The Drama club read plays in preparation F0 one for presentation. The. Journalistic chub electe strong as secretar‘; and planned the news coverage r deciding on (1 Roger Arm- for September azinc which would 30:31. They also discussed the making of a mag be published once in each term. â€"- \V.H St. Harvest Thanksgiving Festival 11: 15 am. Preacher: Rev. R. S. Mansfield: Omemee. Evensong 7.00 p.m. Group Activities began last \Vednesday: The music club sang several songs and will begin preparations for taking part in commencement and other events. The Shop group at present will work on the props necessary for the ï¬eld days this month, before beginning individual work. 7 St. John's, Id 9.30 a.m.â€"Mattins. Editors: Larry Thompson, Dick Huyton, Lynda Hog , Brenda Lunn, Wayne Hogg, Bernard Ingham, Roger Armstrong. The Annual Tri-School Track and Field Meet will be held .at Millbrook Fair Grounds on Wednesday, October 14th. At a meeting this week the principals of Blackstock, Millbrook and Orono will decide which members of their staffs Will judge the various events, who will preside at the official opening and other matters. â€" Bl. HI NE‘WS The Executive of theDnrham and LIorthmn )crland Plowâ€" rnta's Assoc. met at the home of Pres. Don Budd. r“? 1. Port Hope, oz; Monday evening, September 14th, to make final plans for the Match to be featured this fall. Present were committee members lNil] Allin. Stanley Allin, Howard Allin. District Director Howard Henry and Secretary Ralph C. Banbury. The prize list was gone over in considerable detail that all interested should have a place to plow in the competition. Arrangement is made. for the match 0 he held at the farm of Herman Schmid at Newcastle. The location is one concession north of the Nowell Lumber property on No. 2 highway. Plans are. to start the match by drawing for land at 9 am. and ï¬nishing at 3.30 that the judges may have plenty of time to discuss the work with those interested. Anyone not able to bring his own tractor or horses is to contact Will Allin at N ew- castle No. 2. A fee of 82.00 will he charged that the donor may have something for gasoline and bringing the power to the plowing ï¬eld. Competition for the Toronto-Dominion Bank Cup for 2 plowboys in any high school in the United Counties is of special interest. Teachers and principals are urged to encourage boys who know something of tractor plowing to compete in this event. Last ycarr the Match when held near Brighton had only two plowing with horses. An extra class has been added in 1959 to encourage those who have not plowed with horses but use them at home to try this class at the match. The Esso Oil Company offers a Chan â€" pica prize of $10.00 to the tractor and horse plowmen. Eaton’s give a trophy for the best plowed land by a junior competitor. Many other specials are being received by the committee from those in business in the area who wish to encourage the plowing Match. Plowing remains the basic farm activity in our area. Our rotations with heavy green material to plow under or with coarse corn stubble necessitates that these be buried by the plow in order to rot rapidly and be ready as plant food for the next crop. Farm people are urged to mark Wednesday, October 7th for a special day at the Plowing Match. There is no admission fee for visitors and all interested in agriculture are welcomed. A booth and noon day lunch will be available prepared by the local ladies. ' PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Cam PLOW’INC MATCH PLAN S 99TH YEAR NUMBER 38 A H Armstrong May 1960 s ’ Church, Millbrook Ree‘ _ ‘n- “v.1 \v-1lkl\.l making of a Imlgazinc which would . â€"- W. H -v an“... uuLuL'uJ QUK A member of St_ Thomas’ . . . . . r __ 1:: ° Woman 3 Auxflxary Wfll be m â€-90 a.m. 7" OTSI‘IP attendance at all mormng ser- 7.30 p.n1.â€"Evening g Vlces at St. Thomas" 1n fhe Parish Hall to look after chil- 8-00 p.1nEfâ€"\Veé111esde dren 7 years of age and under or and lble ktudy. of parents wishing to attend 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Yo the services. , A ples Meeting. ._ . . 4 ion in St. Thom-as {Church at 10:00 am. Christ Church, Bailieboro gear Arm- sptember BEAUTIFUL MILLBROOK, ")NTARIO, CANADA 8 . 00 p. xnfhâ€"Weflnesday, Pray- 10 Zion Pentecostal (burgh MILLEROOK xtzumung 22202222 322222121201) stem and jump, sprint, quartz-2' 222219, discus 112nm i1ll'é‘c leffged 22-2222 and 122211 t1‘1‘0v’. In addition the 23.225 22.2 2'11 compete 2'22 12012 vault and shot 2222t.112222.22c:2'-22;> 252222213 22 231 126 22212221311 to .2: t22<1e22ts 22‘120 22 22 sec 22221 int the (12:39:: 22.2221 ..11 those with over twehe 0012.243 receive 22 8012001 crest. ()22 Friday 022022.122“ 00201222 :2. th( 102222.25 €332 2-2 Fâ€]‘V'€' {1212 2222221223222": :2 banquct 221222.212 will be follow. 22.1 122222. (1.2220 .2 at the 50120221 â€"â€" 15.1. .de 30 p.111 .â€"Evening Service At the next meeting, the toasts to the winners, the b'miԠthe Triâ€"School Meet and the party a.tcr the banquet are to discussed. To follow the Field Day IS a b anquct (:1 ‘w’u’c 1 None Gloria Raper, Gay Huyton, Barbara Ymm-J, Norms: E121! Lunn and Sharon Ball are to papare the food. Gary Hopkins is in chargc of gating the shaving; and saw- dust for various events. Each class but 'Cpresmflativc ix to. ï¬nd out the age of each person in their class in order to distinguisi“ : them of whether tlw ‘-.-_are inhmior, « Intermediate 0:!- S-zenior Gr-c'rs‘ms. - VS kt minutes out eff every period and at two-{dirt}; Mom both Boys and Girls will go to prepare the grounds Hodgson. k, In order to have the fair grounds rm 4y the; 1 group or boys have been in charge of getting the fair grounds ready and to have ten to twelve lawn movers then-3 at twa- thirty Monday. ’ Sunday Services a.m .â€"Sunday School Our Field Day is to be held on F riday, October 3rd, foiiowc‘d by the Tri-School Meet on October 14th with Millhrook the hosts. sing mum wueuers are allowed to assist their grades. Crude Nine. â€" Mrs. Armstrong: Crude Ten â€" Mr. \Viliiams; Grade Eleven â€" I‘viiss Sawyer; Grades Twelve and Thirteen â€" Mr. Hodgson. On November 3rd the ï¬rst assembly. when Twelve and Thirteen, wiï¬ be hosts; November 17th, Grade Eieven; Decenner 15:, Grad: Ten; December 15th Grade Nine. Pentecostal Assemblies 1 7 ' I assembly, 331‘.ch ‘ The, President is to take charge of the The students in 29:23:18 shall be run by the students council. ‘ _ according to grades are to put 1m some kindcf 1m act. The, heme room teachers are. allowed to ussis t their grades. Cradc Nine. â€" Mrs. Armstrong: Crude Ten â€" Mr. \Viliiams; Grade Eleven â€" Miss Sawyer; Grades Twelve and Thirteen â€"â€" Mr. Hodgson. On November 3rd the ï¬rst assembly. when Twelve. and Thirteen w‘?‘ ‘b! The Athletic representatives of this season 111': as follows: Bovs â€" Glenn E21116; Ci1ls â€" erce L1mn.The Field D1131 C 11111111115, for the Reds â€" Ed Bobee B11 1113:1111 Young: Blues â€"- (lay H11} 1011 David Challice. The Class 191“ exentdm es C 1.11110 Nine -- ICe: 11 $18 Berzins;C~13de Ten â€" Car'l 13mwn;Cr11(11 Elever â€" C;:1}'anki11s; Glade T11 elve â€" Gloria Rzmer; Grade Thirteenâ€"1130b I {11211112011 The executive of the C )uncil are as; £011 Nancy Po“ ell; \ 1059- President â€"- Pete: Stuart; S Ball; Treasurer Norma E ark-2. T ‘16. 1‘11 st meethvr of £111 ms held Septembe1'231d, ‘f‘: M1. Hodgson, presiding. MILLER-00K HIGH SCHGOL STUDENTS' COUNCIL . L. Johns, Pastor. The meeting was then adfoumed I} gregp ofjboys have b~ en in cha rgc of get V30 r .5} 1i P Ser \" ~19 e TEE {H ', Young Peo- L of 1110159 season of the Sb: 1 '1?an .-. ul 1d, 1.5159 in Beam F our, With ’1s3>m‘inc .J 11.00 9.45 a.m.-Dx’vine Worship. Qï¬iï¬ES cx-ald E. Gm ham, Minister Sunday Schualâ€"IOAJ Centreville and Mfllbrook Grace Church. Miiflbrock Cent¢eviFe Church PRESBYTERIAN .m. â€"â€"Church School x, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,195 hirty, Monday everybody c grounds as tOEd by Mr. )1 there will be five :Olb'vs: President â€" ;Secrc':ary â€" Shar \ Earle, joycé: (Eli/'13 mcipai, I‘b .‘ at MILLBROOK THE SALVATION ARMY 10 am. Sunday School Captain D. McNeflly 11.15 a.m.‘_Divine Worship. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School in and choir director. Leoion Hall. ,__- . ..--‘ -n v- wuuuLCJ 4L}. Sunday School children With.- Snowd <11. R A {1.1). in charge. draw during second Hymn of -. _ church service. A Warm Welcome to All The :ext meeting of 16th, at Matchett's school ()ntari: Daria Lu} :3â€" semking office. were: resident â€"â€" Mrs. VL'm P; 9 United Church of Canada inspector C. A. Holmes addressed the first fall meeting of the Cavern Public School Teacher’s Association held in Millbrook, September 18th. Mr. Holmes discussed various aspects of the new Hiszoz'y and Geography course for Grades VII and VIII. He also dearer! up some misundersamding with regard to marking registers and explained certain points in reference to filling out a new statistic-a! report. ,1959 Ester: The 1* ouowing th e show, the club members enjoyed a banquet 1e caf eteria where t'1e special awards were made and later in the evening they had {533 admission to the grandstand perform- ance. Following the grandstand performance, the annual Calf Rodeo was held and Ricky Rickard, Newcastleand Ronnie Baker, Hampton were both successful in bringing home one of ti calVes offered to {canteen contestants this year, , xfl 1:1 ’t 1e six F o lowinfr t‘n a show, the in the leegex 1.1 where t' 10 spec 1.:e evenénf tbsâ€":v had £333 adn ancc. Following the grandsta £10ch v.35 In A- and Rick}; Hip] ma '1 -“ ' ' nun m which the we members are to be congratu they bmughi out their calv-e “n“-.. A, ‘-' ' -' lated on the way in which .3 to show and the sportsman like In the Sherthem Heifer Sectoin, Donald Rickard, Bowman- ville exhibited Reserve Champiog Shorthorn heifer and teamed up with Ricky Rickard, Newcastle and John David Allin, Bowmanville to place third in the group of three heifers. Also exhibitng their calves at the Show, were Gail Baker, Hampton with a shorfllom steer and Ralph Heaslip,‘ Janetville with a hereford heifer. pi nd Harold Yellowlees, Enniski 32d prize group of three heifers. Paul Tam!) Orono, also showed a junior heifer. In the senior holstein he class section, Bill Tamoiyn, Orono, Bruce Hendry, Bowman: and Doug Jose, Newcastle, exhibited the third prize group three heifers. Ken Stain’tom also exhihirml mo 1mm“- I--:râ€" , Brian Bradley, Bowmanviile 3. exhibited the seen esutent â€" Mrs. Vi‘l‘zl Parrington; Secretary-Treasurer â€" 'ef-mnn; Press Soc-rotary â€" Mrs. Grace Lowes. james Byers of Burketon, Don Welsh, Bowmanville and Grant Claspell, Bowmanville showed the second prize group of three Yorkshire gilts. In addition, James Byers gilt was placed in the ï¬rst 1 rize group as an individual. John David Allin, Bowman- Ville vuso exhibiiï¬â€˜d his gilt. I: tâ€"m » 1\ ¢ I \ a I , , 3m Dumum Cuuriy ‘ Ed in connection wit “"0 D‘ T Millbrook -â€" Gavan 1212]} '2‘} K. 1 he new teachers were i by the Miilhrook staff. The members are to mm): mead that Dr. Challes Gai 1309“":nnnt oi Educaii on would be On \Vcdne cnncdy presided for the r . Stanley nesdny, Sept ‘mbcr 23rd, several Cmmty competed in the annu action with Lindsay Exhibition. ce were: President â€" Mrs. Betty Brown; Vice- ’y during ry conducted themselves the Association will be held October introduced and a delicious lunch’was group or three heifers. Paul Tamblyn, 3r heifer. In the senior holstein heifer I, Orono, Bruce Hendry, Bowmanviile 3, exhibited the third prize group of , also exhibited his holstein heifer. )r. Charles Gaitskill, Director of Art, :tion would be guest speaker for the in, October 2nd. “A Welcome Awaits You.†.45 a . m . -â€"Worship Service election of officers for 1959-60. Authorized 2nd Class CAVAN a] 4-H Club members ma] Inter-Club Show Tink, Brampton; Mail llen