device en autos:â€" .’AT AT SHADY NOOK†Illlll!!.lllllllllllllllII ‘t’ight when the driver 'al zer ley mg .08. BUS LINES ‘ FOR CHARTER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll- Egg-VI; tuna-.31.... a. a llulllll-nnlnnlnnlnI-I-D 'AlRY MILLBROOK ‘ :er halls wit/ch boughs of holly was known among the Druids in Early Briiain nev- er, never, never shall be. According to the Thine of Ignorance, 3 feex equal 1 yd. 5 RI 2-7971 PETERBORO : 0111613 RBOROUGH, RI 5-9752 BAILJEBORO 1031 OR 935 LLETTE asexualaaalmaalaiuwaâ€"ln! gill-III‘IIIBIIIIIIII! __________________ :11 TOP QUALITY SHUR-GAIN FEED i “Rock Bottom Prices.†FRAZERVILLE g ELEVATORS W“Wm =IIlnlflllanll-III'IIIE I " ’ rava, MAE E d BARRISTER : = I : SOLICITOR : E NOTARY E u: nuuu vulunuu 5 TO 6 POUNDS .39 WE DELIVER PHONE 264 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEI __,_.____.â€"__ - â€" W HIGH PRICES FOR E live poultry feathers g new goose and duck Also old feather ticks M. FLATT BETHANY Phone 7R13 Collect JACK HAMLIN PIANO ORGAN TUNING a; REPAIR CO. LTD. M ON UMEN TS FAMILY MEMORIALS PORT HOPE TU 5-5216 'CE MILLBROOK Sales and Service ENIAL 34 MONTH MILLBROOK RUTI'ER Tho Christian Science Monitor ‘0!» Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. SPRING CHICKEN SEPTIC TANKS BERT TOMPKINS Newt-onvifle Phone Clarke 4721 Illa-Illaunanunnlull III-IIIII I IIIIIIIII Money order. I] 1 year $22. 0 a months :11 u 3 month: $5.50 !IIIIIIIIIIEI§I§IBIIII! Interesting \ Accurate Cor- .plete fbiltrihted from: -â€"A-A BOSTON "Los ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO International New Coverage ‘m ï¬â€˜ï¬‚aa- $431» :32.)- W‘a "i Government Inspected Laundromat WHITEWASH Sunday, Oct. FOR ‘EXAM‘PL‘E BUY ’ENLI'OY NATTRESS STABLES NOBODY BEATS PUMP OPEN UNTIL for the my chec P84 6 s A 104p'art dramatized serâ€" ial, Paul of Tarsu-s, will be seen on OBC_TV’s Heritage series each Sundayi ’9} is Fall starting 0c sober 7. Patrick Troughton plays the lead in the series which tells of the was of Christ’s apostles, es- mehi Hy of St. Paul, and of L spread of Christiia nifyI £50m cmsalcm to Rome. Girls were required 110 wear overalls; men’s wool socks, rusbber 'boot on one foot, and high-heeled shoe on the other, baby’s bib and carry a baby’s bofltle, use no makeup or,-lips'ti:ck and have “their hair in tpinclurls. The boys were a spectacle with high-heeiled shoes, flight skim, sloppy pullover sweat- er, Aunt J emima ham, lipâ€" stick and makewp. provided plenty of enter. tvainment'. Friday, September 14, when MHS held its annm a1 initiation Id'ay, mudh to the delight :of flhe senior students. During noonâ€"ih-our they paraded to the centre of the village and performed antics 0f the Wise. THE MIILBROOK REPORTER, BEAUTIFUL MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANAE â€"__Â¥ HIGH SCHOOL by Gary Greer Grade Nines This Fleetwood Sixty Special four-door sedan is one of 12 Cadillac models for 1963. The new Cadillac: are One mch longer and feature a restyled hood. front fenders, grille and side lines. All Cadillacs except the Senes 7.5 have a new windshield with slim, straight pillars designed for easier passenger entry and eat. The iamons 32_5 horsepower Cadillac engine is 52 pounds lighter and four inches narrower. The Sixty Special sedan and Coupe de Ville offer a new padded roof covered in vinyl. The new Canada Savings Bonds pay 41/§% interest for each of the ï¬rstthi‘ee years; 5% for each of the next three years and 5}«/2% for each of the ï¬nal eight years -â€"an average interest to matu- rity in 14 years of 5.11% per year. In dollars and cents every $100.00 you invest will grow With accumulated interest to $172.50 at maturity. You can buy a $100.00 bond for as little as 29¢ a day, through the convenient Payroll Savings Plan Where you work. Canada Savings Bonds can also be bought for cash, or on instalments at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company. They are available in amounts as low as $50.00 to any Canadian residentâ€"adult or childâ€"up to a limit of $10,000.00 per person. easyto buy simple in sash gOOdEGEEGP ’Canï¬da f S mu 3 B011 8 1963 CADILLAC Estates, too, may buy. Interest is payable annually by coupon, or on the higher denominations by cheque, if desired. You can cash your Canada Savings Bonds at any time, at any bank, at full face value plus earned interest. Buy new Canada Savings Bonds todayâ€"best ever! 'Mw- 'WrA hv , 04" ..-.l