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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 30 Nov 1893, p. 1

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2.. " HELLO! cgngTRAL. Desires to inform thg mm: of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 31095, Hits and Caps, .Frcgh Groceries, 8w. Cheap for cash. All kmzls of‘ produce want- , L:_L--L __:nn :n hank _A-1 Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, ”W - in‘cash at d the hlghest pnce pa fig?“ the shop or on the road. W. BLAND. VE INARY SURGEON. J. Successor to T. . assard.) Registered and on. Graduate 0 . .termary Col- 0, Toronto. Late _etermary Surgeon North $est Mounted Pohce. Calgag-y. Attended Clinical Lectures, Royal Vetegmary Gone 9, London, Eng. Dentlstry a specxaltgy. All §o_ mestioated animals treated accordmg to latest scientific methods.. Ofilce on K1ng~st., Opposite Daminion hotel. Mfllbrook. 91y, â€"vvw vi. a permanent booMey ar'e .not required, Communicauons from Tnelghbonng towns re~ ceiVe prompt attenuon and servxces mfiuch laces erformed modemtetly and satlsfac- Rory; mce: 379 water street. Address, Post office box 125. Peternoro, Ont. - 7 -6m P. WATFolu). ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books Opened and closed. Ac. counts collected. z *“gnments taken in charge andall details co p1 ted. S ecml atigention given to book-kce r's; ’ ere scrvxces of 2; permaawrxt , b°°.k- .Per are .not .requircd. 5313756 " ”011506; 'ziBrtTri'Ei'dé of ' kHzâ€"Em“ Refinance-Canadian Bank 01' Commerce. he“. T 31.3 COLLINS s; 00., BANKERS. MILâ€"L. O ROCK. Far -' and other good note; discounted. Dyaf iss d on all points of. can gda and the Unwed tat. ‘ lowest rates. The collection of salean er ates a. specialty, Mafia“ 01* m1 emits: .Napomryssion A--- ~-d4 I ’LY are res ecttullglinformed that fix}: berton, Pro es "usic, and late Band figter C R0 2.1 S of infantry, Toropto, is now prepar to r vocal or man-u. mental, at his resi co, Uentel Street. Ethane instruction at any hour. Orders for musxc and Musical instruments of any and every chug promptly attended to. ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL LY are respectfully informed that Thna W. CLARKE. L. .S.. DENTIST SPECIAL o sttention gxye he preservation or the natural teeth. Ni u ' as for the pain. less extraction of Le . cod work "'uaramwd. “Tin be aSBethany the 21:11:32. 43h iiondaya of each month, Poncypool 15!; and 3rd Mondays. OJ 0 Office and résxdhâ€"e'uggfixebcro. 70m. W111 be 3: Ga can ’5 Hotel, Millbro ', every Saturday. LLB. A. J. Armstron ‘ . \V. H. Ncsbm. B. A. First- class loa aced. Money loaned and invested. Mercan e cells 0113 made and general 15w business. . IDDELL. ARMSTRONG 7‘: NESBITT, Barmsters. Solicitors, Ix'otalles, etc" Go 90311}; and grighton. Bf.“ R: Ridden, B.__A. Mondays in «Mm. ‘Money to loan at lowes; rates. A. WARD, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor; etc. Oflice in Ontario Block, Walton Sgrefi,’ Po” _ 0pc. Money to land on the secumt o estate. Town and (arm property for e. MITH PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solici'ors. Notaries. 8:0. Offices,Wood 8c Kells' block, Min- brook. 0nt., and Bethany-on the 2d and 4th RCHIBALD \VOCQIMUER OF 3 RIAGE LICENSL . Miilorook, 0n; T C. MCKINNON. I D,, C. M., (S 150053 o 501' to Dr. Niddr‘ "101-0 and Victoria Umv ersities. Licen ' Uollc ge Sur geons, Edinbu b.1v Uolleg e Physicians and Surgeons, ntar . Onicc at. g.A '1‘. Elliot as dru store. Mper ofiice hours at Mr. “m. Ric son's tesxdence, King st... Millbrook, ,Wg page now a laggej "IA-“A a Keeps constantly on bah-Marge stock of Fur- niture of all kinds. Three large showroom No trouble to show goods. ~ Manufacturer of tthxcelslop Washing Machine. The best 111 the mask». JOHN GIIALOTT, November 2, 3 and 4. October 19, 20 and 21, The annual Excursion on the G. T R to the famous’huntlng grounds in the Canadian Highlands, the sportsman’ s paradise, iyvill beheld on ‘Vol. XXXVI. VYLFISHER, v_; F ull particulars can be had from MARRIAGE HCENSES CABIN E‘ PROFESSIONAL A. LEACH, MUSIC; of -the D. CHAN BERS. Agent G. T. R‘y. Millbrook. mARY SURGEON uqigxieboro. 9m. mu All Kinds of Repalrlng CARRIAGE PAINTING. RE dam-é hidébhkfed'in ' boili‘ié’di’l’, inclâ€""TEE Ifii mogture and imparting great 13033688 to the cod. The tenttruss axle grog to arm value of aw on. Icontrol the salfloyot gjswgggonin the ownshipa of Gun ad THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. Is the Ii htest running, and is a general fave ite. It $3 a. modelpj.’ syreggth qu dmbmt; 3.73- ----2.30 423- ---273 430â€"------:300 600--------400 Sale prices are all under cost but they must be sold. Waishmlarke THE BAIN wAncon BURGESS, “GUNS, See Some of Our Prices :â€" Beguiar Price. Brantford\Carriage Co.’s 30 DAYS 3 Robes Blifiets S. Bateson’s md they are offered at low price- MWONWIO Shingles All Grade Doors ‘vouldlngs, Lumber of all kinds In stock. “Dry and Dressed Lumber a Specialty. Lime and Port- land Cement, fresh and good. I have a good square Radiant Home coal stove, I dont need it, and will sell it cheap. Delivery made in town or country, where desired. ' Pearless Barrel Salt for sale. It beats the world. Buggies, and Curt-7 V AND GARTS. l have a Gogol Supply‘fifjcéal and Wood which I Will Sen gheap for Cash. AND red to sell the MILLBROOK. omx. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1393. W. THEXTON. Sale Price. - $1.75 w vâ€"â€" On motion of Councillor Donaldson, seconded ebv Mr. Thornd ke, deputy-reeve, the reeve was appointe a. committee to have the bridge on the east quarter line, 11th concession repaired I.-.“ '-_- Moved B§_Céfifi3fli6§jbonaldmn, seconded by Councillor Coe, that the clerk be in- ructed to notify Messrs, W. H. Coulber at War-Iv 'v-.-r_"_____ . quarter line of road, 10H? concession about thlrty yards from his gate, which had been made by Messrs. W. H. Coulter, George McBain and Thomas McIndoo by digging sand out of same. ' Mr. Allan Cat-heart complained that the bridge on the east quart-er line, 11th con- cession was in a dangerous condition and should be repaired at once. Mr. Cathcart, also complained of a. dangerous hole in ‘east bMoved by Councillor McNeil, seconded yCouncillyor Donaldson that a bonus of $10. 00 be given Mr. Webster for building a, snow fence. Carried. _ Mr, Wehster asked for a bonus for build- in a wire, or snow fence, along the easr, si e of his farm adjoining the middle road, 13th concession. He built it to prevent the snow'from drifting, as the middle road in that particular place was alwa s badly filled in with snow. He had aid 13.40 for the wire for said fence, and e thought that the council should give him abonus equivalent to the cost of the wire, Moved by Councillor Coe, seconded Coun~ cillor McNeil, that Mr. Abraham Webster be_h_ea1:c}_b_y the cqunpi]. C‘arried. , I, ,,3'I J Councillor Donaldson introduced a by-law to appoint the place of meeting for the nomination of eandidates for the olficers of reeve, deputy-rceve and councillors for the Township of Gavan and candidates for the offices of trustees for union school section No. 11 (with Millbrook) of the said town- ship of Gavan for the ensuing year, and the polling places and deputy returning oflicer: in and for the several polling sub-divisions in said township for the next ensuing muni- cipal and school trustees election and also for the purpose of taking the vote of the elections under “ The Prohibition l’lebiscite Act,” which after passing through its several stages was signed and sealed. immintment ot‘Dcputy Returning ("nears -Thc Prohibition l’lebiscil‘câ€"General Business. The council met on Monday, Nov. 20th. pursuant to adjournment. Members all present and the recve presiding. The min- utes of the last- meeting were read and con- firmed. W'e have just received form J apan direct importation of And will guarantee it the best value in Canada. We are also making a specialty of Indian Cey« Ion and Black Teas; Our leader in this line being OUR OWN BLEND AT 500. Such value was never offered befm'e. “'6: have them at all prices, and to suit all people, and think if you give us a chance we own suit you: ‘ W. VANCE. (1.1 ) '.1.\' CO UNCIL. A WORD ABOUT 34¢: Is an exclamation heard every7 hour in the day. Toothache is the most common ail- nient of young and old, and inthe aggregate inflicts more suffering than perhaps an? other single complaint. A one minute cure 1‘ Just what every person desires to possess. Nervflineâ€"ncrve pain cureâ€"acts almost Instantly in relieving the agony, and a sample bottle afi'ords a. quantit sufficient for 100 applications. 10 cents filfl the bill. Polson’s Nerviline is the only positive remedy for toothache and all nerve pains. Sold by all dealers in medicine. -Ted. Griffin of Cavan is going to hold an immense sale on his farm, lot. 1, con, 10, On Monday, Dec. 4th. The stock to be dis- pOsed of is composed of a. large number of well-bred horses, cattle and sheep, as well as a large list of implements in good condi- tion. A lot of household furniture, almost new, will also be disposed of. He offers 12 month’s credit and wishes it distinctly understood that there will be no reserve. Sale at one o’clock p. m. James Wilson, auctioneer. ‘ To myriards of people it will be good news that, there is to be a Christmas number of the Montreal Star this year. All over the world the Santa Claus spirit gets into the air at the beginning of December, no matter whether times are good or bad. Friends away across the seas, over the broad prairies or even at nearer distances, look for a message, and glad will thousands be that we are to have a glorious Christmas number of the Montreal Star laden down with fascinat- ing gems of art. Lot 7. Con. 6 ....................... Wm. McCrorie, error in as scsmmenh. Robt. Fowler, error in assessment” Mayr Ann Sisson, error in 15s0~snlcnt Andrew Hannah, error in assessment income .................................. J. B. \\ 111nm~on, “hole Ray repairing culvert \V. B. opp .0011. 5, Mam crs Robert Bleakley xoadjob, Lot 20, Con.3.. On motion the council adjourned until Sauurday, 9th December next at the hour of one o’clock, p.111. On motion the following orders on the treasurer were signed by the reeve :â€" J amps Scott, statute labour overcharged.$ 2 CO I. W . Campbell, cutting hill and cleaning ditch. Lot 4, Con. 5 ..................... 11 0-3 Albert l‘hair, cutting brush, Lot 4. Con. 5. 98 John Wright, cutting hill, Lot 5, Con. 5. .. 4 95 J oh!) Slgeqkelton, ditching and grading. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Barnicutt, that; Messrs. Graham Bros. be allowed to lay water pipes along a. portion of the 8th Con, line allowance for road, south of Lot ‘20, and also across the road allowance between Lots 90 and 21, Con. S Manvers. Carried. Moved by ML Pzeston, seconded by Mr. Porter that Adam “11son indigent, be left, to boald “ 1th Mr. Robert Fowier at $7. 00 per month commencing on the lst. Decem- ber next. Carried. Mr. Adam Wilson made verbal applica- tion to have his boarding house changed from Mr. Robert Fowler to Mr. William Howdcn. Messrs. Howden and Fowler were then heard with reference to sane. Mr John Sisson, indiwent, verbally applied for extra aid toxxauTs his support}. Apphcation not- entertained. Communications were then read from the Clerk of Peace certifying that the selectors of jurors had made their report as provided by law, and from Messrs. T. H. E. and I. Preston enclosing bill for fire wood furnish- ed by them to John Sisson, indigent, in 1891 and 1892 and asking the council to pay the same. ' On motion the application of Messrs. Preston’s was not cntertmned. Communications Readâ€"Accounts Passedâ€"â€" General Business. The council met on Saturday, Nov. 18th, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and signed by the reeve. ’L’L . A number of orders were lssued on the treasurer, and the council adjourned to meet agam, on Friday, the 15th December at 10.30 .a. m. Moved by Councillor Coe, seconded by Councillor Donaldson, that; Mr. Thorndyke be a committee to sell the timber on the allowance for third concession line of road, opposite lots Nos. 20 and 21. . Carr‘ied. A‘ Moved byGCouncillor Coe. seconded by Mr. Thorndyke that the sum of $10.00 be granted for the relief of Sarah Graham, indigent, and that the sum so granted be placed in the hands of M r. Wm. Stewart to be expended by him, to the best advantage in purchasing necessaries for said indigent. Carried. Mr. Mecald, stated that he had discovered that the forced road through lot No. 12, concession No. 4, Gavan, had never been paid for, and unless the present council would pay him for said allowance, he would narrow it down to a little more than the width of a wagon. He asked that, a. com- mittee be appointed to settle the matter with him. ”Moved by Councillor McNeil, seconded by Councillor Coe, that the reeve and deput; reeve be a committee to enquire into Mr. Medd’s alleged claim, and report teller on at- the next meeting... Carried. ch “CAD IIIOUUIU whnnvuu Mr. William Ezefitart made verbal appli- cation for a. grant for the relief of Sarah Grfxlzanlz ipdigent. .u. n 1 _ 1 George McBain and 'l'homas McIndoo to fil in the hole where they took sand out of the east: quarter line, 10th concession, forthwith. Carried. {loved b5 \Ir. Thorndy ke, seconded by Councillor Donaldson, that MI. Thomas Medd be granted a hearing. A Qaryied. JUAN VERS 00 UN CI L. 0m- Fricnds Abroad. 1.} My Toothache: 1.. Th 0. Relief in Six Hours.â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six horirs by the “ Great South American Kidney Cure.” The new remedy is a. great surpris e and delight on account: of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. I; relieves re- tention of water and pain passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and. ogre this is your remedy. Sold by A. Luci" Missklmii MONDAY, DESEMBEB 18, ’93 A a’m z’ssz’on, Reserved Seats, The public need scarcelv be reminded than we always have and do keep a, choice stock of Mantles and are never underso‘. (1, no matter what yo u hear or see elsewhere. Our Millincr w1'1 ha" nea. tly trimmed for Saturday morning afternoon and e :ening trade about thiltv Hms to se act from an 551 to $2 each. Er?“ Do not let the above prim-,9, max-:0. you hesitate as we never offer anthing we cannot. substantiate. but take the first opportunit ' to secure some of them. 6. c. TURNIULL, Bvamafiic 63 Hummus 12 § yards D1ess Goods for 81, usu. ally 15c. per yard; 30 yards «my Cot- ton for $1, thirty-fowi‘iic1e.§\wide; Black Henrietta foggzay- four inches wide, at 36.1;c., usuzflW 60c. Tremendous job 111 fine Dneasi 100.15 in Shaded flop- Sacking and Ser es at 3.90., we Mb” 5 21nd Soc. per yard , )ress Robes nine shades :11: $6.50, wor S9 ; \Vhite Cot- ton 36 inches wide t ,heavy weight and make; Fan V and Plain Flannelsa 1t 26. ,(. ., usual price 35 and 400. , \Vhite Quilli €125 f101n,$1. 38 up- wards , Cmnforteis, choice pf a. large pile at 500. each; Cashmere GrlovD es: only 110. per pair; Fine Cashmere Hose 160., W10 1211250.: Heavy all-wool winter we1gi1t Tweeds at 470., worth 65c.(:111 cutting done free) ; Heavy winter weight Shirts and Drawers, 65¢. per suit. Owing to t/ze s/iort crops and low prices and cozcsegnently tne scarcity of money generally, we leave decided to lzeljfi our custom- ers over t/iis depression and also- nza/{ee it a means of largely in- creasing our trade by buying large lines t/cat are constantly Offered as at a sacrifice and sell- ing t/ienz at a snzallprofit, and in many instances at cost, and t/Zns extend our trade to a radâ€" ins of fifty miles.. As Satnr. day is t/ce day already t/cat peo- ole are ozct marketing and tak- ing advantage of single fares; we liave decided to make it our leading BARGAIN DA Y, bot/z morning, afternoon and evening, oeginning ' 5’6le we mzumcmz’e a few of flu: dzfigrent lines we have now to ofler :â€" SATURDAY, NOV. 25th. Tumbull’s Town Halifmnbio‘ook, George and Simcoe Streets, PETERBORGUGH. RECHTAL BY Alexander. No. 47 2 55. 35c.

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