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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 19 Oct 1893, p. 5

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â€"-Mr. Wesley Morrow, who has been laboring for some time in completing, a machine for digging potatoes, has been in town for a. few days testing his inventionin a. number of potato patches. 0n W’ednesday he placed the machine in a. fieid belonging to Mr. Samuel McCann and we understand it worked admirably. Mr Morrow, the inventor, noticed‘a, slight flaw which he says he can remfiy without any trouble, after which he‘ expects to place a. machine in a potato field that will accomplish everything that is desired. ‘ spegig} meeting in connection with the Arm); on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 19th and 20th. On the first night the programme will be principally filled by Adjutant Manton and Captain Watâ€" son. 01; the second night the great social limdjght scenes will be presented. and this is :gaertainly something that no person can .afl’ord to miss. All they ask is a silver collection at the door. â€"lfl.r. Francis Smith, with his usual ingenuity-deceived a quantity .of seed potatoes last fall and planted them and has waived great results. He planted thing-five pounds and says as near a he can judge he will have about the same number of bushels. Farmers will do well togsee Mr. Smith before: :purchasing their next seed. He se-i Leu'red two first ape-izes on this variety fit our fall show, .-â€"â€"Capt. Towelfl, who has lately asapmed control of {the Salvation Army corps of tnis _'.‘i]1age announces a. ~33he anniversaryof ihe Mebhsdist church here will be heléivon Sundayeand Moniizgf,- Oct. 22nd and 23rd. A special sermon will :be preached on Sundayat 10.30 a..m., and at 7 p.111. a. song semnon by the pastox,'Rev. ‘D. N. McCamL-s. On Monday Rev. W. F. Wfisnn,‘ Toronto’ s most popuiar enter' tam-3r, .véifll deliver a. lecture an “Snags we strike. ” Don’ t fail to hear this: lectuce. % Mr. Wilson 1s an zeniteertainer in exmyamse of the word. --â€"â€"Mr. A. Fer-gnaw, our gopular Reeve, has been makiagextens‘zve im- provements on his property on Distill- 91 yâ€"st, The carriag¢hop has received a t}: arough overhauling. and now a. new cottage roof; adms the£bui1ding. This, combined with the new stables and sheels at the Queer’fis, improves the street to a. consicbezable :extent. â€"On T uesday, Get. 31$t,- there will be a bee h eld on the premises of Mr. J 01% 11 Mar bin mt] nearly every persoxi in Mr. 1\ {arfin’s large circle: of ac- quaintance. are invited. T-hemccasion will likely be maofirmerrimmt as well as labor-has is always the - case when conéucted by the gezfial :J 01m. -â€"-Enam ..el The only smokeless. odmless a] 1d pet-feet stove-pipe v mish is for sale at R. J Doak’s. other until' you have tried . . stoves we 'have the celebrzm'x lack Led. It i s excellmt polish. Try it; â€"BIr. J. .A. V. Preston,cof the firm of Smith «is. Preston, was in town on Monday. 'W'e understaner. Presztou has dispos< 2d of hisgwactisein Denver; and will a; gain take'up hisr‘reskiencein Canada. â€"-Boot Baskets, Potatoes For} SCOOP ShO' gels, ch, Lantemfs\ 22.11 paper going at hard ti ewe at R. J. DomK’s. 39! â€"â€"D1:.Nontgomery 10f Centreville, was in town on Wednesday and made a. business call at THE REPORTER office. â€"-BeSt Amei mean water white Oil ever T‘broug'ht into Efillbrook, J. DOAK s. 39 ' â€"DL W. E. Tifiey, inspector of schools of the county. w as in town on Tuesday last and made his- oificial visit to our public school. *Big push at great!) we uctérh for W hips of all kinds an; R. J5 SOLD ONLY BY A Brush given with each home. Guaranteed mat to 85:10:16 0.“ Snail. Preserves and Beaufiifies Stove Ping Egyptian {Stove Eipe , Emmi PRiSE 25 CENTS PER “EDIE. A. T. ELLIOTT, TOWN TALK THE DRUGG; â€"On Tuesday last a representative ‘of THE REPORTER had the pleasure of visiting“CastleBlayney”farm,onwhich is situated the stables of Patterson Bros, the now celebrated importers and breeders. The visit was made in company with Dr. 'J. W. Bland, whose opinion of the stock now occupying stalls in there stables is well worth the consideration of every person in the stock line. “ Castle Blayney ” farm is the home of “ Cheneau,” the imported ‘ French coach horse that has been so} extensively used in this section for the [GIWalter Green exhibited a number of pumps of his own manufacture, and were we allowed the privilege of judg- ing we would say that the Millbrook Pump Works is an establishment of no small consideration. Mr. Green also exhibited a display of water pipe, in which line he has become quite prom- inent not only in Millbrook, but also in outside towns. ' G. "7Walter Green, pump manufacturer. ' Keils, Fowler-3:00. had a case that l didsnot only do credit to the firm but alsoginstilled into the minds of the many visitors as the fair that this house is in a position to compete with any house in the ,larger towns. The case was fillled with Mufl's, Cellars and Caps, composed of Beaver, Seal, Sable, Persian Lamb and Oppossum. A ' better exhibit could not possibly be: ' made from a wholesale house, and ' only an centerprising firm like Kells, Fowler «£530., wouldthink of oflering the sameexhibit at a local fair. Air. ' L. S. Clarrjy ,had within a square of fifty feet a number of vehicles that 5 was not only a credit to the exhibition, ; but also placed the proprietor of the; novelty carriagea'orks at the head of the list as an enterprising man. Among the different cutters we noticed one particu- lar} , called “Solid comfort” and all one hadyto do was to seat himself in order to cenvince him that the proper name had men applied. There were buggies, carts. phaetons, gladstones and almost ;every other variety of vehicle that could be mentioned. In 'fact Mr. Clarry presented a fine exhibit and deserves credit for the display. The cutters were of a handsome design, with portable trimming, which can be removed at any time duringwet or muddy weather, and also for safe keep- ing when the cutter is not in use. Mr. b.551mâ€"na-sp... â€"On Friday night last a. violent :wind storm passed over this section :and left many traces of its visit behind. 1 0n Saturday the implement warehouse occupied by Mr. A. T. Armstrong, was blown down and all the imple- ments in stock crushed 1n the ruins A chimney «an the .’Queen s hotel was blown down. The shed on the agri: cultural grounds were completely de- :molished and many fences and small buildings sufi‘ered to :. considemble vextent. In the country we have been informed a. large amount of damage resulted from the storm. among other Lsufi'erers were Mr. J 01191 Hutchinson, 1 who had the awof of his barn blown off. Mr. Wm. McKnight’sa ‘ buildings re- eeived a. call and some of them present nether a. delapfidated apparance. ' 4 â€"In the special exhibits at the East Durham and Gavan Agricultural show on Thursday and Friday we omrlooked that of Mr. L 8.0131137, also that of K211 s, Fowler 6; Co. and â€"-’J3he members of the citizens band intend holding an entertainment in the near future. They have secured the services of Emma Wells and Jennie ‘Rags; The date will be mentioned in our next issue. The Seaforth Sun says: “The Star, Miss Emma. Wells, has returned ti? Sea‘forth better ' than ever. In her four~voiced selections,i Which was her first mumber on the: programme, she simply astonished the Vaiadience, changing rapidly from a. deep Baritone to pure Soprano, followed by a clear Tenor, and finished with a’ heavy Alto, which gave a delightful final to this wonderful vocal gift.” Keep this entertainment in View as it will likely beethe treat-0f the season. .â€"A;',enm wanted. In the vicinity of Mlllbr 001:. 011 Salary or commission. G1§Od paying basiness. Apply at this 10 cc. > - -Wm. Archer is v! ‘ g I made kip boots for $4 a ai OW is y Our time to buy. ' 40 -‘â€"The Presbyterian pulpit here was goécupied on Sunday afternoon last by Mr. E. O. Esshoo, 1a. native of Persia and student of Knox College. 'While ' in town he was the guest of Mr. \V. Archer. â€"-()n Saturéav last about'noon when the storm was raging furiousl", the 11.3 alarm was sounded, and quite a sensation was caused. The firemen, with their usual promptness were on hand and No.1 engine “as brought ’out. The fire w as located 111 Mr. John Gillott’shlock, but on examination it was foun'r‘i that a burning chimney was the cause and no damage was done. The firemean kept their engine in readinezs for the rest of the day, but luckilyit was notnecessary to use it again. Will be kept for service on lot 13, con. 10, Hope. Terms as usual, $1.00 for season. In thanking my many customers for the very liberal patronge extended to me the ash seven years in the swine business, I won d respect- fully solicit a. continuance of the same this year. A call is invited before going elsewhere, Regis- tered pedigrees on application. The above boars took first. and second places at Mlllbrook this year and are no relatives to any other animals here. _ I am alsobreeder of Brown and White Leg- horns. Some fine young cockerls for sale reason- able. FRANCIS SMITH, ~ Campbellcroft, Ont. _Imgroved Chester White Boar, “King Bruce,” INC. '14 ; famowed March 16th, 1893. Large Enghsh Berkshlre, “Stonewall,” No. 2522; far- rowcd April 10th, 1893. A Shaving, Hair-cutting, Shampooing and every- tging else in the tonsorial line carefully attend- e to. PARLORâ€"Kin -st., Millbrook, o osite Wood 8: Ken’s bank. 3' pp CITY BARBER SHOP. T. H. BRYANS Now is the time to have your fall and winter dresses, jackets, coats and ulsters cleaned or dyed. Also gent’s clothing done on“ shortest notice by R. Parker 00.. of Toronto. Also goods sont to steam laundry Tuesday of each week. We havea full line of stocking, sock and mitt yarns. Tweeds Flannels, blankets and Rolls. Rag Carpets woven, warp supplied. action of Membray’s Kidney ,and Liver Cure is bringing this preparation kefore the attention of the medical profession in var- ious localities. Sufferers from tiais tor- turing affliction should test: its metigts. It appears to have a. specific action on the liver, kidneys and blood, (wk quiets and allays the inflammation and pain in .an unexpectedly brief period of time, Help For Rheumatic. The ntmber of well authenticated cases of rheumatism which have yieided to the Perhaps; but if just asyocd as Putnam’s, is that note. very high recommedation for the original .end best com cure? Putnam’s Painlessflern Extractor. Refuse to accept any of the dangerous sore producing sub- stances offered by greedywiealers who make large profitzwd disregard the interests of consumers. Safe, painless, certain. past few years ; also the home of that noted Clydesdale, “Laird 0’ Logic.” But the latest addition to the stables has been made 011 the return of Mr. J. L. Patterson from Ireland on Fri- day last, having in his possession two of the finest animals that ever lanoed on Canadian soil. This fact has been fully demonstrated by the reception Mr. Patterson received from the place he-lancled until his arrival home. At Montreal he was met by Prof. Chas. McEcheran, principal of MeGill’s vet- erinary College, and many other noted h01semen, “1100 were all loud in theii praise of Mr. Patterson s ingenuity in bringing such fine stock 0 this country, and to show his sincerity in the matter Prof. MeEeheran asked the privilege of booking two of his finest mares at “Castle Blayney” stable. On arriv- ing at Port Hope Mr. Patterson was beseiged with anxious inquiries as to what he had brought with him, in con- nection with which the Port Hope Times says: “ A few of Mr. J. L. Patterson’s friends, and those who are interested in intmducing. finebreeds of thoroughbred horses into this country entertained him at an oyster supper at ' the Royal hotel last night, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Patterson was highly eulegized 011 the , pluck and enterprise shown by him in : travelling to the Old Countr , and ' bringing 'eut two such fine animals, 3 . at great risk and expense, for one, or I even both of them might have died on Ul the passage.” As announced in our last issue the new arrivals are an entire horse called “Rampart. 21111,” the other is a mare called “Castle Blayney Maid.” To see these animals is enough to convince stock raisers that Mr. Patterson is a man of con- sidemble importance in this line. ’We have not heard the amount paid by Mr. Patterson but we understand the freight alone amounted to about $285. Flam the I Msh flimes of Oct 2nd, we clip the following: “Mr. Thomas Mc- Mahon, of Bree IIouse, Castle Blayney, has sold his Chestnut thoroughbred horse, Rampart 11., by Paladinâ€" Rampage, by Hermit, to Mr. John L. Patterson, Millbrook, Ontario, Canada, at a long figure. This horse’s loss will be greatly felt by biee'ders in Co. .311011aghan, as his stock, now three years old are the most promising that ave been bred in that part of the county for some time. He also dis .z‘pesed of the bay four year old filly, "Qflastle Blayney Maid,” by Bonanza, dam by Lightning, for which he was awarded first prize at the last Dublin Show, to the same gentleman. This 1 fi 1y. was b1 ed by Mr. Byrne, COI eregha, (is. Louth. ” â€"\V. Thexton/hfifiust; received a can-load of P. ’rzless Salt. It "is de- ciiledly Wght to Milibroo ands unequalled for color and quality. He has also alarge quantity of shingles which will be sold very cheap, as he does not want to can}; them over the winter. 41. ' CARS FOR SERVICE. Tonsorial Artist. LADIES J as! an mood. D. CHAMBERS. You don’t know how much better you will feei if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It will drive off that tired feeling and make you strong. v _-cw_â€" v-.-., vv uuu vaululo U1 WHICH notice shall have been given as above required and the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been given to him or his solicitors at the time aforesaid. Dated at Peterborough. Se tember 2nd, 1893. STRATfI‘Oi 8c HALL, Solicitors for the Executor. And take notice that after the said last men- tioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been {rivnn m: nhnvn I-nrnrh-AA : uuum is hereby-Elven pursuant to the D provisionsof'R. S. 0;, 1887, Chap. 110, and amendin ts that all creditors and others having c aim ' e estate of Archibald Armstrong, late of t e Millbrook in the Count ' of Durham, Merchant; who died on or about t e 16th September. 1893, at Millbrook aforesaid, are on or before the 1st day of Decem- ber, 1893. to deliver to Stratton 8: Hall. solicitors for W. A. Stratton. the executor of the estate of the deceased, a full statement of their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions and tull particulars of their claims. statement of their account and nature of the security, if any held by them. __-v_ v- -- V. v” AWI, \. ts that. all creditor: having 0 aim ' e estate ‘ Armstrong, late of t e tghe qu‘npg' of Dugham. Merchant amenain 7 EXECUTORS’ . Notice td Greditors! b . ' Nogggf ishere y 1of the R 'ised Stat tes of Ontario, t at creditors and «heirs havmg claims avainst the estate of Sarah 0.3110. Re)- nolds, la e of the Township of Gavan, m the County of Durham, Widow, deceased, who dled on the twenty-second day of April, 1893. (I'm requested on or before the 10th day of .Novem- ‘ ber, 1893, to send by mail gastage pre and, letter ‘ registered or deliver to . Russell oscombe, King street, Bowmanville, solicitor for the admmstrator of the estete of the sand deceased. full particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the security if any held by them, and that the said administator will 0n and after the said 10th day of November. 1893, roceed to distribute the assets of the said eceased among the partiesentitled thereto havin regard only to the claims of which he shall t en nave had notice. Dated at Bowman V1110, 28th day of September, .‘S-ch 28.93- R. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE. ,Solicitor for Joules H. Reid, JOTICE is her. In the Matter pflbhe Estate of Sarah Jane Remids, Late of the Town- ship ogsavan, claw, Deceased. Lanterns, Cow Ties, M Reasanable Prices AT CARDINER’S. ADHINISTRATORS’ Notice to creditors I Fa,“ REQUIREMENTS ! T . , OTICE is hereby given. that; a court will be J. hel¢ pursuant to “ The Voters’ List Act,” 1889 by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the united counties of Northumbcr- land and Durham at; the town hall Bethany, on the seventeenth day of October 1893, at one o’clock Fm the afternoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List .of the Township of Manvers for 1893. All persons having business at the Courtnre required to attend at the said time and piece. Dated the twentyceventh day of Septembex 1893. ALFRED RYLEY, Clerk of the said Municipaliiy, VOTER3’ LEST COURT Worst Form of Eczema for two years. We had three physicians in that time. but neither of them succeeded in cunmg them or even in giiving them a little relief. At last we tried 90 ’s Sarsaparilla and in a month both children were per- foclly cured. We recommend as a standard family medicine, and would not be without it.” MR. and MRS. M. M. SOLLER, 1412 2nd Avenue. Altoona, Pa. HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, constipation, bluousness, gaundiee, sick headache, indigestion. “We 1'. ”H01 valuab medicin‘ skind e bly with e .. After Physicians Failed, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by garents who see their children sufi‘ering om diseases caused by impure blood, an for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood’s Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the dis- eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the followin grateful parents: “ To C. I. H00 00., Lowell, Masha... Hoodfs Sarsaparilla Both Had Eczema \\ “W““ESWV' Children of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Sofie: Altoona, Pa. In Its Worst Form Hood’s ‘â€"SUCH ASâ€" -. vu Administratorbfm Estate aâ€"m? market for blood and two children suffered terri- is the dost s75- He handles a. purnp specially designed for gardeners and fruit growers. It, 18 a spray pump without either plunge or valve, so that. there is no danger o of order in using poisonous liqni it (getting. on? If you require a pump give him a. call and he will suit you. ‘ , -.____---v.. n-nwuulmuui u, can SUM you w1th any design of pump you want and at prices to suit the times. V Among those of his own manufacture or that of any other make he holds the EUREKA pump to the front, as it is the only pump on the market that can be regulated so as to throw either a. light or heavy stream. The Millbrook manufachr‘ One door East of Mr. Lang’s store Notxcc is hex-v onsiblc form .erz in m5 n..me y any other um Inna} f or by my written order. Verdun Is :1de OLICI‘S please take notice. 1'65 Gavan, Angus If you want a neat. nobby and en durable set of harness yo'tgshould call on the under- signed. I use rn'otliing but the very best ma- terial and aév the work is entirely under my own suncrvision ygggan Wyn: a. vests. him: 31 “x. 41: ‘1‘} Two :har ougii'L-rczi of Hope; and Royal 1' bar-c service on Lo: 16,31:-.5"m‘.. m r! ‘1-0 and OLhers wil. do _w-;'.: to :mm imo gree of the ion; 11"“- 1: when a good 02125.1 :di’TCc4 0;- 3pm first-class article. TVhips, Combs, Brusheg and everything else usually kept in a. first- class harness shop always on hand. Make no mistake in placing your order, I lead the trade with popular prices. Shopâ€"King-st., next to R. Dey ell’ s grocery. HE undersigned wishes to draw your at- tention to the fact that n: has opened out amerchant-tailorstock in the stand formerly occupied as‘a photo 'ran‘n gallery, op Os'tgthe Dominion hotel. Mil brook Mire s prepar- ed receive ordemx'ecute work in the latgt‘s‘tymvwfi’éving had a large experience in some of the largest shops in tho United States and Canada and as all work entrused to him will be done under his own supervision, satistaction is guaranteed. Those furnishing their own goods will also receive every atten- tion. He will also do cleaning and mending. A call solicited. WANTEB.â€"Two tailoressesâ€"on pants and vmfe To the Citizens of Mill= brook and Vicinity! um! BARBER Sam): This is to certify that that the reports that has been in circulatiOu about Mr. H. Arnmrong and Mr. W. Woou sending skim milk L0 the factory are fuss-um we have been testing the min; frOm both the above par =s and find thqy have been sending it it: first-ex ‘ conciziox: 111 every respccz. FOR HARNESS ! 33-1111 37-3 EN SFORT CH... ITE G. W. GREEN, Desires to return thanks toluis many customers for past favors and to in- form them that he has removed to new quarters, one door east of Lan ’8 general store, where he will be p eased to meet them and at- tend to theirtonsorialrequirements. T. 1:13 BRYANé v.. ‘4 IA J» .1 E N02103: W. STRAIN. G EORG E N ESBI TT. i: "shim Boa: \, Duke coir-1*. vfli ue . emfor (:0: m. or d _-~;.c. } Miners EU EULHX Lh‘o Lhe {)Cdi‘ w. l) P V.‘ . I‘ . A \' ' 50 N C. SPEARS, Merchant; failor THO: HE. 'RY. 24-3

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