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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Nov 1893, p. 1

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~ Che {llbiIIb 1" 00k “Reporten - W. LANG ln Tow-3"," consisting of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, .Frcsh Groceries, c. Cheap for_ cash. ‘ Al} kng'ls of produce want- Desires to inform 1h? public that he Mafia}; 0 t -‘ £5 and the highest price in‘ césh ӣ675: Eggs at the shop or on the road. We have now a large 3330M of ms of all kinds. Flannels Home-made ghnkots, Tweeds and Hose cheap {91- cash. mutton-R. Par er Co . DyeWorksmd Steam Laundry. Feather Beds and Pillows \V'. BLAND, VETERIN- r 7 o (Successor to T. H. 3939333 SRS‘GEONd and Hon. Graduate of OnQrio Veterinfg (631- e e, Toronto. Late Vctmn - “seat Mounted Police; ary Surgeon berth Calgary At‘end ' ' - o. - -- ed 9255?? é‘ffi‘“‘§$f:.3§?{3i~ 3‘39an 0011020. . , , a--. ”.15”. Attended Clinical Lectures, Royal ~_'Vcwl_1na.ry Cone e, London.En8- . Dentistry’a speclarty. All 0- mesticatcd ammals treated according to latest. scientific methods. Officeo . n King-st, o ositc Dominion hotel. Mxllbrook. €11; Dory. Office: 379 water Stié'ég office box 125. Peterooro. Ont. r. . WATlgbRi). ACCOL’N assxgnee. 00‘s 0 cued . counts colleqted. Assignmentfind'dosw' Ac- ana all detaxls comp ted. given to book~kecp (a: permagentt bOOf qmmumca Ions {n Mighborin - - cfwe‘prollpfpt 2:301! and sex-\‘i‘fcetsmihnnssulgil ace: 86?!“ mOdel‘aletly and satisfac- ry. : 379 water str M office box 125. Peternnm “Meet. Adam». Post B. COLLINS s: 00.. BANKERS, MILEâ€" To BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on _ all points of 9%? mic. and uh.‘ United .tcs apo’west rates. _ ' c collection 0: sale (1 other t. _ . y, Loanamade on ta._te. l\o pommxsslon I. med. Orifice, . h Side of ng Street. Referenceâ€"Causal“ Bank of Commerco. _ - "my van 11.1an .1 LY are respectful} informed that Thos. Pemberton, Protessoro Musigand late Band Master C Royal Sch _ . of }x!fantry, Toronto, is now prepared to r ewe-pupals. vocal or instru- mental, at his resi . Conger Street. Private Instruction at any our. Unto-1'3 for music and Musical irstruments of any and over class promptly attended to. y each month. PonL)‘ P.1RYENTS AND THE PUBLIC (erEhL'IiZRAL are resnontfnnv ins-“-mwu W. CLARKE. 1.118,. DENTIST SPECIAL o attention given to the preScrvation of the natural teeth. Niuous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraction or Lee 2?ka guaranteed. )V inbe beat, pethany .e"1d 4h - \{omi :u-; m' J ‘V. FISHER, VET {INARY SURGEON. 0 Office and residenc ".x to, Ont. \vm be at Queen's Hotel, Miiibrook, every Saturday. -uuuaâ€"m ‘AlU-VIUJ .' L\I-‘ u ‘s\. 5‘ J'ACKJJ l J . Barristers. Soiicitora. Notaries, 9m. 00 b0 and Brighton. W. ibâ€"fliddeil. B. A.. LL. . A. J. Armsubng. ’ A. W. h. Nushizt. B. A. First-class 1m .u-cd. Money loancu und invested. Me .ile coliecmons made and general law buslncss. 9 A. WARD. BARR???“ ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor, c . . cc in Ontario Block. Walton Street. I ; Dye. Moucy to lend on the sscurizy of real estate. Town and (arm property for sale. SM‘P‘H 65 PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 . A. V. Preston) Ba sters, Q ‘citors. Notaries. 8:0.0fliccfs. View 5.. 'cl‘ ‘ ochMiIl- brook, 0m... and Bethany on 2d and «1th Mondays In every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 7' C. MCKINNON. M. D” C. 31., (SUCCESS o sor to Dr. Mddric) ' - 1 Victoria Umversitics. Lice-mime ' " bun-go Eur- geons. Edinburgh, Mom ‘ i ‘ . . and Surgeons, Ontario. ' e at, A. ’1. 1:11:10 Ls drugstore. Alter 0111c xours at Mr. V» m. Richardson‘ 3 residence, King at" Millbrook, RCHIBALD W001) s ' .8 OF MAR- RIAGE LICENbL'a‘ ' . crook. 0n: JOHN GILLQIT, GABmE .‘A - , Keeps constantly on "d rge stock of Fur- niture of all kinds. 6 large showrooms. N9 groulgle to s‘uogv‘goqgs. ‘ Mundr’aniirer‘br L176 fiiéceisiaz» Washing Machine. The best. in the market. The annualExcursion on the G. T. R. ‘10 the famous hunting grounds in the Canadian Highlands, the Sportsman’s paradise, will be held on November 2, 3 and 4. October 19, 20 and 21, ‘Vol. XXXVI HELLO ! CENTR. P. _ “'Awgonn, IQDELL. ARMSJ‘ROSG NESBITT. 'ull particulars can 'be had from MARRIAGE LICENSES PROFES MUSIC. D. OHAM BIBS- A. L EEXC PI, Agent G. T. R)", Millbrock. AND rsaon !5 ‘5: and 3rd Monaayjé. SIGNAL 91“; -.- -'~ - sin “$3.th) - zed. 3"”) _ _ so! . _- 1Y5. v, I" - “ 4.3) ~ - AL (;.00- - _ ROS ci . .mis Sale mm “1- cost but 1:1 at-c BUGEIES, ,quupls, THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. All Kinds of Repairing £89th Shtest runpingz and is a. general favor L_-_..n. and Anmhilitv CARRIAGE PAINTING: 4,50 , _ - _ _ . - 3.00 6.00- - - - - - - - 4.00 Sale ppices are all under cost but they must be sold. See Some Bf Our Prices :~-- Reguiar Price. has anagééd to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s BBYS’ SEEKS _“' UL hue W Va... .- 'vâ€"._ V- with the ownships of Guam S. Ramâ€"335$ 8did they are offered at low prices "lam Ammx ml! to A! GQALAQ Shingles All GrMors, Sash, Mou!dlngs, Lumber of all kinds kept in stock. Dry and Dressed Lumber atSpecialty. Lime and Port- land Cement, fresh“: and good. 1 have a goqd square Radiant Home coal stove, I dont need It, and Will sell it cheap. Delivery made in town or country, where desired. Fearless Barrel Salt for sale. It; beats the world. _l?{lpply of Coal Sell Cheap fig: Buggies, and Carts Sale of DAYS! FOR CARTS. MILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. NOVEM_BEI:23, 1893- Sale Mice! . THEXTON. At the meeting of the Gavan Association held on Saturday last; the following officers and delecrates we1e elected: Chairman, Thos. McCamus, Baihebo’ro; First Vice- President, Robt. 'Vancc, Ida; Second Vice- President, J 0s. Thorndyke. Millbtook ; Sec reiary, C. H. Winslow, Millbrook; Treas- 11re1 Wm. A. Fallis, Millb1ook; Delegates, D. S. Armstrong, \] 1llbrook J. H. DArm- stiong, Bailieboro; J. \V. Fisher, Bailie- boro; R. Gilmcur, Millbrook; G. A. Wallace, Millbrook; R. Shaw, MillbI‘OOk; Jas. Hamilton, Millbrook; Ried Moore, Millbrook: Geo. Hetheiington, Millbmok; John Leith, Millbrook; Geo. Thoma, Mill- brook; Albert. Fallis, Millbrook; R. J. Fallis, Millbrook; Wm. Francey, Mill- brook ;* W. E. Earle, Bailieboro '; J ohnsbon Fair, Bailieboro; Henry Earl, South Mona- ghan, ' F. Mulligan, Millbiook; Thos. Belch, Millbrook; J. L. Paterson, Mill- brook; R.Matchetb,Cava‘11;Thos. Hutchi- son, Cavan; Chas. McNeil, Cavan; S. ROddy, Fraserville , John Hutchinson, Frazerville; John Flatten, Gavan; Geo. Morton 31:, Gavan; James 008, Gavan; C. Annual Mocking-s of the Dillibrook and ('nvan (,‘omrrvativc Associations. The. annual meeting of the Millbrook Liberal-C«mser\'atives took place in the town hall, Millln‘oek, on \Vednesday, Nov. l5fl), at the call of the president. T. B. Collins, President in the chair. Mr. R R. L‘lliob, Secxetarv, beinrr absent, V». S. (xiven “213, on motion, appointed Secretam pro Lem. Moved by Dr. H. A. Turner. seconded by John Allen, that S. Bateson, Jas. J ohnston and Jacob Atkins be delegates to riding con- vention. Carried. After short speeches from the President, Second Vice-President and some of the dele- gates it was moved by R. Ruddy, seconded by G. H. W. Anderson, that this meeting do now adjourn to the call of the Presidens‘ Carried. Moved by (x W. H. Andmson, seconded by John Allen, tlmtJ. C Kells be Treasuxer. Cznxied. Min'ut'es of previous meeting read and adopted. \Inved by S. Batcson, seconded by \\. LL21", that R.Ru<1d"'. 00 Second Vice- Presi- dent. Carried. (Moved by Dr. H. A. Turner, seconded by .\V. H. Anderson, that \V. S. Given be Scott-wry. Carried. Moved by S. Bateson, secondedby Jas. Johnston, Ihat Dr. McKinnon, John Allen, Jas Kerr and G W. H. Anderson be dale- gateAs. Carried. The president called for nominations for officers. T. B. Collins was nomina‘. ed for President for the ensuinrr year, no oil: 01' nominations being made Mi T, L’. Collins was declared elected ‘ \!0\ ed b\ P. Rudd), secom led by John Alien, that Geo. F. Elliott be First Vice- 1’: r sidcnt. Carried. Mmed byR. Rud 13', sccoudedby G. \V. H. ADdCISOD, that l‘hos. (Handy, Dr. H. A. Turner and A. McCartney be delegates. Curried. We have just r ei‘ved form J apan a direct 1port-ati0n of OUR OWN BLEND AT 59:. And \\ 111 gmgntee It the best \alue in Calm 3.. ‘Ne are also making 2L speciul‘y of Indian Cey- lon and Black Teas. Out? leader in this line being: Such value was never offered before. “'e have them at all prices, and to suit all people, and think if vuu Sixe us a chance we 0 tn suit mm W. VANCE. CONSER 32-! TI V13 31 E E TI NG S. A WORD ABOUT sh. CAYAN. ’00:: which A Full Report of the Distrte‘t (tonnniitee Meetingâ€"flutters of Interest Considered. At Lindsay, on Nov. 7th, the sub-commit- tee of District No. 4, Eastern Ontario Sun- day School Association, met in terms of adjournment in .he Benson House. The 'meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. John McEwen. There were present with the chairman of committee, Mr. R W. Clarke, Millbrook, Rev. J. McEwen, secre- tary; Mr, Alfred Day, general secretary; Dr. W'. T. Harrison and Mr. H. J. Lytle. Communications were read from Messrs. H. C. \\’ebb and \V. F. .McNaughton, (Jobourg, and from Messrs. J. H. Delamen and E, C. Young, Minden. Rev. “7. Law- rence and Rev. XV. A. Bunner, Minden, were added to the sub-District; committee for 1394. It was arrange to visit the county of Victoria early in March next, Rev. J. No- Ewcn to take the eastern Side of the county and Mr. Alfred Day the western, visiting each township, and closing with a meeting for organization in the town of Limlsav. Inasmuch as the terriiery in East and \l'esl Durham is very limited and their boundaries only useful for political purpose and inasmuch as the 8.8. Association desires to economize in the number of county organization, this district committee earnestly recommends that since there is or may be township organizations in each riding that they unite into one county organization and the annual convention be held east. or west as may be agreed upon in conven- tion. and that 21 cc. 3; of their action in this matter be forwarde to the S. S. Secretary or (em-.11 ridin" respectively, also to Mr. Alfred Day. Deer park. Rheumatism Cured in a Dar-SO“h Amencan Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 days. Its actxon upon the system is remarkable and mysterious.‘ It removes at once the cause, and the dlsease immnaznuau ernmars, arid the diseasenifixmvgd‘lhvcl; disgplv’weamrs The first dose greately benefits. 75 cents. Sold by A LEAOH, Druggist. Thes ecretary of the district was requested to call the attention of the executive of Nottrhumberland to the desirability of their completing their township organization in visiting and organizing the township of Percy, and further that; the executive of East Durham endorse the action of South Monaghan in uniting with North Monaghan in the county of Peterborongh, because of the greater convenience to them in township work Messrs. Day and Clarke were appoint-ed to confer with Sunday school workers in the town of Port Hope and secure if pos- sible its hearty co-opemtion with the Sun- day school organization of Eats? Durham. Sifter conféi‘ence it, was resolved that the following unanimous r..solution be forward- ed to the secwtmies of East and \Vcst D111- hzun to be brought before their annual con- vention for action :â€" A Wire Fence Patent. “ A well known gentleman in conversation with a. reporter yesterday afternoon said that many farmers in the neighborhood townships had used the Russell patent wire fence on their farms, and some of the erectors of this fence has received communi- cations from Bmckville, from the Shedd Wire Fence 00., notifying them that they would be prosecuted for being parties to the infringement of their patent. He had learned that one or two farmers had already been served with writs claiming damage§, while other farmers had received notices that unless they settle for the alleged in- fringement of the patent at once the firm would take process against them according to law. In this connection the farmers need not be much concerned at the proba- bility of getting into trouble. Mr. J. J- Brady is said to be the local agent for the Shedd Co.”â€"â€"I’ort Hope Guide. BAKER VS. FRY ESTATE. “This was an action regarding a patent fence. The plaintiff showed under the Shedd patient arrangement that the defend- ants using the Russell patent, is an infringe- ment- on the former. The court dismissed the action with costs.”-â€"I‘eterboro’ Review. Aftm‘ conference it, was agreed to send the following resolution and recommending it to the action of all county and township organizations :â€" ’J‘hnl. inasmuch as the value of home classes along the line of the International S. S. Lessons, as an important element, of religious home life. is coming to be felt as of great importance, it is recommended thai the subject he put upon every proz'mnmc of may convention to be held in 1893-“; and committed to some person who either understands the}: working. or who shall inform himself on the subject. ; for all in- formation write to J. J. VVoodhousc, box 525. Toronto. for circular No. 236, the Home Depart- ;nent of the Sunday school. who will supply rec. Geo. Seney, \Iount; Pleasant; \V. H. Coul- tel, Mount- Pleasant; Paterson Boyd, \Iount Pleasant; T1108. Newman, Mount Pleasant; R. Hootan, Mount Pleasant; W. J. Jones, Mount Pleasant. Twamley, Cavan; S. E. Ferguson, Ida; Septimus Lamb, Ida ; A. Stark, Bethany ; W. Wilkinson, Rethany; J. Hoot-an, Springville; John Boyd, Mount: Pleasant; W. Handlef, Mount. Pleasant; Dr Mark, Mount, Pleasant ; \Vm. Cottingham. Mount, Pleasant: Geo. \Vilson; Mount Pleasant; .uv vu- Leugthened consideration x'as given to the matter of holding the annual county conventions consecutively and thexehy e'xmomize time, money and the service of the general secretary, and the following as the pi‘ogxamme for 1895 for this district; was agreed upon to he submitted to counties in 1894 zâ€"Eluliburton the last Monday in Feb- ruary ; Victoria. the last Tuesday amd Wed- nesday in February; Peterborough, the first Thursday and Friday in March ; Dur- ham, the first Monday and Tuesday of March; Northumberland, the Thursday and Friday following. The officers of {He District Committee were re-elected for 1894, and adjourned to meet in Cobourz at the call of the chairman, Mr. R. W. Clarke, MillbzookQ S ("NBA 1' S CHO 0L 0R G-ANI Z .1 TI!) .‘c’. mmbué- s 0707.770 7‘0 {/77 5/707! 77’0/55 and low p7'777’5 777771 70775777777771}! Me 5777777737 of 777077717 7777777771!)ng /777774 ((777477?! 7‘0 I’m/j) 0777 (77570777â€" 775 07 771/775 depresszmzmzd 77/50 maize 77‘ 77 777777775 of largely 777 6777757777" 0777' trade éy buymg 1777337 [77775 [/7771 2777’. 70775177777137 oj‘l‘rm’ 775 at 77527779777? 77777! 57/!- 7’77g 7777777 at 77' 5777771/ profit, and 777 7777777}! 7771517777775 777‘ (05!, 777772! [/7775 57/7777? 0777’ ima’c 7‘0 (7 rad- 7775 of fifly 7777725145 Safar- day 75 [/27 {7’77}! 77/777773 [/7ch peo- {7/73 are 077!x777a7’7{'cz‘7770 777777’ [777%- 777.0 77377777777702: 0/ 5:770 ’7 fares, we flaw (2’7 :777777” to 7774/77 27 0777' [7777/7773 1714136 41.7V DA Y, {7017? 77707777770; 77/777 7705077 (7777! 72777777772; [7739777 77779 " â€"Neura.lgia. must go! $5.00 reward for a case that “ Harper’s Arabian Balmf’hfifl not relieve at once. Warranted bILA.‘ men. ' 16- The public need scarcely be reminded that we always have and do keep a choice stock of Mantles and are never undersold, no matter what you hear or see elsewhere. Our Milliner will have neatly trimmed for Saturday moming, afternoon and evening trade about thirty Hat-s to select from at. $1 to $2 each. a Do not let the above prices make you hesitate as we never offer anything we cannot: substantiate, but take the first opportunity to secure some of them. J. c. TURNBULL, ‘ Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who Wishes EC try it. Manufactured only by the at 3635c” usually 600. Tremendous job in fine Dress Goods in Shaded 110p- Sacking and Serges at 39c., worth 75 and 85c. per yard ; Dress Robes nine shades at $6.50, worth $9 ; White Cot- ton 36 inches wide at 52c., heavy weight and make; Fancy and Plain. Flannels at 2610., usual price 35 and 400. ; \Vnite Blankets from $1.38 up- wards; COmforters, choice of a large pile at 500. each; Cashmere Gloves only 11c. per pair; Fine Cashmere Hose 160., worth 25c. ; Heavy all-wool winter weight Tweeds at 470., worth 650. (all cutting done free); Heavy winter weight Shirts and Drawers, 65c. per suit. SATURDAY, N 0V . 25th. enacts re “red onlv figmwthe most healthyWa esubstanc'e's, its man 7excellent quailQi ‘= -zcon mend 11; to all and haxe made it me 2:081". popular regugéy Lpoyvn. CAEEFQRME FEG SYRUP 539‘. SAN FR 3.3% 015500. C‘AL¢ I nfrra‘TFI.l-‘E¢:. 'IZY. NEW YORK ’q. 3’. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gentlyyet Ifi‘omptly on the Kidneys, Liver and owels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing toflthetaste, and ac- ceptable to'the’s‘t'omach, rompt in its actionaind ti'uly bene cial in its Bclow we cmmzcmfc a few (3f 17w {{{flcrmt [was we flaw 720w Z0 Offer sm- 12!, \ards Dress Goods f01'$1, usuâ€" allv 150. per V:11’d;30 )ards gray Cot,- ton £01 $1,t11i1'ty-foui' inches wide , Black H eni'ietta fortyâ€" four inches wide, George and Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. ONE ENJOYS

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