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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Nov 1893, p. 4

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53‘ = ’3 > Va? €4.92. ".27.; ‘53:," V J" ' ' ‘ -‘ 71. ‘ ;" . "vi’x r C A,“ ~.; 70 M. A-.. .1 F", .1 x t.- . AA"v.‘.n..;.¢;..d.:-.u - '7" - g H Q d [O .0; 53% ~ THE LEADERSW‘ «as!» (a? (AF-7m» ”f ‘ MRS (v ‘ Ln. - / ‘ ’1“ I q2\ , $1,; THE unveiling of the statue of Sir! John MacDonald at Hamilton lastl week was the occasion of an iinmensel gathering of the followers of the latel Chieftain and many reformers as well, to take part in the celebration. Sir, John Thompson was the chief speaker as was to be supposed, and laying aside that judical bearing which is still some- what characteristic of the late occupant of the bench, he paid an eloquent tribute to the departed father of our country. Sir Oliver Mowat, the; hoary Premier of Ontario, also passed a kindly eulogy on one who had been his antagonist in many a battle, and thus demonstrated that beneath the clod that covered the last remains was buried all the discord and contention of life’s earnest conflict. Nearly all of the Dominion Cabinet were there and many Senators, M.P.’s and M.P.P.’s. (the milibrook Reporter. Scene NC. 1 -Lunch stall in one ofl Millbrook’s leading hotels. Enterâ€"-One of our prominent pro- fessional men and orders lunch. Menuâ€"Chicken, Bread and Butter, Cheese, Celery, Basses best. Order taken and our friend patiently reads the Globe. « - “ ‘ ' _7-L_11 1. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1893. ' S. GIVEN tea“; DILG u vvvvvv . Scene No. ZTadJommg stall. \ ‘j Enterâ€"Four other citizens, “ all good men and true” and order supcrs. f Many things are like drinksâ€"get ‘ mixed 3. little sometimesâ€"and so inl this case, the elaborate bill-of-farc isl hurriedly pushed into stall No. ‘2. The‘ worthy occupants, although somewhatl astonished, were equal to the occasion and each seizing an appendage of the inviting bird with a 6exterity that would have done credit to the chief despatcher in the days of the Spanish inquisiti'm, the whole order was really gobbled. Exeunt Omnes. The worthy occupant of No. I hav- ing read Sir Richard on the exedous, honest J no. Charlton on annexation and the press comments on the terrible injustice of the imprisonment of the St. John editorâ€"worthy of the doings of- the dark agesâ€"rings for the order. W'aiter appears. 'What? Eaten bones, plates, bottlesâ€"~ everything; l W’aiter appears. What '5 Lawn bones, plates, bottlesâ€"~ everything; your bill, sir, is four “ \Vhere’s my order,” indignant-1y de- mands Mr. Blzickstong. LuIA-LLW A“.-. _,,, Search is made, explanations follow, but they were like the chickenâ€"they didn’t go down. now to get a “ Sunlight ” Picture. Send 25 “ Sunlight ” Soap wrappers (wrap- pers bearing the words “ Why Does a. Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man ”) to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap isthe best in the market and it will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers. if you leave the end open. Write your address carefully. CURL/1. EDITOR and interestix a ,in our school house, on Wednes- Magnetism, lazy evening last. We had the pleasure of h sermon on the Gunpower Plot, Rev. ‘6". C. Allen on 5th inst. Mr. A. Graham and Mr. Walter Thorn- dyke spent Sunday with Mr. W. H. Wood. A number 01 our local sports are cleaning up thcxr fouling-pieces for Thanksging Day. eating a. fine preached by The farmers are all as busy in this part now as if it was the harvest, getting up the roots and finishing up there fall ploughing. Mr. John Ray of Ops occupied the pulpit here on Sunday and delivered a. very eloquent discourse to a. large congregation. Mr. Ray is held in the highest esteem of the people in this part, and his coming is always welcomed. ,UAL L-n..l\nw in Mr. A. Jamieson our present teacner 15 engaged for another year. Our cheese factory closed this week after a. vet y profitable seasons wom. Grain has been coming into this market I..." \‘P‘Cly Pluuhaum avsuuv .m .. mfwrain has been coming into this mar ket freely of late but the prices are so very low it is not hard to carry monev. (fcntreville. Mr. Jams L. Fair has made quite ‘an im- .finâ€" proyemcnt on his premises in thewi'vay of reshingiing the roof of his house and part of the roof of one of his barns. Mr. Wm. Pendrie of Millbrook a. first-class carpenter assxsted him. - _ ’4 1n nu~v-~.-- - Mcssfifiénry Earl and Geo. Berry were visiting at the home of Mr. (300. Beattie near Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele of Millbrook spent Sunday at the home of Mr. A. Anderson. Pontypool. The body“ of Joseph Douglass who was drowned in the Moon river near Parry $011,116 has not, been found yet. The bereaVed family have the sympathy of the entire community. Mr. William Gibson, formerly of Ponty- pool and who is now in the graneml hospital, Toronto is slowly recovering after having a leg and an arm amputated which was necâ€" cessitated by being thrown on to the rail- road track by a. runaway horse near Bramp- ton. Our I. O. O. F. Lodge is groxxingr in number. Three applications for member ship are on hand for next meatmu, hid‘xy at 8.30). _1_r_1. s. ‘ n 1 1- Dr. Phillips 13 attending Lho funeral of a relative in Toroqtopo- -da.y. Mr. James Corbett ‘and wife of Port Perry are visiting at his father‘s, M r. Robt, Corbett. Threshing is nearlv ended in our llcin‘h- . " b borhood for tlus reason. 7 ‘ On Satgrday evening, Purglurs broke into Messrs. Loulter Pcrrm s store and the 1’. O. securmg some fiVe dollars in each place. Mr. \N. J. Coulter has made quite an addition to the front of the Coulter House. A good idea. H 11 , 9 __ _ 'leaVc‘j LUI. \ulv ‘.-,..,.. V. ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 0‘": en pascal Off "CY." qmetly in our g Mr. Walter McLean u..lcnaleJ the convon- 1 Village. The Old time ”id; 0f “ l‘inlrin" thP ! ‘cicm of Durham) Touche; ;-r v.1 Bmvmmn‘illc ‘ a . _ .‘ b l...L"\|n-'-\"‘1:"WBV’ school bell" was Indulged 1n and 3‘1"me 111M- I am: H.m.sd...§ Lhu 1 ma. night.- a. scrub band, compcsed of boys With . tm-wlnstles, comet, cymbals, drums and "Rebecca \Vilkinscm, of Bx‘mvnsmlley, other ear-sphbtmg Instruments, 'r'hich when Ind” saws : “ I had been in a distressed ron- played w1thout harmony 01‘ teChniquc make dition for three years from Nervousness, very unpleasant sounds indeed, These \Vettknesspf t‘ue Szmnach, Dyspepsm an! midnight, masqueraders Promenad ed the Indigestion um 11 n3}; ‘ heuhh was_ gone". rinci a1 streets at 1 ‘ _ bought» one bottle or bouth Anmrxcan her. P - P m concluded “‘1th the vine, which done me more gom‘t than any $.50 natlonal anthem on the Corner Of King and worth of doctoring I ever did In my life. Queen street. Perhaps the GDnSpi'euous 1 would advise every: weakly person to use " .. 1 ., . . 3 v _ absence of the small bov on the streets on Llumtxluable and .mchx. _xe}13u13. I con, ' sider 1‘: the grandest memcmc 1n the World. {Hatllovre’en and of.the npt-iceable rarity Of A txial bottle will convince you. Warrang ‘ch lldxsh c‘epredatxons; was due to the {acted by A. LEM?” - 1'1-l3t. .___-â€"-â€" â€".â€"_â€"â€".-â€"â€"~â€" 7 Mount Pleasant our present teacher is md Geo. Berry were of Mr. Geo. Beattie in this par A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a. distressing rash, by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Mr. RICHARD BIRKS, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer’s Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them..Ir know of many performed by Ayer’s Sarsaparillafbne in particular being that of a. little daughter of a. Church of England minis- 19A -_-11... nanny-n11 that three of them were arraigned at few days before for anistsvnduuaL an: a church meczing on Sunday evening and were warn- ed well and let nifwit’n paying a fine, Be that; as it» may. judging fi'um the status of that night 1.»:11‘fm‘11mnccs We lwhm'e We are somewhat civilized after all and sm’newhat better behaved than a. few of our sister Gauguin". v. .â€" -..__ - ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a. red and ex- ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, .. ‘ 7‘ Lâ€"--L-¢.~An 5X15 uuu u.._-_ _ V in spite of. the best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, two hot- tles of which effected a. complete cure, much to her relief and her father’s delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer’s Sarsepnrilla so if- ._ Vlllitgfib UIULA'vnAw. Mr. John Sadler of Toronto was \‘isitiucr his nmther last Monday. We never sax: 'Jolm looking better. The conditiun of Mrs. J. '\ ‘nob improved : the hopes of covery are not encouraging Mrs. John Bcat of PSLCHJUFU is in the village visiting friends. Our main street. has hen wc by Mr Eaglestone. IL is rumoured that; Mr. D. W. Best leaves for the North-West soon, Mr. Walter M cLean uttcm’led the conven. ion of Durham Teacheas at Bmvnmm'ille t 'l‘lxut'sdzxy 'Lnd Friday. \'. 'i‘hextun has 1101' ngzexly ru-' 11 gravellcd if b. S Dd WU“ mm :93; m. "u“ L V that; as it» may. judging fi'um the status of that night perfuz‘xmmccs We believe we are somewhat ci\'i15;:miaft,er all and somewhat, better behaved than a. few of our sister villages’ citizens. .- V" . - ,,_A~ ....c« "‘.QV:‘1I\" Pregared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: 00., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you dition for three yea-rs mâ€" Wenknesspf t‘ue Sinmnch Indigestion um i1 my zeal! bought one_ bpttle of Smuh Wonderful Cures ,, Lowell, Mass. If you have/been t in youpbhogse this f2 terests givinggus In Stovei/me’e'én gi‘ est Box Stove to t Don’t forget us in ti ing. Millbrook Stove and w“, r MUST BE SBLB Within the Next G300 IMMENSE STOCK WILL BE SflLI] BEGABDLESS 0F COST, As he is bound to get; out of business by the first dzw of February next. It is his inten- t‘ion to effect. a. speedy clearanceâ€"and has decided t2) make a tremendous sacrifice on 1319 whole stock. It would be to the advantage of cverv imending purchaser to call and $09 how much they can saC'e at this Don’t Miss this Sale. ”in be made in almost every line. This iathe greatest. offer that; has ever been made 1 the WWW: for the purchase 0f first’chss goods at such marvelousiy haw pnccs. if yo_ A S u a u nt tha a nobb t is fashgnibglt e: A w u- mangle, Suiig; HM If all on] “n fin" mcnngnd of mv interest in “10'! Miiihrook’, Fina-t," ass local rcfcruncc can be (Having disposed of my interest H} the butcher business in Millbroo ~ . ”WY-mm a pom-10“ to accom ‘ mers m kllhng‘ the“ haef ' cep. I will also devote part of my' . .._ olt: to drive- ume to breakmg C ‘ IRA NATRASS. -â€"Neuralgia must go ! $5100 reWard for a. case that “ Harper’s: Arablan Balm” will not relieve at once. Warranted by A. men. .. ‘ l6. A REDUCTBON OF 20 .to 40 PER CENT. W Braekery, Glassware, Silverware, 31d FANCY (i991); EOR.,CHRISTMAS. The Largest anglfimost Completgé Stock between .‘~ g: IG SLAUGHTER SALE. THE TAILOR SPEIRSKC‘TZB" ;'_ SPEIRS, 2 been thinking of placing a Furnace in 6 this fall you will consult your own in- ving'eusna‘cfi'lfbefore placing your order. '65.!) give you anything from the small- ve to the finest Range manufactured. us in the meape lme and Eavetrough- . DEYELL’S W. S. PICKUP. Three Months Ontario. given, THE WHOLE OF NQVX”VԤ\Q‘W Stock between Montreal and Toronto of E‘BRWR‘KiDg-si, Millbrook. oppmuc \ hell’s punk. Shaving..1{air-cuming, Shampooing and v th_mg else m the Lonsorial line carefully at cd t6. TRY â€" ONE APPLICATION OF THE . 11' Will DISPEl THE PAH! LEKE MAGIC Y BARBER SHOP. 1‘. H. BRYANS R. BEYELL. W Kingst, Mimmook.‘o'pposifC “'0“ Tonsorial Artist. ”MEIâ€"vfifiib . . PLASTEB ext. It is 'his inten- Pains .cvcr)‘ attend PreServas an: Beautifi‘ Guaranteeé not if": Sm A Brush givan w? SOLD OSLY m‘ â€"â€"Big pusn as greatly for \Vhips of all kinds a -â€"Mr. Samuel Eaki relatives in Toronto. “Miss Bull of Hami at Dr. Turner’s. -â€"-Best American wa Oil ever brought into 3 J. DOAK’S. TO‘VN T " â€"â€"-R. Ruddy went Monday, and mmme ing. -â€"~Mr. Samuel 3100 New J ersey, spent Sal day with his sister, MI â€"â€"\Ve are pleased t< Alfred Ainley and sis: resit'lents of our town â€"â€"'lhe dramatic cl‘ work rehearsing fed Thanksgiving evening â€"-See Her Adx Margaret L Shepherd PRICE ~â€"Mr. James Bulli< the. Rossin House ‘ hold his annual 5110“ Irida}, \oxember 1‘ culars see bills. \ -Special value in m‘ Jenkin’ s. If you at Blankets or Largest stock. 10w est prices i -â€"La.dies Onlyâ€"1 herd in the Town 1 noon, N.ov 10., at: onlv. â€"D0n’t forget t] the auspices of the ‘ Mondav evening ne) tickets on sale at R. store. his lecture on “ T11 which will be accom; the buildings of the Methodist church on â€"Mr. C. H. Ma member for Ottawa, {ed Lieutenantfmvel west. An election 1 will be held almost i â€"-â€"Mr. Thos. Hu. his cow “Rose.” on the .Peterboroug understand brought Hunter is said to I figure for this a Crimean war. â€"“ Miss Emma. cent singer: and th tion that Miss \‘Vel skilful pianists on her performance York Ragfornwr. brook, Monday, N â€"â€"Mr. A~ Orr ‘ 1,)‘acksmit11 shop on [Puppet-sh, near 1.1 and Tupper. W building will be in‘ part- of next.- wxi again be in a pés‘tu his many customer â€"Hallow’een 1 quiet-lylin our vill usual prank of the gates and upset-tin; requirements no We would howeve urchins who perch in the treetop to can t- climb well, [)1 .. T. ELLI‘ \V. R. Y

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