oeéasion with hon. 013 and asters. 99€Ption following f. the bride’s moth- dress of naVy blue large picture hat 3 Wore a corsage of he groom’s mother >35 of brown crepe hat to match and eorsage of yellow wedding trip to ntario the bride 0'01 cashmm'e suit ' shade with beige vn acvessories and age of Whire carc 9 there from Tof- Vd, Fermi-borough; ttle October 16, Attend the Church of .your choice on Sundav. Good Reading - for the Whole Family Pm Hope, 023: . tain, Gloria Smitli. Reggie Sloan, captain, Anne Ooupland. The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the ï¬rm checked. Endosed find my check or money order. I year 518 D 6 memhs $9 D 3 months $4.50 [J Relay Raceâ€"2 boys and 2 girls on each team. Winning lle-amA-Eanjy Thompson, cap~ Softball Throwâ€"Ann Comp. land, Nancy Nattress, Bonme Blencowe. 100 Yd. Dash'~BOnm'e Blen- eowe, Ann Coupland, Gloria Smith. Hop, Skip, and J ampâ€"Gloria Smith, Betty-Anne, Skitch, NanCy Nattress and Betty Rapgnuï¬ed for third. Monuments, Markets, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Standing Broad J umpâ€" Bonnie Blencowe, Ann Coupâ€" ]and, Nancy Nattress. Running .Broad Jumpâ€"Bon- nie Blencowe, Ann 0011le Gloria Smith. High Jumpâ€"Ann Coupland, Bonnie Blencmve, and Gloria Smith. . News - Facts - Family Features (1, OI]. 1“0 Yard Dashâ€"Bart Medd, Lam Thompson, Reg. Sloan. Softball Throwâ€"Balm Medd, Rngie Sloan, Larry Th'omp- Pole Vaultâ€"Reggie Sloan, Roger Challice, Murray Far- HWY. Standing Broad Jumpâ€"Bart Medd, George Sheppard, Bob PUVVC’H. Running Broad Jumpâ€"Bart Mead, Roger Challice Larry Thompson. BOYS High Jumpâ€"’ Bart. Mead, Larry Thompson, and Reggie Sloan. The Winners with" the high- at p: pmts were Ann Co Ipland for the girls and Bart Medd 101 the boys. The runners-up were Bonnie Bléneowe and Reggie Sloan. The winners 'of Were as follows; The. class was divided into! twp feeuns called the Reds and the Blues. The Reds were led by: their captain Bonnie Blen-_ "ewe and the Blues were ledl by their capfainlarry Thomp- son. The Blues won the events: with the high score oil 74 points; and the Reds, though defeated! had a very good score of T]. l (By Barbara Reid) } Millbrcaok Public School. 'a 1 Room '. had a rainy field day 3 an ()ctober 8th, at the school! ;_-r<-unds, but the day still! pmwd very successful, This xas their first. field day. PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY Thursday, October 16, .1958 munâ€"e 2cm Store [N AT MILLBROOK EGHOOL, ROOM 5 the events I CO. What might be named the sandwich†potato is 1 grown by Olver Brock. T‘his 21/3 lb. 'spud consists of two equal size ipotatoes with a third jammed in the centre, similar to a I hockey player being caught be~ jitween two opponents which isuggems the name “sand: lwieh†£6 Nick Peconi 2 lb. SPUD GROWN IN MILLBROOK Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-er Serviee PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh. 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 PROPRIETOR‘ A. TINNEY son, (AVAN, PHONE 201.23 MILLBRooi? The 1959 Chevrolet is more than a restyled car â€" more, even, than a com- pletely new car. It’s your kind of car. Shaped to reward your new taste in style. Designed to anticipate your desire for greater roominess and comfort. Engineered for greater safety, econo- my, ease of handling and smoothness of ride. Your ï¬rst look shows you that Chev- rolet says new like nobody else. New Slimline design brings entirely new poise and proportion to automobile styling. Inside the new and roomier Body by Fisher you‘ll ï¬nd truly tasteful elegance. And you’ll have clear seeing from every seat. The new Vista-Panor- amic windshield curves overhead â€" and there are bigger windows all around. All NEW All OVER AGAIN ! Never before has an automobile manu- fae-turer made such sweeping changes two years in a row And never before has any car been new like this one. It’s shaped to the modern Canadian taste with a lean, clean silhouette, crisp new contours, beauti- fully restrained accents. It brings you more spaciousness and comfort with a It has a bright new sheen â€" a new kind of ï¬nish that keeps its lustre withaut waxing for up to three years. New bigger brakes. Vast new areas of visibility. New Iii-Thrift 6.,New handling ease and road steadiness. It’s new right down to the tires! CARLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley QC. (1896-1956) B. 0. Standish (2.0. T. E. Clarke. B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. The 125th Anniversary of Centreville (South Monaghan) Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, October 26th, at 11 a.n1. and 7.30 p.111. The guest. speaker will be Rev. R. P. Carter, B.D., of Toronto. There will also be special music for these sem'ices. All wel- (mime. 125th ANNIVERSARY AT CENTREVILIE CHURCH MGR-REPORM, ELLE-BOOK. ONTARIO. .vw. " -\“‘ Pontypool -. Ontario Licensed Auctioneer. Durham County, is now available to con- duct sales anywhere in County. On Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matchetf, Gavan Tmm‘sflï¬p, celebrated their 54th wedding anniver- MR. AND MRS. MATCHETT MARRIED 54 YEARS ' Your patronage respectfully When you take the wheel, you begin to ï¬nd that Chevy’s newness goes down deep. A new steering ratio makes handling easier. New suspension engi- neering gives you a more stable ride. There’s a sweet new edition of Turbo- glide.* Eight V8â€s plus a new Hi-Thrift 6 that goes and goes on a gallon. New and bigger brakes. Even new tires! Mirror-Reporter . H. Barringer, Publisher. JOHN PAYNE Bel Air 4~Door Sedan what Canada wants, Canada sary. Besides close relatives, her sister Mrs. Mitchell of Bethany, who had reached her 91st birthday on that day, was Phone Bailieboro 30 'Phone Millbrook 8712 ICIIII lIlIIIIIIIIII I . IIIII-IIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIII ////é If you have steady empioyment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application toï¬-day. We Legyire Plumbing 5. Heating new right down to its tires. There’s still more! A new Magicâ€"Mirror ï¬nish that keeps its shine without wax- ing or polishing for up to three years. New Impala models. Wonderful new station wagons â€" including one with a rear-facing rear seat. And, with all that’s new, you ï¬nd those ï¬ne Chev- rolet virtues of economy and practi- cality. Stop in now and see the ’59 Chevrolet. *Extra-cost option. now have a plan that shall take care of your PROBLEMS s gypmogn 1 gets in a Chevy! present. Her younger sister of Toronto, Mrs. D. W. Arm- strong was also present for the event. 15:. '_ PAGE THREE