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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 24 Oct 1957, p. 2

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gm m N. D. Plowing Match Results in 1913. The horse plowmen have slipped away quietly until today a lone contestant did the best plowing of the entire match 30 win the Esso Imperial Oil Championship. The E s s o‘ Champiouship for Tractor Plow-i ing was won by Frank Tinney,‘ Cobourg No. 6. The T. Eaton 'l‘rOphy which was a silver casserole given for the best land by a junior between 14 and 18‘ was won by Norman Lovshin of? Cobourg‘No. 4. The Simpson-‘3 Sears pickle dish for best work; by a novice was won by Frank} Tinney. In 10 inch‘ furrow, class, the Shell Oil prize was won by Bev Bickle of Cobourg No. 4. The 12 inch tractor class had four entries. Don ,Budd, of Port Hope No. 1 at the top of the class was award- ed the Herb Lane Machine ShOp prize. Gordon Bradfield of Peterborough No. 10 was sec- ond to win the Texaco Oil price. Howard Quantrill won the Carl Curtis Wheelbarrow and Merv- yn Heard a beginner in plow- With" Chaucer, 'a fair field § The Little Helper’s party 10 full of folk found I at the farm be held in the Parish Hall in. of Don Budd on Highway 106[October has been postponed. between Welcome and Dale. In her Dorcas report MrS. ' Hilton read a letter from the The Durham and Northumber- Diocesan Secretary, Toronto, land Plowmen staged , then'gwith the requisition sheet 501' match on Wednesday, Octoberimission bales to be sent to End, With ideal weather and'Prince Albert for distribution. excellent attendance. T h e! £3191;th to Mrs, T_ A Canlp. ladies of Bethesda South served bell from Miss Etta Whelpy, of lunches and refreshments for Sunday School by Post, Prince the Plowman and viSitOI'S- W- Albert, was read thanking the C. Barrie .of Galt Who is the members for a gift of books. only Director of the Interna- Mrs. Turner presented the] 1501131 Plowing Match t0 0011‘ last chapter of the Study Book,! tinue in service since the begin- _ East from Burma. l é lonesome and noisy outfit at first Provincial Match at which tractor plowing was fg-atured C. Barrie .of Galt who is the only Director of the Interna- tional Plowing Match to con~ t-inue in service since the begin- ning of that group was the judge. In commenting on the work done with the single plOw and horses, by Will Allin of Newcastle R.R. 2, he remem- bered that the first tractor was The Scripture lesson Cor. 11th Chapter, verses 5-14 was read by Mrs. Leslie Graham. In the.absence of Mrs. Douglas Sheppard, Mrs. Turner acted ing id a good iob Another be- ginner Was Ben Cook ofl Bewd- ley. The only girl plowing was Barbara Maugham of Cold Springs Who at 11 years of age made a very good job in the juvenille class. The Toronto-E Dominion Bank at Millbrook is' offering a cup --to the high team; of 2 plowmen from a high school. This was won by Bow- manville represented by Carlos and David Cryderman. Brigh- ton represented by Wade Nel- son and Barry Flindall stood second; and Campbellford with Eugene Brahaney and Ross Nicholson made a. passable, job. Seeretry Ralph Banbury ex- preses thanks to the Fina Oil, Cy Baxter Servie and any other donors who make the prize list possible. District Director Howard Henry did much to enâ€" courage the event. President Howard Quantrill thanked the Plowmen and Vice President; ‘Wesley Down invited the match to come to Brighton Township for 1958. REID 's GARAGE, Phome 275 MILLBROOK, ONTARIO ST. THOMAS’ W.A. HEARS REPORT ON DEANERY” MEETING The President Mrs. Reginald Fallis conducted the devotional period. The W.A. of St. Thomas’ Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. H. A. Turmrr, Monday evening. Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Bristow, Mrs. Leslie Graham will be the nominating committee for new officers for 1958, to be voted on at the November meeting. Meeting closed with prayer. Mrs. Elsie Brooks and Mrs. Bristow served refreshments. as Seeretary and read the minutes of the last meeting Which were approved, Miss Muriel Smith gave the Treasurâ€" er’s report which showed a bank balance . Interesting items were read from the W.A. Bulletin. Mrs. Fallis, Deanery President for the next two years, gave an in- teresting report on the recent- Deanery Meeting of Durham and Northumberland, in Har- wood. It was decided to omit the December W.A. meeting. LEADERSHIP TRAINING 30.11001. . Forty persons attended the Leadership Training School in Millbrook Tuesday night. Mr. E. J. Loveday of the Spring- ville congregation provided :1 recreation period as usual be- tween the two hours of study. The fifth and closing session will be held next Tuesday, Oct. 29th, at 7.45 p.m. in St. An- drew’s Church Hall. There will be a service of dedi- cation,‘ and the recreation period as other nights. Re- freshments will be served. If you have attended we ask you to come for the closing so that all who have. attended may share in the fellowship and worship. You are invited to attend this one night even if you have not. been able to come before. A real welcome awaits you . J. Isister of South Monaghan. and Mrs. Kathleen Rome; grandfather of Beverley, San- dra and Herry Rome, all of Fe terb‘orough. Resting at the Funeral Home of J. W. Ha“, Ling Street East, Millb-rook. Service in Centreville Presbyâ€" terian Church this afternoon at. ‘2 o’clock.Inte1"ment Centre- ville Cemetery. Cask: t will reâ€" hufln open nlthe Church fronr 1 00 p.111. until commencement of sert ice Toms, Carol Annâ€"Passed a~ way on Sunday, October 20th, 1957, at Petenborvough Civic Hospital, Carol Ann Toms, age 31/; months. Dearly beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tome, larden Hill. Funeral service was held Tues- day afterno-on, October 22nd, from the Funeral Home of J. W. Haw, King Street East. Millbrook. Interment was in St. Paul’s Cemetery, Perry- town. Ottawa Winter Fair Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 Royal Winter Fair.Nov. 15-23 Only 2% of all paper is made from rags. _‘ Isbister, Jacob Henry.â€"On Monday, October 215’s, 1957, at Peter-borough Civic Hospital, Jacob Henry Isbister, in his 86 ~tear, South Monaghan, Past District Deputy, Grand Master, I..0.0.F., husband of the late. Mable Irwin; father of Ronald DATES 0F FALL FAIRS Entered Into, Rest HOW TO TOUCH THE INVISIBLE The robe of Jesus has a story to tell. If it could only talk it would thrill the heart of the world. It was made by Mary and Martha to show their grate- fulness that their brother Laz- arus was raised from the dead. Thus it became a symbol of the power of Jesus over life and death! This robe became a “point of contact.” To touch it was to touch Jesus. And to those who touched it, the robe became a conductor to the in- visible. The Bible states, “For as mnay as touched His robe were made perfectly whole.’ A eel-tain woman suffered an incurable disease. She decided to seek Jesus for healing. She learned that it was practically impossible to see Him. And so she said, “If I can only ton-ch the hem of His garment . . . ” She pushed“ her way through‘ the crowd, used the last rem- nant of her strength to fall for- ward and thrust out her hand to touch the hem of His gar- ment. Instantly she was made completely well, for, to touch the visible with her hands was to touch the invisible with her faith. She had made her “point of contact”. What is a “point of con- tact?” It means that you use something material in order to stimulate faith which touches something that is spiritual. 0I1: could be when the minister {‘God lays his hands upon you, or owhen you clasp your Bible in your arms, or kneel in prayer But it is that precise moment, that you set in your own mind and spirit to release your faith that brings deliverance to you as you believe (Line evening six or seven peo- ple met for prayer in a chapel. One of the group, a nurse, was absent. She was in a large Abundant Life iWeddings, the Sick room, funerals. (By Oral Roberts) ‘\ to travel . . . daily ITUIHS. a Mail For tickets and inf< your local Canadian Nat Elbrams’ flower Shop Opposite therCavpitolTheatre, Port Hope Ebra’ms’ 11’ [Wear Ebop TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; LEGT WW East to “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” 21 Queen Streeg rible danger of her patient’s anymore.‘ " condition. She called long dis-l The hospital, in perplexity, tance and asked that this group kept him one more day during pray for him. “At. exactly 9:30! which every test was negative. we will pray for him,’ 'she wasIOn the following day he went told. “Tell him to expect his:home. This incident is in the healing at that moment andhospita] records and can be in- you pray £01- him, also. ” ‘vestigated by anyone who cares ‘1 The nurse in charge of this young man understood the ter- rible dang er of her patient’ 3 condition. She called long dis- tance and asked that this group pray for him'. “At. exactly 9 :30 city 'at the bedside of a nephew. This young man had a burst ap- pendix and suffered blood pois- oning. There was also an in- fected kidney and a streptococ- ‘cic infection of the :blood stream . ll "' L""v Two days later'she return'edit-o. ’60 the town in Wh'iCh the group, There was a time set to‘be- Westâ€"the most comfortable, relaxing way to travel . . '. daily trains. râ€" 5 Phone Bailieboro 30 ' Phone Millbrook 87-5 : Ha I i Plumbing Heating Lequire Furnace sud Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and NIH-8390K. MARIO For tickets and information contact your local Canadian National Beprwentative 1116 H yvvâ€"w . “It was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen,”the nurse declared. “At 9.45 he looked up and said, ‘What is happening to me? All of a sud- den I feel fine. I dOn’t hurt lived; She found one of her friends in the back yard pull- ing weeds. ‘ ~ __ :- -_£.-‘I Ilia [WW/[MI]?! 3 ,7 . Thursday, October 24,,1957 lieve . . . the robe of the Naz- arene was touched , . . . the “point of contac ,” was reached and a miracle took place. Pontypool -â€" Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con. duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully solicited The Churches SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27- 1957 Zion P‘entecostai Church 'musnoox Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Slmday School 11.00 a . m . â€"Worship Service . 7 .30 p.m .â€"Gr.eat Evangelistic Service. Starting Oct. 6 through Oct. 27 Sunday School Enlargement Special Services three times on Sunday. Special programs for young and old. If you do not attend Sunday School you are welcome to come to ours- Come and you will reallyenjoy yourself at these great Oétober Sunday School Services. For transportation call 276 Mill- brook. THE UNITED GHFROE Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Henry Hayek, Organist and Choir Director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St. Andrew’s 10.00 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. ]1 . 15 a .m.â€"-Service withdrawn 'Cavan 53rd. Anniversary. 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"“ ’yusy Living 7.30 p.m.â€"“The Door" Th4; Rev. Walter Dyer 0! Creemore will be the Anniver- sary Preacher, Church School and Grace Church Servim inte rmitted. Oenbrevine Chin'ch South Monaghan Mrs. G. Musprat-t, Organist. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.. Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. MiIIbrook Anniversary Services 11.00 a.m: and 7.30 p.111. Guest Preacherâ€"‘â€" Rev. W. Scott Duncan, Toronto PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. 0. Quinn, B.A., Lth. , St. John's, Ida 9.45 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11 . 15 a . m_.â€"-M0rning Prayer- Christ Church, Bailieboro 7 . 30 p .m .â€"Evenixrg Prayer. PRESBYTERIAN Centrevflle and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Heus'tin, B.A., Anglican Church of Canada Pentecostal Assemblies of J OHN PAYNE Pastor, M . Case . _ Standing committees! discussed and chairman 01 of these committtees we: pointed at the regular tars’ Meeting of the Lak ario Development Ame which was held in Pe1 ough at the Association '5 on Wednesday, October Committees appointed im the following: Membershipâ€"Mayor J. I ton Agricultureâ€"To be appo Industrialâ€"T0 he appoin Tourist and Sport~.neu Sl 'S. Shippam. Peter‘nm Reports were given by - ber of the Fishing Reso Committee. and by the Canal Begolution Com: Both of these reporte favourable results and M Kenzie of Omemee gave on the Committee’s visit l Honourable Clare Maple< and read a letter fro: Mapledoram, who is Minis net, Cobourg Financeâ€"0. V WMRHAKMM‘N Trick’s B-ASer Station {'VlRI’H'HVI’UVii-kril‘c'l'fzfll'alt Permanent Ty ANTI-FREEZ $2.15 Gaéé .74c. Gaza Good only Fifty BLACK mu One, to a Customer (‘ lake Ont Free Coult‘ \V. Larry. AT

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