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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Nov 1893, p. 8

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“a! '3 . ‘ r h. . v » , ‘ . '~ 4.. ,1. ..L-...cli :3 nimg store and gaf- . a! “3““ ~ - filii‘c‘» .1. ,.\.=.mu:u: Balm. 2:43;“ s Millions of E th lM a I'll D 'f: d Women use it Very “1g ‘ \y ed 0 VV n ! ‘0' a" purpose. _ / ’ . AWAY 1: 9:1? wgllglrl‘llanp auything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line 9; and e mi st. e lt‘rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large OWN . sis ,2); tliell "(112138 room for our Christmas woods, which will con- D Christina. inn mest, nobbiest and mesh unique designs for . ' . u” b l presents ever brought; into Millbroek. When you are in town glve no a. call. “e F1 . 8 p eased to show you our stock and we are certain our breseut low prices “'111 “film“ you. In sPec‘tacl ' osition to suit You. . REMEMBERâ€"~we a . c ear out, 1 - . . CO mill: in our line you have a. chance to get: a barggilxlir £53.?th StOCk am. If you need an) I‘ 4 1 n I Elev ‘ w ' 1-1119 SEE 0113 WATTBAbS, ELGIN AND B - ecewed . . 1...- _ “UKFflflD WATCHES. gf coasl. Don’t forget to see mfcfitereging (I . I IE for you. “‘5 'fiwe‘ler M H ' , ' a The e . , K1ngâ€"st., Mlllbvook, hit} 5 ‘ defy competig‘on. ! ., l ‘l l " for purity, nor ‘ for cleamng and white and grey eweetening, nor ‘ ‘serving the PK“ ____ Oil, Tinwzu-e Stoves clothes and ’ J , .“_- hands {Mam In- "- .nâ€" l Jury. nor .3." | . 1-â€" n - . l-I’oumil l “w" ' 1’ general use. i , \ A“ ; .. _. luLely wenuine s 'stem. nevus: :cl-IEAP lfln,‘A‘l’lON8 i gnfiry‘iases 11ml: been s u particulars wit M ' _ 9 ~ testimonials post free. ! Upper Kcusiugton Lan ~ Tl”. Root-’3 Red Regulators cu. "0 ‘0 stay uh ex . 7 Ask A. Luca for a box. 16' I I On tneraveragc farm a. turkev’ 3003:" no more to feed than a. chicken. _1}. T33 ‘-.. ' V I W 2.. “00’; .5 Red Regmuiors are {it 3 1’9“.” l p'u-b u)!‘ a olood tonic. A. Lima-i“: 5311*" £11911. 1\ 5‘ \a . 9. ~1 ll - I' l ' I line ‘;0 we. the 1:1erxts:-:‘10=.!3 pull its Lift? dig the road i‘cilll‘li‘ad 1'“ “13k“ 3‘ gold: on v“ -.... . tC‘tL... LE QO‘H; ca" “Millie-LIZ 1'34 )ifin ll}. % \1_2\.~..‘l hook l‘lflalWiy czzrumgs for tuc- mwccizauug Oct. '31, Z593, were $176,956.; : , .. .. . HT}; $43.).3-13'2. moreâ€"use $3, ,, . ix, .. 7.3:; ~â€"(Qv1w3.:ux of Dr Roofs Ref: Pkgulaiw 315, the: heist blood builder. ‘z’ricc 50c, For sale ‘ny A. LEAL‘L’. Ili- R.J::.cm‘ucrthat paint and 01". 3:3 excel-,- lent ‘zrescrva'jvcs of timber and metal. '1' l whorl; means look after the farm unplczneuts. _.~........_. -__.-......._ .. fl‘ ml‘lvu'c you seen Epidermiu the great‘ skip. cure, for Eczeum, Hal: Rheum, 8m. Fm: sale by A. Lawn. l'é- ll. France, who winters l:13 bees on the 51:11.11:th stands, uses for cover a solid hone”; bogs-.3. with straw or child cushions urcr "â€" Ilzcz‘... l 1 râ€"I_-_-12:".ulia. must go ! $5 (N) reward for t 2 v {halt “ Harper’s Arabian Balm ‘ will ‘ ' relieve at once. \\ arrauteal h} A. I 1 L12» .7. l1)- k A t-‘Vf p-imllrx‘ lzecpcx‘u SllUU‘.‘¢.‘:lUll for a slams“. (inn: with promiscuous hanks e. um ‘ Iced adult. birds, but us :2. rulc . l I”)? 1;.”‘5‘ .llllll‘ “‘-‘E"'l ,. ,.... .1. .‘u cit» ““13. r 1(5 {Ln "0} \ \A Mi. . . . ,. . , . l‘m. on nurzmns, horses and all unzmum ~ ‘ ':: 313 minutes by \Voolfoml 3 Similar»- .. Luz: r1; Thin never fails. Wurruutml luyl 11-13 k . V . ,, -...;‘::: Journal! says: it) mane the-1 ”roving animal change {lac div-l walxz; (.5 growth, scrape them thin on the ‘.‘,L'.".“. which You would inclinc them. \‘L-IL' {:H ’ muscles; are so ll\‘;\li;lic(l ‘ 1,7: 7 , . :1 ‘ ;l;ll..Â¥ duh l»: , Suraayerille that all {Ecumenism :uz- :ti‘.2’:zcs.~gs soon disappears. We: only Ho ‘ 'i‘\ "If-('2': lieu hawks, bait a steel (1‘31) “if: “uglier. and set. it on a. pole crecied on l (filldilll‘ts oi the. chicken run, Nail a. small lumul c2: topof the pole to hold the imp an: ciuin zlxetx‘ap to the pole. Put the ’1‘?!2*£)2i {up 0: bait. "A chemical success and medical triumph," s) 313921 - an eminent physician in reference no Aycr’s (Sherry Pectoral: and the eulogy Was tau-u»: too strong. No other medicine is on safe and efficacious in all disc-uses of the} We are boh’un. 113th ti:ro;1‘i ml lungs. __â€" Brilaiaa h Proud of Canada's Sucre“ a! flu- Fair. Loxsmx, Oct. '27.-â€"-Thc success of (fanatic. g 1; l ‘We Show a large range of styles ilfl Ladies, Misses and Children’s Mantles, Ulsters and Capes. 369 George, Street, - Peterborough, I B we more l 131‘in we have to do it for almost nothing-c, Our Winter attack on hard timesâ€"«$40,000 worth of - it 12:.) World's Fair, particularly in cheese and live stock, as auractiug attention here the subject, decl This week‘s issue of the Mark Lame Express, . a, which appeared yesterday, had an article on . aring that. Greac Blitaiu ‘ 1 ! I ‘ 2 , , ’ l ' herself XS nowhere in the competitions com- pared to Canada, but that all are proud 1 see the Dominion holding its own With ih Uni-ted States. __._________._...._..â€"â€"â€"~.-â€"- “ Nothing succeeds like success," and quickly insure success than true merit. For fifty years. Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla has maintained its popularity as the superior blood-purifier. It stands upon its own merits and never fails to give nothing will more satisfaction. ______..__._.â€"â€"â€"â€" Their Name is legion. T‘s-me is no lack of so-called cures for the g‘" hold of. table, animal, and mineral kingdoms have common ailment known as corns. The ve been ransacked for cures. It is a. sim’p mad tor to remove come Without pain, for you will go to any druggist or medicine . ‘ 'V at; 3191128 bottle of Putnam's Painless gOmg £01 $9- ASk to see our 0‘ erco " Com Extractor and apply it. as directed the dealer and buy a. thing. is done. Get “Putnatu’S." and other. ___Eugfish Spavin Liniment removes hard, soft or calIOused Lumps and Blemishe; from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splintg. R3 Bone, Sweeney, Sprmns, Sore and IV en Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 0 n .. Hats, Caps, Drawers, We found . . dang-led before hlS eyes the bait of cash. He bit, and we secured the finest and best bargai lot of goods ever got 1e if Over 2,600 Men’s Youth’s and boys Overcoatsl $3 and $3.50, worth double.’ Over $15,000 Overcoats for Boys 353, . , Boys and Children 5 Boots and Shoes.' no pairs Men‘s, Ladies, When you come to Peterboro be sure you yisit. GOUGH BROS. all 2’ eke use of one bottle. Wamntcd by ‘ Luau. 11-1 The Wonderful Ghoap Men, Lindsay‘anq Peterborough, ' W Abu; - _,_,_, :J‘NNI‘ "17‘2""??"M‘Kq; ‘ 1. fl ‘ .. W‘ ._ 5 j. m ’ known 0111‘ .- . , . an non Plous Plateq l . _ ~, ’ hos. Hayden OS : P ~,_,111a11ufacw,eg by to" ”see before- oxt Hope, which 1 “SW. Hus own mofiufacture or that of .111" O‘hcr purchaéing elScwhe a." M], Bed Blankets and Hem EWe haorejust receivedor‘l’éféé and varied stock Wndfinoes of every descerti-on. THQUSAfiBS him!) WE‘ARE ngsmfieo Yeoman of the Coun-t a manufacturer in a hole, we: Ov'ercimts $18, $16 and 3515, size, $33.90. Elegant Capo Shirts, Boots 8: 511065;, ,9 m; _. \ . \l‘ “fifilLL ’W c RE " 7' DIPHTHER‘I’vAcQ‘fiNS ' ’ cell's AND COUGflsg WEL Has you well got a. good pump in it. ‘3 1.‘ not, why not? V consignment ng YOEP'Order, I can make In all érzules( 1 hand and at View all“ Q w G REE N I I ‘ . in SW31; of the “8.; . "l'he M' ‘ . . . P011138 and Sole R 111 )rooL manuf..ct.urc:, gag Simply .lytou with any design of pump yet: Wan" and .3. 11005 . . W ~ p to suit the tunes. [mung those 01 I have lush received a .. rices are right. , . ~ .. 6P ' mam: he holds the hUREKA bump in the front, asnt is the only pump on 31.; ,,..,,.}.c. ‘ I An. k U Home-made f; or r Yarn, Tweed, F 1311' that sanbe regulated so as to tlr '\ -.' -.‘:~r xct l Blankets, 30115 a. light) or heavy stream. 4 \ 0"“: V X“ ‘NM/‘l-R“ , 1 . Roller and Stone Flour, Glafvsvc are, Coal Pi es, hashing Ma.- 130 course grams, n' In price for I If yea require a pump 2m» 8“ . . . 1e wi .a t . " (.lilllS-o and \\ fingers, A ll 11 3 0". c.‘ Everything '6.an (law He hanmes a. pump specially (lcsitnzed cash. ‘ A PA if N E. . for gardeners and fruit growers. } a. 1 N Y ‘ ' _ - . _ . DEAFNESS AND NOSllab IlV THE. spraypumpwithout Cllllel‘plunge or V8.3“, HEAD‘poi-manently cured by a new abso- so that tlierc‘is no danger of it, getting an“; The most cxtraorâ€" of order m 123mg poisonous liquids. “ uccessfully treated. G. W. GREEN, E 11 copies of splendid Herbert Clifton, 51, mLondon, S. E. 6-ly 0 Every Thursday Fade}? ;,./*”Market Days. Fowl ofall kinds bought and the higtost cash price paid. ’ - I .. ‘ I r) h Lzulies 110:.th from 600. 10833.3 TEE w Eden’s Boot; from 75c. L THE BEST BEAR-13¢.» IN THE BEERKET. ‘Crookery Era Elegant Designs. TO EXCHANGEâ€"~A good new lumber wagon lmade byMr. H. Lamzer.~â€"â€"For a. hervy young horse. iélilie Buiéeeeeo grocer? l u l > v : l l :1 p WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK An) BEST . ASSORTMENT OF 313.08% AND. HORSE. BLAWS 1N TOWN... woomr um Lowgsr PfiSSlBLE P131631 Fan CASE. 7 /Zr3‘ Celeéir'az‘cd flfaz‘mmno Robe and Scz.</{’.u’(x’zczvazz [fig . ROW 191/156 our leaders again .f/zz's war. [flame and (. 4‘ ) I. I I 7 (I oat [10665 as good as on}! m flu: market [.sz and see z/zgw T- B. JENKINS. ” . - ’fvr‘il‘ .. ,_-... -. .fi ... .â€" _.., _ , " ‘ is: . l / l . _ , ..‘ g% a g ’ " u l any One can see the bencficxal effects oi r .55.”?5’3 Emztlsz'mz of Pure Morwegian lLiod :leer Oil and Hy ospfiii’eS of Luna 6 face and form of those WhOIlRSfirfi ate of debilitation and weakness, have bFen brought by its use to a state of full vigor 0 l l l i l l l i l l ,Soott’s Emulsion cures Coughs. l Golds, consumption, Borofula, and all Anaemlo and Wasting Dlseuos. Prevents wasting In l‘ children, “most a mm milk. Octal! the genuine. hem: . by Somehow, Believing. field by all mu ”mums. so cents and am. ‘

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