me game played, 3 were passed on le meeting closed Reporter ars wereâ€"Janet 'rick, Janice Ed- at 4% 17, Anglican Church of Canada PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. C. Quinn, B.A., Lth. Rector. 18th. Sunday after Trinity. St. John's, Ida 9.45 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. 81:. Thomas’ Church. Millbrook 11.15 a.m-.â€"Morning Prayer. Christ Church, Bailieboro T . 30 p.n1.â€"-Evening Prayer. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A-, Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Mijlbrook 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Divin.e Worship. 10. 45 a .m .â€"Church School . Gentrevflle Church .96ch Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspratt, Organist. 10.00 a.m.-â€"C‘hurch School 11 . 15 a .m .â€"Divine Worship - THE UNITED CHEESE Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Henry Hayek, Organist and Choir Director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St. Andrew ’3 75th Anniversaryâ€" October 1882-1957 10.00 a.m.-â€"â€"Sunday School. 3 i .00 a .m.â€"-Mo"v1ing Worship 7 . 30 p.11; .â€"Evening Worship The Anniversary Preacher is Rev, Charles E. Cragg, M.A., B.D., Toronto. Special Services three times on Sunday. Special programs for young and old. I£ you do not attend Sunday School you are welcome to come to ours. Come and you will really enjoy yourself at these great October Sunday SchOol Services. For transportation call 276 Millâ€" brook. Starting Oct. 6 through Oct. 27 ‘Sunday School Enlargement Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a'.m.â€"Worshjp Service. 7 . 30 p. m . â€"Great Evangelistic Service . PRESBYTERIAN Conmvine and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Heusrtin, B.A., Civic Administration, re sub- scriptions re Council members. Remmington Rand, enclosing President ’5 address, re Conven- tion. Kam-Garland, re market: for Municipal Bonds. Carley- Standish, etc., re taxes on pt. Lot. 21, Con. 13, Geo. Turners, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1957 Minutes of special meeting held Sept. 17th read, on motion of Deputy iRkeve McKnight- Councillor Bradburnx were 'a- dopted as read. mee‘ Gavan Service withdrawn . Thursday, October 17, 1957 Pentecostal Assemblies of The Churches Pastor, M . Case . ried. i Grace W. M. Q. Autumn thank- On motion of Councillors: offering serV ice will be held in I radburn and Deputy ReeVe the Church 011 Wednesdav, Oct- McKnight that this Council ober 23,1'd at? .30p. n1. Mrs giVe Mi. Roy ‘Villmott Q. C. i‘V. E. Wright of Poterborough permission for Mr. SVI Ivester Will be the guest speaker. All suiveyor to go in 011 parts oliladies oordiallv invi ed. On motion of Councillor Cathcart and Deputy Reeve Mc- Knight that the collectors roll be approved to the amount of $101,465.94 for 1957 and roll turned over to the collector of rates, Mr. A. V. Thorn. Car- ried. The Clerk advised the Conn. cil the tax roll for 1957 was completed. On motion of Councillors Bradburn and Howden that the roll be accepted as the roll for 1958. Carried. Mr. W. L. El'son. assessor, reported he had turned the roll in to the Clerk on the 28th of September, assessment being $1,787,054. On motion of Deputy Reeve McKnight and Councillor Brad- burn that We hold a special meeting of Council on \Vednes- day, October 9th at 8 p.111. and ask Mr. Thorn to be present to go over the arrears of taxes, also to convey to Mr. Thorn thanks for the results which he. had got to date. Carried. The Clerk reported the col- lection agency had called re a hospital account. On motion of Councillors Howden-Cathcart that the Soli. citor be contacted by the Clerk to have a By-Iaw drawn up re the Tile Drainage Act. Carried. Mr. Seymour thanked‘ the Council re same. On motion of Councillors Cathcart and Howden that notices be sent the Telephone Companys operating in the Township to clear up the brush which had been left in the d‘itches. Carried. the trees. ‘ gmâ€: Mr. A. V. Thorn reported $2 77.50 had been collected in taxes in September and $831 .39 m Octofer to date. Mr. Seymour also made men- tion re the brush being cut and left in the ditches from the Telephone Company's and‘ and Hydro Power Commission by the men Whom were trimming the trees. ‘ amt!!! Mr. Jas. Holt of the Roscoe Metal Roofing Products Ltd., addressed the Council re cul- verts, also took some pictures. Law be prepared for issuing debentures over a certain num- ber of years to provide for same. After considerable dis- cussion over same, the Reeve thanked the delegation for coming, and told them this would be dealt with later. A delegation consisting of Mr. W. Seymour, D. Nill, R. Wood, and B. Sargent address- ed the Council re the drainage system and ' asked} .that a By- uW. L. Elson, postage Eand registrations ..... 30.00 E A. Summers, grant 500 Bush. Potato Club 10. 00 2 On motion of Deputy Reeve 'McKnight and Councillor How- Tden that the Reeve be author- ized to sign cheques for above 'orders. ! On motion of Councillor Cath- :cart and Deputy Reeve Mc- Knight that we adjourn to Nov. |6th at 1 a.n1. iTWO POTATOES WEIGH -. THREE POUNDS Citizens are advised- that commencing Tuesday, October 2‘2nd, ashes will be collected. Please have these placed in con- miners for easy handling. Mr. Olver Br0ek who de- veloped a splendid garden this past summer, has a fine crop of potatoes Two brought to The Reporter Office weighed three pounds; They were left with us to sample and from the looks of them we’ll have no trouble in doing this. We do like po- tatoes. ASHES TO BE COLLECTED H. Ouellette, treasurer’s bOnd ................ Mirror-Reporter, 3rd 1/4 $62.50, add $1 , enve- lopes $5.00 .......... Roy Fernen, 3 sheep kil- led $60; 1 dog shot $10 Henry Little, 1 sheep killed $20; 2 lambs $10 1 dog shot ............. Mervin Smith, 1 sheep $20; 1 sheep injured $5 Norman Lowery, 1 sheep killed ............... L. W. Smith, valuator I lots mentione in agreement and Ecvomplete the survey for the developmen road No. 476, also A: V. Thorn, postage on arrears oi‘ taxes. . . . On motion of Councillors Bradburn and Cathcart that. the usual grant of $10.00 be given the 500 Bu'shel Potato On motion of Councillors Cathcart and Deputy Reeve McKnight that we contact Mr. Gorrie re the purchase of a. used truck. Carried. The Clerk made mention that Mr. Delbert Olan h'ad phoned re the grant to the 500 Bushel Potato Chub, he would be un- able to attend the meeting. for Mr. Willmott to prepare a By-law for the expropriation of land in conjunction with the survey. Carried. : m: men-xmnm Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. NOTICE Speaking, N . ............ ............ ............ ............ 18.00 15.00 l 0.00 68.50 25.00 He has ministered in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and in St. Mary’s, Ontario, before becom- ing the first minister of Armour Heights Church Which was built in North Toronto in 1952. He has served the General Assemb- ly as Convener of the Church Worship Committee and is Secretary of the Committee ‘on the Revision of the Book" of Common Order. He is Presi-l dent of the Ann-our Heights Rotary Club. He is a gentle-f man of many talents. ’ Mr. Duncan was born and raised in Glasgow Scotlana, and is a graduate of the Uni- \ ersity of Western Ontariyo and of the Presbyfle'n‘ian College, Montreal. The Rev. W. Scott Duncan,i B. A., of Armour Heights! Presbyterian Church, TorontO, will be the guest preacher at the Anniversary Services Which’ \\ 111 be held in the Centreville Church, South Monaghan, on Sunday, October 27, at 11 a. m i and 7. 30 p.111 ! Ce’ntrevifle Anniversary Th-e‘ Session and Congrega- Weddings, the sick room, funerals. Oppositg the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope Elbrams’ flower Shop Ebrams’ 1f lower Shop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOOUE HAMIlTON BRANTFORO TORONTO 1-“3â€"40- Canadians can help themselves, and the men and women they have elected to office, only if they remember that the governments have no funds except the taxes they take from each of us. WHEN new federal buildings, or new highways with elaborate cloverleafs, or new city halls are con; structed, they must be built with the taxpayers’ money. Very often such expenditures are enthusiastically approved, because each of us seems to think it is some other person’s tax money which is being spent so lavishly. ‘ 21 Queen Street “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU†Furniture, Saturday, October 19th, at 1. 00 o ’CIOck sharp. Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Heard, Tu-pper Street, Millbrook THE Ottawa W’ inter Fair Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 Royal Winter Fair.Nov. 15-23 f†PAGETHREI