Attend the Church of your Choice on Sunday. REID’S GARAGE, Phone 275 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO Pontypool â€"- Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con- duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited This nighttime code of con- duct is adheared tn bv thought- ful drivers the year round, concluded Mr. Bryce, who stressed its special significance with the present early night- fall . 7. Drinking anything alco- holic Whle driving is always perilous but never more so than at night when drivers’ reflexes are overtaxed. 8. There is one good side of his nature a driver should re sist: do not pick up unknownj hitchhkers. Some have proved themselves to be robbers and] murderers . WWWHKW-ï¬mm 6. If you have to drive thro- ugh scantily populated areas, take- -along a vacuum filled with coffee or some other alhrtnest beverage . 5. Dim your lights just as soon as car comes Within “glar- ing†distance. It satisfies the ego only temporarily to glare back at the approaching driver; both of you can wind upï¬glar- ing your last from a wreck in the ditch. gmm j 4. Stop driving and pull off to the side of the road the mo- ment you run into heavy fog 0r heavy rain or when you find yourself overtired. Fog will lift, rain will cease, fatigue will vanish with a little rest and you may continue your trip Night comes earlier, and more dangerously, at this time of the year, warns Arch. Bryce, gen- eral manager of the Canadian Highway Safety Conference. 1. Before setting out on your after dark trip, make sure you have plenty of gas. Check tires for proper inflation and make sure you know how to use your jack. Your lights should be in good working order and if you have engine or tire trouble, a flashlight will come in handy. 3. Stop every hour or so at a roadside restaurant for a breath of fresh air and a stimu- lating cup of hot tea or coffee. Night Driving Hints For You Those Who are obliged to drive at night, the safety of- ficial said, will profit by slow- ing down and.l following these tested highway survival prac- In a. speial safety reminder to motorsts, Mr. Bryce caution- ed that reduced visibility makes it advisable to stay off the high- way after dark. 2. Paiking lights should be turned on before it gets dark. Careful drivers light them at sunset . '0] v JOHN PAYNE Bible Sunday was observed by members of CYI’C at their regular weekly meeting in St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Rev. Francis Chisholm introduced :-1 sound film on the story of the English Bible entitled, “Our Bible and How We Got Itâ€. Mr. R‘. W. Goh‘een operated the projector. Nancy Powell led the worship service. Two lesson: We bvlievo were learned by all the contestants: 1. It pays to keep physioally Iit. 2. Success in anything can only come through hard work and determined effort. Sr. Boys Championâ€"Marsh- all Keast, Orono. - ’ Besides a large trophy which Mr. Henderson presented to Orono High Shool at the end of lthe day, there were six smaller trophies for individual winners, When Mr. Henderson called the students to the platform to receive these, it was found Mill- rook had won three. Orono two, and Blackstock one as follows: Jr. Girls Championâ€"Norma Earle, Millbrook. Jr. Boys Champi-onâ€"Ardis MacArthur, Blackstock . Inter. (lirls Champion-Jlaiu Lawson, Millbrook. Inter. Boys Championâ€"Erie Carleton, Orono. Sr. Girls Championâ€"Helen W'right, Millbrook. I Detail of winners in» events has not been received at Mill- brook but may be published later. As was expected because of larger enrolment and being on home ground, Orono students took an- early lead in points. At the end of the day the scores by Schools were: Orono ......... . ........ 189 Millbrook .............. 117 Blackstock .............. 109 With only about half an hour for lunch (at which Orono serv- ed the visiting schools with hot chocolate). the contests con- tinued until about four-thirty. Every event was keenly con-- tested. Results were announced from the platform frequently over the P.A. system and the cumulative points of each school given. The meet opened with a brief' ceremony about ten o’clock: The contestants, about ‘ two' dozen from each school, march-‘ ed on the grounds led by a senior student carrying a large, banner of the school colours! After the National Anthem, Rev. Mr. Long of Orono. led in the Athlete’s Prayer. Words of welcome were given by Mr. Watt, Principal of Orono High School, and replied to by Prin- cipal Paisley of Blackstock and; Principal Goheen of Millbrook. Mr. Henderson of Oshawa, the official referee for the day, then declared the meen open. The schools placed their colours in holders on the platform and the contests commenced. Three events “went on simultaneously. On Friday, October 4th, Mil].- brook and Blackstock High Schools met with Orono for a three-school Field-Day. Orono has an enrolment of 96, Mill- brook 78 and Blackstock 60. LOCAL GIRLS WIN AT INTERSCHOOL FIELD-DAY CHRISTIAN YOUTH Massey-Cooke, Williiam Ed- winâ€"on Thursday, October 4, 1957, at his residence, Main Street, Milibrook, Ontario, VVil- liam Edwin Massey-Cooke, be- loved husband of Rosa Helen Balson James, dear father of Mrs. \Villiam Hum (Barbara) and Betty Massey-Cooke. Serâ€" \'i(‘\‘ was held on Friday after- 11mm frnm St. Thomas’ Angli- ('zln Church. Millhrook, The Rector Rev. H. C. Quinn 0f- ficiating. assisted by Rev. ('amm' H. S. Shepherd of St. George‘s, Pickering and the Rev. \V. H. Heusfin, Grace: Church, Millbrook. Ellsworth, Kathrine Davis-â€" Suddenly, Friday October 4th, 1957, at Millbrook, Ontario, Kathrine Davis, in her 7lst year, beloved wife of George C. Ellsworth. Dear Mother of George \V. Ellsworth, Trenton, and Mrs. Joseph Petre (Helen) of Port Hope. The funeral took place from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, on Mon- day afternoon at 1.30 o’clock. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. Wood, William Harvey.â€" Par-sed away suddenly on Tues- day, October 8th, 1957, at his home R..R. 3, Millbrook, Wil- liam Harvey Wood, in his Tlst year. 8011 of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Wood Dear brother of \Vilbert and Richard \Vood and the late Mildred W'ood. Resting at the Funeial Home of J. “7.; Ha“, M111biook.ber\1ce this afternoon at 2 .30 o Cl()(k. The Rm. G. Mead of Bethany, Interment \\ 111 be in St. Johns Cemetery, Ida. Forty-two, now forty-four: Folks are coming by the score. Teachers, Students, Anyone, Come and learn of God’s dear SOn. GRACE CHURCH ' Tuesday, at 7.45 pm. The Lady Lions served a very delicious roast beef dinner. The ladies have the happy faculty of making every dinner the best yet. How they do’ it we don’t know, but we like it. O . G . C . E. LEADERSHIP TRAINING First of all the stage is set for the annual Hallowe’en Party to be held in the Armouries on Thursday evening, October 31st,. Lion Lavergne Fallirs and his committee have been working on this for some time and has a real evening planned‘ for the children. Mr. Charles Fisher of South Monaghan showed beautiful pictures he' had taken “during his trip to the British Isles and Europe. These committees Will have their reports in for the mid- month meeting on November 18 and if it is feasable the Lions Club will sponsor the building of a swimming pool. The .Millbrook Lions Club has started the 1957158 season off with the usual “Lions Roarâ€. Monday, October 7thywas their 'second dinner meeting of t-he new season, the first one being September 16th. The publicity committee has been a little slow with the news, but now that there has been some real discus- sion on a project for the coming year we feel We have something to report that will be of special interest to the community. ‘ Committees were appointed at Monday’s meeting to look into costs, health standards, etc. required for the building of a community swimming pool in: Millbrook. The experiencei gained during a few years in, trying to develop a pool in con_- nection with the Lions Park has proven conclusively the only satisfactory pool is a concrete 0116‘ . . Entered Into Rest LIONS NEWS m MIRROR-RHORTEB, WWW“WWEWKWWWWWWEWHWWWMWiMANM ".(ome on Saturday, Meet 8. Greet the Premier comm EARLY MONDAY ‘Octcber 14thâ€"Grand Opening Parade at 12 Noon, sharp. Headed by Havelock Kilty Band, Beautiful Golden Palomino Horses and High Stepping Hackney Ponies. Beautiful De- co‘rated Floats (including the Norwood Lions winning Float in 3 mile Parade. at Peterboruogh Convention in June). At- tractive Entertainment Features, Light Horse and Hackney Pony Show (Finest East of Toronto) . “SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE†THIS IS THE BIG FAIR EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR! Beef Cattle including Santa Gertrudis (The New Beef Breed) and the $15,030 W. H. R. Hereford Bull, Outstanding. Dual Purpose and Short Horn Regional Shows. Poultry and Better Baby Show Judged on Monday. From the Official Opening at noon Saturday by the Premier of Ontario to the Big Barn Dance in Main Building on Monday nightâ€" ' ' eavy Horses, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, and Svti-ne. Harness and Pony Races. Championship Team Drawing Contest. Square and Tap Dancing. Amateur Contests. Midway and Rides (Biggest yet) SATURDAY, October 12th.â€"-Ba.nd Concert by C.G.E. Pipe Band at Town Square and Fair Ground at 12 noon. Fair Officially Opened by: The Hon. leslie Frost, Premier of Ont., 1 p.m. __Some_thing for Everybody! Norwood Fair Next Sunday. October 13th. is Thanksgiving Service, and on the 20th we celebrate the 70th Anniversary of St. An- drew’s. ' The junior choir sang a spe- cial number for this service and ten members of Session, assisted in the Communion service, with 105 communicants. ship divine! We feebly struggle, they in Glory shine: Yet all are one in Thee, for ah are. Thine, Hallelujah !’ ’ 4th. It is the Communion of Saints, with the dear ones above, wherein ‘ we are sur- rounded by a great crowd of witness-bearers to the saving power of Jesus Christ. “0 Most communion! fellow- lst. We go to communion to meet the LivingChrist. Com. munion is His presence realized. Sunday Morning At St. A'ndrew’s World-Wide Communion “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?†“The bread‘ which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?†21111.. This Communion Ser‘ vice is the expression of our fel- lowship with Christ, and our fellowship with one another. Jews, Gentiles, bond and free, we all are equal at this table. Pride and snobishness have no place here. “In Christ there is no East or Westâ€. 3rd. It is the expression of our Fellowship with the whole family of God, and our common allegiance to Jesus Christ. This is not our table, but the Lord’s table, to which’ men of all nations are welcome. come and see G. A. BRETHEN President. Thrilling Harness and Roadster Races TWO BIG DAYS (Thanksgiving Week-end) THE LAST AND THE BEST ONTARIO PARTY This party sponsored by the Lions Club of Millbrook, will be held Thursday, October 31, im Millbrook Armouries at 7 .00 o’clock. Games, treats, etc. Anyone wishing to make a donation of cash towards this party may leave same with J as. McMa'ster at the Sc to $1.00 Store, Lavern Fallis or at The Reporter Office. We hope every possible mem'l The Churches ber of the congregation will be: V present for this anniversary.;smAY, OCTOBER 13 1957 Anyone needing a, ride call Mr. ‘ J ohn‘McKnight who has under-l Pentecostal Assemblies of taken to arrange for cars. Canada Phone 181 ring 11. ‘q:‘_ .._‘_'___‘_I IL†I _ CHILDREN ’5 HALLOWE ’EN 437 GEORGE STREET YOUR SAVINGS EARN come early INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY BY GEE; WHEN YOU DEPOSIT THEM IN A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFIGATE FOR 5 YEARS. AMOUNTS 0F $100. 00 AND UP MAY BE EEFT ON DEPOSIT. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY STAN FISHER Steretary Authorized by Law for the Investment of Trust ‘ Funds. St. John's, Ida. 9.45 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. Campaign [Special Services three times ,on Sunday. Special programs for young and old. If you do jnot attend Sunday School you are welcome to come to ours. Come and you will really enjoy yourself at these great October Sunday School Services. For transportation call 276 MiIl- brook. Attend the Church of your Choice on Sunday. Christ Church, Bailieboro 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 7.00 p.m.-â€"Evenin'g Prayer PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. 0. Quinn, B.A., L’sh PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Heustin, B.A., Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Mfllbrook 9.45 a.m.-â€"Divine Worship. 10.45 a.m.â€"-Church School. Centrevflle Church South Monaghan Bins. G. Muspratvt, Organist. 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.15 a . m .â€"Divine Worship . Gavan 9.45 a.111.-â€"Thanksgiving and Harvest Festival and Sunday School. THE UNITED CHURCH Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Henry Hayek, Organist and Choir Director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St . Andrew ’5 75th Anniversaryâ€" October 1882-1957 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 . 15 a . m.â€"â€"Thanksgiving and Harvest Festival. Starting Oct. 6 through Oct. 27 Sunday Sghool Enlargement Zion Pentecostal Church WROOK Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7.30 p.m.â€"Great Evangelistic Service . Anglican Church of Ihursday, October 10, 1957 PEBRBOROUGH Pastor, M . Case. Petitions Give Millbrook (ow ...A regular monthly in of the Municipal Council Village of Millbrook “3‘ on the above date with I lowing members present .» Millbrook, October ls mes . V Ree‘ve Geo. F. Har: and Councillors Welgiox The minutes of the 1a. 1:- meeting were read Clerk and on motion of 1 lors Gibson and Raym confirmed. Communications read: the Reformatory, re d of garbage from the thre tution- residences. W. W Solicitor, Toronto, re '1 General Hospital claim. a hospitalization of the lat Graham. The Lake ( Development Associatio ing notice of a meetind held 111 Cobourg on Fridfl mg, October 11th. at 4 01 The Department of Hg Affairs, cheque enclosed amount $9. 20, account 5 Fire Department Act. 1 Crown Attorney, selectil ors 1957. R. B. Baxte vincial Magistrate, fines month of August, (he closed in the amount of Frank Cowan Company, cipal Insurance. Mrs. Ball, petition signed 11 ratepayers, giving n~otii two trees in that vicini become a menace to‘ power services and privz petty and should be rem Motion by Councillor mes and Coulter that co: cations not otherwise with be received and fil< Motion by Councillors and Coulter that the I atory be. given permis dispose of the garbage f1 three Institutional resid the Village garbage in This to be under the .Ql‘ ion of the Streets foren' Mr. A. G. WOOds W sent and presented a 1‘ which was claimed to 1 the signatures of at lea: of the Voters List for Th< cipality of Millbronk. last election of the Am Province of Ontarin. 1 fully petitioning the Cm the Village of Milnm have a B}-Lï¬\\' p111): that a vote 1112]} be 13km scetion 69 of the Liqum 1 Act, on the following gm 1. Are you in favor ‘ ectablishment -of t Motion by Councillor ter and Gibson that tl' referred to in the Sign tion received from Mrs. be removed in the months, Carried. .’ Lavern Gibson, Geo Thursday, October 1‘ The Chfistion Science Monm One Norway St, Boston 15. Send. your newspaper for checked. Enclosed find my Hausewives, busi teachers, and students fomms for constructive shades and penetrating edi family. international ï¬shed daily in Boston. This man can giw lyeor $l6E] 6mm: 3 months $40 CHRIS‘ SCIE MON em"