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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Oct 1958, p. 4

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En Entered Into Beat 1 Entered Into Rest Allinâ€"0n Friday, October 3, Pritcihtardrâ€"On Wednesday, 1958~ at his residence, L015 16, October 1st, 1958, at Trenton, (‘om-ession 10, HOP? TOWHShiP- ; Ontario. John- W. Pri-tchard, "I‘homvs S. Allin in his 84th, in his 86th year, of Millbrook, year. husband of the late Edith Ontario. Husband of the late Cross. fa'her of Clifford and Mary Simpson. Father Of- Mrs. Frank Allin, grandfather of Roy Hutchinson (Mabel), Tren- EW‘LVII (MYS- Ntta-V'P), R-C-A~ ton, and Stu-ttle J. Pritchard. F- Germany, Thomas C- Allin, Cavan Township. The funeral Concord and Kenneth Allin, took place from the J. W. New Mexico. Funeral service Haw Funeral Home, King Street took place from his late resif East, Millsbrook, .on Saturday, demo on Monday afternoon,“ Oember 4th., 1958, at. 2 p.m. 0(‘t0b91‘ 57h, at 1 o’clock. In- with the, Rev. H. B. Herring:- terment “'35 in Sty JOhn’S ton officiating. Interment was Iemetery (Norway) Toronto. tin Zinn npmpfprv l 1. Roy Willmott, Q.O. James A. PAGE FOUR FOP Millions of Canadians the best way to save! WILLMOTT IRVINE available‘ N OW! isters, Solicitors, Nata Telephone 9, Millbrook Announcing the new Gavan vanship. The funeral took place from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, King Street East, Millsbrook, ,-on Saturday, Ovh‘dwr 4th, 1958, at. 2 p.m. with The Rev. H. B. Herring'- ton efficiaxtin-g. Interment was in Zion Cemetery. ‘ Entered Into Rest Pritcihxard . â€"â€"On Wednesday, October lst, 1958, at Trenton, Ontario. John W. Priltchard, i_n his 86th year, of Millbrook, Fir-e Prevention Weekâ€"'Octob er 5 to 11th, 1958. Observe it! Mrs. Basil Steph‘ens of Tor- onto, spent the first part of this week with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barringer. Miss Margaret. \‘Viddis of To- ronto and Miss Mary Medd of I’eterborough, were visi‘rurs with Miss Mae Needham on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munroe and four children of Clarkston, were Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Halfacre of Toronto, formerly of England, called on Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Abbott. on Sunday. Mrs. Half- acre was a neighbour of Mrs. Abbott’s when both ladies lived in England when young girls. Rev. F. J. and Mrs. Burn and two daght‘ers, Eleanor and Margaret, of Sh‘arbot Lake, were visitors with Mrs. Burn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith on Monday and Tueday, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skitch and two children of Niagara Falls, are visiting with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Skitc-h. SOCIAL - PERSONAL m mommonm mnoox, ammo Fire Prevention Week October 5th to 11th, 1958. Observe it! Miss Patricia P‘eebles presid- ed at the organ in a most. wor- thy fashion and the choir brought the evening service to a close in the usual way. Mr. Castles of Pet‘erborough, sang two solros at each service whose splendid voice was much appreciated. The choir, under the leader ship of Mrs». John Thompson, sang well known hymns which were heartily sustained by The congregation. In the morning they sang “His Name is Exc'el- lent”, and in The evening the anthem “Thou Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace Whose Mind is Stayed Upon Th'ee”. Choosing his text from Acts 20:28 where the Apostle Paul bade the leaders :of the church “to feed the church of God”. . l â€"â€" ~â€" .. l business 4.35 per month In the evening ,he spoke on I For Rentâ€"Heated 4-Room Apt. ‘ Residence 3.35 per month the Sector Project, a subject'I Self con‘ained, private en- The above rates for individuel which has now become common, trance, King Street “rest. I. and two-party lme seerce W111 ' , . . l ‘ ' t amngs an the churches, andi namely, phone n-w Mm- he: :hhwmeihefi: £2; gave 6!» glowmg account of The brook. 1t areas within the municipal limits way in which it has been taken â€"vâ€"-â€"-~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" a of the Village of Millbrook and up ‘by many in the Presbyterian FOR SALE {Within 1-2 mil? 0% the Exchange Church and of the success if 1 ‘ , ln Cavan. If lndlvniual _or two- -‘. ' ‘ ' I‘OI' saleâ€"Plums. Phone M1111. party line service is required be- been the means of Winnlng the â€"â€"â€"_ â€"â€" be an additional charge for extra interest ofi the men whose sym- F’or Saleâ€"14 Acres of A1 Land, ' mileage of foryyifive cents a month pathy had waned but also of. (51089 to 9011001 and only five for eaCh’ 1'4 m11e or menon there' . . . . . l of for individual line and twenty- brmgmg them to glve more] mmutes walk from down five cents a month for each 14 heartily for the welfare of the‘ town. Phone 133 Millbrook. I mile or fraction thereof for each Ch'u-rch. ”n“... “ party on a twoâ€"oartv line. (‘1,1 (‘4 10 “i s. ‘ 'Dhe preacher for the day was the Rev. A. Neil Miller, B. A. B. D. ,andDHD, who is the Stewardship and Budget Secre- tary of the Presbyterian Church. In the morning he took for his text the action of the Good Samaritan towaids the Jew who had fallen amongst thieves as an example ofi what the members of the church should do, viz giving time, t,alent and treasure for the welfare of the church. 1 Evening Service 1 a.m.r and 7.30 p.m., and there was ‘a good attendance at the morning service and a fair at ~tend‘a-nce in the evening. Grace Church Anniversary Anniversary Services were held in Grace Presbyterian Church On the above date at 11 Look ahead.. buy flew CANADA ( 2;:rue‘aAN'uk THAT LOOKS AHEAD BONDS at SAVINGS TORONTO-DOMINION ['52 lF-or R-911T;A Small House on Frederick Street. Phone 18 Millbrook. 3t 5 F" or Rentâ€"Heated 4- Room Apt. 1 Self ( on ‘,ained pri\ ate en- I trance, Kiuu Sitveet West. I. H‘ath‘erly, ph‘one 7'1-w Mill- brook. 1t A]. v __â€" Fred Lowery, phone 117 -j.SerV1°e Connection charge (instrument not in place) 2.50 Mlllbrook.1t Service Connection charge ' "hâ€" instrument in lace ..... 2. 00 Stove, nearly new. Apply to premises .................. 2. 0G Ernie Steai ._y Phone 4 beâ€"; Any representations to be made tween 9 a. m. an d. 5 p m to the Authority with respecct to ithis application should be submit- 'â€"‘ ted on or before October 15 1953 MALE HELP WANTED _!and addressed to the Chairman Large United Sta+es and C ark! Ontario Telephone Authority, 7 ee 5 Park Crescent, East, To- adian Manufacturing Camp- 33%” Ontario. any requires field represent- If you- desire any further in- a lives in LIanveI-S and Gavan formation in reference to the Townships. Exceptionally need for mcreasmg memo“ . . r,ates on ma a l to the under- high earnings. .Guaranteed signedyeitheryperriosiially by tele repeat business. Automobile phone or by letter. essential Agricultural 0r Yours very truly, fiarming background most DURHAM TELEPHON'iJS important. Sales training IMHE ' given. Reply to Box 84 . . . ‘ London, Ontario. 1t Renew Your Subscription. :mu was umu at. but: 1101118 01; Application has been made to ers. Moncrief on Wednesday, : the Ontario Telephone Authority "October 1st. The meeting open- tor authority to make the folloyv- ’~, ed in prayer by President Mrs. mg charges f°r telephone semce . effective as at November lst, 1958. ihome Farrow. The Scrlpture This increase from Rates estab- ? reading of Psalm 196 was given' lished in April, 1948, is f d d to hi he t' sts 1 b b Mrs. K. Moncrief ollowe “9 g ropera 1n_gco , a. - “)3: h “I need Thee everv' our,all levels ofitaxatwn material, 3 3 331111 , . : equipment and mterest charges. hour . I The Company is presently re- Roll call and minutes of last placing and relognting lines for meeting were. read and approv- [ better SGTVICG ’00 its SUbSCHbeI‘S and has umhased land and e ui Ied. Treasurer gaveher report. I ment for? Dial service to be eqsmg: . Business was dlscussed and : fished at 1mm,” removed from lfurther arrangement are being the central office. lmade towards a Bazaar to be, Exmnge Rates . lheld on November 22nd. l Ind1v1drual Line .. . A -_- For Saleâ€"Sunshine Baby Car-' riage, in good condition. For partimlars phone 87-i M 11- brook. 1‘ For Saleâ€"Iron Single Bed with spring mattress. Apply Mrs. Fred Lowery, phone 117-j Millbrook. 1t NOV. BAZAAR PLANNED TO pgmons or THE . The October meeting of. Grace. DURHAM TELEPHONES {Presbyterian Church LadieS’l LIMITED I lAid was held at the home 0f Application has been made to iMrs. Moncrief on Wednesday,3the Ontario Telephone Authority ‘October 1st. The meeting openâ€" for authority to make the follow- ‘ . _ - iner charges for telephone service fed 1n prayer by PneSIdent. Mrs. effective as at November 151:, 1958. iborne Farrow. The Scrlptul‘e This increase from Rates estab- ? reading of Psalm 196 was given' lished in April, 1948, is f d d to hi he t' sts 1 b Mrs. K. Moncrief ollowe He g rcpera mgco , a. - '23: h “I need Thee everv' our,all levels ofitaxatwn matenal, 3 3 ymn , ~ ; equipment and mterest charges. I hollr ’ ’ ' I TBA PM “Ancr :n ‘u-A_“â€"â€" _- Mizpah benediction and a lunch was served by Mrs. K. M'oncrief and Mrs. G. Arm- strong. 'or Saleâ€"Small Findlay Cook Stove, nearly new. Apply to Ernie Steacy. Phone 4, be- tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ., Manager, Millbrook Branch. U‘ .u FOR RENT [ Individual Line I Business $ 6 00 per month Residence 4.25 per month { Two-party Line ' Business 5.00 per month 1 Residence 3.75 per month I Mwlti-party line (on circuits hav- Extension small ..... Extension Thursday, October 9, 1958 -__v â€"-.vvv -muw “A“: "Ad-l be an additional charge for extra mileage of forty-five cents a month for each: 1-4 mile or fraction there- of for individual line and twenty- five cents a month for each 1-4 mile or fraction thereof for each party on a two-party line. Supplementary Charges Extension telephone on same prev ing nor more telephons) 7 7 Business 4.35 per month Residence 3.35 per month The above rates for individual and two-party line service will apply only within the Base Rate Areas which are defined as those ing 3 to 10 telephones) Business , 4 50 per mont. Residence 3. 50 per month Multiâ€"party line (on circuits hav- .3731 .25 per mozith. .30c per month per month W.H.S. ‘Tfl Th'e Fall Thank‘ Meeting of Grace W.M be held in the Church p.111. on Wednesday, ( 98th. Year. No. 4.2 Victoria G Mortga; Loans Fall Ha‘ Drop in and see ment and we will â€"-ON PARTS and Beginnin You providc install SA TRUST COMPA! 437 George StrI Peterbomugh THE GERTR TO BUY A H01 TO BUILD A H( TO REFINAN

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