Fancy Cakes hiteBm1r.“King Bruce. [arch 16:h,1893g Larg; {mew-3.11330. 2522; 181"- icgiof '2. lie sain’e't'liis fear. goxgxg ekewherc, Regxs- pphgzgion. ‘The ane Brown and â€White Leg- g cocktzs for sale reason n all dimen- Iosest buy- in a. pos - '33 Cabinet “Tareâ€" Lg-st \Vest. e Blankets! If so I Va largest assort- x pa it "- is Harness you Well I can ï¬t you out the best of stock and LETI0NE‘R-O Front ! he largest. ï¬qes: apd fonfectzonary 1n Mall “s for oysters. domgzstic Just arnved a mccly =:ock of EOODS, sign Instruments, Fan- ons and Toys in end- :ty. In "ry Complcw. and n-V‘v-V an“. - -a-y Campbencroft O’L‘ix beantiï¬er of the com. :a]. Try it. AEAA’ ’or et s to suit the times. purchasing. stock of COFFINS.’ kinds of Undertake†ior and an other kmds ,de, a: :owcst prices. NCIS SMITH. reï¬ih'es to any u LUNG" new. Combs, Brushes and '. STRAIN. ION YOUNG. G3 to com- 'FAcrtï¬'xas. er see er, other r The Beaâ€: fï¬edisiï¬e. " Ayer’s fills are the best medicine I ever tried; :and, in my judgment, no better general remedy eoTrld be devised. I have used :them ix?" my family and recommended-thenï¬to my friends and employes for more-:than twenty years. To my certain kubwledge, many cases of the followingljcomplaints 6 been corny .ztely and 7‘ â€erman Cured ‘ (bathe use of Ayer’s Pills alone: Third fly chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, Ack headache, rheumatism, flux, dys- pepsia, constipation,~and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer’s Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above.†Guaranteed not to Smpké'vor Smell. A Brushgiygnvéii‘th each home. Preserves and Eeautiï¬es Stave Pipes Egyptian Stove Pipe Enamel SOLD ONLY LY â€"Miss Mamie Collins was home for Thanksgiving holidays. . â€"-Miss Hunter has returned home, having spent several weeks in Perth. --Mr. and Mrs. Lefz‘oy of Port Hope spent Thanksgiving in town. ' -â€"Mr Fred McBean of Toronto, has been spending a. few days wit-h relatives here. â€"â€"\lr, Thomas Chambers of Toronto was home on Thanksgiving day. ‘ â€"-.\liss Amy Crossley of Peterboro is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Duncan. â€".\Ir. \Villiam Bateson arrived home from Souris, Man, or} Saturday. J. 0. 'WILSON, Contractor and Builder, ,Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer’s Pills : “I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer’s Pins give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold.â€â€"J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. 11., Va. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer 00., Lowell, Man. Every Dose Effective â€"Dr. H. Needler of Toronto Spent Thanksgiving (lay in town. ‘ â€"-Mr. Rose. organizer for the Canadian Oddfcllbws, was here last week on ofï¬cial business and gave us a. call. â€"Mr. William Needler and daughter of Lindsay spent a. few days in town lag; Week, the guests of Mr. Geo. Needler. “Big push an great-1y reduceï¬ prices ‘for \Vhips of all kinds at R. J â€Kohl’s. â€"The Sacmmem of the Lord-'3 Slipper â€"Miss S. B. Elson of ,Peterboro Spent Thanksgiving in the village with her PNents. â€")Iiss Maggie Elson is visiting friends in Peterboro. ‘ -â€"Dr. S. \V. Clarke and A. A. Smith, Bar- rister, paid their usual professional visits to Bean-any on Monday. in Toronto. -â€"â€"Mr. W. Archer took in Petcrboro on Saturday, __.\Iessrs. Geo. and W. H. McCartnev and Mr. Norton of Bethany were in toén on Monday. pastor. __The Sacrament of the hours Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday nEXt- at '2. 30 o’clock. tOn Friday at the same 1191?: the Rev. ML Cattanach PRIflE 25 GEMS PER BQTTLE. AYER’S PILLS conduct ï¬reparatory services for the TOWN TALK .. T. ELLIOTT, THE DRUGGIST. Turner spent Thanksgiving Wood. â€"â€"-Dr. Fatwa} C. H. \Wnslow’s. _â€"Scribne1’s Xmas Numbe . 1‘ 15 th presented to the public, those w :1?“ Yet - '. I n . - d “103 able reading forgtiilis teresting an season will not be disappoin ted by - placmg this entertaining work 01'! their list: ’Best American water w i r brought Into Millbro ' {EC}? ‘ 7 (- l'. Oi} eve J. DOAK’S. 39 1 gpept Th‘anksgiving day ai -Buttercups in November. We were shown by Mr. Geo. Sootheran last week a bouquet of but tercups picked from Needler’s pond on November 21%. To those who are expecting the end of the world this reversion in nature’s plan will be perhaps another evidence, as for ourselves if the'changc were in the article and a cup of butter left; around the sanctum we’d smack our lips. --â€"Enamel. The onl smokeless, odorless and perfect stove- ' e varnish is for sale at R. J. ,4) "s. Buy no other until you have tried ours. For stoves we have the celebrated Black Led. It is excellent polish. Try it. .â€"-A desire having been expressed by many to see the Foresters’ Hall we are instructed to intimate that it will be open for inspection and a. committee in attendance on this (Thursday) afternoon when those who wish may call up and inspect. ...Winnipeg went Reform in the elections last week to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hugh J no. Macdona.ld,-son of 7‘ A.i ,“7"___A1 â€"â€"Sir John Thompson has been appoint-ed by Her Majesty a. member of the Imperial Privv Council and Christropher Robinson, Q. 0., a Knight Bachelor, as 9. Thanksgiving recognition of their services in connection with the Behring Sea. Arbitration. Lift your but now to the Right Honorable Sir John S. D. Thompson and Sir Christopher Robinson, Q. C. ‘ â€"â€"Root Baskets, fotqtoes Forks. Scoop Shovels, Zinc, Ifanterns and Wall paper going at» ard time prieces at R. J. DOAK’S. 39 â€"Tl1e entertainment glven by the drama- tic club on Thanksgiving night was so far as we can learn quite successful. We had in- tended going but circumstances intervened which prev entcd our doing so, in fact let us just whisper that an editor was never known to have more than one Gollar in his pocket at once, and the band having chosen that day for their rake in we were somewhat strapped and not having any negotiable personal property in the words of \Ir. Wem- mick to Ifipp except our pastepot and scissors we had to accept the mex 1tab1c. -Mr. John Martin has had posters issued announcing an immense sale to be held on his premises at Summit station, on Friday, December 8th. There will be 75,000 feet of lumber offered, together with a. number of frames of buildings, a. valuable team of horses, etc. Sale at one o’clock. Ten months’ credit. J. H. Gardiner, auctioneer. l v»- theaiate Premier. Ex At ‘ ' ' ' tome? General Mamn IS the lucky man and by all accounts a. good one. ,Listen to this offer If . 'ou , 10ml fleWS together with3 thragsreghe happenmgs dally in a nutshell, The ME: brook REPORTER and Toronto Daily Woer both for $2.50 o year, an offer hitherto un- advance. .._;\Ir. J. H. Gardiner, auctioneer, will oï¬er for sale for Mr. James Mitchell, on Thursday, Dec. 7th, his farm, being the east half of lot 1 in the ï¬rst concession of Cavan, together with all his farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at one o’clock. Twelve months’ credit. â€"Keep yOur eye on W’. Archer for Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Every- thing marked dow» , ard time prices. Men’s long Kj, oots reduced from $5.00 to $430. Men’s Lace Boot only 850. All other lines equally low. __The Rev. Dr. Sutherland preached two excellent sermons in thc Methodist church on Sunday last. Although it will add nothing to the worthymissionary secretary’s acknowledged reputation to receive our notice of praise, we feel constrained to say that for beauty of language, aptness of expression, vigor of presentation, originality j of ideas, simplicity, earnestness and argument we have heard nothing to surpass his dis- course of Sunday eveninox “ Will you no come back again." discouraged by mossbackcd grumblers who would prefer shelling out over an hotel bar The REPORTER will stand by the band even if the missionary box has to be turned out to give you a. 11ft. of, and only secured by cash in Bell of Hamilton is visiting Mrs. â€"-W. Thexton is Wclwood at $3.50 per cord for cash. going fast, send your oriers quickly. 46- â€"\Ve have read of absent-minded people, such as the man who got out invitations for a. ball and having made all preparation waited for the arrival of the guests and when they failed to present themselves, as- certained the invitation had never been sent. out, or of the man who put his clothes to bed and hung himself over the back of the chair, but we did not suppose that in our own little town. we had a. prominent in- dividual who would drive his pony to the station, see the train depart with his pass- enger and then take a hack down town, leaving the poor cuddy to shiver in the chill November winds. Such is life. â€"The Sentinel-Star of lush week gives an account of a. wife suing her husband for anti- nuptiel promises which he failed to keep. Lands alive we’ve been thinking of all the excessive pledges we gave utterance to in our anti-nuptial and youthful simplicity and although we have kept the report away from the eyes of our betterhalf. we have at the same time attended with assidious cheerful. ness to the woodbox, waterpail and spittoon for fear of being brought before the beak. Now let us whisper to young admirers, middle-aged wooers, or older worshippers; mind what you Say in your love pleadings or you may have cause to sorrow when too late. -â€"The anniversary services of the Fallis Line Methodist church were held on Sun- day and Monday Nov. 19th and" 20th. On Sunday morning Rev. T. S. McKee preached a helpful and instructive sermon from Acts 1, 8. In the evening the Rev. J. Kilgour preached in his usual able manner to a crowded house. The tea. on Monday was well patronized, admirable addresses were delivered by Revs. D. N. McCamus, R. N. Adams and J. W. Bunner. MISS Winslow recited two pieces very acceptably. Mr. Preston and M r. Benson were encored and the choir furnished good selections of music. Mr. W, D. Nugent was selected as chair- man of the evening. â€"The Delineacor for January commences a new volume, and is called the “ Winter Holiday Number.†It is an unusually attractive issue, the fashions being ap- propriative to the season, and the reading matter varied and interesting. The distinct holiday flavor is contributed by a helpful article, entitled What the Shops Show, and another reviewing the books issued for the holiday season. Household Renovation deals with the cleansing of various articles, and gives valuable information about cleans- ing fluids, Child Life treats of Training a Boy for Business, and Physical Culture eon- tinues the instruction given last month on 1 the Physical Expression of Emotions. Small l Economics is a particularly seasonable and valuable article at this time, and one that will be of service to every housekeeper ; and much may be gained from the second paper on Things that should be Left Unsaid. An illustrated article on House and Street Gowns is of general interest to ladies, and , another appropriate to the time is Fur Sets ? and Trimmings. The Tea-Table Talk for the month is full of information, and an un- usually attractive assortment of designs is given in Tatting, Knitting, Crocheting, Lace-Making, etc., etc. The subscription to the Delineator is only One Dollar 3. year ; Single Copies, 15 cents. Address orders to The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto (Ltd. ), 33 Riehmand Street West, Toronto, Ont. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet Igomptly on the Kidneys, Liver and owels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the :1“. 1â€":“11 ova? ‘h‘l‘n- acnes auu LUVDAQ w“... v... -V, constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever dpro- duced, pleasing to the taste an ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its eï¬â€˜ccts‘_ prepared only from the most healthy anu agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commen d it to all and have made it me :ost popular remedy known. ,. A: 11:“ :a {‘nr sale in 750 Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procuye 1t promptly for any one who Wlshes to my it. Manufactured only by the cmmam Ha 3152500†SAN FBAN 01800, If!†(FWI-LE- KY: NEW YORK. '33". I â€"â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEACII for a. box. 16- y Syrup of Figs is bottles by all lea Any reliable drugg: have if: 09 hand ONE ENJOYS NEW '20'31"~ '33". Y. Regulators cure to stay .011 for a. box 16- Fa†BE QUIBEMENTS Z Bï¬ilding Paper, (ifass-érpï¬rt‘iy, Lanterns, Cow Ties, At Reasonabie Prices AT flARBINER’S. Raised from the Dead Completely Cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Mary E. 0?Fail_on, a. very intelligent lady of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned/while as- sisting physicians at an muggy-’5' years ago, and soon'j'gerrible rules/2r roke out on her- head, arms, tonlgge,_aad throat. Her hair all came out. She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prospect of help. _At last she began to Long and Terrible "Illness from Blood Poisoning také H-ood’s Sarsaparilla. and at once im- proved; could soon get out of bed and walk. She says: “ I became perfectly cured by andam now a well woman. I weigh 1281bs., eat well and do the work for a large family. My case seems a. wonderful reqovery and physicians look at me m astomshment, as almost like one raised from the dead.†HOOD'S PILLS should be in every family modiclne chest. Once used, alwayl pretenod. acmd. Wm MOPâ€"U <<_.._._..=Z me... mm Uï¬ï¬m >4. We Just begin to reanse we LdUU mm, m WWW- . ofl' to Europe to buy Spring Groods. We must therefore in thirty days scratch together $20,000 for him to take along to pay for what he buys. \Vith this in View we have decided to quickly and promptly set to work and raise the above amount by hook or by crook. To accomplish this we know that the pruning knife must be put in liberally, and that we must present you atempt- ing list-bf Bargains we think you'will appreciate our efforts'iin this direction when you see what we have to offer you. Goods that you need now at the com- mencement of the winter season at prices such as are often quoted in February when you don’t need the goods nt any price. \Ve do not expect to raise this large amount (and our buyer says he must have it) by quietly standing behind our counter with our hands in our pockets, Micawber-like, “ waiting for something to turn up that will bring customers in of themselves,†but we do expect that this announcement with our list of Sharply cut prices for attractive lines of goods will convince you, that in justice to yourselves, you cannot allow this opportunity to pass unheeded. It don’t- need much logic to convince you these hard times (when our friends in the country are getting only 56¢. a bushel for wheat, and which fact indirectly effects every citizen in like proportion) that if One Dollar will buy you as much when spent with us as $135 will when spent in most places, that ours is the place to deal at. Every department will contribute its share of bargains. mostly every evening this week marking down prices and you w take if you do not attend this GREAT SALE. Hood’s Sarsaparilla GREAT REALIZATEON _$ALE; Peterb‘oro, Hall Gilchrist co., Mrs. Mary E. O’Fallon HALL BILGHRHST 3: 60’s of Piqua. 0.. says the Phy- sicians are Astonished, and look at her like one -â€"â€"SUCH ASâ€" just begin to realise the fact that in another “7'- u--.~‘o +lxnnnpn Cwmz.fl?£ézlg._§at1zm’ay,~..; ‘WORTH OFâ€"â€"- IIa"i*\.g‘1‘T::m:é.l as)? \. intereï¬ in 3313‘ " ' businc. :sin Miibroo’: I a: mm M po-itiou to accommoda ‘ fa 1M3. in; .uir beef Pliï¬-mu 3190 Pp- ‘I 1‘? Lilam devote :mr-tof my time to Dr gal-1mg on to drive. RA NATE" ASS. FARFEERS x! A cop’eptmn of all temperance workei-s of our riding smiled 2:; be ï¬eld on Dec. Isa. 1893. ,. to mate agï¬â€˜pgcmen 1:8 (or ppfling the prohibi- prompt, reliable, after medicine. Never failing. Leave no and pleasamy requxrmg no LU uiunv uyuu-gvu-~u _, , , , I a...†Mr V ‘ , Lion vote pn Jan. 19!. 113133. Dwega res from all churches’ Temperance Societies. W. C. T. U‘s.. Y. P. S. Es" ar rmueszed “to mt‘ishd and take part -d effect aSgIWï¬rvaniratioxl. V 17 (\ï¬f‘mll’ G. M. LEEH Y." - \TOTICE is hereby given, tlm: a court ‘Nlll be L held pursuant to "The V'orez's' List AC1." “1889 by His Honour the Judge i the County Court; of the Uniï¬ed Couniies' f Korthumber land and Durham at. the Town Hall. Lalihbrnok, on Thursday the thirï¬eth clan? of November. 1893, m; 5 o'clock in the afternoon,» to hear and determine the several complaints of urn-'9 and omissions in the Voters' List of the Village of Mulbrook for 1893. All persons having business w ‘ a): the court, are required to amengywmmd 1 tune and place. kmmw'" Dated the Sixteenth, day o§ Novembe“. 1893. ‘ 'v M. TDR‘AER. _ ‘ . Clerk of the Munzcxpahty. To .usg orders. Sn‘ary m- (mnminsion; vf‘ steady .vork pz-mnn 3;::_,.' .‘Lb. Hope _, ~ Nurseries. E :aan-hul 1:41x.__fv15s‘£§m~ plete in the \Vorld. W xi: ...?Y " G- ER 6; BARRY, 161ch Y. 43-5 “ Lord Aberdeen." MPROVED YORKSHICE BOAR FOP. SER- VICE. 'i‘hisis undoubtediythc ï¬nes; pig that, is being kept for Service in this section this year. and farmers \w'illr'consnn their own Interest by using hin‘. ,He is a beauty and well worth your uLLanion.- 0211mm see him before going elsewhere. Terms- :‘51â€"{0 be paid at time of service. If not 5 “paid $1.25 wili be gharged. THOMAé HEN RY. --’ 45-4: La, 16, 3m’n sf Hope. Township of South Monaghan. \Z’OTICE is hereby given that, a court will be .L ‘ held. pursuant to the Votrcrs‘ Li»? Act. by His Honor the Jï¬Ã©ge of the County :‘mzrt of the Councieaof For? Aunbcrlaml and Durham at, the Town H1131 Millbrorlhm the Eight, day of December. 189,3.ut, 1139'!) c10ck. p.121" ‘0 hear and determine Timer-(I1 Complaims of errors and omissions in the Voters List of 11:9. “Zunici- alizy of S mh Monflghim for 1393- A H ' swim: business at the 001er are raw; antenéed at the said time and 11809- ' re ‘, '1 .' 0. ' of V‘m'em‘nm‘ 19‘7“}. D8. d ~h1‘ . J) if? ....‘m. nnxm‘nx’ i Embaipacr. [13' Best of Testimonials can be given. VOTERS’ LIST CCU RT. AGENTS WANTEB Undertaker and Practical dOHN GILLOTT, Navembm: 157/1. Price. VGTERS’ LIST. Convener of Di -ser of. NOTECE. Luuu -‘....._,,,‘_,‘, '__ .7,. fl .. 1893.?»1: IZMOCR. {2.112.311 hca'r 3_TW61'31 C‘omplain;.-~ \u‘ or ‘ors ‘ m the Voters List of the Munici- h Monaghan for 1833. A11 persons :ess at. the court are B-r‘yï¬rcd to :e said time and flace. 1h dzw of November 18:73. ALFRED DAWSON Township (‘lcrf-I. South Monaghan. 25 cents pep Box AT ONCE month our buyer will b_e â€V3. 18 82'“! H Cha 1. ..12111 of lLecal Com. Ontario: We have spent will make a mis-