prop * othezz Silk ) the n‘. and 1: his 9: “u: z but show bette§ King' g Thai die fo.‘ $115 Edi the th rï¬â€˜ ï¬rst tog? won dolla- the ~ Cl, Sh‘ hei it. ' L’ next a} St} “x“ “ ht" 6‘ ‘6 m; Ciass52. Landscape pain ting profession nal â€"Mrs. S, Bataan: landscape painting, amateurâ€"1‘»! iss 281222221 McCartney, Mi<s M. Sloan‘; landscape, water col.>rs-Flossie \Thext .2, Miss Mai-.221 Mch‘tnev; animals â€"Miss Mair. McCurtnev. M' 158 .J. Richard- son ; pep. 2c21 drawing, any omel- su: Meet.â€" son ; pencil drawing, any other subjectâ€" Miss 211. Richardson, Miss E. Russell Xra'on, 2min galâ€"Miss E. Russell - Craven 3 . ’ ‘ . v stumpâ€" â€"l-Xi;s M. McLartney, Miss L. Hakim . ““111" coloredâ€"Airs. T. B. Collins Mia. V. “O'Bri .en - Ce} )ia cinuriu'vâ€"Isiiss ‘VV ) D ‘Maud BIL-(321.. 1193 . Miss 32. mssell; collec- tion of 'lzotowra 1hsâ€"Miss r2. Russell, Miss P :1 ‘ . NI Sloan - 011 cl1rm11oâ€".~Xiss M. Sloan, Mi: .5 ,‘ ‘ > v . Ruswï¬ . sleezc engravinzrâ€"Jliss V. D 0311011,Miss 31211191 \lL-(‘az tnev - collection steel «11"1axm'mâ€"3lxsa Maud Md armev; paint: 11'; in nil,11 s;1ti:1â€"\11‘S.C. H. 1\ ms- low, 11115.“? -1. .ï¬exefl: painting, “a'er 1,0101“ on satinâ€"Miss 3:1. .1icl1a1' {15011, ‘ Remington painti1-g,oz1 feltâ€"Miss \'.()’B:ie11, Miss \I \Ic( «11'? new - Kezisington paintincr. on \elve , â€"=.\liss V. U Brien, \liss \i. McLau-tney. \ out own is n visited by that chicken-thief. 35 ha\e 103» n: ost of late. One of our of ï¬ne apples one Staples, Mrs. H. McCartney ; hand bouquet’ with paperâ€"Miss M. Richardson, Miss M“ Sloan ; bouquet, everlastings, natural flowersâ€"Sam. Stapies, Mrs. 'W, Rutherford; bouquet, wild flowersâ€"Sam. Staples, Miss M. Richardson; Pausies, collectionâ€"Mrs. W. Rutherford, Miss V. O‘Brien; Asters, best collectionâ€"Mrs. W. Rutherford, Miss E. Russdl; Ten Week’s Stock’s, best col- lectionâ€"Mrs. W. Rutherford, Mrs. H. McCartney ; Marigolds, best collectionâ€"- Mrs. W. Rutherfoni, Bliss M. Sloan; floral design for supper widowâ€"Mrs. H. McCart- ney, , liss V. O‘Brien : collection Verbenas Gladiol -â€"â€"San:. Staples Mrs. W. -.uthorford; Pe~ tunias, best collectionâ€"Mrs. ‘N. Rutherford; Phlox Drmnmomii, collectiqmâ€"Mr‘. \V, Rutherford, Sam. Staples; Phioxes. peren- nial, hes: coliectirmâ€"Sh-s. H. McCartne '; fasi. About ï¬fty men from \Ianx ers had a vezfy excitino chase Satux‘dav. '1 hey \\ ere in pursuit ofa man somewhat deranged, from Pontxpool. He Lad been at large for two (18.). s, but was overtaken at Millbrook and taken home, Saturday nigï¬t. The Chinese in California. have a chance to go to a Warmer climate. They are offered $25 a head in British Guinea to hoe sugar cane and dig gold. Tho colony only wants 5,000 of them. , Our new" orgainsi, Miss Lizzie Fallis, Played admirably in Trinity Church, Sunday Mrs. Morton had a number of sheep killed on the railroad last week. -â€"-(‘zet a box of Dr. Raot’s Red Regulab oxs, the best blood builder. Price 500. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- Herat, in Afghanistan, is a place which has been most often destroyed. Fifty-six times have its walls been laid in ruin and the same number of times have been erected While teaching the temperance Sunday ‘school lesson, one of our Indian boys, 10 years old, was asked this question “What does alcohol do to a. man’s brain?†It makes him think crooked.†fed by pure blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes pure blood. Take it now. â€"-â€"Neura.g:ia. must go 1 $5.00 reward for a. case that “ Harper’s Arabian Balm †will not relieve at once. \Varranted b) A. LEACH. 16- The‘Michigan Liquor Dealers’ Association recently met- in delegatovconvention in Grand Rapids, and resolet} to oppose the v-w.._ _.ï¬ .V“_l L . - _ law giving women mumcipal sufl‘age, be cause. according to their circular, “giving to the women a franchise with an education restriction strikes a blow at our interests and rights.†z To qure neryousness your nerves must be REFUSE CHEAP IMITATION‘ A 1e ml ill/Ii ‘ «101113 5MP fdr cleaninyénd sheen-Mg, nor uollectic nâ€"Sam. prEsE'I-ving the hands from In- fg’r purity, no; great comfort i-Tgé no adv-Tn Women use it jury, nor for anq saver of general use. Laundry and and ï¬nd it a clothes and Household Millions of (iizunorgan. _ . 0': the (Luv place than is all-round u. .1 A RTE. purpom Phioxes. peren; H. McCartney; Staples. Vie are bound to otheihe Yeoman of the Coun- try it we h eto d9) it for almost nothing. Our Wint r attack (Sn hard timesâ€"$40, OOO Now is the time to have your fall and winter dresses, jackets, coats and ulstcrs cleaned,,or dyed. Also gent‘s clothing done on shortest; notice by R. Parker 00.. gl‘oronto. Also goods sonl: to steam Iaundr o week. lVe have a. full 1i :2, sock and mitt yarns. 'l‘wccds ankcts and Rolis. Rag Carpets wove supplied. I). CHAMBERS. We found a manufacturer in a hole, we dangled before his eyes the bait of cash. He hit, and we see uped the ï¬nest and best bargain lot (if goods ever got Email Buqaqzn 1'30 the Over 2,600 Men’s Youth’s and boys Overcoats. Overcoats $18, $16 and $15, going for :39: Ask to see our overcoats, Men’s size, $3.90. Elegant Cape Over-coats for Boys 552, $3 and $3.50, worth double. Over $15,000 * pairs Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots mid Shoes, Strayed frOm G. T. 1%. Station, Miiibrook. about two weeks ago, a black Berkshir .. xy. one year old, white spot on f? gm #1:; m the nose. A reward will be 3' mforma- tion :f its whereabouts. , Hats, Caps, Drawers, Shirts, Boots Shoes, The ruins of Pompeii are said to bek so vast that they cannot, all be excavated, at the ordinary rate of progress. before the middle of the. next century, many more in- teresting discoveries will undoubtedly be made there. ' The Chicago pap-31‘s relate some amusing Fair incidents. “ Who is this picture by ‘1’.’ asked one woman of another in an -art gal- lery, and the answer came promtly, “ By Gerome. He is an anther, too. He wrote that; book called * Three men in a boat, to say nothing of a dog.†~ â€"â€"Rebecca. \Vilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind.,.says :' “ I had been in a distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bougnt one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of do«;toringI ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant ed by A. LEACH 11-13t. In Hawaii. one of the Sandwich islands, there is a. spot called the Rock of Refuge. If a criminal teaches this rock before capture he is safe so long as he remains there. Usually I) is family supply him with food until he is able to make his escape, but he is never allowed to return to his owe tribe. THOMAS GILLOTT, Babinetmaker Undertaker, Keeps on hand a large stock of COFFINS. GASKETS and :le kinds of Undertakers' Goods. Bedroom. Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand manic, at lowest prices. 5’23“ Do not fail to can and see him, 1-ly. STRAY PIG. The Wonderful Cheapjwlen, Llndsay and ~Peterborough. W'hen you come to Peterboro be sure you visit TINN LADIES AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH. THINC JAM Es’cocm ANE. )AAPIER THAN EVER AT “I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer’s Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold.â€â€"-J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania. C. 11., Va. 10 Quart Pails . 14 Quart Pails . by the use of A’yer’s Pills alone: hird day chills, umb ague, b" ver, sick heada e, rheu m, flux, dys- pepsia, con i J. , and hard colds. I know that a. moderate use of Ayer’s Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named aboveâ€, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 85 00., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective “ Ayer’s Pills are the best medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used them in my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently, Cured J. 0. WILSON, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus spéa‘ks ofoyer’s P1113: T be Best Medicine. AYE R’S PILLS mmm THOUSANDS $3.50 $3. 75‘ 756? 12;" 153 Tea Sets from $2.50 up, Dinner Sets from 937 to $25. Bedroom Sets from $1.75 to $6. The best medium priced ï¬arness affered in: {his district. Our own manufacture throughout. Bounce to satisfy. BuyaSet of Single Harness til? ycu haze ‘. seen our Watches and jewellery: We qavej is received a large and varied: stock of Boo s and Shoes of every description. D9 Nat’mw REPAIRING AZSPECIALTY. At the BMUEï¬Rï¬ LOOK HERE , Bailleboro Market.- Ladies Boots fFom 600. So 83. Beow- Emulsion cures Geughe, Golds. Consumption, Sorofula. and all Anaemia and Wketlng Dleoauoe.' Prevents waetl In ohlldron. About us We milk. Get-11.0mm Prom bymclwu. Manna. Sold by ‘1 Minute!“ â€"â€"_â€"â€" v W Scott’ 3 Emu/5m of Pure Cod LivensQfl ~andi*I'y1.vo@o;~‘4)hites of Lime and Soda will? take the contract "‘to build you up to good? health if you havea th ronic cough, if you are u losing flesh or it have simply lost your appetite. rockery in Elegant Designs. AFlne Line of Platedware at Lowest Prices. :t Make 0f Watches in Gold And 33% THE BEST MAKES IN THE MARKET. JOHN STEELE ;SPEcIAL'rv. .LARGE STOCK OF spec‘m OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. Mina, Silverware, and other lines {of goodsâ€"for cashâ€"’20 to 30 per cent. cheaper tan anyone else in town. Reason Whyâ€"reiring from business as advertised. Don’t you forget it. Give us a. call and see for yourself. Eggs and good butter taken in exchange for goods. . B. JENKENS . DEYE LL HAS ON HAND A FIXEZBENE 01" CCCCCCC ,AT THE M. PARKE B. :kery, Glassware, Igg’s Boots from 27%. to $4. R. DEYELL.