@$* m?! {2. 2r": 1) W}. I $9“? ï¬ï¬ï¬i Teaching Trafï¬c Safety starts of home ‘ A. TINNEY SON, CAVAN 944-5411 Starï¬re Coupe Whitewall tires optional at extra cost 7/78/83 Somef/uhg exfra’abouf own/77g an Super 88 Holiday Coupe OLDSMOBILE FOR’63 TENCiH'E'RS 'GR’O'UP by Miss Jean Burnham The Millbro-ok and Cavan Teachers’ Association held their first meeting of the new school year in Millbrook Public School 'at 3.15 pm. Friday, September 21. Four new teachers were welcomed: Mrs. Gladys Jon- es of Cork School, Mr. L. Beebe of Faiirmount, Mr. R0- bert M‘il-len, Room 5, Mill- bro'o-k, and Mr. Kechnie, Who THE MILLBROOK REPORTER, BEAUTIFUL MELLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA HEB â€EHoss“ NEEDS YOUR HELP is teaching at the Reformaâ€" Tea was served by the Millbrook staff as the teach- ers were arriving. An elecâ€" tion was held. Elected were: Past President, Mrs. Irene Ferguson; President, Mr. P. Hamilton; Vice- President, Mrs. Jessie Robinson; Secre- wry-Treasurer, Mr. Robert Fair; .Press Secretary, Miss Jean Burmham. Dates and places for the year’s mee‘tings were arrang ed. Mr. Fair, representative on the Institute Executive, reported that the annual convention will be on Friday, fl/[M/ [may to delight you! There, waiting for you, with its long look of elegance to sweep you into 1963, is Oldsmobile. This is the car for you . . . with unrivalled performance . . . unstinted luxury. For 1963, each Oldsmobile series is distinctively different, with its own special grille and rear-end styling. So which ’63 Olds will it be for you? Your Oldsmobile Dealer has all the answers. See him soon! Mr. Holmes outlined plans for "Fne year’s meetings; then introduced Mr. Gordon Wrif gh‘r. Co-ordi-nator of the Em ergency Measures Organiza- tion for Durham and North- um'berland. November 2, at, Guildwood Village in Searba-rough, and aha: the study will be Soc- ial Studies. umberland. H Large Quantity Mr. Wright explained the NEW 8‘ USED PARTS purpose of EMO and asked REBUILT . . ’ Generators Starters suggestrons for 1‘s best op- . Fuel Pumps eratl-on here. He hopes to be W t r Pu invited to explain EMO to a e . rnps o'fher groups here he said. Transm1ssmns ï¬e gronp win meet Oc- EXCHANGE » PHONE 17 tom? 19 a? camel 'SCth' alumnus-unlu- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Dynamic 88 Convertible AUTO WRECKERS GARDEN HILL ARMY WADERS Nearly Knee High To pull over boots ONLY 50c PAIR 0463-6 LEE