Sunday morning October 20th, 19:37, was the occasion for. the celebration of 75 years of Womhip in St. Andrew ’s Unit- ed Church, Millbrook; but there were at least three Methodist Churches of earlier date. B. Colliw', Richard Howell, Hamiligm McCartney, J. \Vebs- for. John Pendry, Hamilton Kennedy, Joshua \Vhitfield, Charles Argue, W. A. Fallis, John Fallis, Matthew Kerr, Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s The earliest of these was a. Meeting House, or Chapel in Hardiner’s Cemetery. The registry office in Port Hope records a deed of bargain and sale, made May 3rd, 1836, be- tween Mr. John Gardiner and the trustees of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in British North America, by which he gave these trustees, Messrs. John Thompson, Cuthbert Rich- ardson, James Fallis, John Rus- sell and William Gardiner, and their successors possession of a Meeting House or Chapel, and a burying ground contain- ing one acre of land, a part of- lot 13, concession 6, of Cavan Township. We do not know how long this Chapel had been in use, but we do know that the Witness of God, of the Method- ist Church in this neighbour- hood has been a continuous Witness in this neighbourhood for 121 years. On this lot now stands Mrs. Henry Blakely’s bungalow, and Mr. Albert Farrow’s resi- dence is the former Methodist parsonage . In May, 185-1, Rev. Edward (fragg landed in Canada from Scotland and was appointed to Paint Levis, oppasite Quebec City. 7 In June 1855, he was stationed at Millbrook, with a junior assistant’dninister servâ€" ing as pastor at MT. Pleasant. One hundred and three years ago, there were few buggies, so Rev. Edward Cragg journeyed from Quebec. City to Millbrook i’m a jumper, and it took twen- ty days tomake Lhe trip. Mr. W. A. Fallis (Mr. Aubréy Falli<' grandfather) donated the half acre of- land as a site for our present church mlifice. The (Homer stone was laid m1 Jnlv Lst 1881, by \Ir. George The lot for the Wesleyan Methodist Church in the east end of the Village of Millbrook, was purchased August 19th, 1854, by the Trustees of Mill- brook congregation of the Wes- leyan Methodist Church in Canada, still in connection with the English Conference. A. Cox, later Senator Cox, and i‘vdicated Friday, October 27, 1882. Trustees were: Jam‘es Might, Wm. Richardson, Wm. Might, Alexander Ferguson, '1‘. PAGE FOUR Telephone collect Keene s3w1, if no answer Peterborough 31.2.4330. Barrett Fur F arm . CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. A. Boy Wilhnoï¬. Q-c- James A. Irvine, MA. Presidmt Easte'n School of Hypnotism BOMBAY, INDIA Dr. Marcus Bloch Master Hypnotist Dead Stock! Barristers, Solicitors, Rota ‘93 Telephone 9, Hillbrook WIIJMOTT IRVINE 3rd. Fervent in Spirit. Ro- xmans 12:11â€"Everyoreat move- [ment needs some great enthusi- tast. His message “My Church! How to make Her Great†was based . on Ephesians 3:17-19. He developed this subject under three hearings: lst. The Church must be a )progressive Church. Truth is eternal, but the mappings of Truth vary from age to age. The modern Church must ex- press the Truth in language suitable to a modern age. For instance, 1st Corinthians 15th Chapter, is a thesis on the Resurrection. “Christ died for our sins,†is a fact that never L-hanges. 2nd. The [Evangelisticg Those who arol iortlainecl as ministers in our lL‘htVV-ehss must take a vow to {lead men to Jesus Christ.‘ In lall congregations there are hungry hearts and lonely souls, who need t’h’ fe'loushlip of VV'.ar111 strong, helpful friend ships “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly [me in honour preferring one {anotherâ€™ï¬ Romans 12. -.10 TheI {Chuuh must be Fervent 1n ESpiimit Church must be i Haney+Harkmess In an evening wedding at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, Mill- brook, on Fridlay,‘0ctober 18th, 1937, Ann Carolyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Harkness of Millbrook, became the bride of William Wallace Hanev, son of Mrs. W. Haney and the. late Mr. Haney of Toronto. The Rev. H. C. Quinn per- formed the ceremony. Music I VV as plaV ed bv Mr J 0. Medd Our General Council meeting this year in Winsor, Ont., laid plans to sweep this Whole coun- try with Evangelism. What. shall be your share in this new undertaking? ‘ “Not ‘slothful in business; ferverent in Spirit: serving the herd; rejoicing in hope; con- tinuing instant in pryerz; that this vition of a more glorious, and greater church, may not His son, Rev, Chas. Edward Cragg, M.A., B.D., Toronto, who, as a young man, served Cavan South Circuit, which in‘ cluded Fallis Line, Zion and Carmel appointments, was the. guest preacher for this 75th Anniversary occasion of our present St. Andrew’s United Church. W G. Berry, Rev. 1. B. How- ard and the pastor, Rev. New- tOn H111. We entered Church Union in June 1925 as the United Church of Canada. The name St. An- drew’s was adOpted during the pastoraLterm of Rev. W. W. J ones. “Be ye reconcile to Godâ€" Know Him. God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself; We pray you in Christ ’s stead, be ye. reconciled to God. For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who know no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3-0681 TORONTO. ONT. L LAC HUI-u Ankh.) VA. A; uiv.‘ -v W v v â€"â€"â€"â€"-D â€"_ â€" v__ v___‘. Buick Special, the big volume seller in the Buick line. Dual headlights and a dazzling new grille adds breadth and lowness to the front end design. The Special, which is mounted on a 122-inch wheelbase, boasts new and bigger brakes, and exquisite new interiors that complement the gla- morous exterior colors. The new miracle air ride and either variable pitch or the revolutionary flight pitch Dynaflow are optional equipment on the Special. BATES BODDS MEAL SERVICES The bold lines of Buick’s 1958 styling are exempliï¬ed i m MIRROR-REPORTER. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO : Copies of the 75th anniver- ;s=ary historical booklet are still ‘ available. ELIi The sanctuary u'as beauti- LEully decorated with autumn fflowers. The bridesmaids were grown- ed alike in sappire blue velvet, deigned on princess lines with rounded necklines, tiny sleeves and embroidered waistlines. They had large back bows and. Rev. C. E}. Cragg’s evening message “Good News!†was based on Luke 15 which con- tains the parables of Jesus, on “the lost sheep,†“the lost coin,†and “the 10st son,†with emphasis .on verses 6, 9 and 24. “Rejoice with me, because 1 have found my son, who was lost.†The junior choir sang “Child- ren of Jerusalem†as their special introduction to the worship service. The senior choir followed later with one of their .finest anthems “Hark, hark, my soul†with solo parts taken by Mrs. Lawrence Win- slow, and soprano obligato by Mrs G. A. Spicer. All this in a chancel made very beauti- ful with autumn flowers, in- cluding two baskets of flowers presented in memory of Bar- bara Elizabeth Pinck, R.R. M'illbrook, by .her family, and in memory of Robert John Byers presented by his sister, Mrs. Howard Lunn, Millbrook. The Rev. H. C. Quinn per- formed the ceremony. Music was play-ed by Mr. J , 0. Medd and Mrg. A]. Spicer sang “Ave Maria†and “Because. †The bride’s floor length gown of faille tai‘feta was designed with a rounded neckline, en- hanced with Alencon lace show- ered with sequins, and tiny sleeves of the same place were matched1 by elbow length gaunt-- lets. A large bustle-back pouf~ fe was; featured in the fully bouffant‘ gored skirt. :iven in marriage by her father, the bride had three at- vtendants, Miss Joan StaplaS, maid of honour, Miss Bettv Sharp and Mrs, Paul Sanders, bridesmaidb. be just a vision, but a great. and blessed reality! Her headdre‘ss was a double crown of handrmade tulle petals entwined with tiny orang-e blus- soms and caught to a circular ‘veil of tulle illusion worn over the face. She was carrying her prayer b00k topped with :1 white orchid and pale blue stephanots. The thank-offering for the day reached the sum of $110Q., with every prospect 'of going over the objective of $1200. Wedding in the luxury ahd beauty of ï¬che ' The bride’s mother was wear. ing a‘ blue wool dress with black and white accessories and cor. sage of small white orchids as she received the guests in the parish hall. The groom’s mother dressed in turquoise crystalette with accesories in black and wore orchids. Each bridal attendant carried a semi-cascade bouquet of pale yellow Shasta, chrysanthemums. Leaving later to spend their honeymoon in Florida, the bride was in blue cash-mere suit with accessories in gold and black and wore an orchid cor- sage. Attending the groom was Mr. John Spragge and ushers were George Harkness, uncle of the bride, and Raymond Junkey. They will make their home in Toronto on return. Wantedâ€"Reliable woman to streamers over full skirts and each wore a matching velvet plateau hat with tiny bow and sequin'trim and velvet gaunt- lets. The maid of honour wore a gOWn of rose pottery velvet, with vee neckline, three quarter length sleeves and a fully gored skirt. Her headdress was a white ostrich tipped plateau enhanced with pearls and she wore White mesh gloves. clean hoyse once a week. Phone 109-w Millbrook. 3t 3w“: TORONTO-DOMINION m X Look ahead... 1; WANTED ' SAVINGS. 'CANADA BONDS at . E. mam, Manager, Millbrook Branch THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD AUCTION SALE On Saturday, October 26th, an auction sale of Garage equip- ment and tools consisting of electric and acetelyne welder sets, battery chargers, grease guns, hydrolic jacks, air com- pressor, plug cleaners and tes- ter, tire equipment, electric drills and sanders, wheel and gear pullers, o'hain hoist and track, valvereseter, 2 oil heat- ing units, Coke cooler, cash :register, and numerous other articles connected to garage business. Also 1947 Pontiac (loach, two 1946 Chevrolets, 1950 Mercury 1/2 ton. For Rentâ€"A two bedroom mod- ern apartment. Oil furnace. Apply Reg. Fallis, phone 207-r-14 Millbrook. 5t For Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able remt for good tennant; 3 miles west of Gavan on 7A Highway. Electricity, Hen House, Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv, Smith 214-râ€"22 Millbrook, or write R.R. 1, Gavan. 1t For oil tank trucks or used con- struction machinery, contact Giffen Truck Equipment- Limited 54.61 Yonge Street,‘ Willowdale, Ont. 6t! Property of Springville {ar- age, on highway 28, 7 miles from Peterborough - on Port. Hopeâ€"Meterborough Highway. Sale at 1 p.m. Bookeeping Serviceâ€"Financial Statementsâ€" Tax Returns, Etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 112~W Millbrook. ' 3t Stanley Miller, auctioneer. NOTICE Thursday, OctOber 24, 1957 For Saleâ€"About 4,000 ft. of good used fine lumber; Also a quantity of fence rails. Apply to Robt. McInnis, or phone 182-r-5 Millbrook. 2t For Saleâ€"Ladies’ Racoon Coat, also Skiis With harness and poles, and girl’s white skates size 2. Apply at Reporter Office, phone 19. - 1t For Saleâ€"A White enamel Gur- ney Cook Stove, top oven. Burns wood or coal. Apply Mrs. Lambert Gibson, phone 147-j Millbrolok. It $2.75 GALLONâ€" Cash and Carry price on BA Perman- ent Type (Ethylene Glycol) Anti-Freeze at Trick’ 5 BA. Service Station 21; For Saleâ€"A Quantity of Elm Furnace Blocks, dry. Phone 209-r-14 Millbrook. 2t: Best season’s here for clothing . sales! Represent British Knit â€":make money full or part time selling quality clothing for women, children, men. Free Sales Kit starts you. High cash commissions. Re- peat sales. Party plan avail. able. Everyone a prospect. British Knit, Simcoe, 0nt~ ario. 2t GET THE FACTS“ Let us show you how we have help- ed others to become financi- ally independent selling Raw- leigh Products. Good local» ity now available in Durham County. Write Rawteigh’s Dept. J-283-163, 4005 Ric-neg lieu, Montreal, Que. 1t SALES HELP WANTED WOMEN SALESMEN WANTED (5-6114 FOR SALE ‘5‘ ‘2 Ed The younger gener their innings early in ing by soaping the (lows, a good thing cases as they needed anyway. The older c did their worst later 1 morning. This cons the usualâ€"putting ve one kind and anot other necessary equi] the middle» of the ma side of this there was damage done, and all even the policemen t run down the offend'e Port Hope, Ont. HALLOWE ’EN P. AS USUALâ€"MIE Mr. and Mrs. T11 and children spent end with Mr. Pincki Mrs. George MvLeod. We’ are pleased Mrs. S. Hartleib 111 after a number of (1 hospital owing to illr Miss Carol Hawkii fined to hospital f‘ days last week, k tonsils removed. We are glad to Mr. T. A. Campb in the hospital, is own. and We hope him being back I 80011.. Miss L. Kennedy1 cent visitor in Toron weeks Mr. and Mrs. son and son Mr. tormson of W 111 vs ere recent visitox‘ brOOk. They m with friends in To: Its. Guttorsomso father Mr. Jan Jo: er and pioneer of ( ship and later on on was never in Millh ed to run down a1 environments of parents. They w impressed with th< nature around the enjoyed very mud here. The Report to have a call from “Poppy Day" cha tiom â€" to those It Let us Resolve to Posts and ham is the Nation’s op: November Canadian Hats: (learanj Wool the Winter (1 “The Poppy†THE GE