34.! TWO Sunday Mail! At St. Andrew’s Sunday morning, October 26,: was Anniversary Sunday at St. 3 Andrew ’s, with good c‘ongregaJ tions, beautifui flowers, thanks! offering Within 10% of the‘ $1200 requirement and no} doubt more to follow, good; music by our choir, male quar-i tette, (Messrs Might, Powell,; Ouellette, and McMaster,) andi ladles double trio, and with‘ Rev. H. E. Ashford, M.A., B.D., D.D., Toronto, secre-i tary of the Missionary and. Looking over a prize heifer on Maintenance Department Of a southern Ontario farm are, the United Church Of Qalï¬ftdaiileft to right, George Atkins, CBC’S FA] St. Thomas’ Church, Mill- brook, Saturday, November 1st, All Saints Day, Holy Commun- non 10.00 a. m. as guest preacher, and Rev. Herrington conducting the ser- vices. The theme for the morning service was “The Unexpected Sequence†based on Acts 28:- 1-15, the experience of St. Paul, on his way to Rome, when some brethren came to meet us as far as the Appii Forum, and the Three Taverns, whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1958 ibecome a V ""-“‘" w: vvu "w“ .1 ~~- ~ Pentecostal Assemblies of yyoung lad became the great (Sands missionary to Africa, Mr. Rob- . ert Mo-ffatt. ZIOII Pentecostal (hunch! “H‘e ’ghanked‘ God, and took, ELI-BROOK D. L. (1011118,. Pastor. Sunday services 10 a.m.-â€"Snnday School 11. 60 a. m. -â€"Worship Service. 7. 30p .m. â€"Eveming Service 8.00 p. m. â€"We(111esday, Pray- ea' Ema Bible Study. 8.00 p.mâ€"Friday, Young Peo- ples Meeting. v--_ 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Church School 11 . 00 a .m . â€"-Divine Worship 22nd Sunday after Trinity. ; St. John's,1da ; 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. I St. Thomas’ Church. Millbrook] 11 .15 a .111 .â€"Holy Communion J Christ Church, Bailiehoro 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Evens‘ong and Lit- PRESBYTERIAN Gentreville and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Miflbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.n: 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. 'lhie Upited Chmch of Canada .: Millbrook â€" Gavan I Mr. Stan Northrop, organist} and choir director. ‘ Rev. H. B. Herrington, minisJ ter in charge. ! â€O Come, Let Us Worship’. 4 -v.._ _- The Service at Millbrook United Church is withdrawn for the day. You and your friends are cordi. ally invited to worship with uS. VVLLSL u D LtAumz‘. Rev. Fey F. Hicks ot‘ Manor . th' .1] Road United Church, Toronto, mer OI. 15..“ horse 1n thls V and Chalrman of Toronto Gen-5 is in the lucky tre Presbytery, will be the! . a t guest speaker. A cordial in-‘ 111,, ° rumour. v-itation to attend these Ser- -â€"---â€"- vices is extended to 311- 7 - | MILLBROOK Service withdrawn. 10.00 a.m.â€"Churc_h School OAVAN ' Anniversary Services I The Anniversary Services' of Gavan United Church will! be held on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. Morning service at 11 o ’clock. and evening service at 7. 30} - v.5...“ PARISH 01' CAVAN Anglican Church 0170311358 The Churches ~__. -fmâ€" " Itook courage. lDURnAM 4-11 i A Scottish preacher loved his CAME SECOND speople, and prayed and htopedi for a great revival. Whene it At the Inter-1 9 f I didn t come, he felt hatp “(ions at the 0m haps he was the hinfierenig, tu ral College, or 'but he kept on, p1ay1ng an ‘preaching. After one regular :71? 1958 theDD iservice young Bobbie Moffatt ' eams, ‘3 ,“Sir, could I -1:_.-..LA_0" “(“Avd-cn 1 Team placed sec tition with fif Ken Graydon, Johnny Moles and Jim Ross, the four Toronto farm-commentators who to- become a minister?†“Certain- ly, God Sent you to meâ€. This “H‘e thankedl God, and took. courage ’ ’ . Evening Service His evening theme ‘ ‘ The Lure of the Impossible†Ma t. ‘ 12:1.3 “Then saith Jesus tn the man with the withered hand: “Stretch forth thy hand†and he stretched it forth In Beef Club ' Competition, and it was made “41019: like the ‘ there were 38 teams and the 10therâ€- , ‘Strathrgy Beef Club, was first The Pharisees tOO'k coqncil from Middlessex County, while against J esu‘s how they might the Millbrook Calf Club team deStl‘Oy him, because to them frmn Durham placed 33rd. The it was unlawful to heal on the. members of the Durham. Team Sabbath. iwe-re ~Helen Strong, Bethany, T’0 93011 church memher and Allan McCanms, Gavan. T’O eaCh Chur‘h member and Allan MoCamus, Gavan. (omes the responsibility to give In the Swine Competitionl [Some evidence of the power of there were 216 teams and the 'GOd m 1115 lif‘" GOd expects Listowell. 4-H Club placed 1st, each to use that power 10 the with a score of! 957'. The Dur- lbenefit of others, and theG lmy ham Team composed of Jim 10f God. William Wilberforce Rowan, Bowmanville, a n d heard the cry 0f the slaves and Brut e Bowman, Enniskillen, nemanded of the slaw owneri plaeed 10th with a score of 859 .â€Let the“ peOple “"w‘ 111 the There were 40 teams taking tname of! the Lord,†3001,0130 part in the Grain Club Compe- slaves were set free and 0“ tition and we were pleased Ithe mountain heights, close to when the Durham 4-H Grain 'the sky, they met to piaise God Club With‘ members being 1 f1 0111 whom all blessings flow , lorne Tink R R No. 1 Hamp- 1 Sevience cannot heal the broken ton and Billy Tambly, Orono, iheart, nor set the sinnei free: placing 5th with the Almbnte 9 In a great revival in India 51,000,000b accepted Christ. The missionary baptized 700, but felt absolutely certain that God needed a better man for ’9 such a task. ‘ IN THE MONEY Congratulations to Ron Pal- mer of this village who held a horse in this week’s race and {is in the lucky money accord- God does need a better man for such task, but you must be that better man. The local church’s task is to; claim for Christ all in their: neighbourhood. Christ, never‘ calls a man or a. woman, to an: impossible task. His power is. ready to help. , E.L . H. “He outsmarted us CBC ’S FARM TEAM with Canada Savings Bonds†V (11‘! r 58' Leonard McNeil, Lloyd Sm- 'ton, Les Graham, Don Graham and T. W. McCamus, attended {Louada Manor Sale of Short- ‘horn cattle at Lakehurst on Mon-day, the home of Bapton Pal- Constructmr, bull which cost d a $50,000.00 in Scotland. Forty- and two head sold for $13500.00 ord- with a top of $13,000.00 fror a 10-month old calf. .H. iDURHAM 4.3 DAIRY mu gether make up CBC’ s farm broadcast te-.am They bring an assortment of farm pro- grams, both radio and tele- vision, no towns and rural centres throughout Ontario and Quebec . At the l‘nier-Cluib Competi- tions at the Ontario AgricuL tural College, on Friday, Oct. 17th, 1958, the Durham County 4-H teams, Dairy Calf Club Team placed second in compe- tition with fifty-live teams. Donald Welsh, R.R. No. 4, Bowmanville, was the high man! in the competition, wit-h a score‘ of 492, out of a possible 520. His team-mate was Ronald Welsh, also of R.R. No. 4, Burwmanville, has a very close score also. The winning team was the Peterborough Dairy Calf Club, team with. Barbara Mann, R.R. No. 4, Pe‘terbor- ough, and John Allin, of R.R. No. 1, Douro, as members. In the Swine Competition there were 216 teams and the Listowell 4-H Club placed lst, with a score of! 957'. The Dur- ham Team composed of Jim Rowan, Bowmanville, a n d Brut-e Bowman, Enniskillen, plaoed 10th with a score of 859. There were 40 teams taking part in the Grain Club Compe- tition and we were pleased when the Durham 4-H Grain The group was under the. dilection of MI. Bev Gray, president of the Durham Coun- ty 4-H Club Leaders Associa- tion and A. 0.Da1rymp1e, Agricultural Representative of Durham County. FIGDJJJS UL'JJ, vv4v1‘ u‘;v I-..-...v.-. . 4-H Grain Club, from Lanark, being lst. â€"-'~ 'l'~- _â€"â€" Local Men Attend Sale m moan-mourn m LEWIS FRANCIS PUDSEY PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY A visitor in Millbrook last Friday afternoon, Lewis F. Pudsey passed away suddenly in the evening of the same day on Friday, 0ct:obe~r 24th, 1958, from a heart attack, in his 56th year. The late Mr. Pudsey was the son of Mrs. William Pudsey. He had farmed in‘ Cavan Town- ship all his life. ‘I He leaves to mourn his loss, ,1 his wife, the former Alma Bris- to“ his mother Mrs. Pudsey, two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Saun- dems of Peterborough, and Mrs. l A. A. Saunders of Port Hope. 1 The funelal, very largely at“ tended, due to the large circle of friends .and his popularity, was held from the J W Haw - For Sale 2 Sons of this Outstanding“ ‘ ' Polled Bull These two bulls are Government performance tested and thereiore qualify for Govern- ments Bonus which applies 0:1 all performance tested bulls up to 33 13% of the purchase price with the maximum Government payment not to exceed $200.00. Take advantage of this bonus to buy a good Polled Shorthorn Bull at the right price and dehorn your next crop of calves. THESE BULLS ARE HALF BROTHERS TO GLORIADALE METEOR 5th, THE BULI GLORIADALE REFUSED $6,0C0.00 FOR LAST YEAR. Six Bulls, Twenty-five Females Sell Baker Farms, Hampton, Ontario SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1958 AT 1.30 P..M We are taking one of. our annual holidays. Gloriadale Farms Limited; Port HOpe, Ontario. BIRMINGHAM METEOR x Senior Herd Sire at Gloriadale Farms. Weighing m F 1 H , M 11b k, my, 0:33:91. ‘ Muhammad Durham o ’clock, with the Rev. H. B Securities Harrington of St. Andrew’s Phone Tn-5-4688 United Church conducting the Albert Waxer 31 Walton St. service. Interment was in Sole "we; rm Bop. . , - : Gardmer S Cemetery' 13ch man To muons J Member Brokerâ€"Dealer: Associ- Renew Your Subscription. union of Ontario Renew Your Subscriptien . Buckham Transport (all long distance. No toll charge ASK FOR Zenith 26250 Thursday, October 30th, 1958 First. Mill’on'ok Pacl-t Flying Up ceremony 01 day, October 111b, .' Brownie Carol Abbot up to Glides; and one I Freda States, walking Guides. Guides formed a m under the leadership 1 min Mrs. Helen Duft‘ ceive the new member: Leader Yvonne Scot! Brownies. The Commissioner, 1 Neaves, gave one year Judy Jewison, Barbar: and Foottit. Two year Pam Drury and Kane; Three year stars to C bott and Vicky Medd Fairy Ring was for a golden bar was giver na Brock by Brown 01 ed by Tammy Owl. Mrs. Campbell gave lectaor's badge to Nam and a knitte-r’s badge Sfares. Sixer’s Stripes wer Brown Owl and Taw to Pam Drury, J 0 Ann and Linda Snelgrove. Strips to Barbara Tx-i Jewison, Linda Nel‘ Nancy Trick. A piano solo by Vic] a. Brofnie son by all and games were playe was served by the G1 Brownies. Parents were pres meeting closed with t Port Hope, Ont. County, is now availa' duct sales anywhere i; Mirror-Reno 425 Water Stte PETEBBOIOUGJ, OZ 1'. J. Cale! QC. (1 With Brow Good Rea for the Whole F» The Christian Science Mon‘.‘ One Norway 51., Boston 35, Send your ncWSOODCf fo: checked. Enclosed find my money order. I year $18 6 months 59 D 3 month . Family !7‘ JOHN IA' Varies 'N'ome LE‘