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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 19 Oct 1893, p. 1

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G‘be {lbillbxoo k ' Desires to inform the pu ikt-hat he one of th Finest and Best Se Stocks .1, In Town, ' consisting of Drv Gooés, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca. 5, Fresh Groceries, 850. Cheap for cash. A l kin’ls of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. Pu WA'I‘FORD. ACCOUNTANT AND assxgneé. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected, Assignments taken in charge and. all detaiis comp] . S - A atLention given to book-kecpcr‘ . -- '> a permagent bookâ€"k - -‘ are not required. Commumcatmns from 'neighboring towns re- ceive prompt attention and services in ‘such places performed moderatetly and satzsfac- .ory. Office: 379 water street. Address, Post omce box 125. Petcrooro. Ont. 7 -6m DEAF N ESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a. n abso- lutely genuine system. The most xtraor dinary cases have been successfully . Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials poetfree. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kusingtou Lane, London, 8. E. 6-ly “2 BLAND, VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor toT . EHassard.) Registered and Hon. Grfiduate of On i0 Veterinary Col~ age, Toronto. Late Ve North West Mounted Police Attended Clinical Lectures Roy nary Colle 0, London,“ mg. Dentistry cialty. All mesticated animals treated according to latest scientific methods. Ofiicc on Kingst" opposite ‘ ‘1-‘uc Dominion hotel. Millbrook. -v.___~ vvq uuAvaxuiw, JLLMLP .l 0â€"3ROOK. far'iem' and othe ood notes discounted. Drafts is d on oints of Can Ida. and :11: United. S te a. est, rates. The collection 03 sale and notes a. specialty. Lemmade on real estatg. No commission huged. Orfice. north siae of King Street. Menaceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. Fungal-toil: 131:3 "“3! Lfiéfa‘aa Tam £42? Master 0 R0 um“ I , T ammo;~ is?1 now prepar . W51 or inguin- mental, or. hm r , ‘enter Street. Private instruction at. any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments or any and every class promptly attended to. S W. CLARKE. LD. S, DENTIST SPMIAL o attention given to tKe preserva.tion of the natural teeth. g1Ni s Oxid as for the ain- less extraetion of G work "untagged. Will be at Beth the and 4th onda. I' of each month. Pon 01151: and ardM Mon an. PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC LY are resuscttullv informed be if. Queen’s Hotmmbrook, evéri SatixrdayQ IDDELL. ARMSTRONG 8: NESBITT. Barristers. Sofie‘nom Notariea, eta, Co b0 and Brig. ‘W. fiddell, B. A., LL. A. J.A xstron W'. H. \‘esbitt. B. A. First~cla s 10 laced. Money loaned and invested. nti a collection made and general law buslnesa. D. at Law, drama/"Xe . me in Ontario Bloch. \\ anon Stre I" , Lope. Money to lend on the security «mi csLaLe. Town sud (arm property for sale. D J. A. V. Freezer}; purifiers, Solicizors. Salaries. c.Ofiices, \\ 00W block, qu- brook, 03p, and Bethany on :he 26. and 4th Mondavs 1:: every mnch-n. Money to loan at lowest. rates. ob T C. MCKINNON. M. D» C. M.. (SUCCES o sor to Dr. Aid-hie) \ mo and Victoria Unxversities. Licentizu kayak Coiiegu Sur- geons. Edinbur'rh. Mom or ‘ . 50 Physicians Ind Surgeons, mario. ce at A. T. Elliott's 6111' store. After omce hours at. Mr. “'11). Rio son’s residence, King st.., Millbrook, ' ‘4“ “FARR. BARRESTER, ATTORNEY~ 7 fatihwfiohcitom. flee in Ontario JOHN ,QILLOTT, Keeps constan on h large stock of Far- niture of all ' tee Inge showroom N9 groutgle _to ahoyvgoogs. anfirs’ _ Exc rsion E November 2, 8 and 4. -. Minxâ€"125.22%? 6! £56 Eicelsion Washing Machine. The best in the ma. October 19, 20 and 21, A The annual Excursion on the G. T. R. to the famous hunting grounds in the Canadian Highlands, the Sportsman’s paradise, will be held on ‘7 Vol; XXXVI. ‘ W. FISHER, TE NARY SURGEON o_0_tfice @114}? ‘d ,____zBai}1ieboro. Qnt. \_Vili MYTH gym-38m): JSUCCESSORS .0 Full particuifirs can be had from womswbvv floougdm u 2meth EOEXUEUE. 5.33305 09,. QQWN§ s: 00., BLVKERE, ‘MARRIAGE LICENSES PROFESSIONAL A. LEACH, MUSIC. Agent G. T. R’y, Millbrook. informed that T553: final, adorned with the many nice things .fliéit has become characteristic of the ladies of Bethany and surrounding country. Our attention was particularly drawn to some Crayon work; and on inquii y we were in- formed that Miss McGill was the artist. The work was certainly a. (credit to the young lady and was quite an acquisition to the display of fine arts. We understand the officers and directors of this society contem- plste making provision for better accommo- dation for next year, so that speeding in the ring will be made a. more prominent feature of the show. Following is the prize list :â€"‘ Class 4.â€"Durha.m Catt-1e. Agsd bullâ€"R. Mstcnett, R. Phel Francis 3rd; bull, under two yearsâ€" 111. Corbett ; bull calf-â€" Class 2.â€"Draught Horses. Brood mare with foal at. her sideâ€"Richard Swain, John Sisson; foal of 1893 at side of damâ€"John Sisson, John Sission ; one year old gelding or fillyâ€"Richard Swain, Richard bwain ; two year old gelding or fillyâ€"Michael Sis- son, John Lowes ; pair horses in harnessâ€" Henry Fee, Michael Sisson, Wm. Irwin "Class 3.â€"General Purpose Horses. Brood mare wit-h foal at her sideâ€"-Riehard Swain, Alex. Kennedy; foal of 1894 at side of dam -â€"Ricl:ard Swain, John Gellaspie ; two year old gelding or fillyuRobeiit Byers, Alex. Kennedy; one year old gelding or fillyâ€" Richard Swain; pair horses in harnessâ€" John Elgar, J. 0. Ball, Robert Seaton. Class l.â€"Carriage Horses. Brood mare with foal at her sideâ€"Alex. Cairns ; foal of 18933.: sideof damâ€"Albert Holmes, Alex. Cairns; one year old gelding or fillyâ€"Gil- bert Kinkade, A. B. Benson ; two year old gelding or fillyâ€"Wm. Lough, Robt}. Gillies; pair horses in harness, 15 2 and overâ€"Eph- nam Evans, Joseph Staples; pair horses in harness, under l5-2â€"â€"Geo. Brown ; single carriage horse, 15-2 and over â€"James Stock- er, Alex. Henr , Ira. Nstrass; single carri- age horses, un er 15-2â€"Wm. Irwin, Thos. Davie, Simon Arnott ; best three year old in harnessâ€"James Foster, Joseph Britton ; best roadster, open to all classesâ€"James Shocker. Thomas Davie, James Bushell. THE 8170’? A GRANI) SUCCESSâ€"THE EXIIIBIT GOOD. One noticeable feature in connection with the Mauvers Central was the exhibit of Jersey cattle by Mr. Thos. O‘Brien. To say that the difi‘erent animals were a credit to the owner would only voice the senti- ments of every person on the ground. Mr. O’Brien also exhibited a. quaditity of butter from his Jersey cows, and secured the first prize. Mr. Robert Phelp of Cartwright, made a. splendid exhibit of Durham (settle. The interior of the building was, as MANYEBS GENTBAL SHGW. We have just received form Japan a direct importation of he best time to buy your coal is when the weather is warm, as it is always cheaper then. I have the best coal this year that has ever been brou ht into Millbrook. This may be seemingly loud talk; but an inspection will, . think, convince the most sceptical on this point. Please call and see my coal before placing your order. I have also another car load of shingles to hand this week. They are going fast as the price is low and the shingles are good. a Ofiice and yard at the railway station. OUR OWN BLEND AT 53c. Such value was never offered before. W’e have t mm at all prices, and to suit all people, and think if you give us a. chance we own suit you. And will guarantee it the best value in Canada. \Ve are also 21‘ mg a specialty of Indian Cey- Ion and Black Teas. Our leader in this line being ORDER YOUR COAL (/NOW 3 July 27th W. VAN CB. \Vhioh we offer at A WORD ABOUT TEA , 1893. WINTER IS SURELY COMING. MILLBROOK. ONT.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1893. Yours respectfully, W. THEXTON. Class 18. twelvefZSnow applesâ€"Sam. Gillies, John Sisson; twelve RussetSâ€"R. SWuin, James Steer; twelve Fall Pippins Mrs. Thomas Davie, R. Sisson; twelve Yellow Bellfiowersâ€"C. C. Cain, Wm. Hannah; twelve Ribson PippinsuTohn Smith, Harry Sandy; twelve Greeningâ€"H. A. Richardson, R. Swain ; twelve Norshem Spysâ€"Michael Sisson, H. A. Richardson; twelve \Vealthyâ€"-John S. Richardson, Harry Sandy ; twelve Rubiconâ€"John Berni- cutt, H. Sandy; twelve Maid’s Blushâ€"A. Griffin, Robert Byers; twvelve VVagnerâ€"H. A. Richardson, A. Griflin ; twelve Culverts â€"â€"Michae1 Sisson, H. Sandy; variety of apples, )2 of each kindâ€"John Smith, A. Griffin; five lbs winter gm G. W. Sisson‘; twenty pearsâ€"Wm. annah, H. A. Richsrdson; twenty Duchess of Olden- A. Richgrdaon; fivent Duchess of Olden- burgâ€"Geo. Simon, m, m. Gillies 3 twenty GRAIN. Class 17. one bushel Fall wheatâ€"Robert Vance, John Smith; one bushel Colorado wheatâ€"Robert Patton, John Smith; one bushel other Spring wheat, not mentioned aboveâ€"Johnston Morton ; one bushel Mar- rowfat peasâ€"John Barnicutt, Johnston Mor- ton; one bushel black-eye peasâ€"H. A. Richardson; one bushel blue peasâ€"John Smith, H. A. Richardson; one bushel Mummy peasâ€"George Sisson, 51:, Michael Sisson; one bushel White oatsâ€"Johnston Morton, John Sisson; one bushel barley, two rowedâ€"Robert; Vance, J ohn Sisson; one bushel barley. six rowedâ€"George Sisson, sr., John Smith; half bushel Timoth seedâ€"Geo. Sisson 31‘. G W. Sisson; pec White beans 1893â€"Mrs. Bred Vales, C. C. Cain ; half bushel flax seedâ€"Johnston Mor- ton, Geo. Sisson, sr., twelve ears white corn â€"Johnston Morton, Greo. Sisson sr.; twelve ears yellow cornâ€"Alfred Griffin, Levi Slsson. Class l3â€"Sufi‘olk. Sow that has raised pigs this yearm'Wm. Ritson. POULTRY. Class ll. Pair turkeysâ€"John Smith; pair geeseâ€"John Smith, Wm. Ritson ; pair ducksâ€"S Staples, S. Staples; pair Ply- mouth Rocksâ€"Charles Reynolds, Charles Reynolds; pair brown Leghornsâ€"Lemuel Patterson, Lemuel Patterson; pair Black Minorcasâ€"â€"VV. H. McCartney, W. H. Mc- Cartney ; pair Houdansâ€"Lemuel Patterson. MANUFACTURES. Class 15. Set stove furniture, tinâ€"Irwin McGill; specimen cabinetwareâ€"Charles Reynolds: set farm harnessâ€"S. Bateson. James Minus ; set double carriage harnessâ€" S. Bateson; set single carriage harnessâ€" James Minus, S. Bateson; grain cradleâ€"â€" Robert Sutton; single buggy with topâ€" George McCartney, George McCartney. DA IRY PRODRCE. Class 16. Butter, tub or crock not less than 40 lbsâ€"Mrs. Sam Gillies, Mrs A. Griflin ; five lbs. butter in rollsâ€"Mrs. Thos. O’Brian. Mrs. John Smith ; two loaves white breadâ€"Mrs. Frank “'ard, ilrs. Wm. Hannah ; two loaves Graham bread, must be made from unholted flourâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisson, Miss Nellie Preston ; five lbs honey, in combâ€"Miss Minnie Steer, C. C. Cain; five lbs honey, extractedâ€"Miss Minnie Steer; one .uart maple syrupâ€"Mrs Fred Veals, Mrs. lit. Vance; factory made cheese â€"I. S. Grant. Class 10. â€"Shropshiredown Sheep. Shear- ling ramâ€"Joseph Touchburn; ram lambâ€" Joseph Touchburn, Joseph Touchburn ; pair aged ewes having raxsed lambs this yearâ€" Joseph Touchburn ; pair shearling ewesâ€"- Joseph Touchburn ; pain ewe lambsâ€"Joseph Touchburn. '57s ‘ . swfmn. _ Class. ll.â€"Large Breeq Pigs. Sow that has raisedpigs this yearâ€"iiohnston Mo:;L,_9n ; boar of 1893~Samuel Staples; smvof 1893 â€"â€"H. A. Richardson. Class 9,â€"Southdown Sheep. Aged ram â€"Gilbert Kinkade; ram lambâ€"R. Phelp, G. Kinkade; pair aged ewes having raised lambs this yearâ€"R. Phelp, G. Kinkade; pair shearling ewesâ€"Gilbert Kinkade ; pair ewe lambsâ€"R. Phelp, Gilbert Kinkade. Class 6.â€"â€"Grade Cattle. Cow, in milk or calfâ€"John Gillespie. John Sisson EITWO year old heiferâ€"Isaac Preston, Isaac “Pres- ton ; one year old heiferâ€"Richard .Matchett. SHEEP. Class 7.-Leicester Shgep. Aged ramâ€" Wesley Glennie; shearlmg ramâ€"VVesley Hennie ; ram lambâ€"\Vesley Glennie, Wes- ley Glennie; pair aged ewes having raised lambs this yearâ€"Wesley Glennie ; pair shearling ewesâ€"Wesley (Eileniiie; pair ewe laughsâ€"Wesley Glennie. 7 :1 lass 5. â€"J ersey Cattle. Bull under; two years oldâ€"Thomas O’Brian ; cow, in milk or calfâ€"Thomas O’Brian; two year old heiferâ€"Thomas O’Brian ; one year old heifer â€"-Thomas O’Brian ; heifer calfâ€"Thomas O’Brian. R. Phelp, R. Matchett; cow, in milk or calf R. Phelp, W.m Corbett; two year old heiferâ€"R. Phelp, R. Phelp p;one year old heiferâ€"R. Phelp; heife‘r calf~R. Phelp. FRUITS. ’d W. H. McCartney; fancy mantle drapeâ€"â€" Mrs. Geo. McCartney, Mrs. McCartney; pair picture easelsâ€"Mrs. Geo. McCartney, Mrs. W. H. McCartney : fancy key board- Miss M. Ryley, Mrs. Geo. McCartney; fancy mitts in woolâ€"Miss Jennie Lee; fancy_mitts in silkâ€"Mrs. Frank Wafd, Mrs. 1"E_A -__ _- A. W. UH. McCartney; applique workâ€"Miss Jennie Lee; honiton lace workâ€"Mrs. Geo. McCartney. Mrs. W. H. McCartney; model- ling in high reliefâ€"Miss M. Adams, Miss M. Adams; ornamental potteryâ€"Miss Thorn- dike. Min Steer;th 0!: chinaâ€"Mm Sisson ; berlin wool, flowers-Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Geo. Neil ; crochet work, fineâ€"â€" Miss M McGill, Miss J. Lee ; crochet work, large in cantonâ€"Mrs. \V. H. McCartney, Mrs. Robert Patton ; crochet work, large in WOOLâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Miss M. Ryley; crochet work, edging, fineâ€"Miss Jennie Lee, Mrs. Geo. Sisson sr. ; crochet- work, in twine â€"â€"â€"Mrs. Geo. MaCartney, Miss M. Adams; crewel workâ€"C. L. Morris, Mrs. W. H. McCartney ; embroidery on muslinâ€"Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. C. U. Cain; embroidery on cottoanrs. Robert Patton, M rs. \V. H. McCartney ; guipure workâ€"Miss V. Morris, Mrs. \V. H. McCartney; fancy knitting in cottonâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisscn. Miss M, McGill; fancy knittingâ€" Miss V. Morris, 0. L. Morris ; point laceâ€"Mrs. Geo. McCartney, Miss A Richardson ; pillow lace workâ€"Miss A. Richardson, Mrs. Geo Neil; silk patch workâ€"Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. C. Cain ; arrasene workâ€"Miss Minnie Adams, Miss M. Adams , macrane workâ€"‘ Mrs. Geo. Sisson sr., Miss C. L. Morris; ornamental pincushionâ€"Miss Jennie Lee, Mrs. Geo. McCartney; fancy toilet matsâ€" Miss M. Adams, Miss M. Adams; fancy lamp matâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Miss M. Adams ; fancy chair tidyâ€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney, Miss Mable Ryley ; fancy sofa pillowâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Mrs. Geo. Neil ; fancy foot rest â€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney ; tatting edgingâ€" Miss M. Rylcy, Miss V. Morris; leather wreath Miss M. Adams; Queen Ann darning â€"Miss M. Ryley, Mrs. G. McCartney3sample darning, 1 pair of socks or stockingsâ€"Mrs. G. Neil; worked whisk holderâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Mrs. Thos. Davie ; trimmed cotton pinafcre Mrs. W. H. McCartney , tinsel workâ€"Miss Jennie Lee, Mrs. R. Thornd yke; mexican needleworkâ€"Mrs. Geo. McCartngy,_ Mrs. â€"Wm. Smith, John Smith ; mangoldsâ€" Alfred Griflin, Thos. O’Brian ; Pumpkinsâ€" Samuel Staples, G. W. Sisson ; field squash â€"John Smith, Wm. Smith. DOMETSIC MAUFACTURES. Class 21. 5 vards cloth, colored or check- ‘erlâ€"Mrs. F. Ward ; 10 yards flannel, all ‘ woolâ€"Mrs. G. W. Sisson; 10 yards plaid flannel, all woolâ€"M rs. G. \V. Sisson; 10 yards flannel. cotton or woolâ€"Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Robert Vance; shepherd’s plaid â€"M rs. C. C. Cain, Mrs. G, W. Sisson; pair woollen blanketsâ€"Mrs. Geo Neil, Mrs. F. Ward ; pair woollen stockingsâ€"Mrs. Frank \Vard, Mrs. G. \V. Sisson ; pair woollen socks Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. R. Vance; pair woollen mittensâ€"Mrs, Frank Ward; pair woollen glovesâ€"M rs Frank \Vard, Mrs. Gr. \V. Sisson; pair heavy napped woollen, mittens, for drivingâ€"M rs. John Smith, Mrs. at“. W. Sisson ; 2 skiens stocking yarnâ€"Mrs. ‘ G. W. Sisson, Mrs. R. Thorndyke ; piece work quiltâ€"D. L. Morris, Mrs. F. Veals;‘ patch work quiltâ€"M rs. B... Pattonhgddie 3 Richardson ; knitted quiltâ€"M rs. R. Vance, 3 Misc V. Morris; log cabin quiltâ€"Miss V. Morris, Mrs. C. C. Cain ; woollen coverletâ€"â€"â€" 1 Mrs. C. C. Cain, Miss V. Morris ; cotton { coverletâ€"Mrs. G, W. Sisson ; plain sewing, by handâ€"Mrs. Greo. Neil, Mrs. W. H. Mc- Cartney ; worsted door matâ€"C. L. Moore, Mrs. F. Veals; rag door matâ€"Mrs. Fred Veals, C. L. Morris; 10 yards rag carpet, woollen warpâ€"M rs. S. Staples, Mrs. G. W. Sisson ; 10 yards rag carpet, cotton warpâ€" Mrs. Geo. Sisson sr., Mrs. Fred Vcals. LADIES' \VORK. Class 22. Eead wordâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Miss V. Morris; braided work, silk braidâ€" st (l. C. Cain ; braided work, cotton braid â€"Mrs. G. \V. Sisson, M rs. Geo. Neil ; braid- ed work, worsted braidâ€"Mrs. W. H. Mc- Cartney, C. L. Morris; berlin wool, flatâ€"- Miss M. Ryley, Miss Jennie Lee ; berlin wool, raisedT-M rs. McCartney, Mrs. (x_ \_V. W. H. McCartney ; display of worked but- tonholes on 6 difiierent materials â€"Mrs. Geo. Neil, Mrs. Geo. McCartney; outlining embroideryâ€"Mrs. \V. H. McCartney, Mrs. Sam Gillis ; roslyn workâ€"Miss M . Ryley ; darning in netâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Miss M. Ryley: tablg coverâ€"{liss Jennie ‘Leg, Mil. Clas ‘20. Bushel White potatoesâ€"C. ,H Brereton, Geo Sisson sr. ; bushel other Tate potatoesâ€"Robert Patton, Simon Arnott ; sweet turnipsâ€"~John Barnicutt, Geo. Neil; orange carrotsâ€"John Smith ; white carrots sLon Morton, A. Griffin; twtelve pamipsâ€" John Smith, Wm. Smith ; two heads Drum- head cabbageâ€"Alfred Griffin, John Smith; two heads cauliflowerâ€"Alfred Griflin, Levi Sisson ; two heads of any cabbageâ€"George Neil, Wm. Morrison; two Hubbard squash â€"-Joseph Staples, George Neil ; two graden squash, any other varietyâ€" Wm. H. McCartney; two Citrons â€"â€"â€"Alfred Griffin, Simon Arnott ; water- melonâ€"John Smith, H. A Richatdson; white onionsâ€"John Smith, George Sisson; Red onionsâ€"John Smith, Mrs. Fred Vales ; yellow onionsâ€"Mrs. Fred Vales, Robert Byers; ripe tomatoes, any varietyâ€"W. H. McCartney, Alfred Grifl‘iin ; vraietv of vegetablesâ€"John Smith, Alfred Griffin; heads celeryâ€"Alfred Grifiiin, Sam Gillies ; ears of swaet corn Johnston Morton, Thos. O’Brian ; long radishâ€"John Smith, W. H. McCartney ; turnip radishâ€"JV. H. McCart- ney, John Smith; black spanish radishâ€" Johnston Morton. Class 19. Peck earlv potatoesâ€"Robert Patton, A Grifiin ; twelve long table carrotts â€"â€"Dr. C. H. Brerton, Johnston Morton: twelve mtermediate carrotsâ€"Alfred Griffin, Johnston Morton ; twelve early horn carrots â€"Johnst-on Morton, Dr.’ C. H, Brereton; twelve Blood beetsâ€"George Sisson, sr., Sam.‘ rGillies. ; twilva turnip _ beetsâ€"John- Alexanderâ€"John Barnicutt, John Smith; twenty King of Tompkins Countyâ€"R. Swain. GARDEN VEGETABLES ROOT CROP. â€"Call at Leach’s drua stem and get a bottle of Harper’s Amiian Balm. Best. liniment sold. ‘ 16- Spain withdrew her miia'tary attaches from the Moorish Court. â€"Neuralgia. must go! $3.00 reward for a case that “Harper’s Arabian Balm” will not relieve at once. Warranted by A. LEACH. 16- To cure» nervousness your nerves must be fed by pure blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. makes pure blood. Take it now. â€"Neuraqlia must go ! $500 reward for: a. case that “ Harper’s Arabian Balm ” will not relieve at; once. \Varranted b) A. LEACH. 16- Dave Jackson, a. negro wife- beater, was taken out of the Covingtan, La. , jail by a a mob and hanged. â€"â€"Epidermia as a. beautifier of the com- plexion has no equal. Try it; At A. LEACH’S. 16- Paris is wonderfully decorated for the visit of Russian officers. Louisiana’s Governor will prevent the training of pugilis s at; Baie St Louis. The chartfr of Crescent Cit!7 Athletic Club has been declared forfeited. â€"â€"Gct a. box of Dr. Root’s Red Ragulat- ors, the best; blood bmlder. Price 50c. For sale by A. meu. 16- The Yale-Harvard football match will he played at Springfield on the-Saturday before Thanksgiving. â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regulators are the best pills for a. blood tonic. A. LEACH sells them. 16- The directors and ex-directors of the VVorld’s Fair gave a magnificent banquet; to 500 guests. Annie Hedstrom worked four years as a farm laborer 1n man’s attire near Zumbrota, Minn. \Vifliam Harlis, of Hawkins County Tenn., is 107 years old and healthy. --â€"-Dr. Root’s Red Regulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEACH for a. box. 16- "m-‘housand striking miners in the Charteiei District resumed work yesterday. The Queen has approved the apfiointment of the Earl of Elgin as Viceroy of India. Don’t commit suicide on account of your “ineurable” blood disease. The sensible thing for you to do is to take Ayer’s Sarsaâ€" parilla. If that fails, why, thenâ€"Keep on trying, and it will not fail. The trouble is, people get discouraged too soon. “Try, try try again.” ,_----___..,' Mrs. W. H. McCartney; metallic paintingâ€" Miss M. Adams, Mrs. Geo. McCartney; steel engravingâ€"Miss .‘J. Ryley, Miss Emma. Reynolds ; chromo lithographâ€"Miss Emma. Reynolds, Miss E. Reynolds ; pencil drawing â€"Miss M. Ryley, Miss M. McGill ; crayon drawingâ€"-Mrs. Thos. O'Brian, Miss M- McGill; collection if curiositiesâ€"R. \V. Flich, Miss M. Rylcy; canary birdâ€"Miss E. Reynolds, Miss E. Reynolds ; collection of green foliage-~Mrs. W. McCartney ; geraniums, doubleâ€"Miss Clara Reynolds, Mrs. Geo. McCartney ; lily in flowerâ€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney; hibiscusâ€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney, Mrs. W. H. McCartney; ger- aniums, singleâ€"Miss Clara Reynolds ; fuschias, doubleâ€"Mrs. A. Griflin, Mrs W. H. McCartney; fuschias, singleâ€"Miss M, Ryley, Mrs. W. H. McCartney; hanging basketâ€"Mrs. W. H. McCartney. Mrs. Geo. McCartney; pair vases, furnished with cut flowersâ€"Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. S. Staples ; pair urns, furnished with plants Miss M. Rylcy. Mrs. Geo. McCartney; variety of everlasting flowersâ€"Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. A. Grifiin ; variety of everlasting grassesâ€" Miss V. Morris; floral designâ€"Mrs. \V. H. McCartney, Mrs. W. H. McCartney; floral basketâ€"Miss M. Ryley, Mrs. Thos O’Brian; collection' of housa plantsâ€"M rs. \V. H. McCartney ; cactusâ€"Mrs. W. H, McCart- ney, Mrs. W. H. McCartney ; variety of ger- aninmsâ€"Miss M. Ryley, M rs. W. H. Mc- Cartney; rose in flowerâ€"Mrs, \V. H. Mc- Cartney; verbenaâ€"Mrs. S. Staples; agri- cultural design, or bouquet of grain, fruit, flowers. grasses, c.â€".\1rs. John Smith, C. L. Morris. }eo M cCartney,’M 18834 'MEGTIYZ‘EEQQEE: workâ€"Mrs Geo. Neil. , _ PAINTINGS, FLOWERS 8:0. Class 23. Painting in oilâ€"Mrs. \V. H McCartney; painting'on velvetâ€"Mm. G. W. Sisson, Mrs. R. Patton; paint-gag on satinâ€"Mrs. Geo. Sisson, Miss M. Adams; painting in oil work of exhibitorâ€"Miss M. Magill, Miss M. Adams ; kcnsington paint- hagâ€"Mrs. R. Patton, Miss M McGill ; paint- ing on shamoisâ€"Mrs. \V. H._ Mo-Qarpney, ll-.. \IT 13' 1.,n VOTER-g LIST. 1898. â€""-â€"v "v u Neil; roman embroideryâ€"I -..A._--A_ l-- in -- A..- M. McGill; ‘mnsfei- No. 41

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