e robe of the N32. Embed . . . . the t } act†was reached #2 took place. ices three times Special programs } old. If you do pday School you 0 come to 01113.. will reallxendoy se great October I Services. For call 276 Mill- ry Hayek, (‘hoir Director. meat Evangelistic Busy Li'ving†['he Door†Valter Dyer of be the Anniver. Earning Prayer. 2:, Bailieboro 'eniug Prayer. m's, Ida >ming Prayer. ihurches innday School. rvice withdrawn ’01 and Grace int ermitt ed . 'ch of Canada DP CAVAN 'uncan, Toronto nd 7.30 p.m. .storal Charge *att, flrganist. :tterson, M .A ., available to con. PAYNE Us Worship’. ’ch, Millbrook " '- 195'! ’whin AT Trick’s B-AServiceEm‘T’S t'ii‘u‘ii'ï¬Wi‘i’i'W{iii 'i‘ï¬â€˜ï¬‚fl‘fl T011 Agrieultureâ€"To be appointed Industrialâ€"To be appointed Tourist and‘ Sports-men Showsâ€"- '8. Shippam, Peterborough. Reports were given by a mem- ber of the Fishing Resolution Committee and by the Trent Canal Resolution Committee. Both of these reported very favourable results and Mr. Mc- Kenzie of Omemee gave details on the Committee’s visit. to the Honourable Clare Mapledoram and read a letter from Mr. Mapledoram, who is Minist-er‘of _ Standing committees were discussed and chairman of some of these committtees were ap pointed at the regular Direc- tors’ Meeting -of the Lake Ont~ ario Development Weiation which was held in Pet-erbor- ough at the Association ’s office on Wednesday, October 2nd. Committees appointed included the following: Membershipâ€"Mayor J. D. Bur. Permanent Type ANTI-FREEZE $2.75 Galleï¬ .74za Quart net, Cobourg Financeâ€"0. \V. Larry, Tren- Coulter Bros. Limited - Ball’s Grocery GENERAL HARDWAREâ€"MC CORMICK DEALER GROCERIES â€"â€" MEATS -â€"- FRESH VEGETABLES Thursday, October 24, 1957 Lake Ontario Development Association Meeting Station ABSOLUTELY FREE with every 25c purchase aLands and Forests, indicating that there was a possibility of having the fishing law changed which affects mainly the Ka- ma-rtha area. Reeve Harold Matthews of North Monaghan Township reported that swift action had' been on the Resolu- tion endorsed by Loda regard- ing the opening of the Trent Canal System on Sundays and athe Board expressed their thanks to Mr, Matthews and will write letters of thanks to the Minister 0'; Transport and to those government represent- ative's who assisted in bringing ‘tlit important matter into be- ing. Mayor J. D. Burn-ct of Cobourg, chairman of Zone 2, reported that the. Honourable W. A, Goodfellow, Minister of Agriculture, will be guest speaker at the Zone Two Meet- ing to be held in Cobourg or lFriday, October 11th. He said that Mr. Goodfellow would probably discuss agriculture and Regional Development and he hoped that non-participat- ing townships as well as partici~ ing communities and townships would attend. * Considerable discussion took {place regarding Associate Mem- berships in the. Association, which would allow larger comp- anies with an economic interest in the Area to financially assist the Association to promote this area for industry and tourists. There was no action taken on the recommendation and it is expected to he discussed furth- er at the next Board Meeting: which will be held the latter part of November. The Manarzer, D. 'W. King- dou, in his report indicated over 40 visits to communities in the Area to discuss industrial, tourist and agricultural de- To obtain} these GIFTS absoluyely free, just shop at the merchants feétuï¬ng BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS. These W111 be Issued to you wish every 25 cent purchase. Accumulate them in the saver’s books given you and redeem them 1n your favorite store for wonderful FREE GIFTS of your choice ABSOLUTELY “but! It’s Easy DON’T FORGET TO ASK FOR YOUR CATALOGUE OF FREE GIFTS. “v.5: WWWW WWWAOWV Because oï¬ the overwhleming the ti1 quccoss of Jack Kane’s summer hath _, . -O." 0‘ CBC 1019\181011 show, vmwers 5“ bl . II t .111 1 6 along . 3 :V‘ 3 'o l ' v ' 0' . dtI‘Osb 1L £0111 1:» “1 )P a ‘1 arran: to know his show will be con- Gondn tinuing the regular season with plays. Ivelopments, as well as several trial development 111 particular calls to Toronto, Chicago and the advantages for industry tc other communitkis) regarding locate in one of the thirty-SD1 industrial prospects. He also communities which the Ass-ociaa reported that during his trip to l tion represents. Chicago a reception on behalf! He reported on the “Avail ‘ of the Association was held and able Buildings†brochure which representatives of five Ca11a-:had brought many enquiries dian Bzfnks attended, as well as and congratulatory letters. As representatives of the Canadianl an example he pointed out that Government Travel Bureau the phone calls have been received Canadian Consulate the Cana- I from New York and Toronto reâ€" dian Pacific and Canadian "Na-f garding these buildings 1111911 tional Railway Passenger and In is cpl-{1111191111} the Associaâ€" Freight Agents and the Trade tion to enlarge this brochure by and Industry Branch 01- ill?;including in it “Business Op- Prmmce Of (intat'lo Y'PPI‘PSt’llt- por‘iUIIiil‘l'S’ †ill the Region" 3T11'9S- Mr Kingdom P0111t9d \lu111e1pall1es are encouraged out that smh a reception {law 11, 111111 the \sg0(ia’ri0n 11p 1n The A S001ti011 the “111101‘111111'13 Hiate on Sllth items as buildings “f (10111†an outstanding public amilal 1e 1'11 th11r community: 1‘Plat11111S301) as “'911 3S 111‘011101‘ a going,1 111anufacturi11‘1 busi- 111†T1 9 31ԠH“ T900111111911de ness or ret tail store 11'hichmight that similar receptions be held be 101.1310; and any reasonablv in Toronto and New York in? 1, 0 o (1 11113111995 proposition order that T119 ASSSCMUOH These pamphlets have been dis~ could bring forward in the tributed in London England; minds 0f the PPOPI“ interested Chic ago. DetrOit Montreal and in assisting the area in induS‘ Toronto as well as to the As- TEE ERROR-‘REPORTEB, MEI-BROOK, ONTARIO with your everyday purchases It’s Thrifty MUSIC MAKERS ’58 WITH . AT i He reported on the “Avail- able Buildings†brochure which :had brought many enquiries and congratulatory letters As :an example he pointed out that :-p110110 calls have been received 1 from New York and Tor-onto reâ€" ,garding these buildings listed. It is zalilanned b) the Associa- tion to enlarge this brochure by including in it “Business Op- portunities†in the Region~ lMuuioipaliiies are encouraged . ) keep the Association up in Hiate on such items as buildings‘ available in their community“ a going manufacturing busi- ‘ ness or retail store which might;l l 11w title “’Musiv Makers ’58â€. E‘lch WPf‘k Jack brings a fam- (‘su guest to the bandstand, along with his great orchestra, arrangements, and the Benny G00(Imam-inspired clarinet has trial development in particular, the advantages for industry to locate in one of the thirty-six communities which the Associa» tion represents. It’s Smart! CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) R. O. Standish (21.0. T. E. Clarke, B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. 'W. C. Lech BA. “5â€". â€"‘.__ The Tourist and Sportsman Show Committee, after having met on September 16th, report‘ ed by S, Ship-pant of Peterbor. ough, chairman, that they ex- pected to attend two sportsmen 'shows in 1958'. The Directors recommended to the tourist committee that in View of in- formation received concerning the operation and dates of eer~ tain sportsmen shows, the com- mittee review their decision on the choices previously made. i The Manager expressed his‘ thanks to the Press, Radio and 1 Television for the excel! (ntI leoâ€"operation- given to the As-: sociation in matters of publiciz-i ing the Area and its advant-l ages, as well as the support to l the Association. Due to the. enquiries received from various! communities the Association has under preparation, a Brief which will suggest an outline whereby a community can or- gianize a Community Invtest- ment Corporation, which in turn would raise money for the erection of industrial buildings. ‘3 Some communities feel they should have a more concrete plan, in writing, to offer in- d‘ustrialists fer industrial build-f ings, which would give such items as, type of building' which ' could be erected, rental cost,; the building site, if ‘serv‘icesi are available, and the term of} lease. It is expected that this suggested brief will be publish- ed within the next two weeks. sociation’s industrial prospects. Ad‘ditioanl copies \\ ill be pub- lished as needed approximately every four months. Trick’s B-A Service Station FOR THE FINEST GASOLINE EVER SOLD B-A VELVET 98 CHILDREN ’8 HALLOWE ’EN PARTY This party sponsored by the Lions Club of Millbrook, will be held Thursday, October 31, in Millbrook Armouries at 7.00 o’clock. Games, treats, etc. Anyone Wishing to make a. donation of cash towards this party may leave same with J as. McMa'sier at the 50 to $1.00 Store, Lavern Fallis or at The Reporter Office . RUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 62! Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. The Rev. W. Scott Duncan, B. A., of Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, Toronto llwill be the guest prea<her at {the Anniversary Services which iwill be held in the Centreville Church, South Monaghan, on Sunday, October 27, at 11 a.m. land 7.30 p.m. l Mr. Duncan was born and raised in Glasgow. Scotland, and is a graduate of the Uni- versity of W’estern Ontario, and of the Prevsabytielwian College, Montreal. The. Session and Con-grega- tion of the Centreville Church invite you to attend these ser- vices to worship God and to hear this gifted preacher. He has ministered in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and in St. Mary’s, Ontario, before becom- ing the first minister of Armour Heights Church which was built. in North Toronto in 1952. He has served the General Assemb- ly as Convener of the Church Worship Committee and is Secretary of the Committee on the Revision of the Book. of Common Order. He is Presi- dent of the Armour Heights Rotary Club. He is a gentle- man of many talents. Centreville Anniversary 7’ IAGETERB