“‘ufl‘afl'u'uw' HIP-EVER uWW :: Loss or mus INSURANCE E CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION g aux-emanvmaavaawwï¬mm About two years ago your Management Committee agreed that we should produce a‘News- letter to be circulated among members of our Executive ('ouueil and interested persons in the community. ‘This was to happen when. and as your Executive Secretary had time to carry out the assignment. I have given up trying to find time so here goes! ~ Ladies and Gentlemen, I of- fer you Volume 1. Number 1 of TB Association Newsletter Daylight Saving. exï¬ended into the fall, is inclined to make “Marathon runners" out of some of our children as a num- ber of them were seen running To school a bit behind time, Thursday mornino. Seen and Head On King Street During The Wu a cigarette in the Bank door- way. Where the voungster got the "fag" would not be hard to run down now that Pa, Ma. brother and sister are all using the cigs. He could easily have salvaged a healthy butt from around the house. or even‘ the gutter of the street. We have seen humans in our time pit-k butts from the gutter. “Jack Frost," also seen on all other streets and out mm the country. This boy sure gets around whm he puts in an appearance. “'e’re lucky he didn'e show up long before this. By the way, how about flooding the arena Weldon? A small bov with all the con- fidence of a man lighting up PA] A Roy Willmott, Q.C. James A. Irvine, M.A. If a man has an income, probably he can look after the reasonable needs of his family and buy insurance to take care of the possibility of disaster. But what if he loses his income? One disaster he should insure a- gainst is accident or sickness which would cut off his income. CIA offers loss of time insurance as part of an acci- dent and sickness policy. For details see your CIA representative : :E FOURâ€" MRS. SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA, Agent Phone RI 5-8079 Barristers, Solicitors, Nata '93 Telephone 9. Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE l Last week our Annual Secre- taries' Conference was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toron- Ito. This is one of the many inew hotels springing up in that city and was admirably suited to our purpose. We held \Vork- 'shops. Panel Discussions; had :tlemonstration's of various ameth-ods of involving the com- munity and of course, as is natural at this time of the year. heard much about the Seal Sale; By the way, this is Canada‘s 50th Christmas Seal Sale and to celebrate the event, the Can- adian Tuberculosis Association has produced an all Canadiam Seal. I am sure you are going your New‘sletter. In each issue to like it tremendously. “e plan to «rive you a tariety? x, x 2:. of thoughts and bits of news as; Incidentally, We learned at thex pertain to TB in general our Conference that there are and in particular to our United 3 million know 11 people in Can.- Lounties of Nmthumberland 2111a harbouring the '1") germ, and Durham. AHY commentsf av shown from tuberculin tests. 01 ruggestions would be grate- These are all potential (21503 fully rec medâ€"so do not hesi-i and should bex x-rax ed yeailv. tate to write, ask questions,, The traged} of the whole (ritieizeâ€"just so long as you; thing is the apathx to\\"a1-dsthe are interested. 5 disease which is steadilv <1'row- x x x tinn- simplv because the general Last week our Annual Seere- public feels that TB 1s 110 101111- taries Conference was held at er a problem-that it is licked. the Westbury Hotel in Toron- It is true that we had in NO. I WON'T LET 00 OF MY 7 ’ CANADA SAVINGS BONDS! But. do you know that ad. [missions to Sanatoria in 1956 i were 300 more than in! 1954, one } o'r‘ the peak years. So. until liext month. “Thank You†for your interest and support. M; 7E. Pewtress, Exeutive Sec. Northumberland and Durham TB Association, Cobourg. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dug Hazen was referring to you“ and to the thousands of volun-‘ teers like yourself who are giv- ing so unselfishly of their time and energy to help the less fnriunate . l Dr. Hazen, President of the, Ontario Tuberculosis Associa-i tien, said in his opening re-! marks at the Conference: “\Vez are here to lambaste the tuber-9 (le bacillus and n e must first? pay tribute to that vast group! who ghe their time and enei‘g) Without thought of Ieward. ex- cept to help the other person. †er a problemâ€"that it is licked. It is true that We had in Ontario in 1956 the low-est, death rate in historyâ€"4.1 per 100,000. It is true there are some empty beds in Sanatoria. This is all because of our im- prnved ease finding programs â€"in other words cases are be- ing found earlier and hence are (-urahleâ€"and because of im- proved treatment. Renew Your Subscription. TEE MIRROR-REPORTER. DELI-BROOK, ONTARIO } :qw‘cial Visitation z-ustivities in g Zion Chum-h during: ()Mobor. } Similar campaigns will be spon- : sured by Pentecostal Assemblies ' Maxwell Casv. pastor of Zion {Pentecostal Chum-h. at Mill- 'brmk. announces a month )t' _1 ,M ‘J...A.,._.. _____ 4.. 1‘. “Piggyback†is the move- ment of highway semi-trailer equipmonit on railway flat vats and combines the advantages 01" the flexibility of the‘iruck in terminal oerations and the efficieinï¬ mass-movement of goods by rail. “To the Harvest’†is the theme that will spearhead the Enlargement Program. Neigh- bours in the territory surround- ing the church will receive special invitations to attend Zion Sunday Sshool if they do not nmv attend church regular- 1v. ACTIVITY AT THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH The last Sunday of October will be a special Harvest Time Rally when the Sunday School and morning worship servioe will be combined. (>1 Canada Uhm‘rhes all over Hr nation during: the month. Montreal.â€"Canada ‘s 2 major railwaysâ€"already engaged in hauling railway-owned trailers in piggy-hack service between Muntreal 'and Toronto have an- nmmeed jointly with a group of trucking companies that they have completed arrangements for hauling the trailers of licensed “for hire†motor ear-‘ riers on flat cars between Mon- treal and Toronto. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada has become Well- CN-CP PIGGY-BACK TO HANDLE COMMON CARRIER TRAILERS Those attending from St. Thomas' branch included Mrs. Fallis. Mrs. ()‘Donnel, Mrs. H. A. Turner. Mrs. Leslie Brivtow, Mrs. J. Wâ€. Hilton, Mrs. Elsie Brooks. Mrs. Raper and Miss Laura Cracker. ' At the conclusion of the con- ference Mrs. Reginald Fallis, President of the \V.A. branch, )‘Iillbrhok. was introduced as tho Incoming Deanery Presi- dent for the next two years, and tho nweting was closed by tho Benediction given by Can- on H. M. Redford-Tones the Rural Dean of Coboursz. The delegates were entertain- ed 10 luneh in the Cmnnmnity Hall by the Harwood \V.;\. and afier lunch the conference was formally opened by Mrs. Siretf for the Deanery Presi- dent. Principal speakers were MI‘S. H. I’. \Vilkinso‘n, of Toronto, Diocesan Board Representative. who spoke of the work and aims of the VV.A. and Miss Tobias of Chili who gave the Missionary address and also gave an exhibition of Chilian national costumes. The 35th Annual Conference of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Anglican Church in the Durham-Nort-humberland Dean~ ery met in St. John’s Church, HarW-ood, September 26th with more than 125 delegates and clergymen present from 19 different communities. They came from Bethany, Bewdley, B 1 a c k 5 took, Bowmanville, Brighton, Cob-ourg, Colborne, Grafton, Gore’s Landing, Har- wood\, Millbnook", Newcastle, Orono, Perrytown, Poet Hope, P-ailieboro, Ida and Manvers. MRS. REGINALD FALLIS PRESIDENT OF DEAN'ERY FOR NEXT TWO YEARS The conference opened with a. Communion Sei‘vice conduct- ed by the. RectOr Rev. Daird- Stiles, assisted by Rev. H. C. Quinn 0f Millbrook, and in his address later, Mr. Stiles wel- comed the delegates to the Parish Church which had serv- ed the Anglivans for 81 years. For Rentâ€"A two bedroom mod- ern apartment. Oil furnace. Apply Reg. Fallis, phone 207-1214 Millbrook. 5t For Rentâ€"5 Roomed Apart- ment; living room, Dining room. kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. All new fix- Tures, heavy duty wiring. Immediate possession. Apply Peebles‘ Hardware. phone 40 Millbrook . 1t RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Durham County. Trade well established. Ex- cellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh ’s Dept. J-283-189. 4005 Richelieu. Montreal, Que. 1t Bookeeping Serviceâ€"Financial Statementsâ€" Tax Returns, Etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 112-w Millbroo‘k. 3t Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to contents. will 1w. received by the UnderSigned until 12 o'clook Noon. BL’md-ay; October 14th, 1957, for the purchase of l-‘Standard Two Door Svdan in Hw low priced field. complete with heater. defroster. undvr- (-oaring. liuense and antifireeze. l-Four Door 1953 Pontiac Standard Sedan available for trade-in. This car may be seen at 85 Frank Street. Campbell- ford, ()ntario, after 5:15 p.m. Lowest or anv tender not necessarily accented. - Tenders t0 be mailed to: N arthumbe rlavndz-Durham Board of Health. Box 20, (“ob-011m. Ontario. known: for its Sunday School emphasis and is recognized as one of the fastest growing denominations in existence to- day. President Eastern Sphaol of Hypnotism BOMBAY, INDIA TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF CAR t'gvo Stagy'ru 1}me C4N'ADA SAVINGS new '- Dr. Matcus Bloch Master Hypnotist I} SALESMEN WANTED FOR RENT NOTICE Thursday, October 3, 1957 I 3 l l I I o I I I Burrett Fur Farm g GASH, for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborongh Bi-2-4330. v‘â€"â€"â€"..... â€"â€" -â€"~__â€" For Saleâ€"Set of good Snow Tires, size 7-10-15. Apply to John Blair, phone 157-W Mill- . brook. 1t For Saleâ€"Coal or \Vood Furn- ace, 21 inch fire pot, $55.00 complete with register; also 21wheel Box Trailer. $45.00: Marconi Cabinet Radio $20. Apply M. Kinsman, Gavan, or phone Millbrook 214-r-41 For Saleâ€"A few good barrels .. $2.88 Gallon for Permanent-- Type Anti-Freeze at Triek’s Bâ€"A Service Station. 42 Add $50 to $75 weekly to your income. Sell in your sur- r o u n d i ngs: Bowmanvlle. Hampon, Newcastle, P o r t HOpe. Quality products in- cluding cosmetics and medi- cines. Write to: M. Baker, 1600 Delorimier, station 0, Montreal. 4: Wantedâ€"Boys and Girls, Men and Women- to come to Zion Pentecostal Sunday School at Millbrook. If you need transportation, call 276 Mill- brook. 2t 30 Calibre Precision Swiss, 12- shot lightning fast repeater, detachable magazine, Only $16.50. Avaiable as a. De- luxe Sporter, only $22.50. 30-06 Winchester or Reming-. ton Gashot repeating Sporters only $32.50. Each fully guarantee. Get yours now-â€" while supplv lasts. “'9 ship C.O.D. promptly. Interna- tional Firearms Co. Ltd., .1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. Renew Yl‘ur Subscription. Apply Reporter Office, phone 19 Millbrook. A It Dead Stock! RIFLE SPECIALS FOR SALE WANTED The October meetin; Women’s Institute will Saturday, October 12. a at the home of Mrs. Richards. Roll Callâ€" School of- Nursing, h4 tember 4th, 1957, Mix Sloan daughter of Mr 3 Allie Sloan, Fenelon E formerly of Millbro< presented with a prize year high standing in ations, given by the l governers and presex Alderman W. Gordon also a former Millbro dent . Her parents Mr. 3 Allie Sloan attended t} ation exercises. events . MISS SHEILA SLO! FORMER LOCAL GI WINS AWARD At the graduation at Peterborough Civic 'I'UPPER STR Week Denim Jan 312‘ Canada TORONTO Yield 4.1 MILLS THE GERT MILLBRO‘ GEO Saturda ATl -Year-old AUC No. To