one way Fares. Sept. 29 5: 30 To the World’s Fair MIT}! a; PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 ’ J: A: V. Preszgg) Barrktgrstsdicitors. .4.-_,A Al‘- '. _ “XIII-‘08â€, ACCQUNTANT cunvnnn D_‘I__ _ §Vol. XXXVI. yerformed 0. Maxim NpN. Map†0. M. jSL'CCES MARRIAGE LICENSES . LANG ‘a 3 \ssignmgnts takm = comple keepers W Sgereal b00k-k keqm are not ms from n boring attentien servia PROFESSIONAL MUSIC. A. LEACH, We“)? and_ satisfac~ itgeet. AddressL Post . ,- . ~ y, A Iillbrook. of wtinâ€"e 's of an. â€" Below “'ill be Found a Full Report 01 the m Prize List. .ni my. The, East Durham and Cavan Agricultural societies“ fall exhibition took place here on $1: Thursday and Friday of last week. To say 33' that it was a success is very weak, as never of before since the organization of the county show has the same success crowned the efforts of the ofï¬cers and directors. The gate receipts amounted to $357.15, the larg- estamount ever taken, which clearly dem- onstrates the fact thatthe show is now being held in the right- plaee and under the proper management. The entries were also far in advance of former years and many outsiders were loud in their praise and the remark was general that it was the best show held this fall within the united counties. The show of horses was unusually large and th animals themselves were of a very superior class. -In heavy draught, general purpose D and carriage horses the exhibits wer'e'equa'lly > good, and reflected great credit on the ( members of the societies. Cattle, sheep and 1 pigs were also represented by some of the voice the sentiments of those who are cap- ‘ able to judge we can only say that ] no beetcr exhibit in this line has l taken place at larger shows. In the I interior of the building the display of cer- g l eals, fruits and roots was simply magniï¬cent. ' Upstairsthe exhibit of ladies work, ï¬ne : arts etc., were unusually large, and drew ‘ forth admiring comments rom all who visit- ed the department. The handiwork of the ladies showed much careful labor and much attention was given to the numerous land- scaps shown by the members of the fair sex In this department many special exhibits were made and among the‘ more prominent was ashon case from the drug store of Dr. H, A. Turner, wlich was tastely dressed and with the many illumminated lables pre- sented qnitea handsome appearance.‘Among the large display we noticed “ Turner’s ‘ Cough Syrup,†Dr. J. W.Blsnd’s “ C.P.R. Dnimentï¬â€™ Turner’s Frostilene,†and many others that We could enumerate if space premitteeh» "About four o’clock in the 3: after-neon of Friday the attention of the Le crowd Ignaturally drifted towards the new driving park, where speeding in the ring had commenced and 5‘8 usual was the specia.1 ,J GRAND Sl'CPES'Sâ€"TIIE GATE RE- CEIPTS LARGI‘R TELLY ET ‘1’ REF!) RE . “’0 have just received form Japan direct importation of The besa time to buy yonr coal is when the weather is warm, as it is always cheaper then. I have the best coal this year that has ever been brou ht into Millbrook. This may be seemingly loud talk, but; an inspection will, think, convince the most. sceptical on this point. Please call and see my coal before placing your order. I have also another car load of shingles to hand this week. The . y are going fast as the price is low and the shmgles are good. 38' Ofï¬ce and yard at, t he railwav statinn OUR OWN BLEND AT 50:. Such value was never offered before. We have them at all prices, and to suit all people, and think if you give us a chance we. own suit, you. And will guarantee it the best value in Canada. W'e are also making a specialty of Indian Cey Ion and Black Teas. Our leader in this line being: DUB FALL EXHIBITION. July 27th, 1393. W. VANCE. Which we offer at A WORD ABOUT TEA WINTER IS SURELY COMING ,_-, w.v 'V‘LIS LWDU no L'lll': re good: A??? Ofï¬ce and yard 5!; the raifway station. Yours respectfully, W. THEXTON. MILLBROOK. ONT.. R. L. Holdstorth; pair shearling ewesâ€" R. L. Holdsworth, Robert Smith; pair ewe lambsâ€"R. L. Holdsworth, R, L. Holds- : worth. . , Class l4.â€"Shropsh1redowns. Aged ram â€"Robert Shaw, James Leask; shearling ramâ€"Joseph Touchbum, Albert Tamblyn; ram lambâ€"Nichol Dawson, H. E. Sharp; pair aged ewesâ€"James Leask, Nichol Daw- son; pair shearling ewesâ€"Nichol Dawson, Joseph Touchburn ; pau' ewe lambsâ€"James Leask, Nichol Dawson. Class '15.-â€"Large Breei Pigé. Aged boa â€"-Robert Stewart, 11. E. Sharpe ; sow the: ‘11â€"" Class 12.â€"Lciccsters and Lincolns. Aged Ramâ€"«James Wood, Bensfort ; J. W. Glenny; shearling ramâ€"J. W. Martin, Robert McKnight; ram lambâ€"James Wood, Bensfort; W. McKnight; pair aged ewesâ€" James Wood, Bensiort; J. W. Glenny; pair ewe lambsâ€"James Wood, Bensforb ; W. McKnight. Class 13.-â€"-Southdowns. Aged ramâ€"R. L. Holdsworth, Robert Smith; shearling ra.mâ€"-R. L. Holdsworfh, R. L. Holdsworth, ram lambâ€"R. L. Holdsworth, R. L. Holds- ï¬'orth ; Pair aged‘e\\’eS-.â€"R._L. Holdsworth, Class 11. â€"Cotswold. Aged Ramâ€"H. E. Sharp , shearling ramâ€"R. Vance, Ida; J. W. Seeney, Ida. ; 1am lambâ€"J. W. Seeney, Ida; R. Vance, Ida; is aged ewesâ€"R. Vance, Ida; J. W Seenga, Ida; pair. Shear- Iing ewesâ€"R Vance, Ida; H. E. Sharp pair ewe lambsâ€"R. Vance, Ida; J. W Seeney, Ida. ‘ Class lO-kâ€"Polled Angus. Cow in milk or calfâ€"~Richard J. Fallis; l 'f’ -. "_ Richard J. Falhs. 1e1 er calI Class 10. â€"Gradcs. Cow, in milk: or calfâ€"- H. Campbell, Wm. Thexton; two S'ear ‘on heiferâ€"Isaac Larmer, Isaac Larmer; one year old heiferâ€"Moses Sutton, Moses Sutton ; heifer calfâ€"Harvey Thexton ; one year old Steerâ€"Moses Sutton. Class 9. ~Hols ien. Cow, in milk or calf â€"â€"J. Fallis , bull calfâ€"J. Fallis. Class 8.â€"â€"Jerse‘*s. Cow, in milk ovf calf-- Thos. O‘Brien, runswick ; two year old heiferâ€"â€"'J‘hos. O’Brien, Brunswick ; one year old heiferâ€"Thomas O’Brien. ; Brunswick ; heifer calfâ€"Thomas O’Brien, Brunswick. _ Class 5,â€"Du1'11ams. Cow, 1111111111 01 calf -â€"W. Redmond, W. Redmond; T110 year old Heife1â€"W. Redmond, W. Redmond; oneyear old heife1â€"W. Redmond, W. Red- menu; heifer calfâ€"W. Redmond, \\. Red- mond; bull calfâ€"W. Redmond, VL Red- mond. SClass 7.â€"A3 rsl1ire. Cow, in milk 01 calfâ€" .J. \IcElroy ;tW0yea.1 old he1forâ€"S J. McElroy, S. J. Mthoy; one yem old. heiferâ€"3S. J. McE11'0,y S. J. Mthoy. llsss 5.â€"Imported Heavy Draught Horses. Two year old gelding or ï¬llyâ€"L. S. Bowles; one year 01 gelding or ï¬lly-a Levi Bowlcs. Fry, Hichard Swain. Class 4.â€"â€"Hea.vy Draught Horses, Cana- dian Bred. Pair horses in harnessâ€"Henry Fee, Michael Sisson ; mare and foalâ€"Richard Swain, Geo. Syer; Two year old gelding or ï¬lly. Michael Sissiou ; one year old gelding cr ï¬llyâ€"Richaird Swaip, Iiichard Swain. Class 3.â€"General Purpose Horses; Pair horses in harnessâ€"T1103. Gmham, John Elgar; brood mare with foal at her sideâ€" Thos. McCamus, Richard Swain; two year old gelding or ï¬llyâ€"\Vm. Francy, Robert Fullis : one year‘ald gelding or ï¬llyâ€"John Fry, Richard Swain. Class 2.-â€"Roadster Horses in Harness, 15% hands and under. Pair horses in harnessâ€" James Caldwell, S. J. McElroy, 'Wm, Fallis ; single horse in harnessâ€"JV. C. Irvin, J. S. Sharpe ; single horse in harness, three year oldâ€"Willard Caldwell, Ira. N attrass ; brood mare with foal at; her sideâ€"James Caldwell, Alex. Henry ; two year old gelding or ï¬lly-â€" VV. '1‘. Donaldson, Thomas Jones; one year old gelding or ï¬llyâ€"Thomas Williamson, Howard Keegam ; foal of 1893â€"J'amcs Cald- well, Alex. Henry. ‘ Class 1.-â€" Carriage and Saddle Horses, over 15!; hands. Pair horses in harness-â€" Willard Caldwell, Jas. Eagleson, Joseph Staples ; single†horse in harnessâ€"J. A. Stacker, Geo. Wallace; two year old geld- ing or ï¬llyâ€"W..H. Lough, Geo. S. Thorne; one year old gelding or ï¬llyâ€"Mark Raper, Jonathan Smith ; foal of 1893â€"Levi Bowles, Thos McCamus ; saddle 1101:. eâ€"Iru N attlmss, Walter Collins. 3 lst, “Canadian SLar,’ owned by George Curtls, Lindsay; 2nd, “Molly A,†owned by Ira. Nattrass, Millbrook ; 3rd, “ Charley Mac,†owned by Dr. Leslie, Bethany. OPEN 'mor. . lst, “ Mamie S,†owned by W. Simpson, Lindsay; 9nd, “Billy C,†owned by H. Nattmss, Millbrook ; 3rd, "Daisy D,†owned T. Somerville, Orono. attraction. Lollowing 1s a. fuli report; of the ring competition and list: â€"â€" SHEEP. ' GREEN TROT. CATTLE. HORSES. THURSDAY. OCTOBER. 12, 1893.’ Class 23. Half bushel early potatoesâ€" Francis Smith, \V. McKnight; three Savoy cabbageâ€"John Graham; three winter cab- bageâ€"S. Bateson ; three red cabbageâ€"John (w‘raham, Francis Smith; six roots white celeryâ€"S. Bateson, John Graham; six roots red celeryâ€"John Graham; twelve table carrots, lon redâ€"D. S. Armstrong, Henry Earl; twe ve early horn carrotsâ€"Geo. Brown, 'J. W. \Valsh; twelve parsnipsâ€" John Graham, Francis Smith; twelve sal- sifyâ€"Geo. Berry; twelve pepperâ€"XV. Rutherford ; twelve long radishesâ€"Mrs. W. . H. McCartney; twelve turnip radishesâ€" Geo. Brown, Mrs. \V. H. McCartney; six long red beetsâ€"Francis Smith, John Gra- ham; six turnip beetsâ€"R. L. Holdsworth J. W. Walsh; Welve red tomatoesâ€"S. Bateson, Thos. Elliott; twelve yellow tomatoes-S. Bateson, Mrs. W. Rutherford; twelve preserving tomatoesâ€"S. Bateson, Geo. Brown; twelve ears cornâ€"R. L. Holds- worth, Geo. Brown; two summer squashâ€" E. Richardson, jr., W. T. Donaldson; two Winter squash~Joseph Staples, Francis Smith; egg' lantâ€"Mrs. W. Rutherford; 9W0 citronsug. J. McElroy, D. S. Arm- gtrong; two green-fleshed melonsâ€"John Class 2:2. Six Sweede turxiips'i-Robcrt McKnight, H. B. Allen; six whflife tumips â€"D. S. Armstrong; six white carrotsâ€"- John Graham, Richard Fallis; six long ‘red Mangold Wurtzelâ€"L. S. Bowles, John Graham; six Globe Mangold VVurtzelâ€"D. S. Armstrong, Reid Lowrcy; half bushel potatoesâ€"Mr. S. ’Bateson, L. S. Bowles ; two ï¬eld Squashâ€"Geo. Brown, Geo. Jeffery ; two ï¬eld pumpkinsâ€"Samuel Staples, John Graham ; collection potatoes. named-- fFrancis Smiqh, Campbellcroft; Wm. Ruther- 0rd. . W. Dawson, Bensfort; W. A. Pue, Frazer- ville ; loaf domestic breadâ€"Frank Mulligan, Mrs. S. Bateson ; ï¬ve lbs. honey in combâ€" . Herbert Russell; ten lbs. extracted honeyâ€" Gco.Berry, Herbert Russell ; maple Sugarâ€" VV. Rutherford; maple syrupâ€"R. Vance, Ida; Wm. Rutherford. FRUITS. Class ‘21. Collection of winter apples, ‘ four of each kind namedâ€"C. H. Winslow, * Gerald Lindsay; collection of fall apples, four of each kind namedâ€"U. H. \‘Vinslow, Samuel Staples; twelve Northern Spysâ€" Wm. Shaw, George Berry; twelve Rhode Island Greeningsâ€"ank Mulli an, Isaac Larmer; twelve SpitzenhurgSâ€"an. Ruthq erford, Samuel Staples; twelve Baldwinsâ€"l Samuel Staples, \Vm. Rutherford; twelve St. Lawrencesâ€"John Graham, Robert Shaw ; twelve Snow applesâ€"Herbert Russell. Samuel Staples, Ida. ; twelve Fall Prppinsâ€" John Lightfoot, Henry Earl; twelve King Tompkins Countyâ€"Wm Rutherford, Henry Earl; twelve Bell Flowerâ€"Henry Earl, Wm. Rutherford; tuelve Ben Davisâ€"H. B. Allen, Richard Swain ; twelve Roxbury Russetsâ€"Samuel Staples; twelve Golden Rnssetsâ€"John Lightfoot, John Graham; twelve any other variety, namedâ€"Herbert Russell, Geo. S. Thorne ; twelve early pears 1â€"D. S. Armstrong, T. H. Richardson; twelve winter pears-R. L, Holdsworth, “7m. Shaw; cluster of in-door grapesâ€"John ‘ Grahzun; cluster of out-door grapesâ€" ‘ Edward Richardson, Jr., H. B. Allen; - collection of plumsâ€"Wm. Rutherford; . twelve egg plumsâ€"Wm. Rutherford ; Col- _ lection of crab applesâ€"S. J. MeElroy, Wm. Rutherford. , ""‘J R. Vance, Ida; half bushel white beam-- G. 'W. Slsson, Bethany ; twelve ears of com, whiteâ€".Geo. Brown, Francis Smith. Camp- bellcrofb; 'l‘welx'e cars corn, yellow-â€"Gco. Brown; two bushel Prussian blue peasâ€" John Fry, Jonathan Smith. ' DAIRY PRODUCE AND BREAD. Class 20. Butter, tub or crock, not less than 40 lbsâ€"Mrs. W. Thexton. William Brown; Butter, 5 lbs. in rollsâ€"Mrs. W. Thexton, Samuel Staples ; facto_ry cheese- ‘17 1\ “ --- Class 19. One bushel Fall Wheat, Whiteâ€" James Wood, Bensfort; Robt. McKnight; one bushel Fall Wheat, redâ€"Reid Lowrey, Robt. McKnight; one bushel Colorado Wheatâ€"Geo. S. Thorne, Jonathan Smith; one bushel. Early Peas-Robt. Shaw, Jona- than Smith; two bushel White Marrowfat Peasâ€"Reid Lowrey; two bushel Black-eye Marrowfat Peasâ€"James Wood, Bensfort; W. McKnight ; one bushel small peasâ€"Geo. Browne; one bushel black oatsâ€"Edward Richardson; one bushel white oatsâ€"Jone- than Smith, Reid Lowrey ; one bushel four or six rowed barleyâ€"Jonathan Sinith, \V. Mcknight; one bushel two-rowed barleyâ€"‘ D ‘7- H A , T 1 I u n 1 v - . . . l o -gv. II VI. vLA R. L. Holdvsworthd;vhoarflo? 1893:.R. 7L: Holdswort‘h; sow of 1893â€"R. L. Holds- worth, 'R. L. Holdsworth. POULTRY. Class 18. ~ Plymouth Rocksâ€"R. L. Holds- worth, R. L. Holdsworth; Gamesâ€"Wm. McIvor, Wm. McIvor; Brahmas, lightâ€" Thomas Weir, Gavan ; Thomas Weir 5‘ Dork- ingsâ€"Thomas Weir, Thomas Weir; Ham- ‘burgs, Spangledâ€"Thomas Weir, Thomas 'Weir; Black Spanish Fowlâ€"D. S. Arm- strong; ‘Vhite Leghornsâ€"Thomas Weir, Thomss Weir; Brown Leghornsâ€"James Francey, James Francey; Bantamsâ€"Wm. MuIvor, Willie Grandy; Turkeysâ€"Gerald Lindsay, D S. Armstrong; Geeseâ€"Reid Lowery, Robert Bowels; Ducksâ€"Reid Lowery, D. b‘. Armstrong. ~‘ RECOMMENDED AS EXTRA. Black Minorcasâ€"W'. H. McCartney ; Wyandottesâ€"Henry Argue; pen of rabbits â€"Thomas Jones. - -‘-.'v7 -vâ€"w Class i7.â€"Suff61k. Aged .boarâ€"R. L. Holdsworch, R. L. Holdsworth; sow that has raised pigs this yearâ€"R. L. Holdsworth, 'D r I - - -~ TT-‘IJA,7,, . _A__ has raisedpigs this yearâ€"H. E. Sharpe: H. E. Sharpe; bear of 1893â€"Francis Smith, H. E. Sharpe; sow of 1893â€"Robert Bowles Robert Bowles. . ,Class Maiâ€"Improved Berkshires. Aged boarâ€"R. Vance, Ida; Thomas Henry; sow that has raised pigs this yearâ€"R. Vance, Ida; R. Vance, Ida; boar of 1893â€"12.. Vance, Ida ; Francis Smith ; sow of 1893â€" R.nV'ance, Ida’; 13. _Va.nce, Ida. w van...- I, Fungi: Smith; twoliwatvg; melom GARDEN VEGETABLES. 2001' CROP. GRAIN, Fancy tableâ€"Miss M. Richardson, Mrs- S. Bateson; set fancy tool hand madeâ€"- Berta Thexton; floor matâ€"Geo. Berry, F. Mulligan; embroidery etchingâ€"Mrs. J. Lightfoot; fancy quiling by machineâ€"Mrs. W. C. Allen; fancy quiling by handâ€"S. J. McElroy; batton wreathâ€"Miss C. E. Smith ; wool wreathâ€"Miss C. E. Smith. PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Class 31. Greenhouse plants, best collec- tionâ€"Mrs. H. McCartney; Coleuses, best collectionâ€"“7. D. N ugent; Coxcombes, in potsâ€"Mrs. W. Rutherford; Cacti, varieties â€"D. Nugent. Miss M. Sloan : Ferns, native, best collectionâ€"Miss E. Russell, Mrs. H. McCartney; Begonias, flowering, sixâ€"Mrs. H. McCartney; Balsams, best collectionsâ€" Sam. Staples, Miss ‘E. Russell; hanging basaets, pairâ€"Miss V. O’Brien ; gemniums, single, best collectionâ€"Miss V. O’Brien, Geraniums, six, doubleâ€"Miss V. O’Brien Gemiums. silver, best coHectioxir-Mrs. H. McCartney; Large“ and best collection of Dahlia, named, one of each-#Miss M. Sloan; two late vase bouquets (without. frames)â€"Som. Staples, ,Mias V. O’Brien ; pair of side-table or fan bou netsâ€"Sam. . Continued‘ogipagceig â€"â€"â€"°w-", Vuvl‘.’ u: ’1“: of stockings knit byia lady 102 years old, and blind -uv‘ , Caraway; honiton lace workâ€"-l‘.lrs. R. , Devell, Millie Sloan ; hand screensâ€"Miss - ,j Eakins. Mrs. T. B. Collins; Mexican 3 needle. Work~â€"Mrss W. H. McCartney. Mrs. 3 Gerald Lindsay; mat-crane workâ€"Miss L. ' Eakins, Mrs. XV. C. Allen; modelling, in ' high reliefâ€"Miss M. Richardson. Miss E. 3 Russell ; modelling in clayâ€"Miss .‘J. : Richardson; ornamental pottery_Mrs. F. . \Vard, Mrs. Deyell; point lace workâ€"Miss. - M. Richardson, '1‘. H. Richardson; paper I workâ€"Miss M. Richardson, Miss E. Russell; ' painting on Chin. â€"â€"Mrs. T. B. Collins, H. McCartney ; panels workedâ€"Mrs. R. Deyell, Miss L. Eakins ; quilt, patchwork“ Miss M. Richardson, S. J. McElroy; quilt, pieceworkâ€"Miss M. Richardson, Joseph Staples ; quilt, log cabinâ€"Miss M. Richard- son, M rs. U. W. Sisson ; quilt, knittedâ€"S. J. McElroy, Mrs.- R. Vance; crazy quiltâ€"- Miss E. Richardson, LIPS. S. W. Sisson; raised Berlin wool workâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisson, Miss M. Richardson ; ribbon workâ€"Miss 1-}. Russell; Roman embroideryâ€"Mrs. J. Light.â€" foot‘, Miss L. Eakins; specimens of lace workâ€"Mrs S. Bateson, Miss E. Russell; sofa. pillow, Miss V. O’Btien, Mrs. C. H. Winslow; silk patchworkâ€"Miss E. Richard- son, Mrs. G. W. Sisson ; toilet set, in cotton -.\lrs. S. Bateson, Mrs. J. Li~litfoot; toilet set, in woolâ€"Mrs. T. B. Collins, Mrs. J. ’Lightfoot; tinsel workâ€"Miss V. O’Brien, Miss L. Eakins; table coverâ€"-Miss E. Russell, Mrs. J. Lightfoot; table or piano scarfâ€"Miss V. O’Brien, Joseph -Sta.ples; woollen tidyâ€"M rs. T. B. Collins, Miss L. Eukins; worked whisx holderâ€"Joseph Staples, Mrs. R. Deyell; wax fruitâ€"Miss M. Richardson; wax lilliesâ€"Mrs. \V. C. Allen ; novelties, that. are entirely new and original (not; speciï¬ed in any of the above above sections)â€".H‘enry :Argue, extra, a. pain A: -4-..'l-:.. .._ L..2 ...A .\1. ulchardson, Mrs. R. Deyell; embroid- ery on muslinâ€"Miss M. Richardson, Mrs. W. H. McCartney; embroidery with silk â€"\lrs. C. H. Winslow, Mrs. T. B. Collins ; embroidery on laceâ€"Miss L. Raisins, Mrs. T. B. Collins; embroidery on plush~Mrs. ‘C. H. Winslow, Millie Sloan; fancy knit- iting, with cottonâ€"G. S. Sisson, Mrs. \V. H. McCartney; flat Berlin wool workâ€"Mrs. R. Deyell, Mrs. \V. C. Allen ; fancy leather workâ€"Mrs. \V. H. McCartney, Miss M. Richardson; Mrs. T. 8. Collins, Miss L. Eakins; fancy mitts, in woolâ€"Mrs. J. Lightfoot, Miss E. Richardson ; fancy mitts in silkâ€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney, Mrs. F. \Vard; fancy quiling, by maehine~Mrs. \V. H. McCartney; foot restâ€"Mrs. R. Deyell ; gent’s plain shirt, hand-madeâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisson; gent’s plain shirt, machine madeâ€"Mrs. J. Lightfoot, .Irs. G. W. Sisson; guipure work~Mrs \V. H. Mc- Mrs. T. B Col lins; dau‘ \I. Richardson, Ms. B ery on muslinâ€"Miss M. W. H. McCartnev 2 am Class 26. Five yards Wool carpeting “- Sam. Staples, Reid Lowrey; ï¬ve yards fulled clothâ€"Mrs. Francis Ward ; ï¬ve yards flannel, all woolâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisson, Mrs. Francis Ward ; ï¬ve yards flannel, half cottonâ€"Robert Bowles, Mrs. F. \Vard; woollen coverlet~M.rs. C. H Winslow ; cotton coverletâ€"Mrs. G. \V. Sisson; pair woollen blanketsâ€"Robert Bowles, Mrs. F. Ward; ywoollen shirtsâ€"Mrs. F. Ward ; wool drawersâ€"M rs. Gr. \V. Sisson, Rostowâ€" les nair wollenlstockingâ€"M rs. F. Ward, Mrs. 1i". W. Sisson ; pair woollen socksâ€"Mrs. F. Ward, S. J. McElroy ; pair woollen mittens â€"Mrs. G W. Sisson, Mrs. F. Ward; pair woollen glovesâ€"Mrs. G. \V. Sission, Mrs. F, Ward ; three skeins stocking yarnâ€"Mrs G. \V. Sisson, S. J. McElroy. ' HAR‘SESS AND BOOTS. Class 28. Set farm harnessâ€"S. Bateson; double carriage harnessâ€"S. Bateson ; single carriage harnessâ€"S. Bateson. MISCELLANEOUS. Class 29. Improved bee hive Herbert; Russell; set horse shoesâ€"W. D. Nugent, set horse shoes, draughtâ€"\V. l). Nugent; drain tilesâ€"George Jeffrey. LADms’ WORK. Class 30. Arresene workâ€"Gerald Lind- 1 say, Miss C. E. Smith ; bead workâ€"Miss E. Russell, Mrs. R. Deyell; braiding with silk G. W. Sisson ; braiding with cottonâ€"Mrs. C. H. Winslow, G. \V. Sisson ;‘ braiding with worstedâ€"Mrs. W'. H. McCartney, Miss E. Russell; banner screenâ€"~Mrs. R. Deyell; child’s dressâ€" :\1 rs. John Lightfoot, George Berry; crochet work, with woolâ€" Miss E. Russell, Mrs. J. Lightfoot; crochet work, coarse cotton Mrs. J. Lightfoot, Miss Millie Sloan; Miss E. Russell, Mrs. J. Lightfoot; chenile workâ€"M rs. H. McCart- ney ; camp stoolâ€"Miss L. Eakins, Mrs. R. Deyell; erewel workâ€"Jim. J, Lightfoot, Mrs. T. B Collins ; dawning on netâ€"Miss ‘f 13241... ‘ " â€"‘ h â€"Francis Smith, Herbert Russell ; six cucumbersâ€"Geo. Brown, R. L. Holdsworth- IMPLEMENTS., Class 25. Iron harrowâ€"W’. D. Nuaent - O ’ wheelbarrowâ€"\V. D. Nugent; cneborse cultivatorâ€"W. D. N ugenL ;‘ turnip cutterâ€"â€" W. D. N agent/a RECOMMENDED AS EXTRAS DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. N o.