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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Nov 1893, p. 4

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traverse E \, . A...- o “r‘ lâ€"A “(ll .3 , V. . , ‘ k I y. it: "‘N . l” , O 5'»? in, ‘7 331* . . ‘i V. _ We have been very successful with our Mantles -' gt? 3 this season. If you have not purchased yet give : { 3 us a call. In the Mantle and Dress Department Miss g . ,3? : Trevarrow is up to her eyes in work, testifying to her '; with ability in her particular line. Our stock of Millinery S 555 being constantly added to, keeping it always fully W? 5 able to recommend. Tu rner’s Cough Syrup ! For Coughs and Colds. )1 i « Frostile’ne ! For Ghappéd Hands, Sore Lips, ' c., c. EDITOR W. S. GIV EN - - - ITHURSDAY. NOVEMBER '23. 1893. T11 ANK '6'] VINO. While it is meet and proper that a contented and properous people should - at all times render praise and adoration to Him whom we as a Christian nation acknowledge as .the upholder and dis- tributor of the blessings which we en- joy, it is especially fitting that on this national day of Thanksgiving we should . join in universal" rejoicing. Were it possible for us to telescope the different lands and climes within whose borders neither war nor famine nor scourge have gained a foothold or even those countries who OWn the existence and control of an Omniscient hand our eyes could light on no people more blessed than those of our fair Dominion. “ Peace has within our borders been, Contentment has our cup oerflown, \Vhile health and plenty reign supreme, Praise God for all his mercies shown." Although it may be true that Canada as a Dominion and Ontario as a province have not had that measure of success, and result that has been ‘ their" portion in years gone by ; farmers complaining of low prices, manufac- turers having difficulty to dispose of their output and merchants unable to balance accounts as they could wish still we doubt not if they will compare their position with those in similar avocations outside our borders they will come to the conclusion that “Things are never so bad, but that they might be worse,” and with that confidence and hope that is characterâ€" istic of our race press forward ex pecting a better state of affairs in the years to come. If Columbus had not been undaunted by the drawbacks and discouragements he encountered, to some one else would have gone the honor of discovering the great western continent. Had John Milton been disheartened by the loss of his eyesight (with which no business reverse is to be compared) the world would never have known of nor read that master- piece of classic English “ Paradise Lost,” and if the individual artisans of Canada will only press forward un mindful of the rubicous they are called upon to cross, having faith in them- selves and their country, rendering thanksgiving and obedience to Omni- potent Jehova, they may not be assured of the highest position in the temple of fame neither will they worry after it, but rather excl-aim, Then teach me, heaven ! to scorn the guilty bays, Drive from my breast that wretched lust of praise, Umblemished let me live, or die unknown, Oh, grant an honest fame or grant me none. (Yonnndrums. Why would a crane feel at home in Mill- brook ? Because he would not require stilts to Wade street crossings. Why open out new back streets when we cannot keep our main street in repair? Ask the Reeve he knows to a .3 why. Why wouldn’t a few lanterns hung along the fences on our streets illuminate the town? Because they wouldn’t be lit, too dark . Why wouldn’t one mantle for the whole council ‘3 Give it up. ‘ Perrytown. Mrs. Richard Thornton an old lady who got thrown out of a buggy sometime ago, is recovering nicely now. Mrs. John Rooney and her tWO children, who have been visiting the Rev. Rooney for some time, have left for their home in Shel- bourne, accompanied by Miss Mary Rooney. Our cheese factory has shut down after doing a good season’s business. Our auctioneer, J. H. Gardiner. has done quite a business this fall. He intends hold- ing same joint stock sales soon. . Conn-cynic. Miss Ethel Richardson of Millbrook spent Sunday with her cousins the Misses Larmer. Mrs. Barry of Pcterboro’ is visiting at the home of her brother Mr. Thos. Deyell. The shooting match at the Rossin House last Friday came off admirably and was well patronized. We understand that there has been quite a revival in our neighboring village, Bailie- boro. during the past few weeks. Whv should we not have one here and rouse up the religious Work among us. Janetvlllc. Last week John Ward, son of Mr. Frank Ward, met with instant death by the break- ing of a stumping machine, at which he had stopped to look for a few minutes while crossing a neighbor’s field, where it was at work. The machine broke at the top and one of the upright posts fell striking Mr. Ward on the head killing him instantly. Much sympathy is felt for the stricken family, this is the second sudden death in the family within a. few weeks. Rev. Mr. Bowner occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday evening. Rev. M r. Fusee conducted Thanksgiving services on Thurs- day evening. Mr. J. H. Ped is visiting friends here. . g, o..?'9 0: o 37;: ’IE\ viva “AS713 “(it _ ngfl CO . Sl’zdlbs“ 'Léll ‘9, Al‘s'bSobA \I \I \I \f V i ,. -ies é. . 7's .s.««.s--r$~ 'The Grocery department is constantly replenished E Goods that we are always 2" ' Goods that are fresh and clean, 3 5 and if you give us your trade you will bear us out in choice. pure goods. pete With any house in the district. In every line we are to the front and Will be pleased to see you. ”1 “‘2‘“ . Mrs. S‘wiitzer of s’é’fifififis at Mr. J as. Hone s, also Mrs. Hickson of Goldwater. (Zavaiiivllle; Report of S. S. No. 5, Gavan, based on a written: examination held last Friday :â€" Class V.-â€"Maggie :Vaiice, Adah' Vance Eva. Coe. ' _: 3;, “L. :fiuch-iflfi‘ii‘j Senior IV.â€"â€"F red Cathcart, Helen Lgfigh ‘ Junior IV. â€"Birdie Elliott, Bertha Touch: burn. I Senior III.â€"â€"Violet “'att, Hanlan Sisson Jennie Vance, \Vilma Coe. ’ Junior II1.-â€"VVillie Touchburn. Senior lI.â€"â€"Laura Coe, Annie Twamley, Ella Graham, Bertha Rea, Maud McKnight, Cassie Bullcn, Roy Lough. T. W. McLEAN, Teacher. Ll fl‘ord. The beautiful weather that we have en' joyed so much this autumn has come to a close, and we are having a foretaste of win- ter. This morning the ground was carpeted With snow to the depth of several inches. Miss Alma Titus gave her friends a party on Friday night. All kinds of games were indulged in and the amusements kept up until the “ wee sma’ ours ” of the morning, when all dispersed for their homes, having spent an enjoyable evening. , Mr. John Davis of this place has bought a farm in the township of Morris, near Brus- sells. We wish Mr. I). and family long life and prosperity in their future home. Last evening we thought we heard the noise of wolves barking in the distance, but as we came near we found it was a few of l the sports out for a run. The steam threshers are bringing their work to a close to be ready for other em- ployment when the ground freezes. Salvation Army. Commandant Booth, the commissioner of ithe Salvation Army for Canada and New- foundland, has fixed the date of the annual Self-Denial for Nov. 25th to Dec. 2nd. The proceeds of the Self-Denial effort in Canada and other countries is a remarkable festi- niony of the Army’s progress and develop- ment. During this week every member of the Salvation Army, from the commissioner to the latest recruit, 3.10th With the thous- and Army friends abstain from all luxuries and indeed a great many of the necessities of life in order that theymay be able during this week to contribute more liberally to the various operations and institutions of the Salvation. Army. If imitation is the sin- cerest form of flattery, then the Salvation- ists have good reason to be proud of their success in this direction, as the London Missionary Society, Methodists, Primitive Methodists and English Presbyterian Assembly, and the American Episcopal Board of Foreign Missions have now all got their weeks of Self-Denial. The Salvation Amy’s Self-Denial effort in Canada in 1888 produced $2,828. 93; 1889 produced $5,993.- 16 ; 1891 produced $12,257.18 ; and last year the steady improvement continued and pro- duced the magnificient total of $14,080.85. This year as the needs are still greater, an extra effort is being put forth and commis- sioner fully expects a substantial increase. The Cradle. ‘ ;. FAIRâ€"At Centrcvillc. on Wednesday Nov. 15, the Wife of Goo. L. Fair. of a son. The Tomb. Coxxons.â€"â€"In Millbrook. on Saturday. Novem- ber 18th. 1893, Catherine. wife of John Con- nors. aged 70 years. Relief in Six Hours. â€"Distressiug Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the “ Great South American Kidney Cure.” The new remedy is a great surprise and delight (in account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys. back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by A. Luca, Druggist. I l _ Our stock of Boots and Shoes is complete. \Ve E 5 keep nothing but firstâ€"class at all the different prices. 5 From ladies finest goods to men’s coarsest wear, we 3 have their. in great variety. “'0 are also prepare to 3 5 supply the wants of the little ones. I ' In trunks, valiseg, etc., we have them in all dimen- 3 Sup to'the times. Give Mrs. \Vhyte a call. _ Ether . 'k. 0 , ._ g ‘ ,0. 'S- C ( . . 7 .. .. p . . q ‘ _ * 2, Ifrou-are in need of carpets at any time ___.. l‘ u‘ W122” é.13”133$:‘tl‘iii‘l‘ieaifftfici" Si‘lié’iiél‘é‘fi 13.21% 653% : be suited'here as our stock never was as well assorted. 3 3 tion to suit _, ' . ’ ‘ 1 " : a?“ _ \ w;fl__" 01]. ' ill-LIE. ' . ° . o . Inmakmg your tall purchases you cannot do better than by givmg us a call as we are prepared this season to com- Fnr best in ma innâ€"Ling, Takes, oâ€"THE GUFECTlflNEllâ€"O sagas; ....»~~-- _ To The Front ! Liquogfaic:os ij‘jaastuayugae manhunt? And PrOViSians thatfwc 23:: arte gotfgt‘ - General Groceri es,‘ and foreign fiiéielécizegi::Jskt, (Spirit‘s (2)1355; a. to FANCY Goons, Comprising dame: ”H ' nstru \“ - _ ‘ 9 .1 nlen S, c ‘ IVI I LI H E" RY 00!, 03/ CUPS 3110 ' 7‘ 1 0115 and Toys in :33- 341 George Street, I": Peterboro,’ : Ontaria, Canned .JOOdS- War “OCR *8 Very Complete. WHOLESALE and _RETAIL. N.B.â€"The highest price paid for butter and eggs. ._.__â€".â€".â€"-â€" ifi'éfil'éi.‘ Watch $17? Biscuits and Fancy Cakes FROM BDST MAN L” FACTUREFS. OYSTER PARLOB and WHO" ROOM. LEVER - I I,” We have at but” . will receive money back. Des- demonstrat ‘ . ' , cription: Cut is 2-3 size; that ha 5; b Weight “13:102.; American wntc cs e '- ever ovement, an- : {undefor ’ ‘ temfipggggwgbests 3 D0“ t forget the place, ow price ' , "to . . ;. aten: , 7 .. ‘ 10‘s of 10- a “'10de andset- ppOsite J. Giilotts Cabinet “Vare- ting attachment we make this . . requiring no watch sur. . rooms, King-st \Vest. phrlsingl‘y .V ” Iggy: Patent c e‘p. ‘n -. A. scareinent cansellitior ,7: a “(134313118- 81.75. Every ,f. E 2‘ torntrong J. ROBINSON YOU NG. part is made ; w caseqfcom- and put to. 1 position getherinour \.. menu. New England , G?” 01‘ K I S ' factory. and ’ Nuke] 0 every watch is .\ Plated 6: timed and guar. \ elegan tly anteed by us. ‘ , finished: The publishers of '1, . 2' ’ Hour, Min. this piliper will tell .- ute andSe. you t not our our. ~ -‘ - ~ ~ . . . - . . “mam good. this , figdflm‘f; Do you want Horse Blankets ! If so I time system just as shown in cut , shown on dial. and dcscription.und unv- one not perfectly satisfied -.Mention this paper and we will prepay posts e ment in town Po '1 ' ' ' . . . . 7 _ . . l 1.1 )S t ‘ Y or :hlippiililg chtarges to anv pa rt of Canada. Thgis i 1 IS Harness )0“ wa c i W) no vary a minute in 3') days. None have on 'our min 1 l ' ' . ‘ ' sent C.O.D., but all warranted as above. 3 l ' “ ell I can ht you out With the best of stock and | F. s. SCHNEIDER, i k h - gom wor 'mans ip I can satisfy;ypgmas no watChmaker and Jeweller one else can. \\'lii])isBrushes and 391 George St reet, PETERBOROUGH, EXECUTORS’ Notice to Oredi’cors! '. i‘ereby given pcrsuant to the pro. \ls ns f R. S. 0.. 1884'. Chap. 110, and 0 act that all creditors and others guinst the e‘ - 'Of the late the Township of of Durham. Yoeman "ed, wh on or about the 2nd day of Oetobe . . , at t 0 Township of Gavan, afore- said, are required, 11 or before the 15th day of December, 1893, to clivcr or send by pest pre- paid to Smith 8; cstou. Solicitors for Wm Syer and Archibald 'ood. the executors of the said estate. at Mill 3 00k. a full statement of their names and add sscs. the full particular: of their claims anddl‘e nature of the security (if any) held by them . 2‘. ‘ And furthcrtakenoticc that after the said last mentioned date the executors of the said estate will proceed to'; distribute the aS§etq thereof among,r the parties entitled tnerctoi having regard only to ‘the claims of whey; BOARS FOR SERVICE HOllCC shall have been received as aforesaid â€"- and the said executors will not. be liable fer the ‘lmproved Chester “’hitc BORE “King Bruce." said assets or any art thereof to any per50n or .\‘o. gill: farrowed March 16111, 1893. Large persons of whosec aim orclaimsnotice Shallnot LI‘ghSh Befkshil‘c- “Stonewall," No. 2522: rar- . have been received at the time aforesaid. ' rowed Aprll 10111. 1§93. A ' Dated (11 Millbrook this Sill of NOV -’ â€" ' 1893. A ~ ember, Will be kept’for service en lot 13. con. 10, have the best, cheapest, and largest assert. to perfection. _ , evcr 'tliinr with )rins t "* _' _, ON'I ARIO. y g 1 to o suit the time“. Call and see me before purchasing. W. STRAIN. THOMAS GILLOTT Oabinetmaker ”wtake l’, Keeps on hand a lar 0 stock of COFFIN S GASKETS and a1 kinds of Undertakcrs,’ Goods. ‘Bedroozn. Parlor and all other kinds ol 1* urniturc. hand-made, at. lowest prices: 5:? Do not fail to call and see him, My. cuims Jan s \fi’illian on. lat Cat n in the SMITH _PRESTON, HOBO-o T s as usual, $1.00 for season. In Solicitors for ExCCutlox-s, thankm my many customers for the very liberalp trongeextcnded to me the ast seven years in he swme busines ‘ you -' respect- fully 5911.0 . ' esamc this year. A call is invited beforc’going elsewhere, . "is- tcred pedigrees on application. The '. 0 've boars took first and second places at Millbrook lTY BA BER snop, T. . BY A \ 3:}; lg fflieigfi are no relatives to any other ' i I am also breeder of Brown and White Leg. ’ Tonsorial Artist. horns. Some fine young cockerls for sale reason able. FRANCIS SMITH, %§f:gfi;fitng'5tv Millbrook, opposite Wood . ~ ‘_ Campbellcroft Ont: . . . â€" . â€"â€"Epidermia as bea 'fi ' Shavmg.Hair-cutting.Shampoomgand . “t1 er 0f the 001“. thing else in the tonsorial line carefully 33.23% File“? has no . Try it. At A.. AC 8. v ’ 16- ed to. ! ."‘2‘niwsM.__.- ‘5 >1 “Only th Rem; Says HExRY Hrnsc ~ good, and it bones would be afic good old Mother U to try Ayer’s Sarsap bottles. the sores luv been troubled Since remain, and the past, to remind Ayer’s Sarsaparil I now weigh two 11 pounds, and am in I have been on the twelve years, have saparilla. advertised United States, and tire in telling what «Ayer’s Sa Prepared by Dr. J. C. A Cu res other 5 Egyptie Stove Preserves and Sea .â€"_...,,‘ Guaranteed not to A Brush given witl‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"4â€" paler 25 can SOLD ONLY BY 1 A. T. ELl THE DRU â€"â€"â€"“‘7ravx : -â€".\l rs. \V. "‘ giving in l’cterboro. , ,A ,M, . Archer i -â€"Mr. Samuel l-Iakins weeks visit with rclutiv â€".\lcssrs. George Val are home for Thanksgiu -â€"Ha\'e you signed (:1 It will reach you sure all â€"M:'s. S. Eakins Spell the city, last week. I â€"-â€"\_‘pecial .-v:rlue,.$«n‘ at Jenkins. â€"The Rev. I). N. M the Methodist church, ll â€"â€"Rev Archdeacon A; port Sunday next open â€"Rcy. llr. Sutherla Sunday morning and ex dist church. â€"l}ig push at gre- for \Vhips .r .111 H -â€"â€".\lr. Albert Chan Blenheim on a two parents. â€".\li'. Guy of Oshaw town the last ten days, Sat ui‘duy last, â€"Mr. Gordon \1. S Atlantic Railway, Otta H. A. Turner‘s. /‘ â€"-Be.<t American Oil ever brou 'ht in . J. DOAK's. â€"â€"'l‘hc Rev M r. M charge of the service church on Sunday-next. I i â€"All accounts past . Needham. must be paid day of December. ..» paid will be aced in t I. E. NEEDMAM. â€"Victoria Associatio. of Industry, gave a few evening last at the resid It was dargely attend .. was the result.

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