3! mm â€A! KAIâ€"7:333 IO HER MAJESTY m gm): If you wish your Lineza to be White] as 'SBOW, S 1:: CcLour ‘ Gflu... will do Se\e;'a.; as to :1 3 of {ken men c‘.--. a hug!" than 1 u .3 1. n. \A It 5 110001 t (1131‘? 034311 .13 1n 1 .. T1.“ 3 fur ' ' . (IO l'NTIES V 855“. ‘ m; 7" untinal Star :1. 5.: ', oial committee on the equalization e assessment of the counties held a .11. 2:.; Monday and Tuesday of last week, = w; s followed by no practical results. .32 propcsnims were brought forxvard t, but all z. yer division of assessmen m»; were voted down. The Durham L‘x med that Nortlmmlu‘laml received the county expenditures .; ~«Eiare of ': "11am, and for that I'K'iilslfll should lie ‘ for at least a. million dollars more, -'« ; L the present rate of one mill, would € - -.- in taxation. Another proposit on all» voted dowu, to appoixt commis- ca: 3» go through the two counties, Val- li».i-:id and apportion the assessment iil‘li.‘:’1 '. Still a third salieme was sug- efi, : .3 leave the question to the County ‘ g<,3:1t this did not mew-t. witli furor. : eunuiittee adjourned to meet again the " of the December session or the Z (in. :‘ in: Council. “'artion Power presided " 7. IL.- :isual dignity and gowl nature, and (i 2‘;ssions (leVeloped a. good deal 01 f1†formation. â€We are m1 23†15 havmg Kim... cit). We have cw I e: m almost. nex ex isw .\ 2;.cdicine that 1 (mt. Only 250. for ‘ .. 4 01.3“ 4~ nppmg a. penny in :2:- thc bewark (N. J.) v secure a copy of a c‘ r[1~ ~‘= in that city. .me Is He )lc’l‘nggart. Currant, Oct. 26.-â€"-The identity of the bur-51m: shot, at Port Dalhousie on Sunday morning is established beyond dnubt by a Cbatham who knew “'eli-imown citizen of hm: from boyhood, and who readxly recognis- - -- A “mo Ma’l‘agrmrt. es". the descxiption. uthcz‘wise “Baldy.†1’ or the cure of headache, constipation, stomach and liver troubles, and all derange- ments of the digestive and assimilative urgans, Ayer’s pills are invaluable. Being sngm-coated, thev are pleasant to take, always reliable and rctam their virtues in any chate. ï¬zglish Spay > :it or callousgd :rses, Blood Spa in Liniment removes all Lumps and Blemishes Vin, Curbs, Splints, ,, Bone, Sweeney, Sprains, Sore and Him Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by n “ of one bottle. “'arramed ny A 11-1 sz.’ 9. I» n. .. 0.71" LWA, Oct. :26.-â€"â€"1t3 18 lea D. Syrague, of “Winnipeg, wi] servative candidate to replau Macdcnald in the House There ‘23 a probability of his ' 7- 1mm}. Ma tin. ex Iing of the Reeves at (Tobourg. {:11 possession or ,1; has been obscr v.11; SYDXEY, 1‘. m, ucz. awn..- WT J of Yarmouth, the largest sailing . owned in Canada, which went ashore 321.:ey Light ten days ago, was got; otflast 2 and towed into North Syney, making kale water. This will be a. relief to 77-4..“ “45,41 have '1 on humans, rules of German nobility re- mttst be hex husband’s vans in order to place the Lhihh‘cn :11 possession of the father’s rights. - 1mm Imp“ observed in nmny German riot .t, the mother 1Luav wine insurance companies “:J risk on her. 30 minutes by “‘ This never fails. :2" ‘.WA, Oct. 26.-â€"-It, is learned here that, €prague, of Winnipeg, wi ti" ' place Hugh John :dcnald in the House of Commons. :1“: £33 probability of his being oppos Han. Joseph Ma tin, ex-Attomey-Gen- 'zf Winnipe", and father of the 911131;: Yarmomh ms: 10 Le that no famly shou 250. for a big bottle. Hugh John’s Succcssor. Emma BURLIGH! _-_‘ __ g- _ _,-' . and contains no Injunn 03:: Chemicals to in; are either your clothes 0: your lands. Gtestest care is exercised in m manuhctuxe, end in quality is so up reqiatei by the public 1: n: he: the Largest Sale of any Beep in the World. mu test this? in . eater Comfort. and W111 be whiter than they {have ever been before. [when you used ordinary Is not the best we. to de- cide the rpetter First by enqmrugg whet the experience 13 or those who already gee it. Secondly, by a. 19.1: trial yourself. You are not committed in any way to use the sea. ; all we ask is: Don't slay, try it the next washing day. ns, horses and all es by Woolfm‘d‘s ‘l", Why, 6’ ASSESSEENT. How. That to learn that the “ PAD" ; so large a sale in our rery reason to believe it to r-failing cure for pain, and no £8.me should be with- $5 00 rqwagd £91†l the slot passen- ’.) railway ï¬nes are certain daiiy pub- :e ubiishers state ,‘ are sold in thzb m Bum? g nd all axxinials fm‘d‘s Sanitary Warranted by 1 1-13 . ‘26â€"'J‘Che ship largest sailing 11 went ashore ,-\\ as got; off last Svn 3', making .ies, which haye w ill EVerything Marked Down ! in town giVe us a 0; present low price e31 REMEM L thing in our line The 59 owelleâ€, SEE EUR WAT “pmmflm ompow .0 mwm Grim 301131120 130 .tha giggggggflns Hats, Caps, Drawers, Shirts, Boots 8; Shoes Over Ladies, Miss ' Ve found a manufa . dangled before his eyes the 132.11: of cash. He bit, and we secvmed the ï¬nest and best bargain lot of goods ever got hold of. ctuper in a hole, we rer 2,600 Men’s Youth’s and boys Overcoats. Uve: going for $9. Ask to see Our overcoats, Men’s sizel Overcoats for Boys 32, $3 and $3.50, worth dou pairs Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s B< 'When you come to Peterboro be sure you yisib Show a largï¬ Our Winter attack}; The Wonderful Cheap Men, And . on 3‘“ t anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line V - V111 strike iterch by calling on us now. Our stock is large a “e must. ma e room £9519“? Christmas goods, which will eon- , noiabiest and meat. unique designs for 5 ever brought, into Millbroek. When you are ed to show you our stock and we are certain our u. In spectacles we are in a position to suit you. Christma , we will be will surpriï¬ We bound to clearnut our present stock and if you need any- a\' ~ e a chance to get a. bargain now. .TT‘BASS, ELGIN AND BBSKF‘GBD WATCHES. , STEELE, alarga $331553 0? styï¬es in Eases and Chiidren’s Mantles, Uésters and Capes. A Amt“ the Yeoman of the Coun- ) it for almgst no thing. 3% timesa$40 000 Orth of King-55., Millbrook, Llndsay and Peterborough. Peterborough. Bled to Death. Gnnnxavnsr, Ont. Oct. 26.-â€"-‘ McMurray was sapping shingle ‘t Baker Lumber Co’s. mill here 11 struck a beam overhead which axe to glance and cut McMuI arm at the wrist, severing the ra ‘ ' i i A J ~A nv-nfnqc ___.___.â€",, ‘ “ Sunlight" Picture. I Send ‘25 “ Sunl.ght †Soap wrappersr(wra.p- ‘ pets bearing the words “ Why Does a Woman Look 01d Sooner Than a. Man â€) to Lever Bros.. Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and. you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and wel worth fram- ‘ ing. This is an easy wa ’ « e rate your home. ‘he soap is th )est in t e market and it will only cost 0. postage to send in the wrappers, if y u leave the éni open. Write your addre . carefully. Every Thursday 825 Frida A‘s. Market Days. V ,â€"-.' MomECURhsMORESUDDEN mania CHM We have just I Boa-ts a Our own THE NVV“ â€" .â€" Golde, Goneï¬mpï¬ofl Scrofula, and all Anaemlo and WaSting Diseases. Prevents wasting In ohildrechlmost as palatable as milk. Get onty the genuine: Prepared by Scott a; Bowne, Beneville. Sold by :11 W. 50 cents and 81.00. Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, sï¬ received a large and vargied. stock a and Shoes of every descmptmn. Seen em“ WELL ! 2â€your well got a. good pump in it: If not, why not? W GREEN The 184thqu can supply on with any design of pump you want and at prices to suit the times. Among those of his own manufacture or that of any other make he holds the EUREKA pump to the front, as it is the only pump on the market; that‘can be regulated so as to throw either } 1'3. light or heavy stream. If you require a. pump give him a call and he will suit you. He handles; a pump specially designed for gardeners and fruit growers. It is a. spray pump without either plunge or valve, so that there is no danger of it, etting cm; of order in using po1sonous liqui s. Men’s B00 . GREEN, tiEE you have a