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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Nov 1957, p. 1

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[SDâ€"Are vou (tis- L: h your work! Llike a business of f so, “rite RaW- . Kâ€"283-GG, 4005 L ontreal, Que . Mines. All fami- KY of our many rite to Dept. L 1601) Delori- rm C, Montreal, 4: rrk cutting wood .. )1 ilibro 0k . 1t size . Phone Mill- '21 1t n Sink and sup- ic Stove; Queen rood; Gasoline :9 100-5 Mill- ' 1t bedroom mod. Oil furnace .. Fallis, phone 0k . 5t hen Stove, coal 5th hot water. wound business! an; money first .y your own boss. necessities in: Hampton. Mill. asfle, Port Hope rdroom Apartc td level. Phone brook. 1t l and “'hite, brook . 2t roomed cabin ,e l29-W Hill- house, reason- good tennant; " Gavan on 7A eetricity, H69 and Garden. §mith 2144-22 [k s B-A Service _ 16 m Stake Fargo Faccinated Hols. inst freshened. Brown, phone. tit-13. 1t ners â€" Potato \tyâ€"Permanent- 'reeze. will not 0t boil away, .T4c quart. At Service Station. :11 house on same . Phone: galow with 2 lite-hen, large 9 bath, hot and II basement, oil duty wiring. PP, Millbrook, 2t ie, 50 lb paper f 150 bags $1“. bags $12.50. Les 13¢ each. s Wil‘l be avail- Trailer, sacri- .00,; insulated, built-in cup- ;k, 2 wheel, 15 mone 100d J. JIbrook. Ont. buy. a D011 Carâ€" nt; also heavy ’hone 37 or 79 m» BECAUSE, WANTED ll hWWMWM 97th. Year. No. 47. Gummer’sStore,(avan P13233332 WEEK-END SFECIAlS Smoked Pork Shoulder 35: lb Bacon 1:9: lb. - Butter 65c lb. J. H. Ban-ingot, Publisher. Hats $2.98 V ladies’ Coats Dresses greatly reduced. Children’s Coats, Jackets, and Skirts all MARKED DOWN for this occasion. 1st. BIRTHDAY SALE THE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 Sausage or Wieners 39: lb. ORDER YOUR XMAS TURKEY NOW, 49c1b. (Eviscorated) FREE delivery to Millbrook Friday afternoon! {OCATION : ROAD SURFACE: Gravel. Dry INDECISION 4:15 pm. Rural intersection, nr. Orillia One kifled. One Renew Your Subscription. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO IIIIIIIIHIEHEEEIIHIIIIIIIIIII . . caused this fatal accident ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT The car on the right approached the intersection and slowed down. apparently to wait until the other car had passed. But, suddenly, the driver changed her mind and began to accelerate . . . no doubt thinking she had time to cross the intersection. The other driver braked immediately, but couldn’t stop in time. His car slammed into the other broadside. The indecisive driver died in hospital. Indecision has been the cause of many serious and fatal accidents. Remember this every time you drive. HILLB‘ROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1957 These honours do not fall to be the lot of many men and when the Counties have the Iprivilege of so recognizing one {of their citizens, it is the cause ,‘of much satisfaction. Lloyd, on behalf of the mem- bers of the Council of the Unit- ed Counties of Northumberland and Durham. it is my pleasure to make this presentation to you and to express their ap- Those of us representing Cavan Township realize the. good fortune that has been ours this past year, and the number of his friends and ours, here to- night, Show the favour in which you hold him as the head of our United Counties for 1957. The, committee in charge, Deputly'gReeve J. H. Mc- Knight of Cavan, and Mr. C‘. Johnston of Cobourg, took an active part in the proceedings. er. Johnston acting as chair- ;man and Mr. McKnight read- ing the following address and presenting Mr. - Hooton with a watch. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Warden, Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been my privilege to represent my Municipality of Cavan as their Deputy-Reeve and to have served this year as a close associate of our guest of honour. ' Seated“, at the head table were: Ken Symons, clerk-tres. of United Counties. Mr. Shield. County Assessor and Mrs. Shield, Hon. W. A. Good fellow and Mrs. Goodfellou Mr. Chas. Johnston, reew of Cobourg and Mrs. Johnston, Warden L. A. Hooton and Mrs. Hooton, J. H. McKnight deputy-reeve of Gavan and Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. Foote,‘ Mr. Ganee and Mrs. Ganee, Mr. Geo. Totten, county en- gineer and Mr. D. A. Gorrie, district engineer. The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham ,hOnoured Warden Lloyd Hoo- ton of Gavan, by giving him 'a banquet and watch in the C'obourg Pavilion on 'Wednes- day of last week, prior to the expiration, of his term of office. Warden l. A. Hooton I (Evan Township Reeve. Honoured At Banquet I THE ERROR-REPORTER. Authorized as 2nd class “It makes one wonder what I have done to warrant such loval friendship. But I cer- tainl) thank vou all from the, bottOm of my heart. You have been a wonderful group of men to work with. During the '7 years of which I have been a lmember of Counties Council, ithere is only one member left Ithat was a member when I eaine here. There has not been a better group 0;" men any- where in the province of Ont. than the one I have had the privilege and pleasure of work- ing with during the past 7 years and especially this year of which I have been Warden. 1* deem it a very great honourg and privilege to have served; They and I wish you everyI good wish on your retirementlI from the office of Ward-en,‘ which you have so capably' served. J (Signed) J, H. McKnight, Deputy-Reeve of Gavan. ' Chas, Johnston, - Reeve of Cobourg. , Mr. Hooton in his reply to the address said: 3 predation for your efforts in their behalf. Gavan Township Reeve, and Warden of the United Counties, who was honoured at a banquet given in his honour in Cobourg last week. Warden Lloyd Hooton Visiting wardens were: Miss Greaves of Victoria County, who spoke on their behalf; Mr. Wantedâ€" Bain of Ontario County, and in stoxw Mrs. Rain, and Mr. Nixon, brook. Past wardens present were: Allan and Mrs. Beer, Harry and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. Campbell speaking on behalf of the past wardens. Norin and Mrs. Green, Doug and Mrs. Maybee George Hoot-on, W. Davey and Mrs. Davey, Hartwell and Mrs. Lowery.‘ We would like to welcome the visiting Wardens i‘rom neighbouring counties and also the past wardens of our Coun- ties for coming here tonight. I Wish to mention that had it not been for loyal support of my \xit'e it 11 ould have been impos- sibla fox me to carry out mv duties this year, but if I have in anv way contributed anv- thing beneficial to these Coun- ties I have been verv happy in so doing. i We ,have,.I think, made con- .1 tiOll of Agriculture. HOt Turkey siderable progress in these :Dinner at. Recreation Centre, Counties in the past few years 'BlaCkS’fOC‘k, Saturday, N‘OV- 30: other than our new b11ilding,g’fim9 7-00 p..m. G119“: Mrs. Iwe have improved the standard tE-dith StOI‘I‘: Ontario Radio 90f mny of our Counties’ roads. 'Farm Forum. Other feature £01m thing that has been very-entertainment provided. Din- idisappointing is the fact that ner $1.50, applysecretary Mrs. {very little progress has beenRiCh‘dI‘d BOWIGS phone 15422 made regarding supplyngr niorefBlaC'kSTOC-k- adequate aecommodaton for; Our elderly people at the home! ENTER THE for the aged. But we have our plans approved at the present! SANTA CLAUS PARADE and We hope next years Coun-i You are invited to take part eil will continue to proceed'in theâ€"- with the work. so by the end MAMMOTH PARADE Of 1908 “’9 111 the Countres VVlll â€"t0 be held in )‘IlllbI‘OOk on be able to see something in Dec. 14th at 2.30 p.111. No reward for our efforts. i m 1:“..34. .‘.-.13--!.1.-A1~ _______ .. l . , i ‘you thls year as your Warden. ,Peterborough County, and Mrs. ' , . V i T' . it has been a busy year tor mo 513011- i ‘ , . , .~ A . . s iand a vear of great responsia 'lhe plugrammt was sponsorâ€" ; . . “ 7 ;ed by the Beaverdale Construc- lbllliy and also a year of pro-lition Co g'l'eri's. I have had the extreme; 0 'i , ‘ 7‘ ' « . .. , t he hundred an s vent - honour of being the first War-’ d e y . . tfive o'uests were seated at the -den to preSIde in our new ad-: ° , ministration building of whichibanqum table. I certainly am very proud. 5 m h We have a very marvellous CONGRATULATIONS '3 building, something that these The Gertrude Shop, Mill- Iiicounties have needed for manfibrook, is celebrating its first i years, ahd I am sure do appreci- ; anniversary this weekend by late havmg at thlS tune. I feel ! offering its CllSt-OIIIBI‘S many | . I [H have reaped or 8101911 the real bargains for the occas10n.. 'h-onour Of someone 61-585 hard‘i‘N'e “rould suggest that you r, labour and effort. I believe the; ladies and young girls visit the ;'connties level of government to Gertrude ShOp where courtesy ,ibe a most important one, it is comes before sales. ”one that is very close to the __ eople, where each local muni-- Sipality has one or two elected Entered Into Rest representatives serving them Campbellg‘Thomas A-â€" 011 as members of Counties Coun- Friday, NOVPmbE‘I‘ 2211(1, 1957: cil. Thev have the interests at Peterborougih CiViC Hospital, 'ot‘t their " respective nnmici-fThOmaS A Campbell. husband ,pality at heart, they bring be- of Bclvie Martin, Millbrook, ifore Counties Council their hI‘Othm‘ 0f Arthur 031111313911 0f ’local problems, they all have.Bowmanville. Funeral service » :their individual problems to tOOk P1310? in St- Thomas’ Scope with and all working for Anglican Church, Millbrook, 0’1 tthe interest of the municipality i Monday afternoon, November {of which they reprosenf, but 25th,,at 2 o’clock. Interment also in the inetrests of these “'33 in St. Paul’s Cemetery, icounties. I feel that ”Counties Cavan. J- “7- Haw, Funeral ICouncil acts to some extent in‘121I'PCi('r. MleI‘OOk- tan advisory capacity to our? -‘â€"â€"~_ (1 'Provincial government, as a‘ . COMING EVENT medium between local and pro- ' , , ,vincial. I hope Counties Coun- Annual Meeting |ci1s will never be abolished. The Durham County Federa- MONDAY T0 WEDNESDAY., ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Ernest Hemingway’s Great Story, in Color "The Sun Also Rises’ ' With Tyrone Power, Ava, Gardner, Mel Ferrer, Errol Flynn and Eddie Albert Academy Award Winner WS at 6.30 8.10 , ' » for the Bast Story 1- {o} n “m: ~ |.O_NELY MAN" $1.50 a Post Office 5 CASH PRIZES lfor: best float: costumed in- ldividualz cogtumed groups: decorated boys or girls bicycle. wagon or sleigh, and others. Enter now. Call on the fol- llowingâ€"éGertrude C. Dawe, I. :L. H. Gray, or Gordon F. lTrick. ' Anyone interested in after. noun Bowling one day per week please get in touch with Mary McDowell phone 93; or Eileen Powell phone 249 on or before December 6th; \, Wantedâ€"Housework of work in store. Phone 141-w Mill- Attention ladies! MAMMOTH PARADE â€"to be held in Millbrook on Dec. 14th at 2.30 p.111. No age limit, individuals, groups, organizations are invited, sky’s the limit, enter what you like. COMING EVENT Annual Meeting The Durham County Federa- tion of Agriculture. Hot Turkey Entered Into Rest Campbellg‘Thomas A.â€" On Frida),Nme1nber 22nd,1957, at Pe erboroumh Cu 1c Hospital, Thomas A. Campbell husband of Leh 1c Mar,tin Millbrook, brothel of Arthur Campbell of B o“ mam llle Funeral serxice took place in St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, Millbrook, on Monday afternoon, November 25th,at 2 o’clock. Interment was in' St. Paul’s Cemetery, Cavan. J. \V. Haw, Funeral Director, Millbrook. E ‘700NGRATULATIONS The Gertrude Shop, Mill- brook, is celebrating its first anniversary this weekend by offering its customers many real bargains for the occasion.. We would suggest that you ladies and young girls visit the }ertrude Shop where courtesy comes before sales. With Jack Palance arid Anthony Perkins “THE BRAVE ONE” WANTED ; to U.S.A., $2.8 i, Ottawa, Ont. 1t SQ

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