-‘I.‘\ILY NE DAY LATE, MAW! l ‘ , ll'hcn 1-. -.-‘.i:;uiois 113-. bcconu‘ hard; WANTED “3:3;33'76'3 BEF‘B'Y salonund us'clcss you can wfflu it in about: r \. t . . . . L - ~ , l -2â€" s - - two quarts at uxdir coniuuunzi incl I pay higheSt prices for can: ‘ p . "if?" '5 l“ ’†‘Z‘TDAYS .. ‘ ~ ‘~- " - i 'i‘l‘O'll’lCleCl b7 ii‘iends M“ "J 0“ "' Ut~>1“‘““.H‘".â€â€˜1, "“ sum“:- 1“},3 adian and Newfoundland coms 51‘ ‘ L l ’ l l I . l REPORTER, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA IN MEMO‘RIAM T. r.-. 1.0.11‘4’1'3 "f 'va'EEk. i; .‘m‘Y Iran; giluii 3.31: ï¬ll? it 1“â€.‘15, . . ' - â€pm. "'i- , mlthinsxviulz-drx'iui. , Rare and 01d COIHS- Large. 1 3m lonesome" Tu‘saavs all-'1' C‘érid‘il’s - ' - _..-,.....~.1‘v- 1": 'dt f v 'o' ' l " “hr r U R. JOHN PAYNE u: can; ');e:cs. : Nd. and: «:1: he 1111.15» 0 m. l 35 11‘. 11‘ J‘.’ J -11 -~- . . Licensed, Auctioneer . 2... .. PonTYPOOL, ONTARIO nickels. shin plastes -r bzlls, gold coins. tokens, P A , - Sell Anything, Anytime, AT'U- 1221811 US L1;i Anywhere --:. 1 - my .. frlnhi'ï¬ 'v 37â€â€1‘15 0 n __ .- ‘. iv-..‘J--.'4 213’ Cute/1: St“) Port I-E0%31,60nt. Stanley Miller ' 1 ‘1Ԡâ€'0 LICENSED AUGTIONEER l Wau"cd~â€"Livc Poultry; high price paid. M. F att, RR 1. . - , ._ , M»...â€" â€" . ; ..‘ - ~_ _ ‘3 ‘0‘ - £331,333 5335525133, CLARKE Farm Stock, Furniture Real Bethan}, phone i r 1.. col l (3515,53? ,3; LECH Estate. Sales conducted at; lect. B†rristcrs and Solicitors reasonable rates by experienced: uL . austioneer . 425 Water Street COLLECT Pnrssnonovon, ONTARio PHONE "r. J. Carley Q c. (1896-1956) Peterbomugh, Rl 2-3091 R. 0. Standish QC. '1‘. E. Clarke B A. LEE AUTO WRECKERS __._..__.._._.__’ â€" Farm Service Sudan Delivery for $350.00. R. H. Carley B 00111- 1953 Counsel for ...... $325.00 To make snug-proof, smooth W' 0' Lech B'A' DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED" ‘49 Hudson Torraplane $125.00 woodcn coat hangers “'Il'll" fine sand- FARM STOCK I Also Rebuilt Starters, Generatlpapcr then apply a coat or shellac or STAN Quin REMOVED R h D ed FREE or CHARGE Lumber oug or ress , . I-I Service also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs Immedme 24 our MILLBROOK, ONTARIO ND Toll Charge 90'days, up :0.1~958. Also a . . . -- .--_ m__-.-.â€"â€"_â€"â€"~« _ P . quantity of I am . CONTACT CLIFF ROSS N le econ! - CKRERS , LEE AUTO WRE for haulage for ' ?ETERBOR£?EE“*~ P 17r3 Garden Hill SAND, GRAVEL, ‘mio IS INTERESTED MAKING one FLAGSTONE AND TOPSOIL $10 to $15 a day selling quality proâ€" CALL ducts of a reliable ï¬rm, over 70 years ___.__..__.A.___..--.....__h.-_w-.mr in business? Write Ruwlcigh Dcpt. W 1-233-03, M . (l. .{IFLI‘BROOK 24" _____ °“"m..»_mu_~-_- DURHAM CALENDAR WILLMOTT IRVINE Barristers, Solicitors, Rota ea Telephone 9, 11311ka A. , W'llmott, .0. James A. Irvine, MA. --â€"---â€"â€"-Rcy-~--~Â¥ ..-._.. . ~Q--â€"~---â€"~â€" ___._.___.__.__.__.-_____ Nionday, October 5th Quinte Unit Sale Grafton Arena Dead Stockf CASH f or dead or crippl. ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Plumbing, Heating . and Wiring Phone RI 26413, Petenboro or RI 25913 , Free Estimates Te‘ephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Barrett Fur Farm Wampumnunaunnnvu‘uï¬wnuoum IIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIII IIIllllllllllllllllllllll l’lavo for Saleâ€"1954 l’ou'ia; on»- and Fuel Pumps. Spark Plugs for all makes of new and Hiolish with gay abandon - the more lvux‘iclv of shades and l l l l l l l l l 3 i ii um blue, l l " C 1 + B th 10 211. etc.| With a smile on my: lac; -. .2 .. 2:- 1 -â€" ~ - wry-".4 ‘r Ehoh 0:...er e w Tr- 2 l . I .. ‘ 1 I _ ,m 3:11.333. n. _ .-...TD. 8 Y i G. A. Sp cer. \Iillbrook Tel 6 1 I‘ve a heartache, -. ., -. ~W~-~ ; Longing, dear mother, {for you. I l I l I l l My :30 1957. Husband, son and . daughter. 1 l nail polish. Use up odds and cnds of TIPS FOR THE HOMEMAKER old cars. Rebuilt Transnniss-lMM,“ thc (ï¬at. PHONE 70-W ASK §%%Â¥T%IE:%6A%3R FOR ions for $37.50 guaranteed fOrl l l Chatelainc Institute C. DONKER Brickwork and Blockwork Peace of mind and comfort We come right away Millbrook 43.1 VMW-‘nï¬'MWMï¬E‘I-W $65 1130mm MY MOTH-ER USED TO HIRE A NURSE GIRL TO WHEEL ME ABOUT IN A BABY CARRIAGE, AND I HAVE BEEN PUSHED FOR MONEY EVER SiNCE. H. OUELLETTE GENERAL INSURANCE . MILLBROOK -, ‘ v. (lcsigns tuc ‘ WAVMWWW iARM 8010 Allll’l‘ ll SALE Mil. WALTER AWllDlS L C) T‘ 11 CONCESSION 3, CAVAN TWP. 1 mile south of Milibrook ‘~ '5’"? '3'"? r?" ‘3‘. ‘ Ii '3 f; g :3 ~ 5%. :v 2*.- l" 2 E J A . g‘I- I} 1:: i 3 g g, z :2 z: :a -. as gg t†A05:- «Z'. ‘51.; mi“ .â€" LIVESTOCK FEED F URN‘IT U RF, A ' '3- '. 7 ‘ _ - . Holstein COW years 223 Bales of Hay «1 ton looseMoffat electric stove. like new 1 due 1n March m] king ‘ 1 Large kitchen cabinet, Buffet Holstein Cow. 8 years MALHH‘ERY Table, chainstove, dishes,etc. ‘8 in January, milking 2-drum steel mile-r- -.-» "1.5%:4 ‘ " .v‘ “0rd KEow.3 vears 2000 5.2 Scale, 2-furrow plow "m“ T"â€" , *nuary. milking Large quantity 01f T0015 Terms Cash No Reserve vear elds 1 toboggan- -Fa-nning Mill , "‘33 Electric Separator. Berry L Harris Cler ~ us ‘ ’ Crates and Boxes JACK IREID, AUCTIONEER l 4:5; ;.:~.. F“ -. - '-;----;_ , A8 A" “.1 Jim I. I .‘w " 1......I... ‘I'I .aglm. ‘l=suu=-Iln-==Es- I'- III“..- _ " I. 4 ‘ V ‘Im...’ u...- . I‘D“..- II TOM 'TOMKINS SAYS 1 IT'S BETTER TO TRY TO MAKE ENDS MEET THAN TO SIMPLY MEET YQQR END_ WM REST of CAVAN MINUTES "7 «1.. ‘., .1 {v‘ «’ '..-. "j .."‘ v A . . y . 2 Ali‘s. Linn l‘lsiic;~ _-.. tummy til: l)(â€."~; gytting 1'22 {1‘23 siclc of w ~ . ' v . house. and mmdcrnig now suc could get some out. a" ‘ -~-..l' ‘ \J :ï¬.‘ 1‘“ .H) '; 1' .. .11 i" _ "1}, f 1 _ y- .. kiliaicd} L\ A .Ith. it v. Dunn)! “that! H.111 Liauli .;3‘.;‘-li{'_u‘:‘i“; l' 7“ "\.v \ :q_ "u,' ‘. v . .. > .. . . ~ . . “ . {(13' 33.34.2411 lo. hiltlllllill to: I_,':.:slz'.,-;-tsou oi Liillllllllll to School in [Math Monug‘lnm Area No. 2. \» mumtr o: li‘x'uu: cigc: 2:112:11 Eficiuiurc l’i‘ Sm mour and (Logan lovsnsbip. \l’orkmcn's (:tEillpt"l)S;ill()ll. awards paid during month ot lulx‘. Durham County District High School liouz'ddrc the building program. On motion of Councillors liurns .md Farrow that tho Clyt'k l l In loving memory of Mrs. Geo- \‘z‘rii‘c Canadian Pacific ilziilwuys. asking if they had l‘t‘L‘i‘l‘.‘i';' my 'rge Ellsworth,died October 4, objectous from any one re the closing o? Station at ‘ Carried. The Reeve reported that he and 311‘. Elson llle int-715’ Council of North Monnghun re the requisition for Area No. 2. it Was ugrccd to use North Monnghans mill rate for No. :2 Arcs: until we were notiï¬ed different. On motion of Deputy Reeve Brndburn, Councillor Ste that the Correspondence be received and ï¬led, the. Clerk to any not already dealt with. Carried. The Reeve reported re a meeting of the Town Hull com~ miitee and that the. committee had recommended to the two Councils of Covan and Millbrook that we proceed with the installations of the washrooms, and that Mr. Leguircs tender I accepted, also that the. cast steps be repaired at once. On motion of Councillors Burns and Stewart that the Council of the Township of Cavan endorse the recommendation of the Town Hall committee to proceed with plumbing installation rc washroom facilities in the Town Hall, Millbrook as per tend-x: price of J. Leguirc. Cruricd. The Clerk reported that $2,759.50 had been paid in August on taxes, as follows: 1958 and prior taxes $1,137.95; Registered Taxes $1,l’K)O.(X); 1959 Taxes $621.55. ‘ The following accounts were presented: wart answer .‘L‘. Ont. Hospital Services Commission group... . .................... $ 23.85 Durham Telephones Ltd. rental and sewices ................ . 6.90 Relief ........................... . ........................................................ 60.00 W. L. Elson, on salary Assessor ................................ . ......... 100.00 Zella M. Bentley, salary Clerk ........................................ . 100.00 Zella M. Bentley, Treasurer, 3 months ............................... 150.00 Mirror Reporter, J. H. Barranger, Adds a: Envelopes, Etc- 18.00 Council, F ee’s $40.00; Specials $23.00 ................................ 63.00 Treasurer of Roads, Payroll c: Vouchers No. 8 (transfer) ...6,698.42 Frank Cowan, Liability Policy ............. , ........................... . 326.73 Peterborough Examiner, adds, re plumbing Town Hall... 5.46 H. Ouellette, Insurance Town Hall .............................. . ..... 30.00 Ontario Municipal Stationers, Assessors supplies ............... 78.67 chla M. Bentley, convention expenses, ............................. 56.10 Harry Bigelow, 5 sheep killed ........................................... .700 Mr. George Howden, services receiving and destroying . Fox Tails, 6 months .............................................. , .. ., . 60.00 Municipality of Millbrook, re Hosp. in Fairhaven Hospital 28.25 Millbrook Public Utilities, Town Hall ....................... . ., 2.00 The Clerk was given permission to close office Sept. 18th and 21st if she. wished. On motion of Councillor Farrow and Deputy Reeve Brad burn that the Reeve be authorized to sign cheques for above accounts. Carried. On motion of Councillor Farrow and Deputy Reeve Brod- burn that we adjourn to meet October 7th, at 1 PM. ‘_._.._...-..___._.__ SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Council of the Township of South Monughan was held in the Township office on August 17th, 19514) as per adjournment of August 3rd, 1959; all members were. present with llccvc George Dean presiding. A motion by A. C. Anderson seconded by Robt. Fisher carried unanimously that by-luw No. 651, bcing u supplementary by-luw for $4,000 for bridge constrlu-ium be rescinded. On motion by Herb Sycr sccondcd by jay \‘2’l1ittiugtou the Clerk introduced and gave first reading to thc s:ipplcnu-n{u}: by-luw No. 655, being a byâ€"luw in the amount of $6.000 to cm'cr the cost of bridge construction for lllt' your 1.950. Second reading was given on motion by (.‘(nmcillm‘s And-cr- son and Fisher. Third and final reading wus given on motioulu' jay \l'hi-‘iiug- ton seconded by Herb Sycr. and accordingly The lay-luv: 2215 passed. ’1' f‘ H l The writtcn rcsignzu'iou of Hi: j. 1%. Pcri'lu. the zuxr 1.91.11: ’2‘ . l n 1 , . l . .7. : haul lu'cu l'l.‘('i‘l\'l’(l by the (.h‘rk :.i;~d on Di“.‘<-’I’I:L:;'.‘.vi‘ti to tea ( (m ‘c l was ucccptcd with rcgrct on motion by 1.1:; \‘x‘liiiijogiou st crud. -'l by 'lobt. “Fisher. ' ()n instructions lmm tlu- Council tlu' (.icik ind ;:(l\'\' 113.5; for and rcccivcd applicxdions for the position of lip; ("ï¬llccloz' which were prcscntcd. (flius. G. P012214". l’ci’t‘rlmrouqlz. no salary u’icuiirucd. l7. 3'. \'\«'l1.;n*ricl<. South Rioudghuu quoting: z. sulu'y oi r“: pcr umuuu um? supply his o‘v-xu <-:‘n\'clopc:~. and postage j. 15. llobfuscn. South Blomnjhsu. quoting ;: 5.:l;l“_\' oi $500 and the Township to supply all stutioru-z‘y .l.!(l pilfil‘lzjjt‘. At this point the (link retired from tho uuwtiug :21h’l on 1;: lug recalled ug‘rccrl to ;‘;ccepl the uppoin‘uncut ut :2 salary oi~ $450 ‘31-:‘1' unuum with all stul‘ioncry and postugc supplicd. u UCCOHlLlist‘.‘ with a motion bx‘ Herb Sver seconded by lay ‘il'hittington. to lllglft‘ilt't'i. At this time. on motion by 11. l’ishcr secoudcd by (I. Anderâ€" son. the Clerk introduced and gu‘vc first reading to layâ€"Eur .\".o. 6'54. Second reading was git'cn on motion by Herb Syer seconded by lav thittingion. 1 Third and final reading nus given on motion by ll. Fisher seconded by In}: \Vhittington and accordingly the Clerk Treasurer received the appointment of Tax Collector. The mccting adjourned on motion by A. C. Anderson seconded by Herb Syor to meet again on September 8th, 1950 at 8 p.m. . o