97th. Year. No. 40. Mr. John Gillen who resides' on the Harker farm \Iillbrook; road, and who \\ orks in OSha-i wa, was awarded a gold shock' proof, anti- magnetic wrist; watch and a small gold pin by the Volkswagon Company in} J. GILLEN WINS AWARD FOR DRIVING RECORD .3- H. Bax-ringer, Publisher. Annual Meeting Millbrook Bible Society GRACE CHURCH SUNDAY, on. 6th, 3.09M. SPEAKERS. The General Secretary Rev. Kenneth McMillan, B. A., B. D. The District Secrétiary Rev. Colin Rudd, B. A., B.D. A sound colour film will be shown. OUR BIBLE AND HOW WE GOT IT THE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 Flannelette Pyjamas and Nighties Vests and Snuggies ORLON OR 15% WOOL You May Create Your Own Pension Plan T“ â€â€œ15F‘R7 ’ Re? rte? VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY EVERYONE INVITED Self-employed people may contribute up to 10%, of earned income (deductible for incOme tax purposes with a maximum annual deduction of $2,500) by monthly or other periodic payments into a registered Retirement Savings Plan. Others now participating in a registered pension plan may also benefit. For full informaticm, call at or write to any of ‘ our offices for our booklet -~ !IIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU MILLBROOK, ONTARIO Lindsay Omen Sound Payments Will Now Be Accepted In Trust By Victoria And Grey Trust Company PERSONAL PENSIONS THROUH THE VICTORIA and GREY REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN recognition of having driven one of their cars 60,000 miles without an accident or black Park of any kind. The two gift~‘~ were accompanied by a eertuicate. Mr. Grillen is the first person from this area to win such an award, and is naturally quite proud of his achievement . u â€" ‘ ,,,,,, I MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1957 Mr. Harold Morton and Mr, Charlie Crowe were in Cobourg last week Where they served on jury duty. Mr. ‘ and ‘Mrs. G. '1‘. Mac- Pherson of Toronto, were visi~ tors in the village on Tuesday. Recent guests at the home 01‘ Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Fallis were Mrs. Agnew of Hartney, ManitOba: Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Fallis. :Bailieboro: Mrs. Locke and Miss K. Tyrell, of Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannah. Elmvale: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barkwell and Robbie, of Lindsav. Mr.a11d M15. Allie Sloan of Fenelou Falls, weré \isitors in \Iillbrook vesterday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephens and daughter Gayle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barringer. Mr. and \Iis. H. C. Argue spent the weekend in Quebec, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russgll Gamble of Ottawa, at their summer home in the Lauren- tians. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bick and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crowe, attended the Bobcaygcon fair last Saturday. Mrs. R. J. Agnew who has been with her daughter and family in St. John’s, New- foundland. for three months, has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Stanley Fallis and Mrs. Henry Fallis. for two weeks, on her wav home to Harmey, Manitoba. Mrs. W. A. Johnstonof Ottawa was a Visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Manley last week. Mrs. Man- ley accompanied her daughter back to Ottawa where 'she will visit for awhile. SOCIAL - PERSONAL Renew your subscription. THE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail [n a greeting to the people across Canada and those in the 3400 Bible Societies in this land he stated, “I find myself part of a great Christian fell-ow- ship which knows no geogra- I phical or national barriers and [which embraces men and W0- men of all the Churches. It is as a great avenue of missionary {service that I see the role of 'the Bible Society in the past, the present and the future. In the preaching." of the Gospel and the establishment of His Church we are obeying Christ’s com- mand to win the world for Him. Of all the means whereby that can be (loiie none is more ef-‘ feetive or more praetieal than to let (lml Himself speak to the inn-Christian and the younger Christians: through His own lBo-Ok. Both the work of the l Eible Society and interest in it ‘are increasing to-day and as c we, go forward in this great task I ask for your prayers, your interest and your sup‘ port..?’ Returninyz from overseas re- eently he has‘ stated that the parent! Society in England is working with some 80!? trans~ letters in about 230 languages. In Holland the chief impress- ion gained was that there. the Bible Society is truly a partner of the Church. To a much greater degree than in Canada it is recognized as the right arm of the Church, and conse‘ Quently the need of the Gun-relies to support it is gener- M-r. McMillan was born in Moron Forest, Ontario, and is a‘g’l‘aduate of the Unite‘rs'itj; of Toronto and of Knox College. Ere this important appointment he had served St. Andrew’s Church, Guelph, for seven years. The Guelph Mercury stated that, “He has proved himself to be a fine, minister,1 a preacher with a message, at great organizer, and a true gentleman in every sense of the word . . . . a man gener- ally liked and respected by people of all denominations and faiths.†l } Preach Here Snnday The General Secretary of ,thc British and Foreign Bible So- ciety in Canada, Rev. Kenneth H. McMillan, B.A., B.D., whose headquarters is in To- ronto will be the guest preacher at the. Anniversary Services in (trace Presbyterian Church, Millbrook, next Suday at 11.00 a.m. and 7.3g p.m. A few months ago he received this appointment succeeding Dr. A, H. O’Neil, former principal oi‘.‘Hu~ron College, who was consecrated BishOp of the Diocese of Fredericton. t GIFTED MINISTER T0 SPEAK AT GRACE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Rev. K. G. McMillan, B-A-, B-D. Mr. McMillan is the present Moderator of the Synod of To- ronto and Kingston. A hearty invitation is extended to all the people of Millbrook and district to meet and hear this prominâ€" ent preacher and Canadian leader. He will speak at Grace Church at 3 p.m. also at the annual m'eeting of- the Mill- brook Branch of the Bible So- ciety. The Rev. Colin Rudd, B.A., B.D., District Secretary from Toronto, a minister of the limited Church‘ of Canada, will be present and will show a sound colour film entitled, “Our Bible and HOW We Got ally acknowledged.†It. "The King And Four nggn/s" With Clark Gable and Eleanor Parker "Ill. MET BY MOONLIGHT" Calling All Church School Superintendents All Adults Are Invited Everyone Welcome! Christian Leadership . Training School GRACE CHURCH, MILLBROOK Great War Drama With Dirk Bogarde Teachers, Prospective Teachers, and ' All Young People Tuesday, in October COURSE 1. The Life and Teaching of INSTRUCTOR Jesus (hfiSt. Rev H 0 Quinn B A†LTh, COURSE 2. How to Teach. INSTRUCTOR Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A. B.D. In Technicolor Cam and South Homghan Council of Christian Education . T0 SAT. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., $2.50, 7.45 TO 10.00 RM. Post Office Deparhnent, Ottawa, Ont. ' a Each way. Please God just let her know That we down here do not forget, We love and miss her so. â€"Sad1y missed by her loving Mother and Father, Sister and Brothers. by, But our thoughts reach out to you. Never a joy that comes our way, But we wish you could share it too. We miss you love, your happy Blackmanâ€"In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Marina, who passed away four years ago, October 4, 1953. There is never a day that passes NEXT MON. TO. WED. Now Running in Toronto "THE MAN OF 1000 FACES" The Life and Lava; of Lon Chaney, with JAMES CAGNEY "h u IN MEMORIAM DOROTHY MALONE '4'“