L'V:>7r\ A , M; 9-1», , . -_.-\. w we: can about his wife be- In so Insane. Seeing he felt so bad Witness to d accused that it would be better if he kept his wife in an asylum. He afterwards get the commitment-3mm the priest at St. Ambroxse de Keldare. uyau mm a. poker. So excited was ' " 0 years of age and married Hooper 10 years ago in Montreal. Witness told of a. Vlsit of Hooper and his wife to her place a. month ago. Her daughter was then insane. Hoop~ er arrived first and said his wife had jump- ed from a. train. Her son and Hooper went in search of M rs. Hooper and returned with her and brought her home. So insane was If you Wish to secure la; for the holiday season. Christmas Legend A and Folk-Lore xs most int ' and as an antidote, there :cssj st‘ ‘ M. THE HOOPER CASE" .l I05 30. of Toronto (Ltd. ) est 1_‘0ron_to Ont. n1.;¢9 , ‘e continues instruction in ‘ Around the Tea. Table inted with the fashionable eason. Novelties are illus- vers on Knitting, Crochet» ., with full instruction for umber is an excellent one; win asubscription, which a. year; Single Copies, 15 orders to The Delineator TnnanL~ " ' - V a certain and speedy never IS witness remember -L 33 Rich- KingstOn Kope, 3 Hood’s Pills cure liver ills, constipation biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, imdiget:z ti : Wuuua m reason because it is true; it always appeals to the sober, common sense of think- ing people because it is true; and it is alwaysfully subsbained by endorsements Of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. is always within bounds of rtason because it is true ; it ah appeals to the sober, common sense of th ing P80p1e because it is true: .wz ‘ ,‘l n ‘- It must be gratifying to the manufact' urers of “Sunlight.†Soap to ï¬nd -their goods so splendidlyappreciatcd in the Can- adian market ; and it must also be pleasing to them to receive the highest recognition at Canadian Exhibitions for quality of their soap. At the recent Fall‘ Shows held at; London and Ottawa, “ Sun- ‘light†was awarded a. Gold Medal, which brings their gold-medal 11st up to 14. Add~ ed to this grand record is the important fact that; “Sunlight †is used in Windsor Castle and in the Royal Laundries, and ow~ ing to the excellence of ' facturers have been spe ' makers to the Queen. the superior . W -_ â€". .vqu ".111 aueuul ï¬ne Storm. It IS to be hoped that the Revs. Messrs. Cattanach and Kilgour will exchance pulpits often for both congregations were well pleased the last time and it shmxs a friendly feeling which should always exist between mmisters and people of different denomina- tions. 7 ,, _..J.. Hum; vu; IL'CSDyLCrlan . friends have purchased an acre of land in our town for the purpose of building a manse on it; in the near Iuture. Mr. James Might, of Peterboro, was here I last Tuesday. The storm last Saturday did considerable damage in the way of blowing down fences, buildings and trees, turning some farms into commons. If we are going to be visited again with such a terriï¬ic gale the query is ‘ What kind of a fence will stand the storm. Tt :c. 4... L- L†I v v \~ vu LtDU- W e noticed the familiar face of Mr O’Brien of Brunswick in our villag week. :Dame rumor says that our Presb‘c h. -_J. Twn Hare Gold Medals. The Advertising e hoped that the Revs. Mess‘rs. .nd Kilgour will exchance pulpits both congreggxtigns were well 1....1. L: , sailed from ' New Xork, , with ali the ,7 a“... uuvnu .uLUUI', ‘ Oil, Tinware, Stoves, Pipes: chines and \Vringers. Alsc c. Everything away dow cash. m- “mm , Lam, ‘Lweeu, nel, Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets. white and grey. purchasing elsewhere, . - J“... LVUVLVUu an 5 known Champion Plows, Plates, manufactured by Port Hope, which I wish In all grades on hand defy competitionlfl Rollfar and Stone Flourl Ighave just received a. Low-r3173: CALBFORW Fifi sum? 60. SAN FBAN 01800, CAI“ . PAYN E. 2d a. sto2k of the well- ’Iows, Points and Sole ed by Thos. Hayden of wish you to see before I ,. ~ The pmces are rlght. Jr, Glassware, Coal ’ipes, W’ashing Ma,- Also cmuse grains, down in price for d and at prices that; DTT,’ 1 “I'ngd, Flan. be given. I, Rolls 369 ,George Street a show a large range of Ladies, Misses and Children’: - H. KELLS CO. ï¬vv Misses and Chilciren’s Mantles Uistersfand Capes. Peterborough. styles in