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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 30 Nov 1893, p. 4

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Turner’s Frostilene ! For Ghappeg Hands, Sore Lips, Whether the organization and com- bination of individuals in secret pledge to meet upon their own ground, and in their own way an advancing force that is admittedly pushing forward, mar- shalled by a. hidden hand at Rome, be consistent with nineteenth century en- lightenment, whether it be better to attack such an enemy in open conflict or from concealed ambush, whether it At It is perhaps unnecessary to state, much leSs to argue, that the causes which have brought into existance an organization known as the Protestant Protective Association, have had some foothold in our province and their effect upon its progress has been felt in our institutions. It is not unnatural perhaps that those who have felt the grip of the op- pressor’s rod in public affairs should take such means to free themselves and overcome their thraldom as can be only justified by the end desired. The boast of the old Roman citizen that he was a freeman meant no more to him than it does to the independent inhabitants of this country, and yet may it not be possible that we who sit in much ap- parent quietude under our own vine and figâ€"tree are idly beguiling the hours While our blood bought heritage is being filched from us by designing schemers whose eyelids never close and whose emissaries never tire in pushing forward their camping grounds, gain- ing little by little, and holding fast to that they have attained. DB. H. A. TUBNER’S DRUG STORE. W. S. GIVEN (the fibillbrook 1keporter. IIHURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1893. ". Cough Syrup ! For Hoy§es and ' Cattle. For Coughs and Golds. EDITOR be a species of nihalism, socialism or any other ism we may not stop to‘ moralize upon, but dealing with a spci-‘ fic state of affairs which (if existent) must be met at once and redressed. We are comforted with the question “ Has the influence of Romanism upon our Provincial and Dominion govern- ments been so baneful as to require such severe remedies?” No student of history would dare to assert (although one of our city dailies argues thus by implication) that the practice of said church has not been to override and icontrol the civil governments and when to their interests make and un- make kings and rulers. Whether we look at home or abroad the track of the monster is everywhere apparent, although sometimes almost hidden by the leaves and undergrowth of policy and duplicity. The watchword and war-cry of the Roman church being ac- cording to their own boast (semper idem) always the same, may we not conclude that if they ask but little to- day it is because they have learnt the severe lesson of treacherous and ever- grasping autocracy. But another phase of the question presents itself at this point, which is this, is it .little they do ask and even if it be granted n '7- a- -_- v-0... --_-_.._v_..-~-_- Our business men are doing a lively trade this fall, which goes to show they are fully up to the times and able to compete with the larger places surrounding us. Our genial blacksmith, Mr. Britton, is beginning to make the anvil ring with double speed since the REPORTER made its appearance at- his shop. Our worthy merchants, Messrs, ‘Hadden and Staples have their hands full and we might say they are the greatest benefactors this section has ever had, they are a regular city market in themselves. â€"Specia1 value in men’s long Boots at Jenkin’s. 43-3 anniversary sermon here on‘Sunday last. The congregation was large and appreciative. The reverend gentleman took for his text Thessalonians, third chapter and first verse. The discourse was able and instructive and the eloquent manner in which it was de- livered delighted the many adherents. He pointed out in glowing terms the great. necessity of spreading the gospel in heathen lands. The words he spoke, sunk deeplv into the heart of every one present and 1.1113 response was a handsome contribution to- wards forcign missionaries. (a “very open question indeed) that their demands are small and only pro ram with our population, has the Rom- an Catholic church per se or any other church the right to claim any recogni- tion, support or franchise from the civil government in this Canada of ours. They appear to think they have claims as catholics upon the patronage of our country. The P. P. A’s say no, the (shall we say) old Equal Rights association proclaimed emphatically no, and so say every independant and im- partial thinker. Let each and every aspirant seek his government recogni- tion and supportâ€"not as Roman Cath- olic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Angli- can or Baptist, but as a citizen of our country, an upholder of our sovereign and our nation and then, and only then, let his application be considered. At a future date wefpropose looking at the extreme anti-Catholic platform of the P. P. Association which we think leads to ramifications so serious that the cure may be as bad as the disease. The Rev. D. N. McCamus preached the A Dialogue Overheardâ€"Characters Jimmy and Bill. Jimmy~Say, Bill, what’s up Wid the lamps to-night, they’re not burnin’ ‘21 “ 3‘," Binâ€"Share, don’t you know its frosty and she oil ud freeze, the council er not sich fools as so hev the lamps bust ther bilers, and the divil to pay whin the nixt elections .comes round. Jimmyâ€"Thin why were’nt they loighted last night whin it was rainin’ like thunder and dark as Africkv, an’ I ran me head agin a. post afore I knowed whar I wus? Who have taken Hood’s Samsaparilla what they think of it, and the replies will be positive in itsfavor. Simply what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of it's merit. One has been cured of indigestion dyspepsia. another finds its indispensable for sick headache or biliousness, while others report remarkable cures of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. Ew1NG.â€"Iu Mount Pleasant. on Saturday. November 25th, 1893, John Ewing, son of Rev. John Eng, aged 14 years. LOWESâ€"In Gavan. on Monday,‘ November 127, John VV. Lewes. aged 89 years. The Altar. ANDERSONâ€"RUTHERFORDvâ€"At the residence of the bride’s father. South Monaghun. by Rev. James Cattanach. B. A., on on. 2S 1893. Alexander Anderson, South Mouaghan, t_.o Lucy, daughter of Mr. William Ruther- 1t 13 strange that some people wul suffer for years from rheumatism rather than try an approved standard remedy as Aycr’s Sarsaparilla : and that, too in spite of the aI»85ur:~n.nce that, it has cured so many others Who were similarly afflicted. Give it. a trial. vllv 4 -_,- __- 7, an’ will hev things rite nixt year, an’ elic- trik Ioight that vou can see the foinest print an’ darkness will be anilated._ .i. u... LAXGTON.â€"At Bailieboro, on Saturday. Nov. 25th. the wife of Mrs. Wm. Lzmgton, of a. Billâ€"That’s so, Jimmy, but before we go, what’s the use 0’ payin’ taxes fur sthreet lightin’ if the pests are to stand up than 19.11111 at us, an’ niver a Ioight that you can depind on, more’n a. will 0’ the wisp, or a. shootin’ star, or the like, whither its raini'n’ snowin’ or blowin’. , Billir:b;6_say 1, Jimmy, but it’s git-tin lateâ€"so wood-night. ‘ Billâ€"J immy, you’re a. born nateral, that’s what you are, in earnest, don’t you know that won dhi‘op 0’ water in that oil ud make an exploshun as big as Mount Veshuviusâ€" bedad it’s a. good thing the Mare and elder- men’s smart min, ‘Wid thare heads fool 0’ lumin’ and chimistry an’ sich or there’d be a motion sum night if the street lights was run by a7 lot 0’ icnernt chaps! that don’t know the chimical effects 0’ lightin’ up on frosty an’ rainy nights. Wate, Jimmy, fuzfa. foine moonlit night an’ thin you’ll see thim in all thare glory. Billâ€"Now, thare, you’re all out. Shure I wus goin’ up to the stashun the very last moonlit ninht thare was, an’ the moan wus shmin’ bright as day, an’ divil a. lamp wus lighted at all, at all. '4‘.“ u .-- J immyâ€"Indade Bill. I think so mesilf, so I think we’d better haggytate an’ cum out; nixt Janooary wid a. big ticket to sell the plant and posts and all; Faith we’ll swamp the prisint council, horse fut and hartillery, ‘ -" ' ‘ ' u, -1:.. r--L »-â€"â€".. _..3 J immyâ€"Bedad, Billy, that’s thrue {as prachin’, fur I was out that night mesilf a. little late, an’ as luck wud have it, I wus a, little the wourse, an’ if it hadn’t boen fur the blissid moon I’d a broken me nick per- haps, an’ thin the council wudLa had a. nice bill to settle, I warrant. you. ford. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable. 80X). TH E STREET LAMPS. Ask Your Friends The Cradle. The Tomb. FBI1 has}? Value in Teas, Geffees, Spices, Wines, Liquors, Tobaccos, Provisions And Go to 391 George Street, PETERBOROUGH, - NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the revisions of R. S. 0.. 1887, Chap. 110. and amen in acts, that all creditors and others having 0 aims against the estate of Thomas Eakms, late of the Township of Manvers m the County of Durham. Yoe _. Deceased. who died on or about the 21 y:of July, 1893, at Manvers aforesaid. eguest-ed to deliver, on or before the 23rd y 0 December, 1893, to Robert Ruddy 0 Village of Millbrook 1n the said (3011 _’ Durham, solicit-or for the administrate of the estate of said deceased, full particu rs of their claim, together With their Christ 11 and surnames and the nature of the seenrit (if _any)_held_by them. _ WWSALE and RETAIL. N.B.â€"The highest- price paid for butter and eggs. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas tice that the said administrator will on and a ‘ «dwoiDecember. 1893. proceed to is n utc the assets of the said state. union" the parties entitled thereto. hIW ins regard oxfly to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Millbrook,_this 14th day of Novem- ber, 1393. R. RUDDY, Solicitor for Thomas Eakins. Administrator of the Estate. And take" ‘ F. s. SCHNEIDER, “ Watchmaker and Jeweller CITY BARBER SHOP. T. HfiYANs PARLonâ€"KWfififiéfie Wood Ken's bank. Shavin . Hair-cutting. Shampooing and every: glaiixg 0155 in the tonsorial line carefully attend o. We have at last demonstrated > that a good watch can be made (or a. very low price. In lots of 10.000 we make this watch 311:. will receive money back. pee- ‘ - cription: Cut is 2-3 sue: weight 41 02.; American - Lever Movement, Lan- tern Plnion, 240 beats to minute; Patent winding and set. ting attupnmen: requinng no prising] key; Patent cheap. 3 n g Escapement can sell it to: and Regula- 61.75. Every tor; strong part is made i easeolcom- and put to. 3 posltxon mtherinou metal. New Engln . 691 d or factory. on H, Nickel every watch 5 .‘ Plated timed and guaro e'c-zan tly anteed by us. ‘ fl nishcd; The publishers of ' Hour, Min- this paper will tell me nndSe. you that. Our guar. \ eondllandn; gmee is good. I: is Just as shown in cut time system and descnptionmnd any- shown on dial. one not perfectly satisfied Mention this paper, and we will prepay postage or slnpplng charges to any part of Canada. This watch W111 not vary a. minute in 30 days. None sent C.O.D.. but all warranted as above. also 24-hour ADMINISTRATOR’S flotice to creditors ! GENUINE . AMERICAN LEVER . . . General Groceries, Eakm s. Yoeman, Deceased. receive money back. Dee- cription : Cut is 2-3 sue; weight 44 02.; American Lever Movement. Lan- tcru PLnion, 240 beats to minute; Patent . winding and set. ting atgupnmen: requmng no key: Patent Escupement and Regula- tor; strong maeofcom- \ position \will me andSe. oondHandn; also 24-hour time system shown on dial. mt guar- ' )d. I: is awn in cut niommd any- 'fectly satisfied 5 Watch ’5‘??? 8: 00., Ontario. ONTARIO. Young, We are now carrying he largest. finer: and most xaried stack of Confect‘ 1021a y m 2.1111 L..- A l- that “0 31:0 headquarters for OI-‘TCI‘F. dc-nzectic and for lgn Fruitqs, c. Ju~z arrix ed a nicch selected stock of Comprising Games, Musigal Instmmengs, Fan- ’cy Cups and Saucers. palm and '10:: m end- less varxety. In OYSTER PARLOR and LUNCH RGBM. ‘3' Don’t forget the place, Opposite J. Giilotfs Cabinet Ware- rooms, King-st, \Vegt. so I «off. 1-4, Do you want- Horsc Blankets! I , , 4 the the best, cheapest, 9,11d largest ment in town. Perhaps it is Ha1ne=s;.ou have on your m' ! \V eh I can fit you out toperfectio . With the best of stock and 300d workihanship I camsfigfisfygeu as no one else can. " 1ips, Combs, Brushes and Wen/“thing with prices to suit the times. Call and see me before purchasing. BLANKETS ! I afifig‘gfii‘eeder of Brown and White Leg- ab 6 ‘ co \ “i 1L3~ On 1 ill B s o u‘dg Cku4» for u 111‘, o “Epidermia as a beautifier of the com plexion L Aural!“ no equal. Try it.At16.A BOARS FOP. SERVICE. VImDmved Chester White Boar, “ King Bruce. io' .313; farrowed March 16th, 1893. Large “8.11511 Berkshire. "Stonewall," No. 2522: far- m‘WI April 10m, 1393. ,. ._ H2311“ kept for service on lo; 3. con. 10, e._ Terms as usuaL $1.00 " season. In _~‘. for the very mc :‘nc' 41st seven ess. I womdycspcct- cc of the same this year. gOing ekewherc, chls- 5950“ a continu A can 16 invited bcfo We“ bed: .7 . . boa grees 0“ pphwt‘xon. 'lhc abgve thisrsy first and 5e ' Migzmao}: ' an ‘ ‘ " s. V t er afilrz‘glshemfi "”0 “° “33“"? n 0 FTHE UOFEGTIGNERâ€"O To TheFront 2 \ THOMAS saga-r1- 0abinetm9kér K99 on hand a large stock of COFFI‘NS-. C KETS and all kinds of Underuugerf GWS. Bedroom. Parlor and all other-kmm Of Fumiturc. hand-made, at 1owcst prlcoa ‘5’? Do not fail to can and see him, My. J. ROBINSON YOU NG. {our $00!: is Very Complete. Biscuits and Fancy Cakes .3330}. .333? “MAX 1' s‘Aci‘r REES. FANCY GOODS, Don’tâ€" Forget Cannéd gGoods n1 “er 7 é ; “k FRANCIS SMITH, ‘ Ca mpbellcroft On .; W. STRAIN. ,8 I”, r The Bea? 5?} “ermanenfl Kw Ashe use of Ayer’s Pi y chills, dumb ague ck headache, rheuma pepsin, constipation, an A Brush given with Guaranteeé ask to Preserves and” eau‘ SOLD 03:11: 1K â€"-Miss Mamie Chili: Tlmnksgiving holidays. â€"Miss Hunter has ret‘ spent several weeks in P --Mr. and M rs. L01 spent. Thanksgiving in a â€"Mr Fred McBean oi spending a few days wit} ~31 1'. Thomas Cham‘l home on Thanksgiving (1 -â€"Miss Amy Crossley guest of Mrs. Geo. Dunc â€"Mr. William Batesa Souris, Man., 0!} Saturd â€"-Dr. H. Needler ‘ Thanksgiving day in toi â€"â€"â€"Dr. H. A. Turner‘ in Toronto. â€"Mr. \V. Archer to ever tried; .and, in 11:; better general remedy o I have used them in I momended them to employes for more than To my certain .kmowla of tl'xe following oomph .comfl .13er and J. O. Wznsox, C Builder, Sulphur 81 thus speaks of Ayer’; know that a. model-at! Pills, continued for a fe as the nature of the con would be found an absc disorders I have named “I have been 8611i] eight years, and I can Ayer’s Pins give be than any other Pill I e1 Perry, Spottsylvania C. Saturday, â€"M 15$ 8. B. Elson Thanksgiving in the \‘ill â€"-â€"Miss Maggie Elson Pcterhoro. . -â€"Dr. S. “2 Clarke 3. rister, paid their usual Bethany on Monday. Prepared by Dr.J.C.Ayer Every Dose ”for \Vllips of -â€"Mr. Rose. organiz: Oddfcliows, “as here 1. business and game as a --Messrs. Geo. and \1 Mr. Norton of Bethan Monday. t a few 8 .. .- Lindsay s â€"Thc Sacrament 0 will be dispensed in tip on Sunday nEXt- at 2.51 at the same hour the till OOHdLIit preparat will co pastor. PRIQE 25 cms Ayer’s “Bills are th AYER’S TO “’1‘? push at are: THE DRU‘ ll ki (I;

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