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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 Nov 1893, p. 5

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all dimen- 'Iosest. buv-g In a. post; 'uPnaee in 7" own in- mp OPdeP. be small- factuped, 'etPough_. mces. fi L0~ :deve Z 'atte _ ‘0 “'00d OP. his intenâ€" ice on the 11 and see AS. GUST, ’35 “An exchange tells of who bouoht a. new-fangled coffee pot from a, pzdlar. In the eyenmo 6 she showed it to her husband, a. hardWare dealer, who told her he kept the Same thing in his store for half the price she paid. “Well,” She Said, “ why don’t you advertise? N obod a woman u; oarrels or appies for $300, of 7 a; 12 were unsalabie. He sold thirds of the remaézder for $240 tbs Balance at What they cost bin], made a. profit Of $40 afihe v; transaction. HOW my barrels he buy 2” â€"-The folloving mathemat‘ 16111 is now going the rounc Toronto papers -;-â€"“A buys a. of barrels of appies for $5300. 4 ~We have no Claire who have been diping kpon con roast be1 91' lamb to feelgnt all dil solate but we must acknewledge receipt of 54 fine leg of mison arrived last week to give the editor a chgnge from pomidge‘ tripe. Next. :20 cause , wJ.\z . Pay delighted the 333de sweet-:shging. Her Amomatic Hand Befl and eatertainingf’ ,per. S 533 IE‘ I a Wells at the band 31011512237 evening, Nay. ta'olia. Ab'vertiser saw * tune returned With: “Quin; week in Normadigtfrt‘ge «he Rev. W. Buchanan. who has been wisitiigg th¢ +1-mn “AL-7 â€"A gents wantéd, l‘Iillbrook 0n 32813.1" ~ ‘ now paying buSiness ' Office. 1 .. nipeg and retires on account «sf :lfig'disJ like of polificailifike. ,_ _wv¢h \‘HL‘, ‘- , . .. “is m, nor flaugnter’s, Mrs? begmtifving to us these frosty ' John Allen. ingsVand W11} also be an mgyw ~Prof. Pew-abate: was in town this E: §.'::stt}(lee 1:11:11 2:821:11: mg: week and assisted‘ishe choirs in the 'imngeriiate attentign ‘ ’ "Presbyterian and~ Einglician churches ‘ ‘ on Sunday. -~â€"~A business man who dosen‘ . . .. :‘eifitk‘e is very much like a. man â€"â€"A0'ents wantez; In the vzomltyaef V . . l . V. n, . o e , . .. ones fishma WIthout bat and ma .Mlllbrook. (M'smary or commrssmn. ° '3’ .4 “e . _ ., . . thenaked hook in the avater‘izindt , 2?: pay mg bumess. AP P 1y at fins té‘zkck that some fish will-run :ag “ 0A . . " 'Aht'tle sign and then walt fox-some assisted by 735358 J 8111118 .Ray, :have tesccidentallv find that hGWant-s been engaged 'IOI‘F‘Lbe occasxon, - â€"Send younname and address on a. postal card!" ‘tc the Weekly lFews, -‘ Kingston. Out, and you " ' C‘ W- “v. ‘LQ‘NMS‘ John Allen. â€"Prof. Pembertnfa was i «creek and assisted ”ishe ch‘ "Presbyterian andi‘AngliciaJ :bn Sunday. r Mr. “R. Ruddy mafle a. profes- sional Qifiip tc Pontypoolfeh Monday. ' *Ez'g pusn at greatlyi-‘r'oduced priee for Whips of all kinds'iit- R. J. Don’g MBem: Ameriam wismr White (fl Oil-“ever brought in‘bo"3‘ri!1brook, at; . J. DEAK’S. ° mini 25 cms PER semi. SOLD ONLY BY ~â€"Mrs, Er. S. W’. Clarke*’was out of town Liaionday attending gofessional busi- $3 at Fairmonnt. A Brush given with each baffle. .7 «v.51; m uuxmxeu,;anil about ’W“ ”19mg ~W0n common to be ‘i’hlpped. After all rthough, ' lamb to feel-"”1317 all disconâ€" pretty .9298, don’t you think you might re must acknowledge the havo given Something more useful. A fine lea of ' k “ - - , a. cradle, or a clogehurn, Week to g we the POOP for lnStanee,W0u1d come in hand‘ for .nrre from per-"Lid 19 Setting up house. ‘ But 1 . h' : country that never has ‘ 10 1 o amng mathemat’ S e n “'1 5‘ ' ¢ *vell send . K31 pmb- 0. 0' Y you Imght 15 \ {£95113 the roun 11 am of .‘ â€", i . 3 _ d8 of the 'es}; skates to th batmmc _' Ia I’SiIâ€"“fk buys a. rnmlm... J y Buaranteed not to Smske or Smeh'. Preserves and Beautifies Stove Pipes v-vu visiting at her daughter’s ‘1‘ rs. (Dr )1Ia1‘6‘1 of Toronto, 113.5511 1c:+;n.-. ...L 'L- 193WN TALK wc 1U]. whenâ€"an. Miss Timmg§ . : «mu-(Nummistering blue balls to ., " . .- . ’dumb,anima.ls. He is considerable meg-'31 appellauonz) figures 1n the _ ‘ . . . . _ “ ~Vlézyside Chats ” .of the Farm and; is}?§$ there f3}. aim 7' ' Oflast week and as usual is amt “gem on onaay putfiéng upa job onsemeone, but if no f-mqre serious outcom is athe result _7 > can dais worth know1n0' by those v» . .waste 0f 1‘- few dzarges the have sicksammals, although they e the and concert on 430030? W111 not be an funwelé‘me tres- fare gone as not to be able to klck ;, No}: 13 The 138â€" passer upon the Premfles'Of‘fih’e people can bring them around all OK. a1 ' says : “ Miss J ennie' 0f the cOllmlunitzy. do it by a. me audience with her aTheB I performance on 060a3/geon Irmlcpe/iacfeszt says: . pay you to risk the li‘ ies of the Dominion-Who sub- 0f your g'01:...animals when the Dr. m scmbe‘el f0? the Princess Mm; sleigh loo km: cm- .. . '1“. ELLIOTT, 1e of days fiisj ; "he residence «3f . “a . _ .- . 1. Miss Tinnm',§ ‘3”."3‘1 fippellauon) figures 1n the iflySIde Chats ” .of the Farm and ‘ . r. ' 7 :20 cause those I menfi. - .. w , wmun m we spxcv 5r 0 Of ' '- - - y 340 and . the 1’ mm am! Fareszde. N tinguished like Goh Whom “The vi] rite and cip} a. . ' Woman aid tldes Dmmmeasure, tgxin 1 ’ mix was in town this l‘izhe choirs in the Einglician chum-hm DRUGGIS’I‘. which h *Om‘ wage pedagogue receives ¢W0_ onorable 7, melhtion in the spicv “ chats” and 9f the 1’ . @fld Fireside. Not only ished like Goldsmith’s; “1. (mm; L ,whom “The village am .v-AWL ' V- m â€"nuamel 1130 only mnokeless. arrived ekly 17620.9 , , sexless and perfefit stovesjzrigje varnish has bee all receive ~i§§orsale an RV J. D '” .ri'ed x ours. For called I ' :6 celebrated Black through en: Dofish, Tm, .1 ---,- - e ui , “snowmg on me weu pgenfigsg ans d 1 building, pleasant lagges he is good looking lads and .treading upon ground 9us, for “P13178011 ceases to be invidie ' ‘ ave Public schOOI advantv [Eg‘ésuiewmd Write and cipher to; and tides could measure, terms and ‘m‘n th I p wage, and e’en the storv ' at be c ge.” But he forem ~ ~ I” to put the best foot Boning: anldfln Showing Off the well :méather we may '81: ‘Wz'otea farmer to “my Paper, and 1 (Iv: more {years subscri and have dry Wood ampiatfimnd with ~ "Gad wantedâ€"If t indebted to THE REPOR TER far two : ption or jab "Work to dispose of, twin 3. ran}? {FEW :N- *...:n ‘ â€"-v AAWQ guantity 0- Ingles which very cheap, as he does In carry iti'rem over the wintén 011 Honda) report was evenmor. Novem , in connec- of a. very encouraging nature and film} With the concert. he showed a. balanceen the ricrht side of Chicago Tméem “The trul the sheet of some$700. Now for next delectable feature al‘lSlmr fma‘n the year with better iaccomodatlon for the V0081 @113 111817111 usw afforded ladles wor amfi adll ins1de exhxblts, by e 133 Emm W Use Vocal also more cattle sheds we can even powers Wltla the best discount this'year. ' , just received a carload ~o'f ~3;,‘eerless Salt. I“; is file as captu- ‘ T e rancre salt ever brought to , . a . ad 9 V0106 as t . - Mxllbrook nds _ for a. l fou y M _ hree octmes coler and e has also a lame- w n w paper going at hard ti [Swen on all sums over $10. at R. J. DOAK’S. 1 \Jr. R. N. Roddy of the Q hotel,. came out; 1 D] visitors to his The genial land has shown determined and cemmend- ment cannot “ lable pluck and enterprise in fitting up . I’his premises in first cl ‘ser EL any more than you to call up a .150 she present owner who I: coilecting of all accounts. I \Mr. R. N. Roddy of the Queens hotel, came out; 1 . . 5, Mauve: Dy Fnbhc auction on Wed”)? Vember '3, {it One o’clock p.21 . ck, implements, etc. 18 a large list of horses and 4 be Ofl‘ered. Ten mnn flan, r-u- J3 ~--- v-uvu 2:1 01 Try it. assigned j ., -L ‘ in you 13611 me =What sort of only me a; I . r. I ' we may-expectnmt month?” .etrte 19 1 c AAAAAA , .- n IS exoel’iemfi rpoiri’é-iz. organiza- and- pathetic 'th wonderful acceptance and-success. To those who knew him asfifse did in his old life and ways on the We Ilington, Grey and ruce milwzgj' with his abilities turned to doings of mischief and frivilous jokes the ischange is indeed marvelâ€" ous, yet his is not a. single instanceof . rn to be received Please cut this out your 'axe-hamile for on. we wmter. 411 edâ€"If those who wire REPORTER far two <0; cription or job =w‘or‘k 0d to dispose of, "will 1 a. rack fall, it will us these frosty known- 0 be an msy-‘Way to â€"v- ~quCD [JOSE - . W" artmen’t rule ' hot mfmquently P S that the “ “Ermine-s8 ‘Eout up a a. right-1:150 regain possession Of wait -for§s‘c;n1ebodv p rondmg he can prove to the ., tion of -'Lhe ostmaster at + ithat hermnt-s cusâ€" LA, ‘ - - p was cer- AT GARDINER’S. . I. C a man who w1th favor and'dangles past. 803: , ‘ 7'3 A ‘ | , r aqua trpsts ~The-AU1 run :agzunst irxfmquently auctioneer. ,- V---‘ law-u: and for " If you are interest as past. Sow-mote it be. Blakets or Robes call Largest stock. Best _" lowest prices for cash. â€"Rev. \V. R. Young his lecture on “The W" . ' j which will be accompaniec 0 the buildings of the Whiu ELSSI writer vof it. Even if the letter has Methodist church on the I arrived. at its destination and before it ~W’e understand the l 1 has been delivered to the person to having a big time on G, ' mm 39", it may be re. night (Monday the 6th). er by a telegram pian processim mm 1“ 2- thmugh the mm'nM a: _ . 3 has I ages here V- MU LCCQ raver and forgetfulness of st. Sonmote it be. ~The~>~United States post office rtmeni rules that the writer fight :to regain po ' hall, Millbrook, on L3 November 13th, in ‘ h the band Concert. Tribune says: : feature arlsing fm ets Zinc at ha] m in § me exqu1s1te PXecuting the 2:11, Was canti- with the besfi e than otlfers lup and pay who has the 5 octaves COHIPaSS Soprano 5V manage): mare g0 .0115: a“--- M... we” uung else usuaii, i av“). class harness shop always r . . . no mistake in Iacin 011:: â€"â€"The Canadian Ordervof Oddfellows . P g? . . trade With popular prices. met in their lodge room on Tuesday evening last and added five new mem_ next to R. Deyell’s groom}; bers to their list. The m:ML NU" _ vv (‘1â€" , “I Hood‘s Sarsaparilla .1 ’i 1001 well and um .....n For cs" DRUG STORE Horses and c ‘d Caids.‘ Die

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