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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Nov 1893, p. 5

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\ I I I 1;? lete. \Ve-g zit prices. § wear, “1»; repure In: all (linwn- west buy-1 .4 d 5‘: § in a posi-i é e d f d 4 I I I I I I I I I I largest. finest and - - flown in .‘vlill “get . oysters. domestic 1 arrived a nicely of ODS, I...» .... ,‘ nstrnments. Fun- .ipd Toys in end- n »Oods Complete. cy Bakes ‘AI‘TL'REFS. umcu noon. ' 9 Cabinet “bre- \Vest. N YOUNG. S! lankcts! If so I ml largest assort- t is Harness you [can fit you out best of stock and atisty 3'33; “as 310 ”9.5- . s, Brushes and ’I suit the times. chasing. TRAIN. LLOTT ‘ I‘ . -.M"’\ - rtaker, ' of COFFINS. s of L'ndertakers’ d all other kinds r lowest prices. cc him, l-Iy. nu‘. “KingBrucc,” ioth. 1893. large 11." No. 2522; fan 0 n lot 13. con. 10, to for season. In .ers for the very me the as: seven MW e same this year. iscwhere. $3,65- ion. The ¢ ve Iaces at Millbrook vcs to any other . and White Leg- -rls for sale reason SMITH. mpbellcroft Ont , I Iifier of the com: Try it. All At WM" ’ 16~ a “Only the Sears Remain,” Says HENRY HUDSON, of the J2me! » Smith Woolen Machinery Cf}: Philadelphia} ! Pa., who certi- fies as follows: “ Among lb? many testimom‘ als which I 59° in regard to '39“ t ai n mediCines p e r f o 1' mill g cures, cleansing the blood, 8th none impress me more than my 0 w n c 8 5 9 ' Twenty years ago, at. the age of 18 years. Iliad swellings 001119 0 n m y 16 g 9 I which broke and '3 b e 0 am e run- g ning sores- Our family P11)“ sician could do me . good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remairi, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has done me- I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health- I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer’s Sat. saparilla. advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas’: me in telling what good it did for me. «Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8t. 00., Lowell,“ Cures others, will cure you EM? Stove Pipe Ename -â€"-â€"â€"â€"+ Guaranteed not to Smoke or Sine". l i Vii/law V‘s‘avsi A Brush given with each bottle. â€"â€"â€"â€"§ PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SOLD ONLY BY a. T. ELLIOTT, THE DRUGOIST. TOIVN TALK â€"Mrs. W. Archer is spending Thanks- giving in Peterboro. -â€".\Ir. Samuel Eakins is home from a three weeks visit- with relatives in the city. â€"Messrs. George Vance and Harry Wood are home for Thanksgiving holidays. â€"Have you signed Gordon’s petition yet. It will reach you sure as Xmas. â€".\'Irs. S. Eakins spent a couple of days in the city, last. week. _Special W’s long Boot-s 43-3 at J enkin’s; â€"The Rev. D. N. McCumus preached in the Methodist church, Bethany, last Sunday. -â€"Rev. Archdeacon Allen will be in Lake- port Sunday next opening a new church. â€"Rey. Dr. Sutherland W'lll preach next Sunday morning and evening in the Metho dist church. _.Big push at W prices for \Vhips of all k1 s at R. J. DOAK’s. â€".\Ir. Albert Chambers is home from Blenheim on a two weeks visit to his parents. â€".\lr. Guy of Oshawa, who has been in towu the last ten days, returned home on Saturday last, â€"Mr. Gordon NI. Scott of the Canada Atlantic Railway, Ottawa, is visiting at Dr. H. A. Tui‘ner‘s. “Best A 'ican water W Coal Oil ever brouWnook, at R. J. DOAK’s. :39 _The Rev Mr. McKenzie will take charge of the services in the Anglican church on Sund ext. 't due owing to I. E. Nwdham ust be aid befo teenth day of D ‘mber 18 date those not paid will be p aced in court for collection. I. E. NEEDHAM. 45-2 -â€"Victoria Association, No. 12-19, Patron: of Industry, gave a fowl supper on Friday evening last at the residence of Mr. Charliss It wasdargely attended and a good time was the result. â€"\V. Thexton is selliu ' ard . .50 per cord for cash. It is ; ' a fist: send your orders quickly. 46' â€"Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilchrist, of Port Hope paid ashort visit to Capt. \Vinslow last week. . â€"O the tolling, tolling, tolling, of that bell, bell, hell, but its coming, coming, coping, Or Ike Richardson a-â€"â€"-â€"â€" . 45 . . . ~â€"'l hos. \I. . \\ halley, formerly wwnler of the quill on Tm; REPORTER, is now business manager for Miss Bowcs, elocutionist. â€"Cavan Council met on Monday last. “ 0 expect to report the proceedings in our next issue and continue to do so hereafter. -Sa-y, Mr. Westcnd Chuck, if you let. us know your next meeting night on the dry goods box we’ll drop up and take a round in the debate. â€"A petition was circulated" and freely signed on the streets asking Dalton Mc- Carthy, M.P. to address the electors of Millbrook and vicinity in the near future. »â€" - - “54$ "1"" â€"Root Baskets” Potato .z-Femk-s. Scoop Shovelene, * anterns and Wall paper going at hard time prieces at R. J. DOAK’S. 39 â€"Bread is only 8c. for a four pound loaf in Hamilton, why not as cheap here, flour is worth only $3 per barrel and expenses are not above the average in Millbrook. â€"â€"-Quite a serious fire occurred at Spring- 'ille on Tuesday evening last, wiping out the fine brick residence and store of Mr. Tulley, merchant. â€"I want an assistant for office work at once, must be good w' e pen: and have some knowledgepf ook-keeping, office and yard at railway station. W. THEXTON. 46- â€"See J: R. Young’s new advertismenr- this week. You may want lighter diet such as he keeps, after thanksgiving, so don’t forget he has fresh oysters for a disordored stomach besides toys for tho children. â€"Perhaps you forgot that we will take wood for that little bill you owe the RE- PORTER, we won't be responsible for the safety of that big pilc behind our yard if you don‘t pony up. â€"â€"A Strathroy woman, who had recently lost her husband by death, is said to have. sent the following telegram to relatives in the east : “ Jim died this week ; loss fully covered by insurance ” -â€"â€"The Rev. R. N. Adams of Bethany preached in the Methodist church last Sun- day morningIr and evening and favored us with a. call before 1‘ _'.ving town. -â€"In the Guide of, last week we read a. poetic effusion to Hunter’s old cow, which would have been the dcathof Spot anyway had \Ve surely will not she lived to read it. require to keep our door locked any longer um. Fmtlight. fDOn’t. forget. the town hall to-night, where “ A Rough Diamond” am 6; Our Boys ” are on the boards, by a. select caste of our best local talent, why not counten- ance home effort when you know you will vet the worth of your money. n â€"A furious gale is prevailing on the west coast of England. Many persons have been injured by the blowing down of houses. It is said to be travelling this way, so look out for it about the time you are eating your Thanksgiving Turkey. -â€"Enamel. The only smokeless, odorless and perfect stove- )i e varnish is for sale at R. , '. iiy no other untilydu' lave tried ours. For stoves we have the celebrated Black Led. It is excellent polish. Try it. â€"We welcome the daily World of Vic- toria B. C. to our exchange list, the World is a large eight page, newsy and well written paper. Those who wish to be posted on the affairs of the Pacific coast cannot- do tbun have the ll’orld on their desk. I â€".\Ir. \V. Buchanan jr., of Norwood, has received the appointment of head reporter on the Peterboro Daily Review. He is equal to the occasion and no doubt will wield the pen in a manner that will increase the interest taken in that- paper. â€"Keep your eye’on \V. Archer for Boots, Shoes and? Rubbers. Every- thing marked dmvn t0 ‘ . prices. Men’s long XK ots reduced from $5.00 to :34. Men’s Lace Boot only 85c. All other lines equally low. ~Dr. May, General Secretary and Inspec- tOr of Mechanics Institutes. is expected in tOwn soon to talk the matter over and if a Suflicient number are interested have an inStitute started in Millbrook. Now let those who want. good wholesome winter reading discuss the matter at breakfast dinner and tea and everewhcre. ‘Thc lecture in the Methodist chruch by the Rev. \V. R. Young on the World’s Fair, together with Mr. Roy's views was \vell attended on Thursday evening last. Mr. Young has the faculty of making what- eYer he takes in hand exceedingly interest- iug and his “'orld’s Fair lecture was no ex- ception, Those who were there were well Pleased. “‘ Steal rails for the C P. R.” is the heading in an esteemed contemporary. smile of us mav be making preparations to Steal Wood and coal for ourselves, seeing that the muskrat and the goosebone say that it is going to be a hard winter, but we are not going to steal rails or railway ties for allyone. If Van Horne wants to get m1lsthat way let him steal them himself. 4?, . ThcfitarAlmunac of Montreal for 1894 has 450 pages. Thirty tho . usand fa' twenty thousand subJeC‘LS. It is thcetsflfellt: D 1. popular Almanac of the (law, and it- is not surprising that the demand fem is so en- pgysthizcven beforea Single copy is ready â€"-Ted. Griffin of Cavan is .., ‘ 0' an immense sale on his farm, 1-5:”? :21: lull? on Monday, Dec. 4th. The stock to be, dis: posed of is composed of a large' number of well-bred horses, cattle and sheep, as well as a large list of implements in good condi- tion. A lot of household furniture, almost new, will also be disposed of. He offers 12. month’s credit and wishes it distinctlv understood that there will be no reserve. Sulcut one o’cllick p. m. auctioneer. James Wilson, â€"If your friends or neighbors are leaving town or returning home to visit, let us know. It may be no news to vou but. others might want to know. If anything strikes your mind that would be interesting to the readers of Tm: REPORTER, send it in whether from the village or country, we want all the news that will make THE REPORTER instructive and like a letter from a friend. Can't you help us‘: â€"How true it is that “ misfortunes never come singly ” and equally true that “ we know not what an hour or a day may bring forth.” The sudden and sad death of J onn \Vard referred to in our correspond- ence from J auetville casts a gloom over the Whole community. In all the freshness and vivacity of young manhood while stop- ping to take an interested look at the work- ings of a stumping machine he was struck dowu by the breaking. down of the machine. This is the second bercvement the home has lately had to pass through. \Ve tender the heartfelt sympathy of the Rial-I’Iuirnn to the sorrowing family. although words are veritably mocking under such calamities. â€"The editor of an American weekly journal lately lost two of his subscribers through accideutly departing from the beaten track in his answers to correspondents. Two of his subscribers wrote to ask him his remedy for their respective troubles. No. l, ahappy father of twins, wrote to enquire the best way to get them safely over their teething, and No. 2 wanted to know how to protect his orchards from the myriads of grasshoppers. The editor framed his answer upon the orthodox lines, but unfortunately transposed their two names, with the result tlac saidt CountymDuI-hmn, sfolicitpr1 for tlac time and place. 9 r “ ‘3...“ ‘ . 'z '. - - u minis rotor of I c estate-0 $21K. (cccasc , z , . [hilavof November. 13 .‘I. ’3. 3 tint N0 '1’ ‘who W is \‘blessed wuh twms, full particulars of their claim. together With Ditcd the ShmwaMITURNER. ._3 x f ‘ ,I’x read to his query : ‘ Cover them carefully ppcir christian and Sprp‘agicsland the nature of Clerk of the Municipality. 1. f .- . , -. - . . .10. security (if any) c (- y t 1cm. I With straw and the little pests after Jump- find mkii “litucclt'hat'tim 5,931 adgagnistmgor, .___.._____.__._â€"â€"â€" 2/ ing about in the flames a few minutes will “'1, on an a 'crllefia“ 23” (“YO cccm c_r. ’ . r" - I. - ..- " . , _ , 1893. proceed to distribute the assets of the said . .- '* speedily be settled.’ \\ bile IVO 2, plagued estate. amlong mic pprticls entitled thereto. hmll VOTERS L18 1 l . [A x”? - . . . ,- . in re rum on‘y o 10 c afm‘ f .1’ hh :13 â€"-.- ,~ ,, . /. mm gmsmppels, “as tom to {Due a httle thing; a1w holilii? “Ci: th'1 1:: (‘1‘ NC 0 H] Township of South Monaghan. ' . '.‘ ‘ ' ~ , ' act at 1 r00: 13 ti n'ofN ' - «A, .. castor 011 llld rub their gums gently With a ber, 1893. 5 3 ox cm ‘ *O'I‘ICE is W a ‘10“.‘1'1 Wm be bone. R- BUDDY. J.\ hold. rsuant to thc Voters List Act. by *W._».â€" _â€"â€"__..â€"«._._ “ SOlICIIIQrfOr Thomas Eukins. llis lion the Judge of the County (our: of __.._..___ Administrator of the Estate. the Con ics of Northumbcrland undulmrnam at. the T wn Hull. Millbrook. on the hight day a . of Dcccm ' "‘ ' ' .1n..to hear FARM FOR SALE OR RENT and determine {3 To scvcra 4 . D am *3 0W.-._~ x, *â€" . and omissions in the Voters List of the Mumcx- r- « A. -, , t The und Signed offers for sale or to rent, polity of South Monughan for 1893. Allpersons that valuab ’Jhuudrcd acres. 180, having business at the court are requircd to acres cleared. Situated Lot 16. 7th Con. Cavan. amended at the so id lime and rlucc. . HE E ME I fall DIOWIIIg all done. only 3 miles from Mill- Dated this 7th day of November 1891;. 1 . brook. 7 ALFRED DAVVSO) DAVID ARMSTRONG. Township Clerk, 44'4 Millbrook, Ont. ~15-3t South Monughun. -â€"SUCH ASâ€" B ' Id ' P m mg. «aper, O firs 4‘ ~. (ll é P 9 ass, utty l / ’ ”WORTH OFâ€" Lantéméc. c T' r e - OW les, » I . At Reasonable PI‘ICBS MUST BE SOLD WITHIN NEXT 30 DAYS AT AT GARDINER’S ALI. GILG RIS I 8: 00 s I » I I] ll @ H F GREAI REALIZAI ION SALE, [lama "3 {V Hmu ”HS Commenting Saturday, N ooemoer 18M. , . We just begin to realise the fact that in another month our buyer will be Off to Europe to buy Spring Goods. XYe must therefore in thirty days scratch together $20,000 for him to takeal‘Ong to pay for what he buys. W 1th this in View we haverdecided to quickly and promptly set to work and raise the above amount by hook or by 'OOk. To accomplish this we know that the pruning knife must be put in iberally, and that we must present you a tempt- ing list.‘of Bargains we think y u will appreciate our cfi'ort-sfin this direction when you see what we have to offer no Goods that you need now at the com- mencement of the winter season at prices such as are often quoted in February when you don’t need the goods 111: v price. we do not expect to raise this large am ind our buyer says he must ‘ Town all, Millbpook, MONDAY, DEB A a’m z‘ssz'on, - - Reserved Seats, - and requires a CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY like Hood’s Sarsaparill to cure it. Read: entirely lost mv 11 than a year. and had sev lmproveme guiuh no sound. myself 111 some one saparilla wo . e an taking it without the expectation of any a - help. To my surprise and rem joy I foun when I had taken three bott es that my hear- ing was returning. I kept on till 1 had taken three more. It is now over a year and I can hear perfectly well. Iam troubled but 0 take Orders. 537“" very little with the catarrh. I consider this a T remarkable case, and cordially recommend not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all drugglsts. Notice to Grcdltcrs ! In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas having claims County Of )urham, Yocman. Der-cased. who N or before 1 .. _ . 0 . Robert Ruddy Of the ”th Of Millbrook m at the court are required to attend at the said _.-. . ‘uw. 18, ’93 Ha”, GIIGI‘IrISt c0" ,5, . . ~35, Peterboro, - LOZENGES..41W373 prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requmng no after medicine. Never flailin‘ ' g. Leave no bad after , ”“3”" Price. 25 cents per Box mummiesâ€"T" Huvin'; diss‘pecx‘l of my intern: in z“ . ii "f _ MI, _, business in Ninth-00k. ' in a po<xnon to accomm - * “ll-.mcrs in killing their food. Digs . . . sllccp'. I will also devote part or my time to brew. “in: coils lo drive. ,_ ‘ IRA NA'l‘RASS. â€"“m§§6iTâ€"IEE. A convention of alltvmpcrancc work-32‘s of our riding is called to be hold on Doc. 19:. it‘ll-3, to make arrangements {or pollinfilnc pronibi- lion vote. on Jan. 151, 1891. ,‘we cgatos from all churches. 'i‘cmpcruncc .‘ ' -ictics. \V. C. 'l‘ ‘ Y. P. S. (1. Es. arc rcqu . . . . ,ll motion. Of Rochester, N. Y. D e af fo r a Y 8 ar take part and effect “'C()lx.?,1l{();g:‘:iÂ¥TH C G. M. LEEHY. Chairman of Loml Com. Convener of District. AMA JOHN GILLoTT, Undertaker andfractical d . t1 _ to ,t Snob/airmen. e various nngs cure 1 . - - . . physicians attempt it, but no , 53' Best of Testupomals can be given. was apriarent. I could diutin- a was intending putting â€"â€"AT 0NCE~ aused by Catarrh in the Head Catarrh is a. CONSTITUTIONAL disease, “Three years ago, a result of catarrh, I ing and was deaf for more er the care of a'specialist when estcd that possxbly Hood’s Sar- vmnmiz-hit‘m ; steady work, pr 3 pus; Mt. Hope . n-‘llcd lb’l‘l.‘ ' ’ VJANG: ochestep. N. Y. 43-; Nurseries. Ec' late in the R 6c BARR , Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all who have catarrh.” HERMAN HICKS, 30 Carter Street, Rochester, N. Y. “ Lord Aberdeen." MPROVEI) YORKSIIICE BOAR FOR SER- VICE. This is undoubtedly lllc finest pig that is being kept for Scryicc in this section this your. and farplcmsvfll‘fii‘nsull lllcll‘ own interest by usinlrhnn. He is u beauty and well worth you ittcntion. (fullundhscc him before going clscw l . , .,. ‘, _ ' '. pic of service. If not so paid $1.25 Will oc charged. THOMAS HENRY. Lot 16, Con. 10. Township of Hope. HOOD’S PILLS are purely vegetable, and do ADI‘IINISTRATORS’ VOTERS’ LIST COURT. Eakin s. Yeoman, Deceased. - - VOTICE is hereby rvim-u. that a court Will be" TOTICE .15 hereby g1" pursuant to the l\ held pursuant {2) “The Votcrs‘ List Act. \ provmons "t I?” "1 .‘* Chap. 110' and 1889 bv His Honour the Judge .l‘ 1b:- \‘ounty xe- amending acts, t all creditors and others Court‘of the Unitcd Counties" f Northnnlbcr- '- "Rn“ t'h‘.’ estate 0f Thomas land and Durham at the Town Hall. llillbrook, the lownshlp of Mum ch in the 0 iursoay the. m irticth day of November, ‘” ' 1..., $1 bc afternoon. {cheer and lakins, late ‘ . , x r bun. . died on or about. the 9th day of July, 169.5, at determine the gevcrmmgyfmm , Manvors OI‘CSEUd, ar ‘ " t o ( cllvel‘. 0“ omissions in the Voters" List of the \ illugc of ~ I‘ve . .7 g 0f December. 1893’ L0 Millbrook for 1893. Allpcrsonshavingbusincss _,-‘ have it) by quietly standing behind our counter with Micawber-like, “ waiting for something to turn up that will I customers in of themselves,” but we do expect that this announcement with o ist of sharply cut prices for attractive lines of goods will convince you, tha . i.”- justice to yourselves, you cannot allow this opportunity to pass unhecded. N" It don’t need much logic to convince you these hard times (when our friends in the country are getting only 56c. a bushel for wheat, and which fact indirectly effects every citizen in like proportion) that if One Dollar will buy you as much when spent with us as $1.35 will when spent in most places, that ours is the place to deal at. Every department will contribute its share of bargains. NVe have spent mostly every evening this week marking down prices and you Wlll make a mls- take if you do not attend this GREAT SALE. Ontario; M-d~~. I- t' ‘ ‘1’... . 9' .2' r ~‘ ' x 4 .\ . .

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