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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Oct 1893, p. 4

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s’ 3 o v. . ‘ k 4» \‘ ya" ‘,i‘ . ‘ui‘P'b" . V ‘ .' . .i‘ w? ’1‘.’~*~"‘ - “V; be read with delight by the many admirers of the great novelist and poet, while “the man of letters as a. man of business ” furnishes many hints in the line of making the humdrum of business worry disappear behind the bar of entertaing literature. Alto- gether it is a capital edition. Scribner’s filagazine for October is of special interest to Canadian readers and notably to this locality. I 5 gives a graphic account of that lively march in the north-west by our mounted. police and Canadian soldiers, the hardâ€" ships they endured and the success achieved. “ Scott’s voyage in the, lighthouse yacht,” written in 1814 Willl THE Reformers of North Bruce have selected Mr. John Pierson of Saugeen, an ex-warden of the county, to contest the riding lately vacated by the death of Mr. Porter, M.P.P. Mr. Pierson is perhaps the stronget- man that could have been chosen, and with Mr. D. McNaughten, reeve of Bruce township, upholding the standard of the Patrons of Industry, a life-long Reformer, the old warhorse of the riding, Mr. John George should have a good chance for ‘ election should he be chosen to be the Conservative candidate. .r""‘ v.1 " .-_ ”a ““‘“”V* V‘ “W ““2 on Tuesday. The funeral which was conducted by the Orange brethren was an impressive ceremony, reminding all who were in attendance of the uncer- tainty of life and the sure approach of death. ONE of the 01d landmarks of the township of Gavan passed away last week in the person of Jas. ~V'Villiamson, who was conveyed to his last resting place by e. \*ery_lnrge number of friends, ‘W’. S. GIVEN Ebe {IDiIIbrook Reporter. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1893. 6' OLD WLV SJ! I TH. EDITOR. At the last moment Detective Carpenter handed a- warrant to the coroner and de- manded his prisoner. Hooper was about to be taken back to Cobourg jail, but Carpenter played his trump card just in time to secure his prisoner and left at midnight for Mont- real on the fast express. The coroner’s jury here are indignant, -â€"Dr. Root’s Red Re ulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEACH or a box.!):_’_ 16- â€"â€"'-v â€"-- mu. nu- Analysis of the gtomach will not be com- pleted for at least a. week. It became known during the afternoon ‘that Hooper would be brought up from Coboug jail to attend the adjourned inquest. From the moment this fact was known the streets were lined with people, all anxious to get a look at the prisoner. Shortly be- fore7 o’clock a rig dashed up the main street containing the prisoner and two stout constables. The crowds of people did not get a chance to see him, however, as he was rushed into the Y. M,C,A. building and up- stairs to where the coroner, the jury, his lawyer, Mr. H. A. Ward, Q. C. of Terre bonne, awaited him. Hooper did not ap- pear to be in any sense insane, He took a quick glance about the room and immedi- ately began shaking hands with numerous acquaintances. The Latest Developmentsâ€"Port Hope in a State of Excitement. Port Hope, Oct. 10.â€"The plot thickens in the J. Reginald Hooper mystery. This town is in a ferment to-day over a report that the woman‘Hooper is charged with having killed was not his wife at all. I have spent the day investigating this report and have come to the conclusion that whether the deceased was his wife or not, ihe was previously married to another nvonian. It would appear that 13 years ago Hooper, was living at Montreal and worked in a printing office. He sent word to his family that he was married, and shortly after his mother left here to pay him a visit. She returned a. week later and stated that her son was married to a woman whose Christian name was Mary. Some months afterwards Hooper came home With a young girl who was introduced as his wife. That woman died last month at Terrebonne. Her name was Georgina. Rev. A. T. Green, a superannuated Methodist minister residing here lived next door to the Hoopers at that time and remembered the incident. His daughter thought it strange at the. time that the names were different, and was told that Hooper had obtained a legal separation fr0m his first wife. upon his head the severest censure of the party “dyed in the wool” class, and pitiful to read and listen to are the 'yelps from some of the unapprec- ative wirepullers whose steps they are unworthy or unwilling to duly estimate. Prof. Goldwin Smith may have been unable to see eye to eye with those who now control the business at the capital, and we have no hesitancy in disagreeing with him- on his latest political hobby, yet we think he should have that credit and respect which his distinguished culture unquestionably deserves. The last product of his historical pen is a history of the United States of America, the advance notes of which indicate that the sub- ject is handled in that careful and cosmopolitan spirit, that the flight of time will only add to itsvdemand by those who read history divested from party politics. His review of the seperation of the colonies from the motherland and the declaration of Independence, as also the facts relating to the north and south war will be particularly interesting reading to Canadian and British subjects. The book will be worthy of a. place on the shelves of every library. | THE H OOPEIC CASE. Roller and Stone Flour, Glassware, Coal Oil, Tinware, Stoves, Pipes, \Vashing Ma- chines and \Vringers. Also couxso grains, 820. Everything away down in price for A. PAYNE. Home-made factory Yarn, Tweed, Flan- nel, Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets, Rolls white and grey. Ijhavejust. received a sto3k of the well- known Champion Plows, Points and Sole Plat-es, manufactured by Thos. Hayden of Port Hope, which 1 wish you to see before purchasing elsewhere. The prices are right. In all grades on hand and at prices that- defy competitionmagg‘X‘ I heve just received a, large consignment of coal. Don’t forget to see me before plac- ing your order, I c an make it interesting for you. Shingles COAL- BAHFDHNEA FIG SYRUP CU” SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10".}"LSVILLE- KY: NEW YORK; ’97. Y. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand Will rocure it promptly for any one w o wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, ‘ Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efl‘ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and feversand cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever dpro- duced, pleasing to the taste an 'ac- ceptable to the stomach, fiprompt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects, prepared onl from the most healthy and agreeah esubstances, its 1 man excellent qualities commend it ‘ to al and have made it the most popular remedy k_noyvn. Embalmer. _ H a Best of Testimonial: can be given. Undertaker and Practic'al JOHN GILLOTT, ONE ENJOYS "869 George Street, We show a large range of styles in Ladies, Misses and Children’s Mantles, Ulsters and Capes. DRESS GOODS, We R. H. KELLS CO. Walsh 5: Clarke Are Showing this week a New lot of They speak for Themseives. ALSO THE NEWEST THINGS IN SEE THEM Purchasing Elsewhere. Peterborough

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