â€"-â€"In our last issue we announced that the result of the guessing contest in connection with the Kells, Fowler Co’s. establisment would appear in this issue. It is as follows :â€"-â€"A.mount taken at the g: te $367315}.- Mrs. Geo. Kï¬nnedy, $37 0.00 ; Mrs. Wesley Larz mer, $375.00; Mrs. Samuel Larmer, $355100; Miss Clara Jewison, $350.7 5 £33 Ella Grandy, $350.00; . Miss Hannah Raper, $350.00. The above parties are requested to call and get their gloves, The last two named being ties each party will receive a _ . v“. wv tention this week to our stock of teas, also to our barrel and sack salt, every- thing at rock bottom prices. Try our Japan tea. at twenty-ï¬ve centsâ€"it can’t be beat. See adv’t. W. VANCE. uâ€"Enamel. The only smoakless, oderless and ect stove-pipe varnish is for sale R. 'J. Doak’s. B no stoves e 09.191»th puma- â€"On the evening of 20th October the members of L. 0. L. N o. 82, Gavan district. will hold a. basket social in the school house at the Marsh. An in- teresting progamme is being prepared and not doubt the entertainment will ‘ be good. I -â€"On Saturday last Mr. Thos. Grandy shipped a. car load of cattle and pigs from this station. Mr. Grandy is a. well-known buyer here, and is always in a. position to pay the highest market price: â€"-iIr. Thos. Henry of the township of Hope is bound to show his neigh- bor that it pays to raise good stock, in the pork line, and he has puchased the noted improved berkshire “ Lord Aberdeen.†J -â€"-Mrs. J. D. Denny and daugher, and Miss Addie Sutcliï¬â€˜e, of Mt. Pleas- ant have been guests of Mr G. Walter Green for the past few days. -,-â€"Mr. E. O. Esshoo, a native of Persia, and a. student of Knox College, will preaéh in the Presbyterian church here next Sabbath. â€"Mr. B. Van. Homreigh left for Toronto toâ€"day Where he will act as ofï¬cial scorer in the international‘ cricket match Australia. vs Canada. 1 â€"â€"â€"Agents wanted. In the vicinity ofl Millbrook. 0n salary or commission. Good paying business. Apply at this ofï¬ce. -â€"The annual meeting of the Mill- brook, curling club, will be held in the council chamber on Friday Oct. 13th, at 7.30 o’clock p. m. -â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Bloodsworth returned home on Wedhesday night from his trip to the VVorId’s fair. ' --Wm. Archer is offering" made kip boots for $4 a. pair. )3- your time to buy. . ~Exhibitors who detect any errors in the prize list as published will please communicate with the secretary a once. in the Presbyterian chm-Eh 6n; Sands; last. â€"-â€"Mrs. A. Smith, of Kingsville is in town visiting her mother, Mrs. Burton. â€"-Mrs. (Dr.) Bland is in Toronto visiting at the parental home of the doctor? -â€"Miss Martin of Toronto is m town visiting her sister, Mrs. John Allen. â€"Mr. Edward Hogan has a quantity of shingles that he wishes to dispose ofâ€"or anny other man. â€"â€"To-da.y is court day and Judge Ketcham is busy settling the little. aï¬â€˜airs of our neighbors. w-“\(“ It is excellent polishinry it. as, Teas, Teasâ€"we call your at PRIGE 25 SENS PER 801115. SOLD ONLY BY ‘ “Rev. Robb. .MeI‘inight, preached A Brush given with each baffle. Guaranteed nut to Smoke or Smefl. Preserves ani Beaaéiï¬es Stove Pipes ~P1'obabilities -Fair, clearing. Egyptian ,. Stova Pipe Enamel A. T. ELLIOTT, TOWN TALK v ' ours. For WC! Black THE DRUGGIST. HIJ: v__- 1 a committee to attend to the matter. I: The ï¬rst step they took was to secure . Mr. J as. Fax to assist in an entertain- -' ment on the evening of the last day of . the show The entertainment was a F success, both ï¬nancially end otherwise, ; the receipts amounting to $87 .15. The ‘ committee did not allow matters to rest' at this juncture, but immediately got to work to solicit subscriptions in order to raise the necessary amount to purchase the bell. Following are the I 4O -q~‘ .. 'd one of his. shoulders badly injured, as well as some severe cuts on his hands, which will take some time to heal. 3- â€"Special message by telephone in- e forms us that Mr. J. L. Patterson ’- arrived in Port Hope this morning from " Ireland, with two ï¬ne horses in his 8 possession.- One of the animals is an entire horse, running breed, named, “Rampart 2nd,†who brings with him a standing challenge of two thousands pounds to race anything in England, Ireland or France over a two mile ' course with six hurdles. ’The other ' animal secured by Mr. Patterson is a mare named “Castle Blarey Maid,†who was winner of the Hunt Cup this year. Both animals were bought from ‘ Mr. Thos. McMahon, purchaser for the British Army. “7e understand Mr. Patterson had a pleasant journey and 1 landed with his, horses in excellent E shape. WVe purpose giving our readers a fuller report of the animals in question after a personal inspection and having received the opinion of Dr. J. W. Bland and others whose report I we can rely upon. 1‘3 â€"A few weeks ago a movement was 1‘ put on foot to raise money to purchase T a ï¬re bell for the town. Messrs Isaac. 01 Richardson, J. C. Kells, R. J. Doak a: and G. \V. H. Anderson were appoint- “ -A_- ---v bank in fronï¬ of the residence of Mrs. Berry. The young lady clung to the wagon and and escaped without injury, but Mr. Earl was thrown out and had â€"On Thursday last as Mr. Henry Earl and his daughter were driving into town the horses became unman- {agable while desending Allen’s hill and started on a mad race towards the village. Mr. Earl, with his usual presence of mind kept a ï¬rm grip on ‘ the reins and guided the infuriated animals safely until they reached the corner of Gravel and King-sts., when they suddenly bolted and mounted the v- “ ~V.‘V“v VU‘LLLWEIIU' tion and the ï¬re was conï¬ned to the one building. an ice house, was in flames, but with their usual assiduity the ï¬remen soon dispelled all fear of a. serious conflagm- â€"â€"The anniversary of the Methodist church here will be held on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 22nd and 23rd. A special sermon will be preached on Sunday at 10.30 a.m., and at 7 pm. a song sermon by the pastor, Rev. 'D. N. McCamus. On Monday Rev. W. F. 'Wilson, Toronto’s most popular entera , tainer, will deliver a lecture on “Snags .We strike,†“Thursday morning last about six o’clock the. alarm of ï¬re was again sounded and the attention of our ï¬re men and citizens was directed to the yard in rear of the Collin’s block on the north side of King-st. It was found that a frame building, used as â€"â€"â€"The work on the new buildings in connection with the Queen’s hotel is progressing rapidly. A new shed and fence adorn the premises facing Dis- tilleryâ€"st. The new stables are now in ‘course of erection under the super- vision of that well-known contractor, Mr. John Clark. The size of the building is 50x28, and extends over the creek in rear of the premises, and will be ï¬nished both inside and out with matched lumber. â€"â€"Posters have been issued from this oflice announcing a fruit social under the auspices of the Sabbath school at Yelverton. Lindsay Queen- st. Methodist church choir will be pre- ‘ sent and the names of Messrs. Grandy and Armstrong of Orono, Mr. \Vilson' reeve of Manvers Mr. A. Benson of Bullyduï¬â€˜ and Mr. J. F. Ferguson of‘ Blackstock are prominent on the pro- gramme. â€"-â€"The executors of the estate of the date J ames Copeland are asking for tenders for the purchase of the estate. The property consists of the north half of lot. number 23 in the 121311 con cession of the township of Manvers. Tenders will be received up to N mem- ber lst. For fiu'ther partictlars see bills. 3 hm‘se _“John Anaerson †was put up at aucï¬idn here and sold to Mr. Harry Campbell. Harry is quite a horseman but we understand in this case he will not personally handle his purchase. I “Best Ameri Water .wlg’t'e Coal Oil ever brougï¬ï¬‚flï¬go +, at R. J. DOAK’s. » ‘ . 39 .--E. B. Edwards, barrister of Peter- bom, and John A. Barron, Q. (1, of Lindsay attened the division court here to-dav. ~Big‘push at greatly . prices for \Vhiï¬s‘x of all kinds ME. I. DOAK’S. -â€"On Saturday last that, well-known r..- v“ vws a. VVL. Mr. John Oswald, 01 Lindsay Model school was home over Sunday. . : _____D- -...,... WWW. - Solicit: Mr. tham Argue, teacher at Drum, “'M' near Pontypool, spent Saturday and Sunday You don’t know how un_d_er bh_e_paz'ental roof, will feei if von fake Nomi The business for sometime carried on here by Mr. Benjamin M cGill will in the future be run by himself, assisted by Mr. James McGill, late of Advance, Michigan, Who has entered into partinership with him. No doubt business will now, hum to at livelier stain 113‘ tine village than before. ' Janetvlll 0. 0n ‘Vednesday evening, Sept 20, Miss 1 Lizzie Anderson, youngest daughter of Mr. 1 Henry Anderson, was united in marriage to Mr. Billingsley, freight agent at Lindsay. The ceremony was performed a the _resi of the bride’s poronts by Rev. Mr. Frisel, assisted by Rev. Mr. Oswald. The young couple are at present enjoying themselves among the relatives of Mr. Billingsley in‘ Ohio, they will visit the White city before 1‘ they return. _---..uy-. UV; '7 n1 U- Miss Emma. Earl of Carmel spent Sunday at her home here. Rev. Mr. McWilliams of Peterboro preached in the Presbyterian church here on Thursday last, and our pastor Rev. ML,- Cattanach, occupied the pulpit; in St), Andrews’ church, Peterboro, on Friday. Mr. Wm. Beatty of Orono spent Sundasi at the home of__Mr_. prnston Stewart. Centrcvflle. On Sabbath morning last the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed in the Presbyterian church. There was a large- congregation present. - Miss I. McNeil is in town, the guest. of her sister, Mrs. Geo. McCartney. Quite a. large number of our citizens went by special train to M illbrook show on Fri- day and report a good exhibition, being in their opinion better than either Peterboro or Lindsay. Miss Minnie Kelly, we are pleased to has decided to take up her residance i town. m a. nourlshmg condition and taking the low prices of goods into consider- ation we do not. wonder much at the fact thas Bethany does not. Iose much trade by the low rates on railways to larger towns. ‘5 Weather Unfavom-ableâ€"Exhibits in Nearly 16 Every Class as Good as Former Years. :r The Manvers agricultural society fall ex- d hibition took place on Tuesday and \Ved- it nesday of last week, and although the weather was unfavorable the exhibition compared favorably with former yearsâ€"and that is no small boast. Although the gate receipts fall a little short~ the directors are to be congratulated in carrying out every- thing according to agreement and we hope that in future the rules and conditions of ‘ the society will be conducted in the same straight- vay as has been characteristic of the ofï¬cers and directors in the past. In the horse ring the exhibit was good, and in cattle Manvers fully displayed the good reputation held in the past. The Jersey - cattle exhibit by Mr. Thomas Oliver was : admired by all who saw them and we are certain would do credit to many of the ‘ larger shows that have been held this fall. In carriages Mr Geo. McCartney showed a couple of vehices that fully sustained the reputation of the old ï¬rm. ‘For the desplay of fancy work and ï¬ne arts our ladies diserve special credit, as no other department was more admired than this. A millinery display by Messrs Iv6ry 8.: Son commanded the attention of many of the ladies and as your correspondent had the pleasure of visiting the establishment of this enterprising ï¬rm his opinion of the exhibit was fully veriï¬ed by a view of their :stock. Miss Carson, late of Durham is at the head of the department and under her supervision the ladies of Bethany and sur- rounding country have nothing to fear in being crowned with the latest styles and the most artistic workmanship. While visiting the show your correspondent visited the different places of business in the capital of Manvers and found each difl’erent branch in 9. flourishing _condition and taking «Flirt-her scum Monaghaa Exhibition. The South Monaghan Agricultural society held there annual 'fair in Centreville on Tuesday last. The day was ï¬ne, better weather could not be desired, and the at- tendance was large,“ the reciepts, amounting to about $112. In not a few of the classes he entries were numerous and the ‘ show was a success. The new grounds of the society are a decided improve- ment on the old, but much remains ; to be done before they can be called com- plete. A great many Millbrook people drove down in the afternoon in time for the horse races. The judges on the races were Messrs Wm. O’Brien of Millbrook, Charles Nixon 01 Port Hope and Harry Winch of Peterboro. In the running race there were three entries, McMahon’s rey colt won after a hard race. Connor’s )anny. 0., Harry N attrass’ Harry C. and Fred S. 8. Norwood home were the starters in the open trot. Harry C. last no time in taking the lead on the start and remained there till the race was .over, winning in three straight heats. The walk trot and run race was a rather amusing one. In this race the favorite was beaten, although he had a. lead of about a quarter ofa mile in the last round. The directors are to be congratulated on the success of their fair. names of the contributors : S. L. Moore. $5; S. Jamiesdn, $1.; \V. G. Hetherington, $1 ,ï¬ Geo. Campbell, M. RR, $1 ; \V. H. Russell, :51 ; Miss Johnston, 25c. The committee paid out $5 for printing, $5 for-use of piano, $20 to- Mr. Fax and 25c. for postage. They still hold the list open for contri- butions as they have not yet on hand enough to purchase a. good bell. -â€"Root Baskets, Potatoes F0"‘. Scoop Shovels, Zinc, Lanter and “Fall paper going at hard time . l at R. J. DOAK’S. ' 39 ‘ 31.4 N V. VERS FA LL EXII I BI TI 03’. Bethany. we are pleased to state In 0111‘ if! EXECUTORS’ Notice to creditors. ' Iou don’t know how much better you will feei if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It will drive off thattired feeling 'and make you strong. . And take notice that after the said last men- ‘tioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof_ to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been given to him or his solicitors at the time aforesaid. Dated at Peterborou'gh. Se tember 2nd, 1893. STRATTO 8t HALL, Solicitors for the Executor. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..________________________ mat can be regulated so as to throw either a light or heavy stream. If you require a pump give him a all and he will suit you. He handles a. pump specially designed ,for gardeners end fruit giowers. It is a NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of R. S. 0., 1887, Chap. 110, and amendin Acts . . cc . l ~creditors and . there having c ‘ ~' u . ‘ gainst the estate of Archibald Ar'mstr- ; , late of the Village of Millbrqok in 31‘ ty of Durham. Merchant, who‘died on - nut the 16th September. 1893. at Millbrook said. are on or before the 15!; day of Decemâ€" 93. to deliver to Stratton Hall. solicitors ‘ tron. the executor of the estate of ,._ l . ,9 it christian and surnames. addresses and descrï¬'iitiogs and full particulars of their claims. statement of their account and nature of the security, it any held by them. “cc . ‘ ~credll‘m‘s and ‘ ' u . ‘ gainst the estate of Arc ; , late of the Village of Minbrc , ty of Durham. Merchant, who (1 any the 16th September. 1893. at, Mill -sald. are on or before the 15!; day of D 93. to deliver to Stratton 8: Hal]. soli r W . ‘tton. the executor of the esi adeccase ' > ' ,. e ,7 itch: d surnames. addresses and dpanrgï¬ï¬nn spray pump without eitbeir so thgt there .is no @anger c spay pump Wlmoun exmer mnge r valVe, so that. there is no danger of it. t ' o’nt of order in using poisonous liqw at prices to suit his own manufacture or make he holds the EUREKA pump front, as it is the only pump on the market that can be regulated so as to throw either a. light or heavy stream. G. W. GREEN, a Egyptian / Stove Pipe +â€"â€"-â€"..â€".- , Buarantecd not to Smoke or Small. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢. A Brush given with each bottle. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+..._,.___. “Bigipush at greatly for Whips of all kinds at . I. DOAK’S. : â€Best Ameri .,.' water .whl'te Coal Oil ever brougï¬ummï¬odk, at R. J. Dean’s. .39 ,mE. B. Edwards, ba 'rister of Peter- boro, and John A. Barron, Q. C., of Lindsay attened the division court here Enamel Preserves and Beautlï¬es Stove Pipes -â€"~On Saturday last that well-known horse “John Anderson†was put up at auction here and sold to Mr. Harry Campbell. Harry is quite a horseman but we understand in this case he will . not personally handle his purchase. â€"-â€"The executors of the estate of the late James Copeland are asking for tenders for the purchase of the estate. The property consists of the north PRIGE 25 BEETS PER BOTliE. half of lot number 23 in the 12th con SOLD OXLY BY A. T. ELLIOTT, THE DRUGGIST. TOWN TALK -â€"Probabilities *Fair, clearing. â€"-â€"To-day is court day and Ju Ketcham is busy settling the li affairs of our neighbors. icession of the township of Manvers. Tenders will be received up to N ovem- ber 1st. For further partictlars see ’ bills. _ â€"â€"Posters have been issued from this oflice announcing a fruit social under the auspices of the Sabbath school at Yelverton. Lindsay Queen- st. Methodist church choir will be pre~ sent and the names of Messrs. Grandy and Armstrong of Orono, Mr. Wilson reeve of Manvers Mr. A. Benson of dge ttle, Bullyduï¬' and Mr. J. F. Ferguson of, --Mr. Edward Hogan has a quantity Blackstock are prominent on the pro- of shingles that he wishes to dispose ofâ€"or anny other man. â€"-Mrs. (Dr.) Bland is in Toro visiting at the parental home of doctor. â€"Miss Martin of Toronto is in town visiting her sister, Mrs. John Allen â€"â€"Mrs. A. Smith, of Kingsville in town visiting her mother, Mrs. Burton. -â€"-Rev. Robt. McKnight, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. â€"â€"Exhibitors who detect any errors in the prize list as published will please communicate with the secretary a once. a‘ â€"W’m. Archer is offering made kip boots for $4 a pair. â€"Rev. Mr. Bloodsworth returned home on Wednesday night from his trip to the W'orld’s fair. -â€"â€"The annual meeting of the Mill- brook, curling club, will be held in th council chamber on Friday Oct. 13th, at 7 .30 o’clock p. m. -.â€"Mr. E. O. Esshoo, a native Persia, and a student of Knox College, an ice house, was in flames, but With w 111 preach in the Presbyterian church their usual assiduity the ï¬remen soon here next Sabbath. â€"â€"Mr B Van Homreirrh left for tion and the ï¬re was conï¬ned to the ‘ u 9 l u a ., . “ Toronto toâ€"day where he will act one bul‘dmé' as ofï¬cial scorer in the international â€"-On Thursday last as Mr. Henry cricket match Australia. vs Canada. â€"-Agents wanted. In the vicinity Millbrook. On salary or commissio Good paying business. Apply at this office. ‘ â€"-Mrs. J. D. Denny and daugher, and Miss Addie Sutcliï¬â€˜e, of Mt. Pleas- ant have been guests of Mr‘ G. Walter Green for the past few days. â€"â€"Mr. Thos. Henry of the township bank in front of the residence of Mrs. of Hope is bound to show his neigh- Berry. The young lady .clung :00. the 1,0,. that it pays to raise good stock, wagon and and escaped Without injury, in the pork line, and he has puchased but Mr. Earl was thrown out and had the noted improved berkshire (c Lord one of his. shoulders badly injured, as Aberdeen.†-â€"â€"On Saturday last Mr. Thos. Grundy shipped a car load of cattle and pigs from this station. Mr. Grandy is a wellâ€"known buyer here, and is always in a position to pay the highest market price: â€"On the evening of 20th Octobe the members of L. O. L. No. 82, Cavan district. will hold a basket social in the school house at the Marsh. An inâ€" teresting progamme is being prepared and not doubt the entertainment will be good. -â€"â€"Enamel. The only smoakless odorless and is for sale -â€"Teas, Teas, Teasâ€"we call your at tention this week to our stock of teas, also to our barrel and sack salt, every- thing at rock bottom prices. Try our Japan tea at twenty-ï¬ve centsâ€"it can’t be beat. See adv’t. W. VANCE. â€"-â€"In our last issue we announced that the result of the guessing contest in connection with the Kells, Fowler 6: Co’s. establisment would appear in this issue. It is as follows :-â€"-A.mount taken at the g: to $367315“ Mrs. Geo. Kï¬nnedy, 837 0.00 ; Mrs. Wesley Larâ€"' mer, $375.00 ; Mrs. Samuel Larmer, $358'COO; Miss Clara J ewison, $350.7 5 ' Miss Ella Grandy, $350.00; . Miss Hannah Raper, $350.00. The above parties are requested to call and get their gloves, The last two named being ties each party will receive a. ow is your time to buy. 40 'Wilson, Toronto’s most popular enter- .ect stove-pipe varnish R. J. Doak’s. B no e celebrated Black Led. It is excellent polish. Try it. gramme. -â€"The work on the new buildings in connection with the Queen’s hotel is progressing rapidly. A new shed and fence adorn the premises facing Dis- tillery-st. The new stables are now in course of erection under the super- vision of that well-known contractor, Mr. John Clark. The size of the building is 50x28, and extends over the creek in rear of the premises, and will be ï¬nished both inside and out with matched lumber. â€"The anniversary of the Methodist church here will be held on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 22nd and 23rd. A special sermon will be preached on Sunday at 10.30 am, and at 7 pm. a song sermon by the pastor, Rev. “D. N. McCamus. On Monday Rev. W. F. nto the is tamer, will delive ' a lecture on “Snags we strike,†â€"â€"Thursday morning last about six o’clock the alarm of ï¬re was again sounded and the attention of our the e men and citizens was directed to the yard in rear of the Collin’s block on the north side of King-st. It was Of'found that a frame building, used as dis elled all fear of a serious conflaera~ 6 Earl and his daughter were driving “f into town. the horses became unman- agable wlnle desendmg Allen’s lull and started on a mad race towards the village. Mr. Earl, with his usual presence of mind kept a ï¬rm grip on the reins and guided the infuriated animals safely until they reached the corner of Gravel and King~sts., when they suddenly bolted and mounted the 11. well as some severe cuts on his bands, which will take some time to heal. â€"Special message by telephone inâ€" forms us that Mr. J. L. Patterson - arrived in Port Hope this morning from Ireland, with two ï¬ne horses in his possession. One of the animals is an entire horse, running breed, named, “ Rampart 2nd,†who brings with him a standing challenge of two thousands pounds to race anything in England, Ireland or France over a two mile course with six hurdles. The other animal secured by Mr. Patterson is a mare named “ Castle Blarey Maid,†who was winner of the Hunt Cup this year. Both animals were bought from Mr. Thos. McMahon, purchaser for the British Army. We understand Mr. Patterson had a pleasant journey and landed with his horses in excellent shape. \Ve purpose giving our readers a fuller report of the animals in question after a personal inspection and having received the opinion of Dr. J. W. Bland and others whose report we can rely upon. -â€"A few weeks ago a movement was put on foot to raise money to purchase a ï¬re bell for the town. Messrs Isaac. Richardson, J. C. Kells, R. J. Doak and G. \V. H. Anderson were appoint- I‘ o 0 Mr. J as. Fax to assist in an entertain- success, both ï¬nancially end otherwise, got to work to solicit subscriptions in l a hard race. was .over, The walk t beaten, our ladies diserve s de being ation we do not that Bethany do on Thursday Cattanach, occupied Andrews’ church, Pcterboro, on Friday. . _ .- entered into the receipts amountmg to $81.15. The doubt business committee did not allow matters to strain in the Village than before. - ' ' - - Mr. Wiliam Ar ue, teacher at Drum, rest at this Juncture, but immediately 1, spegnt Saturday and Sunday . parental roof. order to raise the necessary amount to Mr. John Oswald, purchase the bell. Following are the school was home over Sunday. near Pout under the RR, $1; \V. Johnston, 25c. of the society prices names of the contributors: S. L. Moore. $5,- S. Jamiesdn, $1.; \V. G. Hetherington, $1 ,2 Geo. Zinc, Lanterl ment on the old, but much remains to be done before they can be called com- plete. A great drove down in the many Millbrook people afternoon in time for the horse races. The judges on the races were Messrs \Vm. O’Brien of Millbrook, Charles Nixon of Port Hope and Harry Winch of Peterboro. In the running race there were three entries, McMahon’s rey colt won after Connor’s )anny. 0., Harry N attrass’ Harry G. and Fred S. 8. Norwood horse were the starters in the open trot. Harry C. lost no time in taking the lead on the start and remained there till the race winning in three straight heats. rot and run race was a rather amusing one. In this race the favorite was although he had alead of about a quarter ofa mile in the last round. The directors are to be congratulated on the success of their fair. M 31.4 N VERS FA LL EX}! I BI TI 03’. Weather Enfavonrablcâ€"Exhibits in Nearly Every Class as Good as Former Years. The Manvers agricultural society fall ex- cattle exhibit by admired by all who certain would do 0 larger shows that have been held this fall. In carriages Mr Geo, .lcCartuey showed a couple of vehices that fully sustained the reputation of the old ï¬rm. ,For the desplay of fancy work and ï¬ne arts pecial credit, as no other partmeut was more admired than this. A millinery display by Messrs Iv6ry Son commanded the attention of many of the ladies and as your correspondent had the pleasure of visiting the establishment of this enterprising ï¬rm his opinion of the exhibit was fully veriï¬ed by a view of their stock. Miss Carson, late of Durham is at the head of the department and under her supervision the ladies of Bethany and sur- rounding country have nothing to fear in crowned with the latest styles and the most artistic workmanship. While visiting the show your correspondent visited the different places of business in the capital of Manvers and found each different branch in a flourishing the low prices of goods into consider- wonder much at the fact es not lose much trade by the low rates on railways to larger towns. j Bethany. Miss Minnie Kelly, we are pleased to state has decided to take up her residance in our town. Miss I. McNeil is in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. McCartney. " Quite a large number of our citizens went by special train to Millbrook show on Fri- day and report a good exhibition, being in their opinion better than either l’eterboro or Lindsay. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__~_________ Centrcvfllc. On Sabbath morning last the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed in the Presbyterian church. There was a large congregation present. Mr. Wm. Beatty of Orono spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Johnston Stewart. Miss Emma Earl of Carmel spent Sunday at her home here. Rev. Mr. McWilliams of Peterboro preached in the Presbyterian church here last, and our pastor Rev. Mm Junctvllle. On Wednesday evening, Sept 20, Miss Lizzie Anderson, youngest daughter of Mr. Henry Anderson, was united in marriage to Mr. Billingsley, freight agent at Lindsay. The ceremony was performed a the reel of the bride’s porents by Rev. Mr. Frisel, assisted by Rev. Mr. Oswald. The young couple are at pres’ent enjoying themselves a committee to attend to the matter. ,among the relatives of Mr. Billingsley in Oh' , the w'll visit the White cit before The ï¬rst step they took was to secure the? return. 1 y The business for sometime carried on here ment on the evening of the last day of by Mr. Benjamin McGill will in the future . - . be run by himself, assisted by Mr. James the Show The ememmmenl ““5 a McGiIl, late of Advance, Michigan, Who has partinership with him. No will now, burn to a. livelier hibition took place on Tuesday and \Ved~ uesday of last week, and although the weather was unfavorable the exhibition compared favorably with former yearsmâ€"anu that is no small boast. Although the gate receipts fall a little short the directors are to be congratulated in carrying out every- thing according to agreement and we hope that in future the rules and condi the society will be conducted in the same straight-way as has been characteristic of the ofï¬cers and directors in the past. In the horse ring the exhibit was good, and in cattle Manvers fully displayed the good reputation .held in the past. The Jersey Mr. Thomas Oliver was saw them and we are redit to many of the condition and taking /- the pulpit in St, of Lindsay Model Campbell, M. H. Russell, :51 ; Miss The committee paid out $5 for printing, $5 foruse of piano, $20 to- Mr. Fax and They still hold the list open for contri- butions as they have not yet on hand enough to purchase a good bell. -â€"Root Baskets, Potatoes Fo~ ". Scoop Shovels, ' 'Wall paper going at hard time at R. J. Dean’s. ‘ ~ â€"-â€"-â€"â€"__._.__________ " Souls: Mouaghan Exhibition. The South M onaghan Agricultural society held there annual ' fair in Centreville on Tuesday last. The day was ï¬ne, better weather could not be desired, and the at- tendance was large,‘ the reciepts, amounting to about $112. In not a few of the classes he entries were numerous and the show was a success. 25c. for postage. The new grounds are adeciued improve- the deccasc . - and surnames. addresses full distribute the said to, . nogice shall have been given as above required an said assets or an not You don M . Lynn, Mass. Rev. Mr. Williams Heart street Christian Church, Lynn, “ I see no reason why a clergyman, a. layman, who knows whereof h should hesitate to approve an Article of Merit been signally beneï¬ted, and whose c tion may serve to extend those many things that romise well formed little. Last faill a friend gave ing what simpl one bottle could a city, while her general health has rom our experience with Hood’s Sarsapar I have no hesitation in endorsing in i â€.O'HCE is hereby given, that a cor .l. held. pursuant to "The Voters†List Act.†188.lb_v His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the united counties of No" land and Durham at the town hall BL“ the seventeenth lay of Octobnr 1893. at one o'clock m the arrernoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and in the Voters’ List of the ’l‘oxvuship of Manvers for 1893. All persons h'ivmg business at the For the (load of Others dorses Hood’s Sarsapariua. ' We are pleased to present this from l l: H Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee 1 ' , l... .. and worth, from which he or his family have _ . beneï¬ts to others by increasin their conï¬dence. My wife has for many years ecu a sufferer from severe Nervous Headache for which she found little he! . She has tried tle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It seems s ris- for her. Theat ks of headache decreased in number and were less violent in their inten- roved. Her appetite has also been better. A. A. Winning. Hoop's PILLS are the best ramuy‘cathutlc. gentle and eflective. Try a box. Price 25c .mmMâ€"W VOTERS? MST COURT Bessemer CHEESE mo" I This is to certify that that. the has been in circulation about .31}: and Mr. W. Wood scnuing 5141'. , . . .. .|. . .. . . . fdkiUI‘) ayefdmeas we haw. . .4. ‘ml: to every l'-,'a;..(.'C:. '3 i For: sslzvmc. l s . ‘, ‘ ' ' 2 .' :v.o thormurhzircu iilhirinlԠ. :orc using â€Tilt": ' " l'k’ailzg‘fï¬â€˜cï¬ on upgzm :uion. ‘3“3’ THUS. HE. 'RY. «if. or ily En- Mass. : more than c speaks, - T. H. BRXANS’“; Desires ".o xctrrn t‘r the table many customers for past fax ' ‘ form them that he has removed to new quarters, one door east of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleased to meet them and at- tend to theirtonsorialrequirements. ommenda- but er- hera ot- nd di do been im- illa merits.†irt will be yv tcrial and as the work .thumbcl- thany on . ’ ï¬rst-class article. \\ hips, Cunt-s “3 omissions and everything else usually kept in a ï¬rs milk from boil. the above para.“ and red the have not-u sending 1-: in first-class carnation m ' 4'. ' , , £01.: 3.: res «x in my name“ L . If you want a neat, nobby and cndurable set of harness you should_-call on the under- s1gned. I use nothing Exit the very best ma- * entirely under my own supervision you cau\9~ -‘ ' ' ...g a class harness shop always on hand. ‘xlakc Court are reqmrcd to attend at the and time no â€â€œ51““? “1 1â€â€œng .30“ 01'3â€: 1 hid the and place. Dated the twentysevcnth day of Scpzcm‘nc; mm, of 1893. ALL {llâ€"II) uvmzv. . ~ (‘lerk of the said Municipaliiy, W M all BEQUlllllllllllTS ! I -sucn ‘ as «~- . next to R. Dcyell’s grocery. “I.“ To the Citizens of l‘lill= brook and Vicinity ' 0 BE undersigned wishes twix';z'.‘.' your at- tention to the fact that he has opened out amcrchant-milorsmckin the stand formerly , occupied a "a photovraph vallcrv oppori‘e 'he .0 ~va~n . . b -. - . . x B l id 1 . - Dominiondlotcwmk. where he i< prepar- u , - aper, cd to rcceaxe'orders and , “xccutc work in the . â€" latest styles. Having barge. large experience Glass 6: Putty, Lanterns, Cow Ties, At Reasonable Prices AT GARBENERS. EXECUTORS’ Notice togllreditors! NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of R. S. 0., 1887, Chap. 110, and ,." amendin Acts M creditors and having c ai Armstr . gainst the estate of Arc 93. to deliver to Stratton Hall. sol tton. the executor of the es E y them. deceased among the parties entitled - {hers hibald I , late of the Village of Millbrook in ty of Durham. Merchant, who died on ut the 16th September. 1.93. at MillbWOk The Mill. Hook m nufacturcr can su i .said. are on or before the 1st day of Deccm- a ’ p p y d d mgrï¬rgg‘lstiag his own manufacture or an escrp ,s an _ . r . particulars of their claims. statement of make he holds the EL REhA pump ltahiiiripccount and nature of the security, e And take notice that after the said last men- a. 11 h or heav stream. tioned date the said executor. will proceed to g t y assets of the said estate of the insomc of the largest s: ops in tho United States and Canada and as all worl: entrused to him will be done under hi. own supc vi~ion/l satisfaction is guaranteed. "hose fur i; their owr. goods will also I‘CCC‘:\ o ~..;.' alter» lion. He will also do cleaning and mending. A call solicited. \‘vt'ANTEDw-Two tailoresscsâ€"on pants and vcs s. ' C. SPEARS, 33-11:} 3.1 crchan‘; l‘ailor. R ' g 'aftahï¬ltaï¬test triumph in he mac . 9 symptoms indicat'n LIVER Complaint. If y 1 g vsuveness, Dunn ..~. .u-vu . He: ache Indiwcstlon POOBAPPE .I'm - Faxing, B'izzuno'xizc Parse, Sleepless Nigh Melancholy Feeling. BACK ACHE,‘ Memb -‘ ’ Kidney and Liver Cm ‘ .17." .. _.-._ r‘ruv' >- _ , ( .l’" f. «I . ‘ Membray Medicine Companyf of Peterborough, (Limited), PETERBOROUGH, . . Has'yonr well got a good pump in it ‘3 If not, ,wliy‘ii‘ot ? . GREEN icitors 3'0“ with an sign of pump you want and fate of at prices to suit ' es. Among those of the, if any front, as it is the only pump on the market that can be regulated so as to throw either there- having regard only to the claims of which . STRATTO 8t HALL, the said executor will not be liable for the If you require a pump give him a call and y part thereofto any person or he will suit you. persons of whose claim or claims notice have been given to him or his solicitors at the time aforesaid. Dated at Peter-borough. Selptembcr 2nd, 1893. shall He handles a pump specially desigmd Solicitors for the Executor. for gardeners and fruit growers. It is a spray pump without either lunge r valve, ’l‘: know how much better you sothat thereisno dangero it t ’ o'nt will feel if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It of order in using poisonous liqui will drive off thattired feeling and you strong. make G. W. GREEN, trade with popular prices. Slurp-Xingu†W. STRAIN. 3" rmstrong i â€"‘--â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘-â€"â€"‘-â€"-â€"â€"~_â€"â€"â€"â€"__‘ '- " " '- ;.0;‘.rr:. Duke of Hope. an} usual(‘lz:1::c«:l.l.u'. wif: lekgutfor ‘ ' ’ l'}. lath (Son. of iio;-u,«"l*‘atrnicrs ~I2‘o xxx-ll "J in â€K i:‘ 0 'hc â€(1'60" -H...¢r . ‘0 ,,,a... .. a; (I _/ .»<