a1 and Wood good condition; for quick sale. 'zen, phone Mill- 1t ruse Trailer, sacri- 300.00,; insulated, 5, built- -m cup. sink“) _ whet-1,15 Phone lOO-j J. Millbrook Ont. Plina Cabinet in mm Phone 19 l 1: 3 little girl’s red ts were left in Lore. Owner may Lat the Red and 1t Kitchen, large tiece bath, hot and full basement. oil “'3' dutv Wiring Skipp, Millbrook, v. 21; Lungalow with coatlees 4.37 GEORGE STREET YOUR SAVINGS, EARN At the 4â€"H Interprovincialzu‘1g we ‘ . 0. 0' . , _ h 1d at'QrOp Improv Judcmo competltlon 9 {Challenge T1 Guelph last month, a local b0é"lations to the Cameron Porter, RR 1, P0113)" pool, son of Mr. and Mrs. EUCHREI Leonard Porter, grandson of â€"Tuesdav ] Mr. and Mrs. John Lunn, MilLi 8 o’clock}! brook, along with Jerald AsseI-I Lucky prizes fine of Burfketon, the Durham‘All welcome. LOCAL BOY WINS PRIZE AT GUELPH Phone Bailieboro 30 Eavestroughilg and Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging Plumbing Heating Leq ui re AMOUNTS 0F $100.00 AND UP MAY BE LEFT ON DEPOSIT. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY INTEREST IS PAYABBE HALF-YEARLY BY CHE- J. H. Ban'inger, Publisher. WHEN YOU DEPOSIT THEM IN A GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE FOR 5 YEARS. . Year. No. 45. and Oil-Burners For Christmas Gifts Shop at THE GERTRU‘DE SHOP, PHONE 136 Authorized by Law for the Investment of Trust Funds. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO IIIIIIIIEEIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIâ€"l Phone Millbrook 87-j- â€"Tuesday, Novemer 19th, at § o’clock, progressive euchre. C110 :t} judg: ng team won the highest award in the Potato Judging Competition, receiv- ing the Ontario Soil and CrOp Improvement Association Challenge TrOphy. Congratu- lations to these two boys. EUCHRE IN IOOF HALL PETERBOROUGH Admission 35c. MILLB‘ROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1957 A hsarty thanks to Mrs.I Kerr. Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Grav, members of Lady Lions fur a tins: as judges and dis-l charging the r duties so effid- 911t1v.A11d finallv a thunder- ous Limi R0211“ that would brin_0 “Sputnik†Mk II crashing: back to earth. do" and all for Lion l avorgno Fallis chairman of the boys and Girls commit» Jillian-IIIIHISGNMIIIEll. T. A. Campbell, Mrs. P. I. Bentley, Mr. George Ellsworth, \Ir Cecil Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Ron Palmer, The Gertrude Shop Mr. and Mrs. \\ 11f Elson, DIES hdith ILlsnn Mr John ( ".lI-i M1 and Mrs. "Rpm (":2 â€ANN, and to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crowley 130‘ a gift 0f candies and The Mirror-Rq’mr- ter for printing. ("‘1?lT~;‘1‘.‘1\II‘. and Mrs. Reg Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kinsman. Mr. and Mrs. Homer The Lions extend their sin- cere thanks for cash donations to the following: Mr. and Mrs. The children plaved the games 111th plentv of vigor and enthu<iasni and partookb of the} candy, at pples, oranues andl “ wkes†11 ith equal enthusiasm. Finallv thev were entertained} b1' the showing of a numbe1 of enjovable films shown b1' Mr. G0heen.1 These children and teen-agers rate a rousing round of ap- plause for the effort and origin- ality they put into preparing their costumes. Without them there would be no party. A word of appreciation to the adults who turned out in cos- tume, to add to the fun of the evening. Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Serwce _The pairs class was won by Carol Ridge and Donna Murney dressed in black and white stripped jail-bird costumes. Nick Peconi 5 to 8 years, girlsâ€"1, Cynthia Reynolds; 2, Debby FawcettJ 3, Peggy Ridge. 2 to 5 yearsâ€"lst, Aï¬ril Kent; 2nd, Nancy Agnew; 3rd, Robin Godfrey. Those catching the eyes of the hard pressed judges were: ‘w i t h ‘ ’Oriental Whooping cough,†there was plenty of enthusiasm and the goodlv number that turned out, adorn- ed in a Wide varietv of VYeird and wonderful costumes that gave the judges plentv of trou- ble picking the winners. (By J. McM.) The Annual Hallowe ’en Party ‘for the children 0'11 the com- munity, sponsored by the Lions Club, was held“ in the Armour- ies and, although many of the. youngsters in the community were confined to their home‘s! PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Gobourg 1787 PROPRIETOR THE MIRROR-REPORTER authorized as 2nd class mail CARD 0F THANKS l’ierey and Mary Pitt wish to [thank all their friends and 'neighhours for kindness shown and for the many beautiful Ifloral tiibutes, the J W. Ha“ iFuneral Home. and especially Mr. Carl D. V ilson, Toronto, who closed his store the day of the funeral of our brother the late Henry Allan Pitt. Millbrook CYUC and Gavan YPI‘ atténded a Youth Service last Sunday evening in Bethany United Church Three vounw ’“T people spoke of their experi- ences during the summer at Camp, Caravan Missions, and \VMS S'chool for Leaders. Fol- lowing the servicm the film “()n This Rock†was shown. CYUC AND CAVAN YPU VISIT BETHAN Y CHURCH l The Millbrook and Di<trict Chamber of" Commerce \1 1th the ihelp of the Millbrook Lions iCIwb, Canadian Legion 402 and ’the I. 0. O. F. Lodge are organ- 112mg and sponsoring a Santa {Claus Parade to be held in Mill- lbrook on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14th. There will be a top notch band to head the parade, floats, costumes repre-} senting storv book characters etc. Anv indix iduals or organi- zations wishing to lend theirl support “ill be \zarml) “el- comed. For information con- tact Mr. Ivan Gray. chairman of retail section, Mr. Gordon Trick or Mrs. Dawe of The Gertrude Shop. This is a com- munity project. give it your support. ‘ SANTA CLAUS COMING TO MILLBROOK N) For the dinner meeting on November 18th, the guest speaker will be Col. Patterson, superintendent at the Millbrook Reform Institution. One Hun- dred per cent turnout will be the order of the evening. Friends and neighbours, get The best turnout of Lion members for some time attend- ed the monthly busines meeting iwhich was held Mondav even- ig, o10f last week. These meet- ings have taken on a “new look.†After the business session, at which there was a good deal, of enthusiastic dis- (ussion, all pertaining to ad- ministration and actlyities of the club, a social hour of play ing cribbage and so on was en- joved by those present, and this tvpe of business meeting will develop as time goes on. b’Don t miss the next one Lions! The monthly dinner was postâ€" poned from the usual first Mon- ‘day till the third Monday, [(Nov. 18th) due to their being several Nimrods in the club and the deer season baing- at hand. Best of luck to our rifle 1tottin Lions. ‘ tee for all the hard work he so cheerfully did in organizing the party, also all the Lion mem- bers who were able to turn out and help with the games. ’k Rerorter" - MILLBROOK CREAM'ERY NOTICE [If anyone has a cream can be- longing to the Millbrook Cream.- Iery, we would greatly appreci- ,ate it if returned as soon as 'possible. A. H. Jeffrey. [For Rentâ€"Three room and bath I wish to thank Dr. Hobbs, nurses of Civic Hospital, Rev. Mr. Chisholm, Rev. Mr. Quinn, and friends who sent me flow- ers, fruit and cards, during my recent illness. Mrs_. Harry. Armstrong left this w eek for Peterborough where she will spend the winter with her dauhter anr son- in-laW Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Innis. ; Mr. Marcus Curle of Camp- bellford called on his cousin, J. H. Barringer last. Thursday. Mr. Geo. C. Ellsworth spent Sunday with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Ellsworth Jr., in Tren- ton. Photofilm is made from wood "QUANTEZ" OLNOHOL ‘ - wnasnoo 3H.L nvxoa 3H1. .LV wax WYNOILVNHELNI omano woman: 80;! Mn: saaam 'SNOLLOHV x0013 -3An ' ' ' SAV‘ldSIG 318v1393A an .Lmad ' ' ' .LNVEDVd .noom m snomsva" "'MOHS 3NiMS cwv d33HS 3HJ. "'.LN3WdlnC)Z-J wava NHBGOW 333 ' ' ' swvzâ€"u QNIdWHP ‘IVNOILVNHELNI NaAas smaaus MOHS asaon EHLBES IHIVJ aammivanmnozusv "IVAOH 3H.L SSIW LNOG CARD OF THANKS THIS ,THURS. To SAT. In Technicolor With‘Fréd MacMurray and Dorothy Malone II D I NO ï¬ll GENERAL ADMISSION - ADULTS-75¢ â€" CHILDREN-25¢ With Sal Mineo ~z Susan Kohner Carol Hawkins . - PERSONAL “ INTERNATIONAL YEAR" $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., Post Office COMING EVENT . Annual Meeting The Durham County Federa- tion of Agriculture. Hot Turkey Dinner at. Recreation Centre, Blackstock, Saturday, Nov. 30, time 7.00 p_.1n. Guest: Mrs. Edith Storr, Ontario Radio Farm Forum. Other feature entertainment provided. Din- ner $1.50, apply secretary Mrs., Richard Bowles phone 15-r-2-2 Blackstovk. l A show window dressed in ’mem-ory of Armistice Day at [The Gertrude Shop drew more [than passing attention this (week. The back ground had the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes on either side, and in the \centre a large wreath, while the forefront had smaal white crosses erected in imita- tion grass, with a war helment ‘placed in the centre. This is one of the finest get-ups we have seen for a long time, and whether it was original or taken from a book, it sure did do credit to the artist and The Gertrude Shop. THE GERTRUDE SHOE MEMORIAL WINDOW DRAWS MUCH COMJVIENT J ’ No Down Payment" With Sheree North; Joanne Woodward and Tony Randall Department, Ottawa, Ont. EXT‘MON. TO WED. ' Adult Entertainment