:he world’s toughest proyiqg s â€"â€" the Baja (bah hah) Cali- . Mexico. It’s thousand miles that deï¬es travel. (led this route with a Carry- kup with new‘230 cu.-in. 6- a 3Afton pickup with new wlinder engine, a medium- efrigerated van, a medium- :r and a heavy-duty tandem. washboard and washout ts from bumper to bumper. rivers tried to swallow them. was spent in low gear at tem- 22 degrees: rs to go the 1,066 miles, and et truck dropped out! Each Lished on schedule! [an take this kind of beating ur toughest truck jobs. See 'ty-built ’63 Chevrolet trucks ew improvements at your xeral Motors Value 'RUEKS 0081' LESS ‘2 degrees F. burned the 19m! 5dr fake â€" one more ordeal has to shrug oï¬. IIIIIIIII I_I!I_ I_IIIIIIIi 11 time. 2 FOR 29 54H Government Inspected .3 CARNATION EVAPORATED WE DELIVER PHONE 284 ’Opciudum“. CT-lb3-B' UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. S. E. Snowden, B.A.,B.D MILLBROOK Sunday School 10.00 AM. Divine Worship 11.15 AM. CAVAN Divine Worship and Sunday School 9.45 AM. A Warm Welcmne To All THE SALVATION ARMY Y.P.S.M. Wm. Storms and Mrs. Storms Sunday School 3 PM. (Legion Hall) A Welcome Awaits You Worship 11.15 AM. Sunday School 10.00 AM. P’R‘ES’BYT BRIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Rev. Gerald E. Graham, B.A. Wednesday Prayer Bible Study 8 PM. Young Peoples, Friday at 8 A Hearty Welcome To All Mrs. Eva Devon, Pastor ZI’O'N' PENTE‘CvOSTAiL CHURCH Sunday School 10.00 AM. Morning Worship 11.00 AM. Evangelistic Service 7.30 PM Mattins 11.30 AM. ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH Evensong 7.00 PM. MILLBROOK ANNIVERSARY SERVICES (Please see larger notice) Rhone MI 228. Mattins 'éï¬; gbed springs, kitchen sink, and drapes. MI IOOJ. Girl’s brown- fleck trweed coat, fur collar. Size 12. Also red duifle coat, suitable for Fall. Fits 9-year:ol’d. At Reporter ofï¬ce. Fi'nltay Oval Coal Stove. White enamel vrim. Good condition. Phone 511R21. The Millbrook Arena Board request tenders for carebak- er for the 1962-63 season. Tenders stating weekly sala- ry to be in by Oct. 10. Dick zHutehison, RR 1 Mil-lvbrook. 102ml YEAR E. '0. E. NO. 40 BEAUTIFUL MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1962 Authorized 2nd class mail, Post Ofï¬ce Dept, Ottawa Ha‘rvrie Arm-s’crong, walisher FOR YOUR COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS CHURCH OF GAINA‘DA ST. JOHN’S CHURCH THE COUNTRY FAIR MILLBR'OOK Surprising what a wee ad can get or sell for you. Just phone it in. MI 19 ns 9.30 A.M. CHRIST CHURCH DIME-A-UNE vheater, electric heat- 25 Arthur St, N., Guelph, Ontario. L‘ETT‘ER Dear Harvie, I read with interest your item from Don Spicer. I note you would like more history re “Squire Sowden†so I am enclosing a para. gragh or two ï¬rom the slate jMrs. J. R. Eakins’ “Histori- cal Research Of The Townâ€" “Tupper Street was the ying 'her will be Vibraphon- Principal street in the 1860’s 151; Peter Appleyard and a when the Midland Railway was building and there was hope of shaving the station located at Dawson’s Crossing but Squire ‘Sowden, influen- 53]. in he community and owning the greater part of the land on Main Street Millzbr-ook musical group under the diâ€" rection of Lloyd Edwards. to build the statï¬on where it stands now. squire Sowd- en was reeve of the Town- ship of Gavan and also of during several from King to what: is; known years. Not only was he law as the Mansion Grounds, in. twn as duced the railway company some Squire 'Sorwden but named him the Czar I read with interest your item from Don Spicer. I note you would like more history re “Squire Sow'den†so I am enclosing a para. WANTED Old fashioned curly or bird’s eye maple furniture; drop leaf table, desk, kinohen cup-â€" board, dresser, post-er ‘bed, sofa. Any piece of ï¬gured maple would be of interest. Write Mrs. .E. A. Pollard, 25 Arthur St, N., Guelph, Ontario. DURHAM COUNTY No capital nor experience needed. Dealers selling in adjoining Localities doing quite well. For full informa- tion, write An entirely new roof line is the chief characteristic of the 1963 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Holiday Sedan shown here. It is one of six Dynamic 88 models, which include two sedans, a coupe, two station wagons and a convertible. All the new full-size Oldsmobiles are restyled throughout and feature an optional tilt-type adjustable steering wheel and improved safety features. Each of the regular-size Oldsmobile series -â€" Dynamic 88, Super 88, 98 and Starï¬re â€" has its own distinguishing side chrome trim. All Dynamic 88 models are powered by the famous 280- horsepower Rocket engine or a 260-horsepower verszon for use With regular grade gasoline. GOOD OPPORTUNITY to build a proï¬table business in RAWLEIGH’S DEPT. Jâ€"283-JA 4005 Richelieu, Montreal .SALES HELP WANTED AT TQBQNTQTDOMIMQN Emu! -â€" -‘--â€"_ G. 'E. *L|?ESE’MER, MANAGER, MILLBRO’O‘K BRANCH Sex 355 . . . rc< .00N n>Z>U> m><_ZQm mOZUm THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD ship Of Gavan And Village Of Millbmok From 1816 To 1937â€, published by 'The Mirrora‘Repvo‘rter in 1938. Yours truly, Jack Barringer A 'EILM ON ‘THE HOLY LAND’ shown by THE REV. A. A. CHOTE of Toronto at St. Thoma-5’ Church on THURS. OCT. 11 8 PM. Adm. 50c Children 25c I963 OLDSMOBILE BAKE SALE OCTOBER 13 at; 2 P. 3 ORANGE HALL ST. THOMAS’ W. A. Shirley Harmer returns to CBC radio “(his Fall with a twiceâ€"weekly neuwork show, heard on Tuesday and Thur- sday afternoons. Accompan- ying [her will be Vibraphon- ist Peter Appleyard and a musical group under the di- rection of Lloyd Edwards. Mr. Justice Walsh was 71. He was born in Millbrook to J. Wesley Walsh and ohe former Charlotte Payne. He attended Mill-brook Public School. His father was a dry goods merchant. He had two brothers, both deceased, 'Dr. Charles Walsh of Vancouver and Alfred of Montreal, a manager for the Bank of Toronto. The late Mr. T. A. Campbell was a cousin on {the J. Wesley slide, and Mr. Allie Payne of Millka is a cousin through Charlotte- George Walsh graduated (Please see Page 2) Mr. George T. Walsh, an Ontario Supreme Court judâ€" ge since 1958, died on Sunâ€" day, «September 30, while at service at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. SLf Mimbrook. He built a nuâ€" mber of houses on Main st- ree‘t and also {planted a ma- jvodimy of its Maple trees. At the south end of the street he built the beautiful home named the Mansion in addi- tion :to three other houses. on “.lh-at property and a blo- ck of four stores with apart m'entss above on the lot wh- ere W. G. Russell’s ofï¬ce stands.†ED’ NOTE. We thank Mr. Barringer fm' this item. If a reader has more to add, we will be glad of more for the record. {Pat Patterson, a versatile performer and writer‘in Ca- nadian radio and television, has been named permanent hostess of Transâ€"Canada Ma. tinee’, the women’s program heard Monday {to Friday at. At'erno-ons, on he GBC radio network. Pat, who became known to listeners through her Sunday evening Domini on nework show, Pat’s Mus- ic Room, has worked on Trans-Canada Matinee since ,1954, selecting and introdu- cing much of the music. O‘BITUA‘RY