Each fully t yours newnâ€" sts. W'e ship fly. Inferna- .'$ 00. Iltd-g sion Swiss, 12- : fast repeater, agazine, Only iable as a De- ‘only 322.50. .ter or Reminga mting Sporters nd Girls Men come to Zion nday School a: f you need (call 275 Mill- 1' Wood Furnâ€" re pot, $55.00 register; also railer. $45.00: N Radio $20. lsman. (I'avan, rook 2144-41 3, 1957 Iontreal, Que . veekly to your in your sur- Bowmanvlle. rastle, P o r t ’1' Permanent ?ZP at Trick’s Station. 4: xbscription. tack! r products inâ€" ics and medi- EO: 1M. Baker, "r, station (I, good barrels-. Offit-e, phone It ‘ good Snow 5. Apply to If: lï¬T-w Mill- 1t - I'll-III. Farm The October meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held Saturday, October 12, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. C. Richard's. Roll Callâ€"Current events . Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allie Sloan attended the gradu- ation exercises. At the graduation exercisesélle'vii- 'tal' Re“ F- J- and Mrs. Burn at Peterborough Civic Hosp1 School of. Nursing, held Sep-‘ and daughter Eleanor, of Shar- tember 4th, 1957, Miss Sheilabqt Lake, spent last Week-end Sloan daughter of Mr and Mrs. inï¬h Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allie Sloan, Fenelon Falls, and. Smith. formerly of -Mi11brook, was: Mr. Mervyn Gray and little presented with a prize for first' daughter Janet, accompanied year high standing in examinâ€"_ by his mother, Mrs. Wilf Gray, ations, given by the board of all of Toronto, visited with governers and presented. by; Mr. and Mrs. Barringer on Alderman W. Gordon Powell. Saturday, Mrs. Gray remain- also a former Millbrook resi-f ing over for a week’s visit with dent. |her sister, Mrs. Barringer. mss SHEILA SLOAN FORMER LOCAL GIR] WINS AWARD Week-end Special NOW» IS THE TIME To Buy Your 1951 Canada Savings Bonds Denim Jackets, lined Sizes 12 to 18 H . Ban-inger, Publisher . Yield 4.46% To Maturity , MILLS, SPENCE (0. Limited TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG 'I'HE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 MILLBROOK REPRESENTATIVE GEO. H. RAYMES No. Telephone Millbrook 23 CASHABLE ANY TIME MILLBROOK, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. George Prime and Mr. Jack Kennedy of Bos- ton, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Whalen of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crowley on Tuesday. Mrs. Baker and her son Mr. Arthur Baker of Concord, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Mr. Thos. Allin Sr., on- Monday. - Mr. Mervyn Gray and little daughter Janet, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Wilf Gray, all of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Barringer on Saturday, Mrs. Gray remain- ing over for a week ’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Barringer. Mrs. N. V. Weatherilt of 211111 00d is visiting this week 1 11 Mr. 111111 Mrs. R. W. Go- he-o 11’. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL It“ $6.95 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANAéA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10,19 57. | Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Harden Strutt [wish to announce the engage- ‘ment of their daughter Kath- ‘aleen Helen: to George A. (Jack) Loohuizen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Loohuiz-en, of .Frawerville. Ontario. \Vf‘ddin}: ‘10 take plate October 25, 1957, la: Enniskillen. Besides her sorrowing husâ€"l hand she leaves to mourn her passing one son George W.,l Trenton: one daughter (Helen)! Mrs. Joseph Petre, Port. HOpe,‘ and two grandchildren. Four! brothers also survive: \Villiam‘ Davis, Bethany; 0. H. Davis: St. Catharines; Charles Davis, Pet-erborough, and Wilfred Davis, Drumheler. Alberta. Mrs. Ellsworth who was in! her usual good health, was on}? 'her way with her husband, to visit friends in the east end of; King Street, about 9 o’clock. When they arrived a short dis-f, tance past Bank Street Mrs. Ellsworth complained of her legs getting weak and in very. short time sank to the sidewalk. Her husband and friends assist; ed her a few yards farther on to the hostess’ home, and a doctor was summoned. She was brought to her home in due time, but not withstanding all care passed away shortly after. The funeral service. which was largely attended, was held an Monday, October 7th, from the J. Wâ€. Haw Funeral Home, King Street East, with the Rev. H. 0. Quinn, rector of the Parish of Gavan, conducting the service. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. The late Mrs. Ellsworth who was in her 7lst year, was the former Kathrine Davis, daugh. ter of John» Davis and his wife Mary Anne. Widdlis, of Bethany, where she lived until her mar- riage in 1913, and then moved with her husband to Peterbor- ough, after eight years in that city they moved to Kinmountt and from there to Millbrook where they have resided for 26,; years. Her husband, Mr. E1153 worth operated a store and shoe repair business. The pallborers. all («ousis of the deceased, were: ROSS Mor- ton, Anson Morton Albert Por fer, T eonard Porter Jack Arm- strong, and Ivan Fallis. FARM WANTED Bro. A. Holland, D.I).(‘r.M., and Staff of Peterborough District No. 44 will conduct the instaHation of officers of Milkb-I‘o-Ok Lodge No. 308 I.0.0.F. on Tuesday, ()ctobel‘ 15th, 1957. at 8.00 p.111. in the Lodge Room. All members are asked to he ‘121'959111'. A cordial invitatinn is (‘Xfï¬â€˜ll-ded to Visit- ing Broflwrri. Lunch served. Wantedâ€"Young man wishes 10 urchase 100 to 150 acre farm. If interested apply Reporter Office, phoné 19. 3t CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. George C. Ellsworth wish to than-k the many friends and neighbours. for their many acts of kindness and express- ions of sympathy during the loss of a dear Wife and mother. Special apprvciation to Dr. M. Hobbs and the Rev. H. C. Quinn. Residents of Millbrook and \icinity were stunned to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs} George C. Ellsworth last. Fri: day night, ctober 4th“, 1957. I.0.0.F. NOTICE Obituary TEE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for t printing my invitations. I was ’more than pleased With the re- ‘sults, and trust I did not rush you too much in preparing them, as I realize I did not‘ give you too much time. ‘ For the benefit of any other of our readers who might think we did not do our dutv baby Going to the aid of the cat, we might say this killing took place at midnight When we were in our bed. Also the sentence “he had at least three to his credit†was intended as a black mark for the do", not one of com;â€" mendation by any means, as we have a soft spot in our heart for eats as well as dogs. A dag kill a cat for pure devilment late Tuesday night. There could be no other reason for he didn’t eat the cat, there- fore wasn’t hungry. This is the third or fourth cat to the credit of this dog. said in part: “I was very griev- ed andudis-appointed to read the item about the dog killing the cat, and your evident approval as you saidâ€"‘he had at least three to his credit?!’ I would have thought you would have intervened and! saved the cat from such an untimely deathâ€. To let you know we get the odd “set-back†as well as the odd praise, another letter of the same day, in reference to the following item which ap- peared in our Sept. 12th issue under the heading “Seen On King Street†which read: Once again, Thank you very much. The Centreville Pre'Sbyterian Church will observe its Anni.- versary Services on Sunday, October 27th at 11.00 21.111. and 7.30 p.111. The Rev. 800% Duncan B.A., of Toronto will be the guest speaker of the day. III-Illlflilxlflilill} III P ANNIVERSARY OCT. 27th. Dear Mr. Barringer: The following letter was re- ceived by The Reporter ,pn Saturday last. Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 211-er Serviee PHONE COLLECT: Nick Peconi PROPRIETOR T-7-56 Effective Sunday Oct. 2711:, I957 APPRECIATES SERVICE TIME TABLE GHANGES. Peterborouh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 ‘ Also A Rebuke Full Information from agents RAILWAY Toromto, Oct 3, 1957 TURKEY DINNER Bensfort United Church ladies are holding a turkey dinner on Otober 15th. Watch next week’s paper for particulars. A by-stander admitted that he spoke twoâ€"English and pro- fane. Seen and Heard On King Street During The Week speak?’ ’ A sign which readsâ€" “How many languages do you ' ' The Mountain" ' ' The Restless Breed" III-lflllllIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EIIIIIII.I'll-III..-IIIIIIGIIIIIIIII-lulllllfl; lllllllIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! With Scott Brady and Anne Bancroft Calling All Church School Superintendents TURKEY DINNER Christian Leadership Training School GRACE CHURCH, MILLBROOK All Adults Are invated Everyone Weicome! With Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner 118 ,THURS. TO SAT. All-Technicolor Show Teachers, Prospective Teachers, and All Young People Tuesday, in October COURSE 1. The Life and Teaching of . INSTRUCTOR Jesus Christ. Rev. H. 0. Quinn, B.A.,L.Th. COURSE 2. How to Teach. INSTRUCTOR Rev. Francis Chisholm, MA. B.D. $L5O Per Plate Phone 38-po for reservations. Vl’s Restaurant SUNDAY, OCT. 13th. Gavan and South Monagham Council of Christian Education 4.00 P.M. TO 8.00 P.M. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., 32$ , 7.45 T0 10.00 P.M. Each J. R. Nokes, Manilla, Otario, will hold a sale on Saturday, October 19th, 1957, at 1 p.m. of Thirty choice bred cows and heifers plus 7 top service age bulls including half interest in our champion herd sire Zento Mixer 26H. Truly one of Can- ada’s top bulls; 13 females are bred to T.W. Regent. 27412346 whose get established a record low 3.79 lbs grain to produce -a pound of beef at the Govern- ment Feeding Station, Guelph. Catalogues and lunch‘ avail- able. Please bring friends and neighbours. NEXT MON. AND TUB. ; In Technicolor '1 ' ' Night Passage" With James Stewart, Audie Murphy and Diane Foster Adult Entertainment “UNTADIED YOUTH†and “MONSTER 'IHAT CHAL- IENGED THE WORLD" AFTER SUN. MIDNIGHT HEREFORD SALE Ray Nokes.