nday School -Worship Service. Breat Evangelistic ices three times Special program d old. If you do nnday School you to come to ours.. I will really enjoy lese great October 01 Services. For u call 2'6 Min- _Pastor, M . Case. Minister. mry Hayek, l Choir Director. :pratt, Organist. Church School j-Divine Worship. Sunday School. Thanksgiving and itival. ’hanksgiving and ï¬n! and Sunday Evening Prayer ’ast oral Charge Chisholm, M.A. , Thurches FTOBER 13 1957 plm's, Ida [oming Prayer. rah, Bailjeboro Holy Communion ivine Worship . :‘hm'ch School. REY OF CAVAN .Y BE LEFT on 'atterson, GUARANTEED :ostal Church 1882-1957 Assemblies of be: 10, 1957 Us Worship’. lurch of your EARN ch, Minbrook .Y BYGEB- .11., Petitions Given . Millbrook Council Millbrook, October lst, 1957' ._.A regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the,’ Village of Millbrook was held 12;; thve above date with the fol- lowing membersi preient : 1U" 1’45 u .Vm~-_~ 1" v..-_, - Reexe (180. F. Harrington and Councillors Weldon Coul- tor. Lavern Gibson, Geo. Ray- The minutes of the last regu- 11' meeting were read by the Clerk and on motion of Council- lors Gibson and Raymes were confirmed . Communications read: From the Reformatory, re disposal of 0'81 bao'e from the three insti‘ tution residences. W. W Fair Solicitor, Toronto, re Toronto General Hospital claim, account hospitalization of the late Eliza Graham. The Lake Ontario Dex elopment Association, giv ing: notice of a meeting to be held 111 CObourg on Friday ev en- ing, October 11th. at 7 o ’c1.ock The Department of Municipal Affairs, cheque enclosed in the amount $9.20, account subsidy Fire Department Act. County Crown Attorney, selecting jur- ors 1957. R. B. Baxter, Pro- vincial Magistrate, fines for the month of August, cheque en- closed in the amount of $4.30. Frank Cowan Company, Muni- cipal Insurance. .Mrs. Pearl Ball, petition signed by four ratepayers giving notice that two trees in that vicinity had become a menace to electric power services and private pro- perty and should be removed. Motion by Councillors Rayâ€" mes and Coulter that communi- cations not othen‘vise dealt with be received and filed. Motion by Councillors Gibson and Coulter that the Reform- atory be given permission to dispose of the garbage from the three Institutional residenes at the Village garbage grounds. This to be under the supervise ion of the Streets foreman. Mr A. G. Woods was pre- sent and presented a petition which was claimed to contain the signatures of at least 25% of the Y oters List for the. Muni- cipalitv of Millbrook, at the last election of the Assembly, Prm 111(e of Ontario, respect- fully petitioning the Council of the Village of Millbrook to haw a By-Law prepared so that a vote 111aV be taken under <01 tion 69 of the Liquor Lice11~ 1 AM on the followino questions . Are you in faV or of the e<tablishment -of Govern- Motion by Councillors Coul- ter and Gibson that the trees referred to in the signed peti- tion received from Mrs. P. Ball be removed in- the Winter months . Carried . Thursday, October 10, 1957 Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the warld read and enjoy this international newspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famOus for constructive new: staries and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. This man can give you 9 ’\ dependable delivery of The Christian Science Monitor . One Norway St, Boston IS, Moss. Send. your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. ‘ ! year $16 Cl 6 months $8 0 3 months $4 I] . THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I MONITOR immimal daily ment Stores for the sale of Liquor? . Are you in favor of the establishment of Govern- ! ment Storesfor the sale of I x 10' beer only for resident con- sumption? Motion by Councillors Gibson {and Coulter that this petition be receiV ed and that the Clerk ieheek same to aScertain if the ,required number of names equal ,25% of the total Voters Lists 2 mentioned and forward same to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. Carried. Mr. Ivan L. H. Gray pre~ sent-ed a petition sgned by 1-3: ratepayers, requesting a water- main' from King Street along Ann Street to the corner of Ann and Frederick Streets, to be constructed as a local improve- ment under the Local Improve- ment Act. .Motion- by Councillors Comb ter and Ravmes that this noti- tion be received and that the Clerk cheek same to see that the required names of two- thirds of the property owners adjoining this part of Ann St. are there on, also, that the names signed represent fifty per cent of the assessed value. Carried, Mr. H. A. Given was present requesting permission of the Council to use a building he had moved on to lot Pt. 12. corner of Main and Fredrick, as living quarters until such time s he could make other ar- rangements for living quarters. Motion by Councillors Gib- son a‘n'd Raymes that permiss- ion be given to use 'said build- ing as stated until May lst, 1958. Carried. Mr. W. L. Elson, assessor for the Municipality, turned in the completed assessment roll for the year 1957 as follows: Lands ............ $ 78,879.00 Buildings ........ 496,895 . 00 Business ......... 29,703 . 00 Motion by Councillors Coul- ter and Raymes that this assess- ment r011 be received and that the County Assessor be notified to make arrangements fOr a Court of-Revision. The follvowiilg bills were pre- sented and on- motion of Coun- cillors Coulter and Raymes were ordered paid: Welfare and Relief.. ..$ 20.00 Rosco Metal Roofing, culverts ............... 48.60 W. L. Elson, assessing.. 252.55 Stan. Sloan, caretaking 20.00 Cathcart Motors, gas and A oil.... .......... 57.45 ware .................. Durham Telephones Treasurer, salary, post- age, Ump. Insurance. . .. United Counties, hospital- ization ................ Mirror-Reporter, printing Miss M. Smith, t'reasur- er’s bond .. .......... Chapman Garage, gas and OH ..................... John Rowland, gravel .. Tolbert Kellett, labour.. Clifford Scott, salary. . .. Council fees ............ Millbrook Utilities ...... _ 4'2 ‘0 7.40 104.66 167 .88 13 .00 5.00 50.93 1.50 132.72 200.00 18.00 106.45 The South Group of St. Ann drew’s W.A. held their Octo- ber meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, ‘1957, -at the .home of Mrs. Merton Thexton with 19 members present. Mrs. Lawrence Winslow was in charge of the Devotional Study and Mrs. Johnston Row- land reading the Scripture, taken! from 1st. Corinthians, Chapter 3. Mrs. Albert 01am wa< in charge of the general business. Plans were discussed for a Christmas Party, followed by a «vial half hour-With Mrs. Don Graham and Mrs. Gerald Hub- beard assisting the hostess. 1 oil ..................... John Rowland, gravel .. Tolbert Kellett, labour.. 132. 72 Clifford Scott, salary. . . . 200.00 Council fees ............ 18.00 Millbrook Utilities ...... , 106.45 Council adjourned to meet November 4th, 195?. _. N. g \ ‘c- \. ‘, The next meeting: will be November 6th, at Mrs. Herbert. Patton‘s, and a good attend- .mce is requested, 19 ATTEND S.G. ‘oulter Bros. Ltd., hard- ..................... n Rowland, gravel .. Jert Kellett, labour.. ford Scott, salary. . . . ,ncil fees ............ [brook Utilities ...... _ W. Belch; Clerk. r.. 132.72; An‘Auction Sale of House- 200.00 hold Furniture. the Dronerty of .. 18.00iMr. and Mrs. T. Heard, will ...,106.45}be held at their residence, to meethupper Street. Millbrook, on [Saturday, October 19th, 1957, lch', Clerk. {at 1 o’clock sharp. This i’Eurni- lture is all modern and less than lVIEETING. two years old and some choice items will be offered. Terms 3 m .W gCash. J. H. Miles, auctioneer. 24. L3 7 . 4‘0 .’ . g Mirror-Reporter KemptvillehAgricu'ltural School Preparing For Big Enrolment This summer has been a busy one at the Kemptville Agricul-' tural School. Enrolment for the junior year in agriculture is the highest since the immedi- ate post-war period when veterans of World War II used their gratuities to acquire a more scientific knowledge of agriculture . Accommodation was stretch: ed to full capacity at. that time and this year the residence will be taxed to the utmost to make room for both junior and senior boys. Registration day is October 15th, and it is expected that over 100‘ students, boys and girls, .Will come prepared to settle down in residence for another year. Carpenters and painters are busily engaged in renovating and reparing the classrooms and residence and partitioning the basement to make available additional rooms. While this work 5 being car- ried out, bricklayers and masons of the Public Works Department are completing an; up-to-date modernly equipped Poultry building in another part of the campus. This new building which is two stories high, 54 ft. by 84 ft., Will con- tain an incubation rec-m, a pro- cessing plant and refrigeration 100111. Located on the second floor w '21] be a large lecture room" and laboratory. , m man-REPORTER, WEDGE, ONTARIO Norwood ..; ....... Oct. 11-14 Ottawa Winter Fair Oct. 28 to Nov. ‘2. Royal Winter Fair.Nov. 15-23 J . H. Ban-Inger, Publisher. A home-baking sale sponsor- ed by the Ladies’ Auxiliary, Canadian Legion No. 402, Mill- brook, will be held in the Millâ€" brook \Vaiting Room on Satur- day, October 19th, at 3 o’clock. NOTICE Grace “7.31.8. Autumn thank- oi‘fcring‘ service will be held in tin Chmch on )W'ednesday, Oct- ober 23,1'd at‘Z .30 p.111. Mrs. \\ . E. V right of Peterborough Will be the guest speaker. All ladies cordially invited. CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) R. 0. Standish Q.C. T. E. Clarke B,A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. BATES 66 DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES LIMITED A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3- 0681 TORONTO ONT. DATES OF FALL FAIRS SALE REGISTER BAKING SALE â€".-~, "4 “Not only are beaver becom- ‘ing a nuisance in some locali- ties, but bold and lazy. At the {close of the recent trapping season, a farmer and trapper in the Plevna area, one half mile from the nearest water, :reported the following story to 'us. “ The following clipping taken from the Renfrew Mercury and sent to us by one of our subs- cribers, is proof that our local millers, Attwool Sheppard, are not the only ones tormeted by these industrious lit‘g‘le animals. It says: ‘ BEAVERS A NUISANGE IN MOST AREAS Towards the wee hours of the morning, the farmer was arused by the excited barking of his two hounds. Several attempts to quiet the animals failed. Fin-ally at 4 a.1n. when it be- came apparent that there would be no further sleep unless some- thing could be done about the noise, the farmer went out to investigate. Here the owner found both dogs looking toward their dogrhou'se and the pres- enee of their master gave them added courage to approach closer and to snarl and! bark more viciously, but it was quite obvious they would not enter or even get too close to the entrance. Very cautiously the farmer peered into the dog-h-ouSe and low and behold, there sat an extremely large beaver on- the skinned-out carcass of another which had been? placed there as food for the dogs. It is any person’s guess as to Whether the beaver was look- ing for ready-made lodging or attending the wake of a, depart- ed' friend! While we believe the first one, we Will let you decide on the next. A farmer from near the same area was having some beaver trouble and reported same to the local Conservation Officer. He was told he could destroy the dam and then to hang a lantern: nearby and to place tin cans along a wire which would frighten the animals away. This was tried and several days later the Farm-er reported the following“ story. After the. lantern and tin eans were strung along and over the creek where the dam had been, the farmer waited for a couple of nights to see what effect they had. When BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Weddings, the. sick room, funerals. Opposite the Cipitol Theatre, Port Hope Ebrams’ 11’ lower Shop Ebrams’ flower Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COL PHONE TURNER 55796 DAY;LECT “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU†21 Queen Streeg he returned he was amazed to see a new and larger dam nearly completed. Several beaver were busily employed at con- struction, while one was hold- Phone Bailieboro 30 ‘ Phone Millbrook 87-5 .1 I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIII Real Estate 328 WATER STREET, PETERBOROUGH Phone â€" Riverside 2-3897 â€" 2-3898 WANTIN G TO BUYâ€" FARMS AND HOUSES Kindly Contactâ€"- , Murray Eagleson, Bailieboro, Ont. Phone â€" MilIbrook 209-r 13 WWIHW DON'THAVE A SINGLE TRACK MIND ON A DOUBLE TRACK RAILROAD! P'umbing Heating Furnace md Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and Pump Repairs “trenching and Digging Lequire Eagleson Insurance Agency urn MURANGE General Insurance, Fire, Public Liagility, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, Wind andPlate Glass. Clegg McClellan ing the light and another was using one of the tin cans to carry water to the workers so as to prevent any delay.â€"R. C. Passmoreâ€. PAGE THEE!