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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Nov 1893, p. 1

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’ Hunters? Excur§ion ,_,,__ __~-â€"-~xfl; v-wu Ul‘ 0W“ ““‘W 11175 clothing donergfon shortest dyefi' %;sofi.gePax-ken 00.. wronto. Also " nonwsont to steam laundry esdax of each We have a full line of stockmg, sock yeek' .tt yarns. Tweefi Flannels, blankets and 1and m1 Rag Carpets woven, warp supplied. D. CHAMBERS. P. W'A'l‘l‘onl), ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books 9pened"and closed. Ac- counts colleqted, Assxgmnents taken in charge arm all dermis comp’leted; Soecial attention given to book-keeper 8 WW}: where servicqs of a. permanent book-k091i)? are not rcqun‘ed. Communicatlons impurnelghboring towns re- ceive prompt atth and services in such places Berformed modemtctly and satisfac- ,.ory, flice: 379 water street. Address, Post Effice box 125. Peterooro. Ont. 7 -6m T B. COLLINS .CO.. BANKERS. MILL o BROOK. F grngers'and other good notes discounted. 95mm 1ssued gr! all points 01' Can 363 and th.- Umteu. States at lowest rates. The collection a! sale and othér notes a. specialty. Loansxpadg 9n road eafite. No commission f LY are resgectf informed that 'l‘hos. Pemberton, Pro c8801- 0 Music,“ and late Band Master C Ro 3.1 School or intantry. Toronto, is now prepar . to ljeceive pupils, vocal or instru- mental, gums reszdence, (hater Street. Private instruction at any hour..;0rders for music and Musical Instruments 515* any and every class promptly attended to? W'. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to '1‘. H-Hagsard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontqmo Veterinary Col- e, Toronto. LaterYetgx-mary Surchn North $251: Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lecture$ BOYal Veterinary Colle e, London. Eng. . Degtigt-ry a specialty. All 0- mesticated animalmated according to latest scientific methods. Office on Ling-Sm, opposite Dominion hotelxmmbrook. 91y, In ad. Office, xiortfi side of kin Street. 3:33:91)an Bank of Cgmznegco. W. CLARKE. L.D.S,. D” TIST SPECIAL o :ttention given Lyme eservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Quad work uarameed. Will be at. Bethany the ' f d and 4th Iondavs of each month. l-‘ontyp lst and~ 3rd Monaays. PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENER LY are respectfully informed that: 'm Desires to inform thé public fihat he has one ofi the Finesi and Besi Selected Stocks In Town, ARCHIBALD 00D ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE LIC \‘Shgi'. Miilorook, Ont. A. WARD, BARRISIER, ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor, 050. Office in Ontario Block, Walton Stree' Port Impe. Money to lend on the securizybi real estate. Town and tannproperty {or sale. k OJ 0 Oifice and résidence,‘ Bailliébbrd,VOnia. W' m be at Queen’ 3 Hotel, Mbrook. every Saturday. consisting of Drv G00d§,,910thin g, Boots and Shoes, Hats and CaPS, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash: All kuyls of produce want- ed and t‘he hxghest price in ‘cash paid for , Â¥L4_ __ _, drug stBre. IDDELL, ARMS) KONG 3: NESBITT, Barristers, Wixcx.vm\o.ur1e etc. Go hour: and Brig b15011. W, R. Ridden, B. A. LLB. A.J. Armstrong‘.B.A. W. H. Neshizt. B. A. First-01215310335 pmccd Money loaned and invested. Menfimiic ccuéc ions made and general law bushfis. N C. MCKINVG’N. II. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o sor to Dr. fiiddric) Toronto and V ictoria Unwersities. Licentiate Ko'y al (301‘ cge Sur- geons, Edinbu h, Member College Pb sicians gnd Surgeons, max-10.: (mice at. SA. ’1‘_._ mo: 65 @th the sho'p or 01; the road. JOHN QILLOTT, Now is t,_he time to hav’g your fall and Winter drefise‘g’ Jackets, coats :1" gatergcleapg 0, A10“ mnf’a A‘MH A-..“ __ ~ The annual cursion onthe GTT- R- to the famou‘ hunting gr ads in the Canadian Hi lands, e s'portsman’s paradise, win be eld on ‘ Full particulars can be had from can: 1' MAgER, Keeps constantly hand gaitge stock of Far- nitui-c of all kind}. (1 large showrooms. No trouble to 3110 g Manufacturer 0 ‘xcelsiox’ Washing Machine. The best m the market November 2,8 and 4. ‘Vol. XXXVI. October 19, 20 and 21, W. LANG W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON nm-- -__l _. _X.JA_ A.' l] -.II__k-_- . A. YI‘ MARE! 1567413 LICENSES PROFESSIONAL LADIES A. LEACH, MUSIC. Agent G. T. It'y, Millbrook. AND {ice hours at Mr. Wm. r. King 53,, Millbrook, 'r-'â€" â€"_v‘,. _N 0 commission All Kinds of Repairing THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. CARRIAGE PAINTING. THE RAIN wanna" Brgn ord Carriage Co.’s .( Buggies, and Carts Is the li htest running, and is a general favor- ita It ix . . ar ' ' bonmg 011, expelhng all Its a soaked 1.11 to e “Gigi: and impartmg great togghness th 3:33.19 â€" - - - - - â€" - $1.79 3.50- - â€" - â€" â€" 2.2.3 2373----” 2.50 123-------2.75 3.30-â€"-â€"----3.00 fi- 0 o 6.00---â€"---- Sale prices are all under cost but they must be sold. WamWflHarke BQYS’ SETS See Some 9% Our rices :-â€"- Reguiar Frige. Sale e weather is warm, as it is always cheaper then. as ever been brou ht into Millbrook. This may an inspection will, think, convince the most Please call and see my coal before placing your order. I have the best al this year t- be seemingly oud talk, The best time to 1%} your coal is wh sceptical 0 this po' I have also another car load of shingles to hand this week. They are going fast; as the price is low and the shingles are good. 38' Office and yard ab the railway station. 30: ORDER YOUR COAL /NOW 3 July 27th and they are altered at low prices , 1893. ‘ Sale of WINTER Is SURELY COMING MILLBROOK. ONT.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1893. Sale Price. - $1.75 Youns respect fully, CHICAGO, Oct. 28.â€"Another crazy crank has done his deadly work, and Carter Har- rison, five times Mayor of Chicago and one of the best menin the west, lies dead in his home, 231 South Ashland-boulevard. Three bullets entered his body, two of them making Wounds sufficient to cause death. The mur- der was committed by Eugene Patrick Prendcrgast, a paper carrier and an ex- member of the Chicago Police Force, who declared that Mayor Harrison had promised to make him corporation counsel and had not kept his word. This, he said, was his only reason for committing the crime. The only person in the house at the time besides Called to the Door and Pistoled to Death. The emPremeir has been in poor health for some months. His advanced age (over 70) and his poor health forced him to resign the Premiership, and he took a trip to Europe with the hope of gaining some of his old-time vigor. He was absent for over three months, but the trip did not- do him any material benefit and he returned home in a. very enfeedled condition. Dr. Roddick and other prominent medical men who were called in, after consultation, decided that the patient was sufi'erin from a species of cancer of the bowels an that an operation was imperative. This operation was per- formed a. few weeks ago, but though it afforded relief it bxou ht about no perman- ent cure, and Sir )hn gradually grew weaker day by day until death ended his suffering this evening. ‘ CHICAGO’S MAYOR SHOT BI’ .43 SASSIN. To-morrow the several Liberal-Conversa- tive clubs will be called together and appro- priate resolutions will be adopted. It is quite probable that; the city council will take some action in the way of doing honor to the memory of the ablest mayor Montreal has evei‘ had. The funeral will take place at Christ church cathedral on Thursuay afternoon at 2 o’clock. ' Montreal, Oct. 30.--Short1y afternoon to- day it became evident to those who had for the last; few weeks watched at the bedside of Sir John Caldwell Abbott that the end was near at hand, and in this they were not mistaken, as Canada’s ex-Premier passed quietly away at. his Sherbrooke street man- sion at 8.20 this evening. Sir John Abbort suffered a great deal towards the last, but was unconscious all the afternoon, only the members of the hon. gentleman’s family and Dr. Brown being present; when death came. SI 12‘. JOFIX A BIIOTT SINKS Q l 'IETL 1' TO REST. Peaceful (1099 Oh: Lung and Useful Life. We have just received form J apan direct importation of And will guarantee it the best value in Canada. W e are also making a specialty of Indian Cey- lon and Black Teas. Our leader in this line being OUR OWN BLEND AT 59:. Such value was never offered before. \Ve have them at all prices, and to suit all people, and Think if you give us a chance we cm suit you. . TH EXTON. W. VANCE. Wlxich we fir at A WORD ABOUT the -â€"Rebecca. Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind-s Saysz “ I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weekness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia. and Indi estion until my health was gone. I bong 1: one bottle of South American Ner- vme, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use “.118 Vgluable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince yOu. Warrant Although the rain Thursday night last made the attendance quite small at the lecture here in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of W. F. M. S. yet the Rev. Dr. Smith gave a. very pleasing disâ€" course to the few present, but postponed his regular lecture to some time in January, the sanire tickets answering both lectures... In his fallen to ear lot, to chronicle the death of Miss Edith Luxon, who has been ill for some time past. The bereaved relatives have the heartfelt; sympathy of the community. Ccntrevllle. Mrs. W. J. Hall of Peterboro spent- a. few days this week at the home of her brother, Mr. J as. L. Fair. Mr. Chas. Larmer lgfb homelast Tuesday for Belleville, where he is gomg to attend the Business College. The basket; social held in the school house was a decided success. The house was packed and the programme was very fine. Mr. Benson’s comic songs were roundly appleuded, and Jim is a. dandy. Mr. J. J. Preston addressed the audience in a very eloquent manner. A reading by Geo. Mc- Cal‘tney deserves special mention. The new well at the school, which went dry, has been sunk twenty feet further. and now at forty-eight feet they have water in abundance. Master Wesley Glenny, while running, fell and broke his arm, one day last week. Glamorgzm. Mr. W. E. Tillev, Inspector of Schools paid our school an official visit lptely. “ That man Prendergast is crazy,” said Corporation Counsel Kraus. “ I knew. him well and have seen him several times. He called at my office twice and told me that he was going to be appointed as my succes- sor and that I should resign. I laughed and told him that I was ready to quit; at any time. and if he let me know when he re- ceived the appointment. from Mayor Harri- son 1 would gladly let him have the place. The man was so palpably out of his mind that I did not consider it worth while to talk seriously with him. I never thought of the matter again until I received two postal cards from the fellow a few days ago. They were both writ-ten in red ink and gave me the information that. he was ready to have me resign and step into my position. I always knew that; l’rendergast was insane, but. I never thought, that he would do such an awful. thing as this.” Two weeks from next Tuesday, had Cart- er Harrison livcd for that; brief period, he would have taken to himself a third wife in the person of Miss Anna Howard cf New Orleans. It is less than two months since his engagement to the only daughter of the late Crescent City millionare and king bee of the Louisana_lottery was made public. “I shot Mayor Harrison, and that’s what I shot him with,” was the reply, as Prendez- gust made a. motion with his hand toward the revolyey. “ I did it.” “ You did it ‘2” asked McDonald. “ Yes, I did it.” “ Did what?” said the officer, as he laid one hand on the fellow’s arm and quietly took the revolver. About 25 minutes after the shooting, Sergeant Frank McDonald was stan'ding in the office of the Desplaines-st, stat-ion. Every available officer had already been hurried out to work on the case, and Sergt. McDonald. who had just come in from other work, was preparing to follow. The door was pushed gently open and in walked a small, smooth-shaven man, poorly dressed. and carrying a revolver in his hand. He shook like a man with the palsy, his face was White and drawn. great drops af per- spiration chased each other down his face, and his Lomeriug limbs seemed scarcely able to hold him upright. He walked up to Mc- Donald, Who is a powerful fellow, six feet tall, and, looking him straight in the eyes, said :â€" Without saying a. word, Prendergast drew his revolver and commenced to fire. He pulled the trlgger but three times, and every bullet hit the mark. One ball shattered Mr. Harrison’s left hand. another passed into the ri ht side of the abdomen, making a. woum that would have been mortal in a. few days ; the third bullet entered the chest, slightly above the heart. This bullet was the immediate cause of death. “ I; Mr. Harrison in .9” asked the man in a. quiet, pleasant voice. "Yes, sir,” responded the girl, as she threw the door wider open to permit; his entrance. “ I would like to see him, please,” said the man as he walked toward the back end of the hall. Mr. Harrison Was in the din- ing room, which opens into the rear end of the hall. Hearing the man ask for‘ him he rose and, stepping into the hall, walked to- wards Prendeigast, who by the time he caught sight of Mr. Harrison had advanced about 10 feet from the door_way. Mr. Harrison was his son, William Preston Harrison, 25 years of age, and the servants. Shgrtly_befo:;e' 8 o’clgck the d99r bgll rang, and {vhen Mary Hansen, the domestiz; opened the door she was confronted by a man about 5 feet 5 inches in height, smooth shaven, his rather clean cut features lit up by a pair cigar]; eyes. an o ‘ c ml?“ Roller and Stone Flour, Glassware, Coal Oil, Tinware, Stoves, Pipes, Washing Ma- chines and Wringers. Also couxso grains, 82c: Everything away down in price for I heve just received a. large consignment of coal. Don’t forget to see me before plac. ing your order, I czn‘ make ipâ€"wifi‘teresting for you. '7 ' Shin gleif / In all grades on hand 3.116 defy competition. Home- made factorv Yarn, Tweed F lan- nel, Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets, Rolls w bite and grey. Ihave just. received a st-ozk of the well known Champion Plows, Points and Sole Plates, manufactured by Thos. Hayden of Port Hope, which 1 wish you to see before purchasing elsewhere. The prices are right. COAL-<3 This will certainly be the treat ofthe season-â€"Don’t miss it. Miss Enlma VVells, ASSISTED BY lVIiss Jennie Ray. programme Monday, Nov. 13, Bitizens’ Band Unneert! THOMAS GELLOTT, Babine’cmaker/M 5%” Do not fail to call and see him, l-lv. GASKETS and all kinds of Undertaken" Goods. Bedroom. Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest prices. Kee s on hand a iarrc stock of COFFINS, CA KETS and ,7 1 rkindsrofrUndermkers' ‘ Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who Wishes EC "cry it. Manufactured only by the BAUEUBNEA FEE SYRUP Ell. SAN FRiNCISCC‘, CAL. ‘ nwramtifid. KY NEW Yea)” ‘4‘“ E Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels-films, head- aches and fevers and’cure habitual constipation. Syrup of F s is the only remedy of'its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac: ceptable to t stomach, r ‘ ' its action and ml in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualiti ‘9 commend it to all and have made it the :gost popular remedy knoyvn. Instrumental Duoâ€"“ Fm Diovalo VIOLIN AN'D GUITAR. Contralto Solo â€"" Murmuring \\ ave M185 .mxxn: RAY. /‘\ Japanese Poi ka. â€"â€"-On 3:20 Four- voiced Selections : Barirone { . “ The Ski Soprano b. “Last 1’ a- Tenor ‘(U “ Sleep ady Alto d. “ Give * ~ 1 -‘ 11:55 E. . WELLS. Sopranos. nd Alto Duett.â€"â€" “ Fairy Bowers.” PART SECOND. Belle of Nasrziskctâ€"Zylophonc Solo. “ chnava nel Silcnzio â€"Sopr? no Solo. Familiar Melodiesâ€"On Automatic Bi. 1. . Piano 8010â€"“ Migncm.‘ mas mum WELLS. Tenor and Conn-alto Ductâ€"Exceismr. ONE ENJOYS A PAYN E; PART FIRST. was that

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