a on same pre- 25 per month. 300 per month th respecct to :1d be submit- tober 15, 1958 to the tinder- 311y by tele- the Base Rate fined as those unicipal limits Millbrook and the Exchange vidual or two- is required be- W per month )2: circuits haw- arge for extra 3 cents a month fraction there- te_and twenty - ’ per month Per month tn circuits hav- 'lephones) one Authority ke the followâ€" yhone service mber lst, 1958. m Ram estab- , Ls necessary ting costs, lab- tion material er est charges†S presently mung ling; for its subscnbers land and equip- ice to be estab- ’ ’ription . removed from Line per month OF THE BPHONES pa:- month per month met in- to the [ONES Backham Transport (alflongdistance. Nortoll‘tharge ASK FOR 'IHIIG‘IHIIIII Drop in and see us for a. diagnosis of your Oars Ail- ment and we will help ymx draw up a list pf the parts W. M. S. MEETING BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING Y The Fall Thankofferingi Meeting of Grace W,M,S. will} The Annual Meeting of the be held in the Church at 2.30 Millbrook and Gavan Branch 01 p.111. on Wednesday, Oct. 22. } the British and Foreign Bibl¢ Urry’s Garage, Millbro Beginning, A New Policy You provide the parts WE do the ' installation and repairs â€"-0N PARTS and yet have the advantage of our skill and experience. Lab our charged by the job CABS â€" TRAGTORS - TRUCKS 98th. Ym. No. 42. . 3. Ban-ilger, Publisher. Zenith 26250 The Millbrook " Reporter j SAVE MONEY Telephone 112d Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ash. ton, (nee Pauline Kennedy) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Hugh Michael, at. St. Josph’xs Hospital, Lon- don, Ontario, on Tuesday, Sept- ember 30th, 1958. A brother for Stephen. f The Annual Meeting of the y Millbrook and Gavan Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society will be held in St. jAndrew’s Sunday Sch-001 Hall ion Sunday, October 19th, at g g I Mr. Terry Stephens O.A.C. i Spanish moster. : The Annual Meeting of the; student, Guelph', and Miss} ' DIillbI‘OOk and Gavan Branch of‘Doris Pollen, Toronto werel With their yellow tops and lthe British and Foreign Bible; Sunday visitors with Mr. andfa-luminum 110593 just chowing Society will be held in St. ers. Barringer. ] above 0111‘ window, what 100kEd Andrew’s Siunday Sch-001 Halli Miss Dorothy Ball of Toron- like a truck load. Of A’ B, C’ 01' on Sunday, October 19th, at2 to visited with her parents: wh'at-have-you bombs had us in 7.30 p.m. The Rev. B. C. er. and Mrs. Melville Ball. {3 Stew until we hurried to have; Rudd, District Secretary, will1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wight- a closer look and found it was.1 be oresent and adflreSS tl1e"man ,ehildren, Margaret and just a; load of propane gas .tanks'1 rage??? age} shovg tah'ï¬lflny 5:11:13; Carol, spent Sunday and Mon- W 1c were flor stewmg edlables e e 1- ar an e .' E bOdv welcome Jday With‘ the latter’s parentslmt ‘PE'ODIe. very ‘ . _-_____~____ fRev. and Mrs. Herrington. I rm.-.“ ,‘ _, """ . _ l Millbrook ELBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1958 Ware St. at Gorge St. North 2 Blocks. North Exhibition Gate Buying Timothy Cloversf Highest Market Prices i I “Anxx ALLK'. ALllt LllL’l uazub a“ ‘J [Diane Sanders. Peterb‘orough, a friend to all Wlth whom he “ere Tha k (r 'ng gu t i; came in contact. He was for 11 “C Chi} es s 0 mam years on the \estry of Mr. and Mrs. K Dawe and the Church as Lav Delegate, Mr and Mrs Clhas. Farr. Sidesman Member of the Parochial Council and various I PROGRESSIVE EUGHRE other (atpacities. The Ladies Auxiliam to the The Dedication will be (1011-! Canadian Legion branch No ducted by the Re1. Dr. R. T. 1 40‘. ’ 11111 hold a Euchre :on O(2t.. McKim Honoraw Assistant of 28 h at. 8. 30 in the Legion Hall St. James Church Orillia, Admission 35c Refreshments durinrr the morning: ser1ice on will be served. ISundav October 19th ,at 11:15 -â€"--â€"-â€"â€" .’a11d he 11ill also prea(h the WWW sermon. Wy_~m-_.h-m1 D1. McKim is retired from! - ithe. British and Foreign Bible; :Societv. ha1in»g been twenty-i Inman Grain i {three years as District Serce- V... Mrs. E. C. Richards, Mr.% and Mrs. R. O.’ Thomas and l,daughters Mary Winn and Jane of Port Colborne, Mn; and Mrs. Ron Richards and, baby J immy 011 Port Hope, 'Mr. , and Mrs. Robt. \Valling of Peï¬erhorcrugh, Mr. and Mrs.‘ Vine. Ric-rh‘ards, Fraserville, Mr.{ and Mrs. Ari Richards and Diane Sanders, Peterb'oroufgh, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dawe and Mr. and Mrs. Cihazs} Farr. Custom Cleaning Clovers rie.' "‘ ï¬l‘if Mr. C G. Ingram of The TorontmD-‘ominion Bank, Mont- real. spent the holiday week- end vc 1th his mother Mrs. T. Ingram, and sister Mrs. A. H. J effvey. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Payné have returned home after spending Thanksgiving in Bar- Mrs. George Richardson Miss Evelyn Richardson, and Mrs. Daxidson of Keene call- ed on Rev. and MrS. Herring- tOD. ; '3 i? '4‘ Mr and MI". DaVid Duncan (nee Leslie Baker) of Toronto, m ore Thanksgiving guests 0... Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Row- land. Miss Carol Ridge has gone to Peterborough where she has taken a posnion. Mr. Larry Arg 0,119 senior student in mechanical engine- ering at Lniversity of Torontoi was home for _the holiday ‘-. l lnman Grain Feeds, Limited I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shan- lnon and two sons of Toronbo, , were holiday visitors with Mr. [and Mrs. Dav. M. Fallis. Mr. and Mrs». Ralph Drum- ond and Mrs. Allen- Drumondi and son, Bobbie of Keene cal-t I led on Rev. and Mrs. Herring; “on on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. H. C. Clarry of Toronto, were guests of the Misses Clarry eat the weekend. Mr. E. S, C'ltarry, Miss Norah glarry, Miss Elsie Carmon and m MOB-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail J. .. PERSONAL I Engagement I Mrs. Marjorie Hawkins ,wishes to announce the en- gagement of her youngest lda11gh*er. Carol Ann to Max- Iwell William son of Mr. and iMns Charles Manley of Mill- Ibrook. The wedding to take 391309 in St. _Andrew’s United a very inspiring and enlighten-I mg sermon and a dedication: With deep meaning. i tary for Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland and has a pmfound knowledge and love for the Bible and should give l t Mrs. Thomas Campbell has l presented a beautiful Lectern I Bible and set of! markers to St. Thomas’ Church. It will be Idedicated to the Glory .of God Iand in loving memory of her {late husband Mr. Thomas Campbell a prominent member bf the community and an un- tiring worker of the C»h~urch,l Ila truly dedicated Christian and} There is one young lady we 1' I" are yet to see hoop the Hulo-, “ll-loop hoop, and that is love-j 3lly doll in Crowley’ Red and' ’White Store window. Havel 3 you seen her? Take a peep,f 5 She’s lovely. 1 Rev. Dr. R. T. MclKim of; St. James’ Cthrch', Orillia,’ Ontario, to dedicate New Lec-_ tern Bible in _St. Thomas’i Anglican Church, Millbr’ook on Sunday, Ociiolbxer 19th. 7 The street given a tar freat- ment as far as Marsh Church. This was done recently and makes a fine shbrt~cut to 115' now that gravel has disappear- n’ ed from the road. 3 NEW LECTERN BIBLE TO BE DEDICATED AT .ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH j Harvey Challice, local market! igardener of no mean ability,‘ f carrying a. huge 2% lb. Spanish} I onion. Was this a precaution; i by Harvey to keep people from ; getting too ,close to him, most lpeople lotrhe the odor of garlic! ‘and onions come next. How'. ever he landed it in our office and gave it to us, so we will be in the segregated class for weeks now for it Will take us l a long time to consume the Spanish moster. Seen On King Street During The Week your. mmnption; Any additional individuals who Wish to join these classes may contact Mrs. Gertrude Dawe, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, at the Gertrude Shop, Mil-lbrook. , . All of those who have a1- rieady registered will be noti- fied personally regarding time and place. The classes of instruction by St. John Ambulance? will be starting within two weeks. "No lime For Sergeants" Renew You: Enclosodrf’ind cheque for Saturday, Nov. 22 Thursday, gov. 20 flay, Nov. 21 Iggï¬a)‘, N3}. 18 Monday, Nov. 17 Wednesday: Nov. 1 9 SaturQQy, Név. 15 Eddy, Nov. W Saturday, Nov. 22 @ $1.50 Friday, No§:21 @. $1.00 Saturday, Nov. 15 @, $133 Wedne'sday, ï¬g.†19 ({L $1.00 Friday, N091]? @ $1.00 AFT ERNOONS Please Reserve Following Seats: Give Alternate Dates Royal Agriculfural Winter Fair, Royal Coliseum! Toronto 23, Canada With Mickey Rooney “CATTLE EMPIRE" . In Technicolor Show: at 6. 45 and 8. 20 With Joel McCrea FIRST AID CLASSES See Arthur Godfrey* riding his magnificent Palomino horse, Goldie, plus a sensational display of iumping by championship teams from Cuba, Mexico, West Germany, United States and Canada. *Every evening and bolh Saturday maiinees. Order. your tickets NOW! STARRING ARTHUR GODFREY Fri. Nov. ‘14-Sat. Nov. 22 SEATS ALLOTTED AS ORDERS RECEIVED ROYAL HORSE SH MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY; A BIG “SP Fzmn the Upro'ariomly Funny Stage Hit With Andy .Gï¬ffiths, Star of tie Paly Post Office No. or SEATS @ $2.50 @ > A sing-song Will be led 3 Mrs. Kilborn, director ‘ music at the school. A good attendance is hoped for. HOME AND SCHOOL The regular monthly meet- ing of the Millbrook Home and School Association will be held at the school Monday evening, October 20, at 8 o’clock sharp. Mrs. E. Chambers of Peter- borough, will be the guest speaker, her subject: “The School flor Retarded Child< No. or SEATS 1 tom Refreshments :Will be served. “ANDY CO H u. RDY 8 HOME" Department, Ottawa, Ont. ‘ @ $3.50 vase-ocouo-oo â€"_-â€"_d oouooootcloo. 17$ TOTAL 5’.