A delegation of 'eottagers from the “Beebe Beach†sub- division No. 155 interviewed the Council requesting the Township to take over and maintain the road from the main road into their cottages. After a lengthy discussion on the matter a motion by Gerald Anderson seconded by George Dean gassed that the Road Superint'ent'ent be authorized PAGE FOUR ‘(ottagers Seek Road Aid From S.M. (auncil III-IIUIIIIM Li..11'.l"£*..) A. E. RAPER, PRES] QUEEN ST W. Telephone collect E; I I I l I l :i (At Strachan Avenu =} .I. l Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. “Barrett Fur Farm Insist-paallnlgu-esna; TELEPHONE EMpire TORONTO. ONT. III-IIIIHIIIIHIIIIIHIIHI Mr. CamreOn the plumbing inspector, Mr. Ford the sani- tary inspector and Mr. Finlay- son the chief sanitary inspector from the Northumberland and Durham Health Unit Were in attendance at the request ‘of the Council and: discussed at: some length the plumbing code and the quest ion of sanitary disposal, for which the Council were very grateful. ; The Road Superintendend had called for tenders for snow- plowing which were opened and discussed in the presence of Mr. D. Gorrie the Municipal Engineer from the Department of Highways. The tender of Mr. Willis A. Cunningham was accepted at the rate of $12.00 per hour with no standby time allowed, on motion of George Dean seconded by Gerald Anderson. A motion by Herb Syer to accept the tender of Floyd Dunford did not receive any support. .IllInlllflflallflfllllfllflmlflflIlium-IINIIIIIIIIIIIII South Monaghan, October 7, 1957.â€"The regular meeting of the South Monaghan Council was held on above date with all members present and Reeve Ray Bothwell in the chair. The minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were read by the Clerk and adopted on motion of Herb Syer seconded by George Dean. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Presidmt Eas£e 'n Schoa! of Hyrnoï¬sm BOMBAY, INDIA , It’s Easy -- It’s Thrifty -- It’s Smart! To obtain these GIFTS absolutely free, just shOp at the merchants featuring BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS. These will be issued to you with every 25 cent pur- chase. Accumulate them in the saver’s books given you and redeem them in your favorite store for W011- derful FREE GIFTS of your choice ABSOLUTELY with you: every day purchases AT (oulter Bros. Limited Gen-era} Hardwareâ€"Motormick Dealer 9?. Marcus 330d: Master Hypnotist Dead Stock! FREE GIFTS? DON’T FORGET TO ASK FOR YOUR CATALOGUEDI'IREEHQIFTSn . Ball’s Grozery Groceries â€" Meats â€" Fresh Vegetables Trick’s B-A Service Station For The Best Gasoline Ever Soldâ€" Bâ€"A VELVET 98 {II w. _._- ,___._. _â€"._..__. LII. {IT}. 3 A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3- 0681 l Entered Into Rest ‘ Pluck, Barbara Elizabeth.â€" gI’as‘sed away suddenly at her [home RR. N0. 3, Millbr-ook, on ;Sunday, October 13th, 1957, l Barbara Elizabeth Pinck, in her * e» 911th yea1.De4arly lav-ed ‘tlallghter of Mr. and Mrs. K Thomas Pint-k. Sister of Al- ;lan and \Vendy. â€"Of two-yearâ€"old Household Furniture, Saturday, October 19th, at 1.00 o’clock sharp. Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Heard, Tupper Street, Millbr'ook Workmen’s Compensa- tion Board .......... 10 .00 South Monaghan Tele- phone from tax roll col- lections balance of 1955 1182.55 On motion of H. Syer second- ed by G. Anderson the meeting adjourned to meet again on November 4th; at 1000 a.m. The funeral took place from the J. \Y. Haw Funeral Home, King Street East, MiHbrmk, to Zion Pentecostal Church, on Tuesday, October 15th, where service was held at 2 o’clock, Pastor M. Case and the Rev. E“. 0. Spring officiatinfr. In- terment was in Zion Cemetery. etc. ................. United Counties, (Blanche Dawson hospital account) J. E. Robinson, clerk’s 9 for ................ $1046.43 Thos. Whillier Sons supplies ............. 7.98 County Registrar ....... 3.16 Municipal World, sup... . 24.16 Mirror-“Reporter, printing 30.00 J. P. Plews, hardware, Onï¬ motion of George Dean seonded by R. Fisher the treas- urer was ordered to pay the following accounts. Road Supt. voucher No. The "Clerk was instructed to write Floyd Dunford and accept his affer to rent the Township Fâ€"nowplow . A motion by R. Fisher to re- fuse payment of hospital ac- count for Blanche Dawson did not receive any support. the development road into 1586-! Spioer'â€"Waterman be Beach upOn prepayment hyl Frase'rville United Church the residents of that subdivis- was the. scene on Saturday, i0n No. 155" ‘ October 5th, of" a wedding of The Clerk was instructed to interest as Miss Margaret Eliza- write the Workmen’s_Compen- beth Waterman became the sation Board and make snre of: bride of Mr. Donald Byron the corcrage on Townshlp em- Spicer of Millbrook. ploy ees. . The couple left on a trip to A motion by R’ F1511? to re- the New England States follow- fuse payment 0f 1105p Ital 8.0- ing which they will make their count for Blanche Daweon de home in Millbrook. . i to 7 have the . Township grader] enter and grade and otherwise. work on the road leading from the development road into Bee- be Beach upOn prepayment by] the residents of that subdivis- ion No. 155.. BATES 63 DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES Audion Sale J. E. Robinson», Clerk. TEE MIRROR-REPORTER, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO 29.05 81.88 75.00 HEREFORD SALE J. R. Nokes, Manilla, Otario, will hold a sale on Saturday, loctober 19th, 1957, at 1 p.m. of Thirty choice bred cows and heifers plus 7 top service age bulls including half interest in our champion herd sire Zento Mixer 26H. Truly one of Can- ada’s to'p bulls; 13 females are bred to T.W. Regent. 27412346 Whose get established a rec01d llow 3.79 lbs grain 1to produce , LLLLL N-__-_.. The maid; of honour and bridesmaid wore waltz length gown-s of heavy Royal blue satin, also on Empire lines, ac- cented with folded sashes which fell into full length back streamers. The. Sabrina neck- lines extended into cap sleeves and the skirts were in princess panels flaring iin'to bouffant folds. Pale rose silk taffeta was fashioned into a verv bonf- fant dress for the junior brides- maid. Candle white faille and Alen- eon lace fashioned the bride’s full length gown. It was 011 Empire lines and had a portrait neckline heavily appliqued with lace motifs and long sheath sleeves formed points over her hands. The bouffant skirt had embroidered panels of leafy lace emphsizing the deep box pleats and it fell in a slight: sweep at the back.’ ~ A ‘ star-pointed headdress, misted with pearls, held her wait-length veil. Her bouquet was a cascade of white Shasta ’mums with pink Briarcliff roses and trailing: ivy. When Mr. and Mrs. 'Spicer left lat-C-r on a wedding trip the bride was wearing a royal blue sheath with white and blak accessories and had a white gardenia corsago.â€"Examimr. Catalogues and lunch‘ avail- able. Please bring friends and neighbours. ‘ Receiving. the bride’s mother wore a two piece dress of cran- berry shade silk with dusty rose accessories and her corsage was of pink Demure roses. The groom’s mother wore a dress of Alencon lace in sandalwood shade and brown aeeessories. Her (sorsage was Talisman roses. a pound of beef at the Govern- ment Feeding Station, Guelph. The Rev. Kenneth Campbell performed the marriage and Miss Mabel Clarry was the organist. Miss Margret Bar~ rager sang “The Lord’s Pray- er†during the ceremony and “0 Perfect Love†at the Sign» ing of the register. All wnre half moon head- pthPS of feathered commercial ’mums twincd with ivy, and they carried small cascades of white ivy. The re’ccption which £0110wed the ceremony was at the Kawartha Golf and Country Club . Two sisters attended the bride, Miss Catharine Water"- man as maid of honor and Miss Mary Lou Waterman as brides- maid. Miss Linda Spicer, a niece of the groom, was junior bridesmaid . The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Spicer of Millâ€" br00k. His brother George and the bride’s brother. John Waterman, were the. ushers and the groomsman was Mr. Wal- ter Baldry of Peterborough. She is the daughter of Mr‘. and Mrs. W. G. Waterman of Fraserville and was given in marriage by her father: ~ Wedding Ray Nokes. I Mr. Harvey Wood, a .Well- Eknown farmer on the Ponty- ; pool road, near the quarter line, ldied suddenly from a heart [attack onl‘Tuesday, Oct. 8th. SALE REGISTER An Auction Sale of House- h‘old Furniture. the Dronerty of Mr. and Mrs. T. Heard, will be held at their residence, Tupper Street. Millbrook on Saturday, October 19th, 1957, at 1 o’clock sharp. This {Furni- ture is all modern and less than two years old and some choice items will be offered. Terms Cash. J. H. Miles, auctioneer. p.111». She has been active in the work of the VV.M.S. in the United Church of Canada for many years, in Montreal in Rosemount Central Church, and later in St Paul’s Church. Her husband, Dr. Wright, is the assistant minister of St. An- tirew’s United Church, Peter- borough, and their daughter, Helen, is on the staff «of Peter'- borough Collegiate Vocational SchoOl. A hearty welcome is extended to all ladies to attend. Mrs. William E. Wright of Peterborough will be. the guest speaker at. the annual Thank- offc'ring service of Grace 7W0- men’s Missionary Society to be held in Church Hall on \Ved- ne-sday, October 23rd, at 2.30 A home-baking sale sponsor-i ed by the Ladies’ Auxiliary,l Canadian Legion No. 402, Mill-E brook, Will be held in the Mill-i brtmk Waiting Room on Satur-g day, October 19th, at 3 o’clock. g His funeral took place on‘ Thursday, October 17th, from the J. .W,, Haw Funeral Home, Millbrook, with interment in St. John’s Cemetery, Ida, the Rev. G. Mead. of Bethany, con- ducting the service, Mr. Wood was putting bags in the wagon in the barnyard, when seized With‘ the attack. The doctor was called immedi- ately but he- was passed all earthly aid. PETERBOROUGI-I LADY T0 SPEAK AT MEETING The late Mr. “Wood was never married. Ha’rVéY Woo?! Passes Suddenly L:¢....._. _- BAKING SALE THE TORONTO-DOMINION 1;;ng G. E. LIESEMER, Manager, Millbrook Branch THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD For Rentâ€"A two bedroom mod- ern apartment. Oil furnace. Apply Reg. Fallis, phone 207-1214 Millbrook. 5t For Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able rend: for good tennant; 3 miles west of Gavan- 011 7A Highway. Electricity, Hen House, Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv. Smith 214-r- 22' Millbrook, or write R. R. 1, Cav an. 11: For Rentâ€" Furnished Room. Phone 252w Millbrook. 1t Wantedâ€"Young man wishes to :urchase 100 to 150 acre farm. , If interested apply Reporter Office, phone 19. 3t For oil tank trucks or used con- struction machinery, contact Giffen Truck Equipment Limited 5461 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ont. 6t Lostâ€"A 1954 Monarch Hub Gap, between Millbrook and Wm. Parker’s residence on Fallis Line. Finder please phone 20-Tur-131 Millbrook. Foï¬undâ€"By small School Girl. a key on small chain., Has No. 801, Reese mak-n.‘ Owner may secure same atï¬e Re- porter Office. 1t Attend the Church of your Choice on Sunday. Bookeeping Serviceâ€"Financial Statementsâ€" Tax Returns, Etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 112-W Millbrook. 3t A. Roy WilJmott, (2.0. James A. Irvine, MA- FARM WANTED Look ahead... buy ' FOR RENT NOTICE FOUND LOST Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 'es Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE 716w . CANADA SAVINGS BONDS at Thursday, October 17, 1957 $2.75 GALLONâ€" Cash and Carry price on B-A Perman- ent Type (Ethylene Glycol) Antiâ€"Freeze at Trick’s Bâ€"A Service Station, 21: VVANTEDâ€" Reliable man as Dealer in Durham County Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business Where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. PrOducts furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. 'J‘ 283-163, 4005 Richelieu, Mon. treal, Que. It For Saleâ€"A Quantity of Elm Furnace Blocks, dry. Phone 209-r~14 Millbrook. 2t Eor Saleâ€"About 4,000 ft. of good used fine lumber; Also ; a quantity of fence rails. Apply to Robt. McInnis, or phone 182-r-5 Millbrook. 2t For Saleâ€"Coal circulator heat- er, walnut finish. Phone 155w Millbrook. ' 2t wantedâ€"Reliable woman to clean house once a week. Phone 109-w Millbrook. 3t Wantedâ€"Boys and Girls, Men and Women to come to Zion Pentecostal Sunday School at Millbrook. If you need transportation, call 276 Mill- brook. 2t Jr Saleâ€"A Gas Range: a Gas Heater (like new) ; two Van- etian Blinds, white aluminum sizes 30x 54 ins. and 56x54 inches. Phone 225-r-21, Mill- brook. 1t SALESMEN WANTED FOR SALE G-6H3 437 GEORGE mam YOUR 8A See you again Nov. There will be pap5r Oct. 31 to sell by Public Aucti \Vednesday, October 30 1.00 p.111. sharp, at t! residence, East Half of Concession 7, Cavan Tov 2 miles North of Mill their entire household, ( farm machinery, lumber, penter tools, etc. Terms No Reserve. Property I have received instr‘ from the Administrator estate of the late Mrs. Vance and L. J. Hutci No Repo Next W Silver Collection THE MART Dainty lingerieâ€"I INTEREST IS PA' V I CTORI TRUST AMOUNTS OF $1I . Year. No. 4.3. WHEN YOU DI SALE REGIS' THE GERTR Jack Reid, Aucti‘ Grace Churc» Approxima Unt? Now is the tin ., Oct.