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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 3 Oct 1957, p. 3

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ees three times Special programs ‘. old. If you do nday School you 0 come to ours.. will really enjoy rse great October I Services. For call 27 6 Mill- 1882-1957 1957 an after :day School Worship Service. vreat Evangelistic inth Monaghan, Schools .. ’F OAVAN unday School. 'orld Wide Com- ;emembrance of Thurches ITOBBR 6, 1%7. Irld “’ide Com- erPsl‘ Festival nmunion . n, Bailieboro in i 11:: Prayer. ,storal Charge :ter. .tterson, M . A., Imeritus. ry Hayek, ,‘hoir Director. hurch L's, Ida .' Communion . Services {11.30 p.111. Rev. Kenneth Bible Soviety, md of Toronto Us Worship’. Assemblies of flable to con- ‘e in Count-y. Millbrook »h of your of ‘OK 3, 1957 ieno Baseball Throw i ”And “hat harmenvd after Jr. Boyâ€"1 Larry Gibbs, Zl'wu stooped to pigk m) your Rwrer Armstrong, 3 Bradfordlcompani .ns glow in the rest- Medd . laurant. 9 Int laysâ€"Glenn Earle, 2 Wayne Raper, 3 Austin Dun- bar. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Don Earle, 2 Glenn Forsyth, 3 Ralph Porter. Tnt. Boysâ€"1 )ernie Hancock, * 2 Glenn Earle, 3 George Hub I heard. l Int. Boysâ€"1 Glenn! Earle, '2 Alan Fowler, 3 Geo . Hubbeard. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Don Earle, 2 J im Northey, 3 Wayne Challiee. Running Broad Jump Jr. Boysâ€"1 Larry Gibbs -_ Ed. Bnbee 3R0ger Armstrong. BOYS ’ EVENTS Standing Broad Jump Junior Boysâ€"1 Larry Gibbs, 2 Ted Nattress, 3 Roger Arm- strong. Sr. Girlsâ€"l Helen Wright, 2 J 0 Ann Friar, 3 Joan Cannon. Int. Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Marion me, 3 Elinore Crow. lay and Nancy Powell (tied). lette Int. GiIISâ€"G ail Lawson, ‘3 Carol Goheen, 3 Elinore Crow- 19)“. SI". Girlsâ€"1 JOan Cannon, 2 Donna Murney, 3 J 0 Ann F riar, 75 Yard Dash- Jr. Girlsâ€"1 Brenda Lunn, 2 Norma Earle, 3 Jane Onei- Jr. Gillsâ€"1 Joan Manley, ‘2. Sharon Ball, 3 Glenda Bain. High Jump Jr. Girlsâ€"1 Glenda Bain, ‘2- Norma Earle, 3 Franes Me- !Main. > ' -' Int. Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Barbara Hutchison, 3 Marilyn Liesemer. Sr. ‘xirIsâ€"l Helen Wrght, 2 Jo Ann Friar, 3 Susan Pater- SOZ}. ' Sr. Girlsâ€"1 Helen Wright, 2 Joan Cannon, 3 Donna Mur- ney. Sr. Girlsâ€"1 J 0 Ann Friar, ° Helen Wright, 3 Donna Mum-8y Bop Step and Jump J r Earlsâ€"1 Norma Earle, 2 Barbara Young, 3 Jane Ouelâ€" lette. Int. Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Marion Lunn 3 Marilyn Liese- mer. BaseballThrow Jr. Girlsâ€"1 Norma Earle, 2 Joan Manley, 3 Jane Ouellette. Int. Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Carol G oheen, 3 Elinore Crow~ ley. Inter. Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Marion Luna, 3 Marilyn Liesemer. Sr. Girlsâ€"1 Helen Wrght, 2 Susan Peterson and Lois Seward. Senior Girlsâ€"1 Helen Wright, 2. Jo Ann Friar, 3 Lois Seward. Running Broad Jump Junior ( irlsâ€"l Norma Earle, 2 Barbara Yong, 3 Jane One]- Iette. Intermediate Girlsâ€"1 Gail Lawson, 2 Marilyn Inesemer, 3 Flinore Crowley. Sr. Boyseâ€"l Don Earle, 2 Standing Broad Jump Jr. Girlsâ€"1st Norma Earle, 2nd Barbara Young, 3rd Jane Ouellette. The winners of events- were as follows:â€" Friday, September 27th, was cool but sunny. The seventy- eight students were divided into two groups, the Blues and the Reds. The leaders of the Blues were Helen: Wright and Wayne Challice. The leaders of the Reds were Gail Lawson and Donald Earle. The Blues] won by a score of 292 to 233. 1 Millbrook High School field day was held this year at the exhibition grounds where more room was available for the events. High School Field Day Results Thm'sday, October 3, 1957 Basketball Throw “Before I could straighten up the waiter had thrown a table cloth over me and seated five p‘eople.’ Royal Wigter Fair.N0v. 15-23 Norwood ......‘....Oct. Ottawa Winter Fair Oct. b v VL J. \hLAUUJuUuD'JL Runner uP (points) :'will be 1.119 guest speaker. All Jr. ’Girlsâ€"Gle 11da 821111.. .12- ladies cordially invited. Jr. Boysâ€"Ed. Bobee ..... 285 .. Inter. Girlsâ€"Marion Luna” 3‘ Inter. Boysâ€"Geo. Hubbeard 2Q NOTICE Sr. GirFsâ€"Jo A1111 Friar” .16; The following milk p1ices Sr. Boysâ€"Ralph Porter... 13 are in effect as of October 1st. {Quarts ...... . ............ 2 2c {Pints ................... 123 DATES 0F FALL FAIRS Table cream ............ 259 \orwood ...... ' ....Oct. 11-14 Whipping ............... 35c Champion (points) Jr. fillsâ€"Norma Earle. . Jr. Bhysâ€"Larry Gibbs .. Inter. Girlsâ€"Gail Lawson Inter. Boysâ€"Glenn Earle Sr. Girlsâ€"Helen Wright Sr. Boysâ€"Don Earle . . The six fieldaday champions and six runners up were as TOHOWS: V . Int. Boysâ€"1 ‘ George Hub- beard, 2 Glenn Earle, .3 Peter Stuart. 4 Alan Fowler. ' One Mile Race 1. Don Earle 2 Marten Brockstra 3 Camercn Porter 4 Douglas Sheppard. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Don Earle. 2 Marten Brockstra, 3 Ralph Porter. Jr. Boysâ€"1 Ed. Bobee, 9 Earl Corfe, 3 Larry Gibbs, 4 Roger Armstrong. 100 Yard Dash Jr” Boysâ€"1 Ed. Bobee, 2 Larry Gibb-3,, 3' Ted Nattre'ss. Imt. Boysâ€"1 George Hub- bevard, 2 Bernie Hancock, 3 Wayne Raper. Int. Boysâ€"1 Wayne Raper, 2 Peter Stuart, 3 Glenn Earle. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Wayne- Challice, 2 Ralph Porter, 3 Jim Northey. Shot Put Jr. Boysâ€"1 Larry Gibbs, 2 Roger Armstrong, 3 Gary Hop kins. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Wayne Challice, 2 Jim Northey, 3 David Ray- mes . Inlt. Boysâ€"1 Glenn Earle, 2 Bernie Hancock, 3 Wayne Raper. Jr. Boysâ€"1 Ed. Bobee, 2 Roger Armstrong, 3 Ted Nat- tress. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Ralph Porter, ‘3 Wayne Challice, 3 Don Earle. Int. ' Boysâ€"1 Glenn Earle, 2 Geo. Hubbeard, 3 Gordon Mar- tin. Jr. Boysâ€"1 Ed. Bobee, 2 David Challice, 3 Gary Hop- kins. Sr. Boysâ€"1 Gleam Forsyth, 2 Ralph Porter, 3 Marten Brockstra. Int. Boysâ€"1 Robert Hamil- ton, 2 Wayne Raper, 3 Glenn Earle. High Jump _ Jr. Boysâ€"1 Larry 'Gibbs, 2 Roger Armstrong, 3 Ted Nat~ tress. ' Wayne Challice, 3 Glenn For.’ GEMS mom syth. j LIFE’S 803A] This Boy Had The Size! THEY SAY HE MARRIED HER One-third Mile Race Pole Vault ‘. 11-1-1 7. :28 to Nov. 2 FOR HER CANADA SAVINGS BONDS your rest- 31 -) 35 33 3:3 31 Au Auction Sale .of House- hold Furuiture. the m'operty of Mr. and Mrs. T. Heard, will be held at their residence. Tapper Street. Millbrook, on Saturday, October 19th, 1957, at 1 o’clock sharp. This Turni- ture is all modern and less than two years old and some choice items will be offered. Terms Cash. J. H. Miles, auctioneer. W. E. Wright of Peterborough will be the guest speaker. A11 ladies cordially invited. NOTICE Grace W.M.S. Autumn thank- offering service will be held in the Church on Wednesday, Oct- .Ober 23rd, at 2.30 p.111. Mrs. A home-baking sale sponsor- ed by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. Canadian Legion No. 402. Mill- brook, will be held in the Mill- brook \Naiting Room on Satur- day, October 19th, at 3 o’clock. The Fall Thank-Offering of St. Andrew’s ‘W.M.S. will be héld on Tuesday,, October 8th, at the Parsonage. Please note change in date. A good at- tendance is requested. Visitors are WGIL‘OIHG. W. M . S. THANK-OFFERING Come to Grace Presbyterian Sunday School Hall 011 Wed- nesday, October 9th, at 8 .m. and see the beautiful coloured slides taken by Mrs. W. W. Kennedy and Mrs. J. W. Wright on their trip to EurOpe this summer. Sponsored by the East Town Group. Admis- sion 25c. 00 not forget that an honest, Wise zeal, a lowly, triumphant trust, a true heart, and a help- ing hand constitute man, and nothing less is man or woman. â€"-M‘ary Baker Eddy. It is not dawdlers and tri- flers who find life worth living; it is the strenuous. robust workers . â€"Charles W . Eliot . Every product of genius must be the production of enthsiasm. â€"-Disra.eli. Experience shows that suc- cess is due less to ability than to deal. The Winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.â€"â€"Charles Buxton. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. â€"Ecclesiarstes . Enthusiasm The fellow who isn’t fired with enthusiasm is apt to be fired.â€"B. C. Forbes. LIFE’B WRAPBOOK COIAOURED SLIDES SALE REGISTER BAKING SALE LIMIT-ED A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3-0681 TORONTO. ONT. her days; Sincere and true, in her heart and mind. Beautiful memories she left be- hind. â€"'EVer remembered by sons John and James. ‘ Blair.â€"In loving membry of our dear mother Mary Eliza- beth Blair who passed away OtOber 3rd, 1950. Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just, to the end of The observance of World- wide COmnmnion is now well established throughout the world and comes this year on Sunday, October 6th‘. Your Church invites you to join with millions of Christians around the world in meditation and prayer at the Lord’s Table. Forty-two persons including several young men and women, registered for courses at the 'Leadership Training School in lrace Church Tuesday night. Mr. Herbert Lewes, President of the O.C.C.E., welcomed everyone to the sch-001. Mrs. John R. Thompson is Dean of the school and ‘Mr. E. J. Love;~ day of Springville is in charge 1 of recreation. 1 Everyone is invited to at.- Etend‘ one of the courses being [given by Mr. Chisholm and Mr. Quinn. Come next Tues- day, October 8th. You can still get a full credit for taking one course. You. will enjoy the ‘ Christian, ,Ee‘llowshib and re"~ WORLD-WIDE COMMU N ION it an even 3 pounds by leaving a little to cling to the potato. Mr. Albert Olan is the first potato man to bmg a Murphy giant to our office this season. The one he brought in Satur- day is a Chippeawa, and went 2 pounds 14 ounces, a healthy meal for anv man- FIRST LARGE POTATO WEIGHS 2 LB. 14 OUNCES meal IOI' any man. “Ab,” if you weren’t so honest you could have made creation . GOOD ATTENDANCE OPENING NIGHT IN MEMORIAL! BATES 85 DODDS NERAL SERVICES Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope 31b_ram8’1flower 'Sbop Ebrams’_ flower 5130p TURNER 52808 NIGHT, cannons mm 55796 DAY; 21 Queen Street “LET; FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone Miubrook 87-j E I Celebrating the coming of age of a holiday tour that is unique throughout the whole world, the let tour has proved as popular as ever with Ameri- can visitors. A very high per- centge of those who took the six-day tour were Americans and no less than 24 states of Winnipeg.â€"A group of 250 tourists with an eye for the unusual left on Canadian Na- tional Railfiys’ 2lst annual tour to Churchill, Manitoba. CHURCHILL EXCURSION DRAWS 250 TOURISTS Real Estate 328 WATER STREET, PETERBORGUGH Phone â€" Riverside 2-3897 â€" 2-3898 WAITING TO BUYâ€" runs AND HOUSES Kindly Contacvâ€" ‘ Murray Eagleson, Bailieboro, Ont. Phone â€" Mill'brook 2094' 13 WWWfllfflflnmf-‘fiw (which is secured), and good retereoces. These‘openings will pressure men wanted as NO SELLING required. If you can qualify and have necessary cash, write today giving phone number and particulars for local interview. Write: Manages Po. Box No. 125, Station 3, Montreal, Quebec. ' Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging Plumbing Heating Lequire tnd Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and ate openings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with some of Canada’s largest chain stores can be handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more Important than past experience. Our lib- eral financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for hightype men or women of character only . Applicants Must Have Approx. $1,100.00 Eagleson Insurance Agency LIFE 138mm General Insurance, Fire, Public Liagility, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness; Wind and Plate Glass. OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA Clegg McClellan \ 1 ~ Â¥ Manv 7‘ Township, Tuesday, ,chobeyegjb, at 1.30 p.m. South ‘M'onaghan Township, Tuesday, October 8th., at 8.00 Stopover: were made at Dauphin, Flin Flon and Cran- berry Portage before reaching historic Churchill, which is washed by the waters that swallowed ' up Henry Hudson and his ailing son all those years ago. WHEN THE COUNCILS MEET ‘AGAIR the union were represented. PA GE T338!

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